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Merfolk (16 RP)

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha

Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (merfolk)
Base speed: 20 feet (Swim 30 feet)
Languages: Draconic and Merfolk. Can choose: Dwarf, Undercommon, Elven, Sylvan, Common, Goblin, Dwarven
Natural armor 2
Legless: Cannot be tripped
Low light vision
Amphibious: Can breathe air and water
Cold resistance 5
Hydrated vitality: Gain fast healing 2 while submerged in fresh or salt water. Max of 2 hit points per level per day
Instead of Hydrated vitality, can have:
Cast Summon nature’s ally II to summon either a small water elemental or 1d3 dolphins

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