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The world

The old continent is loosely based in feudal Europe, and the new continent is loosely based in the new world from Warhammer

The old continent

The old continent is based in feudal Europe, with many kindgdoms with rivalries between each others, but not much change
overall. There are four big kingdoms dedicated to colonization, based in England (Daloznun), France (Edhellond), Spain (Edessa
empire) and Portugal (Draconic marshes).


Daloznun = Edhellond
Edessa empire
Draconic marshes


Daloznun - Edhellond => Strong rivalry

Daloznun - Edessa empire => Neutral
Daloznun - Draconic marshes => Neutral
Edhellond - Edessa empire => Light rivalry
Edhellond - Draconic marshes => Neutral
Edessa empire - Draconic marshes => Cordial


Overall, the resources that they can dedicate to the colonies is somewhat similar, because the differences between them are are
dedicated to warring with each other



Hills, mountains and caves. Mainly small or subterranean races.

The main race is dwarfs, with some gnomes, halflings and drows


Forests and plains. Mainly fey races

The main races are elfs and half-elfs, with some tabaxi (catfolk), centaurs, satyrs and many other fey races

Edessa empire

Plains and hills. Mainly human and human hybrids

The main race is humans, with some half-elfs, half-orcs, loxodons, leonin and Simic hybrids

Draconic marshes

Hills and marshes. Mainly draconic races

The main races are dragonborn and kobolds, with some goblins and merfolk
Great plains

Plains. Mainly monstruous and tribal races

The main races are orcs, minotaurs and centaurs, with some leonins, loxodons and satyrs



The main race is dwarfs, with some gnomes, halflings and drows 4 Dwarf, Undercommon. Also Gnome, Halfling


The main races are elfs and half-elfs, with some tabaxi (catfolk), centaurs, satyrs and many other fey races 5 Elven, Sylvan. Also
Catfolk, Centaur

Edessa empire

The main race is humans, with some half-elfs, half-orcs, half-dwarfs, loxodons, leonin and Simic hybrids 3.5 Common, Elven. Also
Loxodon, Leonin

Draconic marshes

The main races are dragonborn and kobolds, with some goblins and merfolk 4 Draconic, Merfolk. Also Goblin, Dwarven

Great plains

The main races are orcs, minotaurs and centaurs, with some leonins and satyrs 5 Orc, Minotaur, Centaur, Leonin, Sylvan

Dwarf, Undercommon, Elven, Sylvan, Common, Draconic, Merfolk


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