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Explanation Speech

Colin Holman
COMM-R110: 37185
October 16th, 2022
Steven Overbey

Title of Speech: Messi or Ronaldo? A multi-dimensional analysis of soccer’s heated

“GOAT” debate

Thesis Statement: Statistical metrics, trophies, and individual awards within the sport
are a good indication of who might be the greatest, but the debate will always be
fiercely opinionated among fans, which makes it difficult to appreciate how great both
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo truly are.


label speech content of speech COLUMN
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I. In 2018, a staggering amount of the world’s population tuned in to
Attention Vocal
watch the World Cup, with the final alone being viewed by 1.12 emphasis to
billion people worldwide.
II. The time has come for a new iteration of the World Cup, and after significance
of World Cup
missing out of the tournament in 2018, Americans finally get to final
see the long-awaited return of the United States Men’s National viewership
Team within the tournament.

Credibility III. I’ve been a soccer fan since ever since I was a kid, so the World
Cup has always been a special time for me. In honor of this great
soccer competition, I will be covering an in-depth and multi-
dimensional analysis of soccer’s heated greatest of all time debate;
Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo.

Copyright © 2021-2022 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

IV. Statistical metrics, trophies, and individual awards within the
sport are a good indication of who could be the greatest, but the
debate will always be fiercely opinionated among fans, which
makes it difficult to appreciate how great both of them truly are.

I. It can be difficult to approximate an individual’s success and Transition to
Main Point “Statistical
effectiveness within the sport of soccer, but one way of doing so is Comparison”
by statistical measure.

A. To compare Messi and Ronaldo’s effectiveness as attackers

within the sport of soccer, I will be analyzing their goal
contributions over their careers for their clubs and countries.

1. As of November 24th 2022, Messi currently has 787 career

goals, 347 assists, and 56 hat tricks in 997 appearances.
Within the same timeline, Ronaldo currently has 819 goals,
234 assists and 60 hat tricks in 1,141 appearances,
according to an article from the week (Starling). Verbal
2. While Ronaldo does currently have more goals, Messi has
Sub-Sub Point
a slightly better goal ratio at .79 compared to Ronaldo’s
goal ratio of .72 (Starling). Messi also currently has 113
more assists than Ronaldo, but that is also more reflective
of their roles within the game, with Messi being more of a
playmaker compared to Ronaldo who is more of an out and
out goal scorer.

B. When comparing Messi and Ronaldo’s statistical goal output,

Sub-Point the numbers indicate a slight edge in Messi’s favor, but it is
extremely close.

Statistics are a good measure of effectiveness within the sport, but I Transition to
personally believe that there is no perfect way to compare these two, “Success Put
Transition and to put their success into a broader perspective, I will be into Broader
comparing some of their accomplishments with other players who Perspective
may be regarded as the greatest. Slide”

Copyright © 2021-2022 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

Main Point II. The ballon d’or is an award for soccer that is given annually to
whomever is regarded as the best player in a single calendar year,
and it has become the pinnacle of achievement for an individual’s
success within the sport.

A. Currently, Messi has the most ballon d’or awards at seven, and
Ronaldo has the second most of these awards having five of
them, according to an article from (McVitie). Citation
1. While Messi does have two more ballon d’or than Ronaldo,
Sub-Sub Point in the entire history of the sport, only three other players
have managed to obtain three ballon d’or, which is still two
less than Ronaldo currently has. This is significant when
you consider the fact that Messi and Ronaldo’s careers have
both been aligned within the same era of the sport,
meaning they’ve really only been competing with one
another for the award, which isn’t much so the case for the
other winners who all boast three ballon d’or.

B. In addition to being a step above the rest in ballon d’or

achievements, Ronaldo and Messi have simply re-written the
record book since entering the sport.
1. After their most recent World Cup matches, Messi is now
the only player to assist in five different World Cup’s, and
Ronaldo is the only player to score in five different World
Sub-Sub Point
Cups. Ronaldo is also the all time leading goal scorer in the
history of the sport at 819 goals, while Messi has the
Guinness World Record for most goals in a calendar year,
having 91 scored 91 goals in 2012, according to an online
database that tracks their achievements (“Records – Messi Verbal
vs Ronaldo”). Messi also has the most appearances for the
top 3 ballon d’or awards at 13 appearances, while Ronaldo

Copyright © 2021-2022 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

has the most ballon d’or nominations at 18 nominations
(“Records- Messi vs Ronaldo”.

2. Those are just a few notable records they hold of the

countless ones that they have earned in their careers. They
are simply a level above the rest.

Sub-Sub Point

So who is the greatest player of all time, or the “GOAT” of soccer, Transition to
Transition Messi or Ronaldo? Why not both? “Who is
GOAT” slide
Main Point III. Competition produces excellence, and this is made evident by
Messi and Ronaldo’s coexisting soccer careers. Their excellence
has split the world of soccer in debating who is better, and this is
partly because it is within our nature to align ourselves with one or
the other, whether that be Messi or Ronaldo, Lebron James or
Michael Jordan, or even something like choosing an Xbox over a

A. According to a Psychology today article, this sort of polarizing

mentality in regards to fandom is due to two factors;

Sub-Point competition and identity.

1. The article from psychology today says that “when we

perceive that our group is in direct competition with

Sub-Sub Point another, we are likely to experience hostility towards

members of that group” (Emamzadeh). This is certainly the
case among many Messi and Ronaldo fans online, who will Citation
gaslight a bad performance of the other player while
downplaying the same thing from the player that they are a
fan of.

2. In addition to this, people also tend to attach something

they are a fan of or deeply care about with their own

Copyright © 2021-2022 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

identity and self-esteem. This is also an indication of why
Sub-Sub Point
the Messi and Ronaldo debate can be so heated, because it
can feel personal for many of us fans.

I. Messi and Ronaldo have been on a different level from the rest
Review of Main
Points since they’ve entered their sporting careers in soccer, and their
numbers, records and awards are certainly evidence of this.

Clincher/tag/exi II. While I personally prefer Messi to Ronaldo as a player, there are
Flash Messi
-t line or Final jersey to
many factors for this, such as their differing personalities and the
Appeal illustrate
different teams they’ve played for, so I will never disregard preference

someone who prefers Ronaldo instead. If we as fans and as people,

were more open to differing opinions than ours, than I think that
we would have a much better appreciation for many of the things
that we enjoy and participate in.

Statement of Academic Honesty: I have read and understand the sections in the Student Bulletin and/or course syllabus
relating to IUPUI’s Honesty/Cheating Policy. I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing
this assignment. I also verify that this assignment is unique to this class and that I have not used work from previous
courses. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this outline, I understand the possi ble
consequences of the act, which could include expulsion from IUPUI.

Works Cited

Emamzadeh, Arash. “The Psychology of ‘Us-vs-Them.’” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 9

Aug. 2019,

McVitie, Peter. “Who Has Won the Most Ballons D'or?”,, 29 Nov. 2021,

“Records - Messi vs Ronaldo.”,,

Starling, Mike. “Messi vs. Ronaldo: All-Time Career Goals and World Cup Stats.” The Week UK, The
Week, 24 Nov. 2022,

Copyright © 2021-2022 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

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