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Name: niketa Order ID: 3083690


Age/Gender: 33 Y/Female Registration Date: 19/Jun/2021 04:04PM

Patient ID: 012106190912 Collection Date: 19/Jun/2021 12:38PM
Barcode ID: A4003543 Sample Receive Date: 19/Jun/2021 06:10PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Interim
SampleType: Whole Blood Report Date: 19/Jun/2021 06:58PM

Fever Panel 1
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Complete Blood Count

Hemoglobin 12.5 g/dL 12.0 - 15.0 Cyanide-free SLS-
RBC 4.17 mili/ 3.8 - 4.8 DC Impedence Method
PCV 38.7 % 40 - 54 Calculated
MCV 92.8 fL 83 - 101 Calculated
MCH 30.0 pg 27 - 32 Calculated
MCHC 32.30 g/dL 32 - 35 Calculated
RDW-SD 43.20 fL 39 - 46 Electronic Impendance
RDW-CV 12.60 % 11.6 - 14.0 Calculated
Total Leucocyte Count 7.4 10^3/µI 4 - 10 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 61 % 40 - 80 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Lymphocytes 31 % 20 - 40 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Monocytes 7 % 2 - 10 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Eosinophils 1 % 1-6 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Basophils 0 % 0-2 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Immature Granulocyte Count 0 % Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count 4.51 10^3/µI 2.0 - 7.0 Calculated
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2.29 10^3/µI 1.0 - 3.0 Calculated
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.52 10^3/µI 0.2 - 1.0 Calculated
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.07 10^3/µI 0.02 - 0.50 Calculated
Absolute Basophil Count 0 10^3/µI 0.0 - 0.10 Calculated
Absolute Immature Granulocyte Count 0 10^3/µI Calculated
Platelet Count 289 10^3/µI 150 - 410 Microscopic
MPV 9.6 fL Calculated
PDW 9.80 fL Calculated

Kindly correlate clinically

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Name: niketa Order ID: 3083690

Age/Gender: 33 Y/Female Registration Date: 19/Jun/2021 04:04PM

Patient ID: 012106190912 Collection Date: 19/Jun/2021 12:38PM
Barcode ID: A4003540 Sample Receive Date: 19/Jun/2021 06:10PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Interim
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 19/Jun/2021 08:01PM

Fever Panel 1

Malaria parasite NOT SEEN Not Seen Microscopic

Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) assist in the diagnosis of malaria by providing evidence of the presence of malaria parasites in human blood. Malaria RDTs are lateral
flow immuno-chromatographic antigen-detection tests, detect specific antigens (proteins) produced by malaria parasites in the blood of infected individuals. Some RDTs can
detect only one species (Plasmodium falciparum) while others detect multiple species (P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale).The performance of the RDTs is reported to be
influenced by a multitude of factors like the type of the parasite and the level of parasitemia; the target antigen and the capture antibody; the expression of the target
antigens on the parasites and the presence of several isomers,cross-reactions with other malaria species and with autoantibodies

Widal Test (Slide Agglutination)

1:20 1:40 1:80 1:160 1:320

Salmonella Typhi ‘O’ + + + + -

Salmonella Typhi ‘H’ + + - - -

Salmonella Typhi ‘AH’ + + - - -

Salmonella Typhi ‘BH’ + + - - -

Widal test is a serological test used for the diagnosis of enteric fever or typhoid fever caused by a gram negative bacteria, Salmonella enterica. (Salmonella Typhi
or Salmonella Paratyphi).
Salmonella possess O antigen on their cell wall and H antigen on their flagella. On infection, these antigen stimulates the body to produce specific antibodies which
are released in the blood.
Widal test is used to detect these specific antibodies in the serum sample of patients suffering from typhoid using antigen-antibody interactions. These specific
antibodies can be detected in the patient’s serum after 6 days of infection.
Antibody titre greater than 1 : 80 is considered significant and usually suggests positive test for Salmonella infection.
Low titres are often in normal individuals
A single positive is less significant than the rising antibody titre, since rising titre is considered to be a definite evidence of infection.

Kindly correlate clinically

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Name: niketa Order ID: 3083690

Age/Gender: 33 Y/Female Registration Date: 19/Jun/2021 04:04PM

Patient ID: 012106190912 Collection Date: 19/Jun/2021 12:38PM
Barcode ID: a4003544 Sample Receive Date: 19/Jun/2021 06:30PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Interim
SampleType: Urine Report Date: 19/Jun/2021 08:01PM

Fever Panel 1
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Urine Routine & Microscopy

Colour PALE YELLOW Yellow/Brownish Physical Examination
Specific gravity 1.015 1.005 - 1.030 pKa change
Appearance CLEAR Clear Manual
Ph 6.5 5.0 - 8.5 Ph Strip
Urobilinogen NORMAL Normal Azo Dye
Leucocytes NEGATIVE Negative Microscopy
Urine protein NEGATIVE Negative Acid Base Indicator
Ketones NEGATIVE Negative Acetoacetic Acid
Nitrite NEGATIVE Negative Sulbhanilamide Diazo
Urine Glucose NEGATIVE Negative Benedict test
Bile pigments NEGATIVE Negative Fouchet Reagent
Blood NEGATIVE Not Detected Physical Examination
Bile salts NEGATIVE Negative Hays sulphur
Epithelial cells 1-2 /HPF 0 - 5/HPF Microscopic Examination
Urine RBC NIL Nil Microscopy
Pus cells 1-2 0 - 5/HPF Microscopy
Casts NIL Nil Microscopy
Crystals NIL Nil Microscopy
Budding yeast cells NIL Nil Microscopy
Bacteria NIL Nil Microscopy

*** End Of Report ***

Kindly correlate clinically

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