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Complete English Grammar

Q. No. 1: What is grammar?

Answer: Grammar is an art of put in the right words on the right place.
Q. No. 2: What is letter?
Answer: A letter is basic unit of the language.
Q. No. 3: How many kinds of letter?
Answer: There are two kinds of letter.
There are:
1. Consonant
2. Vowels

Q. No. 4: What are the Consonants?

Answer: Consonant is a letter which is know and read.
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Q. No. 5: What are the Vowels?

Answer: Vowels is the letter which helps to make the word.
A, E, I, O, U.

Q. No. 6: What is the Word?

Answer: A group of letters which gives a complete meaning that is called a word.
Example: Book, Chair, Pen, Desk.

Q. No. 7: What is the sentence?

Answer: A group of words which gives a complete meaning that is called sentence.
1. This is a pen.
2. That is dog.
3. She is a girl.
4. This is an apple.

Q. No. 8: How many kinds of sentences?

Answer: There are eight kinds of sentences?
1. Assertive sentence 2. Negative sentence
3. Interrogative sentence 4. Portative sentence
5. Imperative sentence 6. Exclamatory sentence
7. Emphatic sentence 8. Conditional sentence

Q. No. 9: How many parts of speech?

Answer: There are eight parts of speech.
Noun Pronoun
Verb Adverb
Adjective Preposition
Conjunction Introjections

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Complete English Grammar

Q. No. 10: What is Noun?

Answer: The noun is the name of person, place or thing.
Example: Ahmed, House.

Q. No. 11: What is Pronoun?

Answer: A pronoun is a word which is used instead or in place of a noun.
I, we, you, he, she, it, they.

Q. No. 12: What is Verb?

Answer: Verb is the word used for saying something about a person place or thing.
Q. No. 13: What is an Adjective?
Answer: An adjective is that word which shows quantity number and quantity of noun or
Q. No. 14: What is Adverb?
Answer: An adverb is the word which quantities a verb an adjective or another adverb.
Yesterday, today, now, then, when, up, down, here, no, etc.

Q. No. 15: What is the Preposition?

Answer: The Preposition is word used with a noun or pronoun to show it relation to some noun
or pronoun in the sentence.
On, with, in, of, from, etc.

Q. No. 16: What is the Conjunction?

Answer: The Conjunction is a word that joins two words or two part of sentence.
Or & and.

Q. No. 17: What is the Interjection?

Answer: The Interjection is a word that shows a joy or surprise.
Alas! Oh! Hurrah!

Q. No. 18: How many kinds of tense?

Answer: There are three man kinds of tense.
1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense

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Complete English Grammar

Present Tense

Present to be tense
Definition: -
A tense which shows state or existence something in present time that is called Present to be
1. Helping verbs:
Is, am and are
2. Formation:
Sub + H.V. + Compliment
1. I am rich.
2. She is in the home.

1. Am I rich?
2. Is she in the home?

1. I am not rich.
2. She is not in the home.

Present Potential Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 1st + O
1. I can write a letter.
2. She can love me.

1. Can I write a letter?
2. Can she love me?

1. I cannot write a letter.
2. She cannot love me.

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Complete English Grammar

Present Indefinite / Simple Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Do and Does
2. Formation:
S + V 1st + O
1. I write a letter.
2. He plays the cricket.

1. Do I write a letter?
2. Does he play the cricket?

1. I do not write a letter.
2. He does not play the cricket.

Present Continuous Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Is, am and are
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. I am writing a letter.
2. He is learning English.

1. Am I writing a letter?
2. Is he learning English?

1. I am not writing a letter.
2. He is not learning English.

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Complete English Grammar

Present Perfect Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Have and Has
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 3rd + O
1. I have done my home work.
2. She has written love letter.

1. Have I done my home work?
2. Has she written love letter?

1. I have not done my home work.
2. She has not written love letter.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Have been & has been
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. We have been studying in this school from five years.
2. She has been eating the meal from ten minutes.

1. Have we been studying in this school from five years?
2. Has she been eating the meal from ten minutes?

1. We have not been studying in this school from five years.
2. She has not been eating the meal from ten minutes.

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Complete English Grammar

Past Tenses
Past to be tense
Definition: -
A tense which shows state or existence something in past time that is called Past to be tense.
1. Helping verbs:
Was and were
2. Formation:
Sub + H.V. + Compliment
1. She was a beautiful.
2. We were in the house.

1. Was she a beautiful?
2. Were we in the house?

1. She was not a beautiful.
2. We were not in the house.

Past Potential Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 1st + O
1. I could speak English.
2. Teacher could visit the Garden.

1. Could I speak English?
2. Could teacher visit the Garden?

1. I could not speak English.
2. Teacher could not visit the Garden.

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Complete English Grammar

Past Simple Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
2. Formation:
S + V 2nd + O
1. She spoke English.
2. They played game.

1. Did she speak English?
2. Did they play the game?

1. She did not speak English.
2. They did not play the game.

Past Continuous Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Was & were
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. They were playing cricket.
2. He was watching T.V.

1. Were they playing cricket?
2. Was he watching T.V.?

1. They were not playing cricket.
2. He was not watching T.V.

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Complete English Grammar

Past Perfect Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 3rd + O

1. I had played cricket match on this playground.
2. She had gone to my village by this road.

1. Had I played cricket match on this playground?
2. Had she gone to my village by this road?

1. I had not played cricket match on this playground.
2. She had not gone to my village by this road.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Helping Verbs:
Had been
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. He had been working as a teacher before he became the Head Master.
2. I had been writing a love letter.

1. Had he been working as a teacher before he became the Head Master?
2. Had I been writing a love letter?

1. He had not been working as a teacher before he became the Head Master.
2. I had not been writing a love letter.

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Complete English Grammar

Future Tenses
Future to be tense
A tense which shows state or existence something in future time that is called Future to be
1. Helping verbs:
Shall be and will be.
2. Formation:
Sub + H.V. + Compliment

1. I shall be an Engineer.
2. They will be players.

1. Shall I be an Engineer?
2. Will they be players?

1. I shall not be an Engineer.
2. They will not be players.

Future Potential Tense

1. Helping verbs:
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 1st + O
1. I could write a letter tomorrow.
2. She could speak English tomorrow.

1. Could I write a letter tomorrow?
2. Could she speak English tomorrow?

1. I could not write a letter tomorrow.
2. She could not speak English tomorrow.

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Complete English Grammar

Future Simple Tense

1. Helping verbs:
Shall and will
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 1st + O
1. They will play the game.
2. I shall eat the meal tonight.

1. Will they play the game?
2. Shall I eat the meal tonight?

1. They will not play the game.
2. I shall not eat the meal tonight.

Future Continuous Tense

1. Helping verbs:
Shall be and will be
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. I shall be coming to the party.
2. They will be walking at the park.

1. Shall I be coming to the party?
2. Will they be walking at the park?

1. I shall not be coming to the party.
2. They will not be walking at the park.

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Complete English Grammar

Future Perfect Tense

1. Helping verbs:
Shall have and will have
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 3rd + O
1. I shall have played the game.
2. You will have eaten the mango.

1. Shall I have played the game?
2. Will you have eaten the mango?

1. I shall not have played the game.
2. You will not have eaten the mango.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Helping verbs:
Shall have been and will have been
2. Formation:
S + H.V + V 4th + O
1. I shall have been writing a letter.
2. We will have been singing a song.

1. Shall I have been writing a letter?
2. Will we have been singing a song?

1. I shall not have been writing a letter.
2. We will not have been singing a song.

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Complete English Grammar

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