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Table of Contents
TASK 1.............................................................................................................................................2
A. Potential organizational structure...................................................................................2
B. Factors that shape the organizational structure of an organisation................................2
TASK 2.............................................................................................................................................3
A. MAJOR CHANGE IN THE ORGANISATION.........................................................................3
B. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE IN AN ORGANISATI...................................................4
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................5
A. COMMUNICATION...........................................................................................................5
B. COMMUNICATING WITH REMOTE WORKERS.....................................................5
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................6
A. Sources of funds to TAJ GVK hotel and resort.........................................................6
C. ANALYSING THE ORGANISATION’S PROFIT.......................................................7
TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................8
B. BENEFITS OF USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOG.................................................9

TAJ GVK is a company into giving hospitality. A joint venture formed
through a strategic alliance between Indian hotel company ltd. (IHCL). This

hotel is rated 5 star and it is a suitable place for relaxation and pleasure
(Anon., 2012).

A. Potential organizational structure
There’s a need for every organization to have a structure in order to
instill a protocol for operation. My chosen organization is of no exception.
At TAJ GVK, the organizational structure used is the hierarchical
organizational structure. This organizational structure comprises of pre-
defined roles and departments. Employees of TAJ GVK have clearly
defined responsibilities and duties and each of them know their roles. The
general manager is at the top of the hierarchy. His position oversees the
various departments in the hotel. (Andra, 2019). Every department is
managed by the middle level managers. They are responsible for
coordinating employee activities, assigning roles and tasks, supervising
work given and measure the organizational performance.
An organizational structure is very important because it clearly
describes the authority, responsibilities and duties of each departments and
staffs. Due to the features of the organizational structure of TAJ GVK we
can conclude on the fact that the organization is highly centralized. This
organization concentrates exclusively with one person or leadership team.
So there’s a vertical communication that is from top to down and vice versa
which allows the hotel to make central decision such as implementing new
strategies, terminating old assets and replacing them because of fashion
and a change in taste.

B. Factors that shape the organizational structure of an organisation

No matter how an organization’s structure is, there are still factors that can affect
it. External factors that affect the potential structure of the organization includes;
political, economic, social, technological etc. (business, n.d.). These factors have high
influence on the organization. Political factors such as the government policies on how
to run hotels can affect TAJ GVK hotel positively or negatively depending on how good
the policy is in the favor of TAJ GVK. Social and technological factors such as the
fashion and lifestyle of the people and what exist also have influence on the

Formally the protocols of hotel was long and quite stressful but was perfect for
that era. Modernization has made it possible for people to go through some of these
protocol off the premises with ease.
An organizational structure can be mechanistic or organic depending on its
characteristics. TAJ GVK hotel and resorts has a mechanistic structure. There’s
specialization in the organization where every employee is entitled to a particular role to
carry out. There’s no flexibility in operation, every activity is drafted and expected to be
carried out as given. Consider organic structure, there’s so much flexibility and
innovative. Workers are able to try new styles and use their talents. We can finally
agree that TAJ GVK hotel and resort is a mechanistic structure.

Change can be positive or negative but irrespective of that change
must occur and it’s therefore a necessity. At TAJ GVK hotel and resorts,
one major event in the external environment that caused a change in the
organization is the pandemic. During the pandemic, there was a total lock
down and a halt on business operation (Navardauskas, 2022) but
regardless TAJ GVK Hotel wanted to be in operation. Every individual was
to stay at home for self-quarantine (Pak, 2022). This became a very serious
problem for businesses since all staffs were supposed to comply with this
order. TAJ GVK hotel and resort initiated a strategy to retain some
employees so they can focus more on its ecommerce. They concentrated
more on the online bookings for foreigners who were in the country and
were not fortunate to go back to their country before the lock down (Anon.,
2020). This initiative came with a price subsidy taking into consideration the
situation at hand and this was helpful to its clients.
There was a change in structure and technology even though the
structural change was temporal. Because of the pandemic the
organizational structure protocol was put on halt since most staffs and
departmental heads were home. With the help of technology, TAJ GVK
hotel and resorts was able to check up on clients and staffs health using
the gun thermometer instead of the local ones which was checked by
putting it in one’s armpit. This was to ensure the safety of all as TAJ GVK
hotels and resorts are into the provision of hospitality services.

There are many reasons why organizational changes can be
restricted. This changes can be restricted by both internal and external
forces of the organization (stakeholders) (Mccullough, 2021). These
stakeholders will resist change on the following grounds;
1. Fear of the change being a threat: some changes are threats to
some individuals in the organization (fix, 2019). Technological
changes such as introducing technologies that receive payments
for instance can be a threat unto the cashier this is because this
change can be a replacement for the cashier so as result as
rational as the cashier is he/she will resist this change irrespective
of how beneficial its going to be to the organization.
2. Job descriptions and organizational policies: an organizations
policy and how it describes the duty of an employee can cause a
resistance when there’s a need for change. For instance if two
employees are employed for two different job i.e. for a cleaner and
an errand person and at a point in time the manager wants the
cleaner to run some errands for him/her the cleaner may refuse to
because his job description defines his job as just a cleaner. Same
applies to all in different departments.
3. The culture of the customers and staffs: culture is the way of life of
a particular people. When the staffs and customers are used to a
particular way of doing things they tend to be comfortable and
unwilling to adapt to new changes. Situations like these are very
difficult to handle it takes time for the people to adapt to the
How do staffs and customer resist changes?
1. By criticizing and finding faults in the change.
2. Customers may change taste and preferences and consume
products and services provided by competitors.
3. Staffs may be reluctant to use the new change.


When there is was a change due to the pandemic TAJ GVK hotel and
resorts needed to communicate it to its stakeholders and how did they do
1. Face-to-face meetings: the general manager of the hotel
organized a face-to-face meeting with its stakeholders (primary) to
have an interaction with them. He went forward to explain the need
for the change and how to adapt to it. This means was very
effective because there was room for questions and answers for
better clarifications (M.T.Wroblewski, 2018).
2. Emails and text messages: the organization sent emails and text
messages to its loyal customers about the change that was about
to take effect also some of these messages were sent to staffs
that for some reasons were unable to attend to the meeting.
3. Social medial: finally the organization used its social media
platform to announce to the public about the inconvenience and
how they should adapt to it. The organization went further to
apologies to its customers. This approach was perfect for the
timing and was a necessary one to make.


With hotels most of its activities are done at the premises with the
exception of its social media and blog handlers who most often work
remotely. Communication is really key when it comes to these workers that
work remotely. (page, n.d.) There’s a need to interact with these workers
below are the ways in which TAJ GVK hotels and resorts used in
communicating with its remote workers:
1. Emails: emails are very official and acceptable means of
communicating in organizations. The organization passes updates
and tasks using emails to these remote workers and they also
send end results back using the same medium. One interesting
feature of using emails is that it maintains same picture qualities
as produced by these blogger (flyers and posters). All this helps to

reduce the cost of transportation for remote workers since they will
not always have to come to the premises to receive tasks to carry
2. Video conferencing: this is an effective way of communicating.
Videoconferencing provides its user audio and video
communication. This technology has been helpful to remote
workers because they can also take part in meetings held at the
3. G-suite: this is a software that provides professional email services
for business it has a calendar that contains the organization’s
schedules. This notifies workers and always keep them on track
provided you’re on the network. It has a timetable and a duty
roaster and other relevant features that is beneficial to

A. Sources of funds to TAJ GVK hotel and resort
1. Bank loans: in the early beginning of TAJ GVK hotel and resorts,
the capital for funding the hotel was huge as a result there was a
need to consult a third party for finance and the bank was the best
A. Loans from bank is a means of getting extra capital for
financing a business. This is the basis and most reliable source
of getting money.
B. Loans from bank saves one from embarrassments of having to
ask friends and family for loans which may come with very high
a. Failure to pay on time may cause extra charges.
b. Failure to repay the money loaned can cause loss of personal
properties as a means of repayment.
c. Policies of banks becomes a barrier for SMEs to get loans.
Fear of inability to make repayments.

2. Personal savings: this is the basic means of financing a business.
This is where money is kept aside from expenditure for future use.
Founders of TAJ GVK hotel and resort funded the hotel using
monies from their personal savings
a. There is no pressure of making repayments to any third party
finance institution since the money is a personal asset of the
b. There is full control of the business, and risk are taken without
second thoughts of loosing and not being able to settle debts.
a. In case of winding up or liquidity the owner and his family may
suffer since there may be little or no money to take care of the
b. It is a big risk to take since ones properties may be at stake


Below is the balance sheet of TAJ GVK hotels and resorts as at
March 2020 and 2021.

Social media platforms play very essential roles in businesses. TAJ
JVK hotels and resorts has benefited from using social media in different
ways. Some of these include;
1. Using social media as a means of communication: the basic use of
social media is communication. But social media comes with extra
communication features such as sending mass messages known
as broadcast and also features that allows group conversation
helps the organization to have meetings remotely and everyone
can share his or her thoughts on a particular subject matter. TAJ
GVK hotels and resort use this means to communicate with its
employees and clients as well.
2. Using social media for e-commerce: features of social media
makes it possible to carry out e-commerce services. TAJ GVK
hotel and resort uses its Instagram page and that of Facebook to
post services that it renders. Individuals who get interested and
wish to enjoy these services can send direct messages and make
bookings. Using this system is quite simpler and more familiar. It
does not require any high level of education and training to
operate this system. As compared to other e-commerce platforms
the use of social media is less expensive however making it a best
alternative to pick. Social media eliminates payment of third parties
to run and manage and e-commerce site.
3. Using social media as a means of advertisement: social media
allows its users to post pictures and videos of themselves and of
what’s going on. TAJ GVK hotel and resort in its own wisdom saw
the brighter side of these feature and saw how beneficial it would
be to them. However it use this feature to post the services it
provides. The application helps them to update it customer
(followers) on new offers and discounts available and consistently
wet the appetite of its customers (followers) on the dishes it serves
to its client. In so doing it is able to get the attention of the public
finally the public will end up patronizing the services of TAJ GVK
hotel and resort. One advantage of social media is the speed at
which an information can travel. As compared to other platforms
used in advertisements such as billboards and TVs etc.
information shared on social media goes direct to the targeted
audience and it gets to their reach in no time provided those
audience are online.


Technology and its advancements has come to stay. Services that
technology renders to the hotels and resort industry is overwhelming. Some
ways in which TAJ GVK hotel and resort has benefited from the application
of technology and its advancements.
1. Technology has added more value to services to taj gvk: the use
of advanced technology in TAJ GVK hotel and resort has helped it
to offer its client smart rooms which allows them to create an
entirely personalized environment where guest that occupy these
rooms can adjust the lights, temperature and audio-visual devices
to suit their preferences using their smartphones or a universal
remote provided by the hotel (starsher, n.d.).
2. Advance data-collecting systems: large number of data has
become extremely relevant for hospitality industries. Advance
data-collecting system has helped TAJ GVK hotel and resort to
personalize the guest experiences, pass on relevant offers to its
customers and help it make strategic decision. In addition to this,
hoteliers are able to input data into predictive smart system which
sets up automatic reminders, alarms and notification.
3. Translation devices: communication is very key in every aspect of
life. The ability to understand and communicate in different
language is becoming necessary with rise in digital nomadism and
globalized business culture. Advance translation devices can help
guest and employees to communicate irrespective of the
language. This will help avoid misunderstanding. Aside that, it cuts
down the cost of employing staffs that can speak multiple
languages such resources are expensive.

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Available at: http://www.bizfluent.com
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Anon., 2012. tajgvk. [Online]

Available at: http://www.tajgvk.in
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Available at: http://www.businessline.com
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Available at: http://www.smallbusiness.chron.com
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Available at: http://www.KarenMccullough.com
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Available at: http://www.securitymagazine.com
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Available at: http://www.starsher.com
[Accessed 17 sept 2022].

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