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SESJA |. READING The Four Dragons Long ago in China, there lived four wise dragons in the Eastern Sea: the Long Dragon, the Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon. These dragons served the mighty Jade Emperor, the ruler of the kingdom. ‘The emperor was a kind man; however, the evil Fairy Queen put him under a spell so that he no longer cared for his people. ‘One day, while the dragons were flying across the land, they noticed that the crops were dying and the people were going hungry. ‘We must bring them rain!’ cried the Yellow Dragon. The other agreed. ‘Let's speak to the Jade Emperor,’ said the Long Dragon. So off they flew to the emperor's palace, high above the clouds. ‘The dragons knelt before the emperor. ‘Please send rain!" They bagged. The emperor agreed. But after ten days he failed to keep his promise. Luckily, the dragons had an idea. They filed their mouths with seawater and sprayed itall over the dry land. Immediately, the crops started growing ‘The people clapped and cheered. However, the Jade Emperor was furious. He puta huge mountain on top of each dragon, so that they could never escape again. Even stil, the dragons wanted to help the people of China. Using all their magic, they turned themselves into four flowing rivers: the Long River, the Yellow River, the Black River and the Pearl River. And that's how, even to this day, the four great rivers of China deliver fresh water tothe people all year round. (From: V. Evans, J. Dooley ‘Smart Time’ Express Publishing) 1 was in charge of the four dragons. OA) The Fairy Queen OB) The evil Oc) The Jade Emperor Cb) The Chinese people 2. The four dragons were Oa)siy Ob) stupia Oc) smart Od) footisn 3. The emperor's palace is OA)in the sky (QB) beneath the sea Ooc)onthe mainiand. — Odyin the Yetlow River, 4, The Jade Emperor didn't care about the CI people because OA) he wanted them to die. ©) he saw the dying crops. Oc) he hated the dragons. OD) the Fairy Queen put him under a spell 2021 SZKOLA YK Al ZIMOWA NGIELS KI PODSTAWOWA KLASA 7 5, When the dragons begged the emperor, he OA) went to sleep. ©) came up with an idea. Oc) made it rain immediately. Od) promised to help. 6, When the dragons made it rain, the Jade emperor was OA) cheerful OB) very angry. Oc) happy. Od) joytu 7. At the ond of the story, the dragons OA) destroyed the mountains. OB) became rivers. Coc) became humans. Ob) fed the people I, COMMUNICATION 8. A: How do | get to the natural history museum? QA) My favourite subjects history, you know. ©) Tum right atthe trafic ight and it's opposite the cathedral Oc) Its a short walk from here. Od) It takes a quarter of an hour by tram 9. A: What's the matter with you? QA) | took two pills eartier. Oe) You should go to the doctor's. Oc) thas the healing power. Od) I think my ankle is sprained. 10, A: Could I speak to Mrs Wilson, please? B: OA) Just a moment OB) Yes, 'l tell her that you phoned. Oc) sorry, but | can't Od) Yes, certainly, you could 11..A: What are you up to? B: OA) often change my mind. OB) I'm looking forward to it Oc) Nothing much, Od)! get up eany. ‘Copyright by Olmnpus, wenwalmpus-oau pl 42. A: Which means of transport do you usually use? B: OA) | use it when there's a lot of traffic. OB) | don' ike traffic jams. OC)! don't use this means of transport Od) The underground II VOCABULARY 13. Many people sutfer from heart... nowadays. ON) illnesses Op) sickness Ocyitiness: Od) disease 14, Lucy's dad is always losing his car keys. He’s so OA) big-headed Oo) sett-contdent OB) absent-minded Od) open-minded 15, Mike's to become rich and famous. OA) ambition OB) luck Oc) motive Ob) want 16. Alice has just bought a new pink cart. Oa) alas OB) wooden Oc) sik Od) rubber 17. The Internet is a rich ..... of information. OA link OB) mode! Oc) source Od) power 18. If you want to book a holiday abroad, you should go to the OA estate agent's. Oc) grocer's. 8) stationer's Od) travel agent's, 19, Don't you want to these trousers on before you buy them? OA) pay Os) try Oe) look Od) take 20. the cake for an hour, then take it out of the oven. OA) Bake OB) Grate Oo) stew Od) Cook IV. GRAMMAR 24. After the plane has .. to enjoy our flight. OA) put off Oc) taken off we can relax and start OB) looked up Od) put on 22. Have you seen Ona Oc)an film they are talking about? Ob) the Ob) any 23. Let's go home. Ther OA) everybody interesting at the party. ©) someone Oc) anybody Od) nobody 24, sues Shut the window? | can see you are very cold. Oa) Shalt 8) May Oc) Might Ob) Must 25, Ihaven't seen a good film on TV for OA) weeks. OB) ett schoo! Oc) last week. ©) Christmas. 26, A: Where's Bob? B: I'm not sure but h go to the leisure centre, OA) must OB) shal Oc) might Od) should 27. Your English (1) .....-. since Hast (2)... You OA) (1) improved; (2) have seen ©) (1) has improved: (2) saw Occ) (1) has improved; (2) have seen Ob) (1) improved: (2) used to see 28. The barn is on firs OA) was striking The lightning... it! OB) struck Oo) striked Od) has struck 29. After I... my bedroom, I'l go for a walk with Ann. OA) have cleaned OB) will clean Oc) am cleaning Ob) cleaned 30.1 (1) ..e0. you with your homework unless you 2 the washing-up. OA) (1) won't help; (2) don't do OB) (1) won't help: (2) won't do Oc) (1) won't help; (2) do. Od) (1) don't help; (2) wil do ‘Copyright by Olmnpus, wenwalmpus-oau pl

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