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I. Introduction Homelessness occurred in our society since the historical records have been kept in the world.

There are some people who have to stay on the street by both intentionally and accidentally. Some homeless decide to leave home and disconnect from family and friends by themselves, while others do not have places to live as well as do not have someone who cares them. The numbers of homeless people have increased and decreased over the time, hence; it is not easy to predict the precise figure of homeless. In addition, homelessness is one of critical and growing problems in todays world. From urban to suburban, large numbers of street people have always roamed the street of every city in the world (Shifflett, 2010). Moreover, living without a home increases one's health risks. The homeless have more morbidity, as well as higher age-adjusted mortality rates than the general population. Despite the higher rates of health problems, the homeless are less likely to have a regular source of health care, health insurance, a steady income, or social support. Additionally, they are more likely to have experienced barriers to health care, such as not knowing where to go for care, long waiting times, and high costs (Anderson et al., 2003). Even though many countries, including Thailand have considered the homelessness as nationals problem as well as many organizations have tried to help and improve vagrants standard of living, this problem still continues and it is not easy to overcome. While there are many researches about homelessness, there is no certain single definition of the word homelessness. Nevertheless, researchers describe the term homeless to something more than lacking of accommodation (Baum & Burnes, 1993; Daly, 1996). Baum and Burnes (1993) define the word homelessness as a person who lack of social life and supporting family and friends. Moreover, alienated people tend to avoid help or support from government or welfare organizations. According to Wisethpreecha (2003), he finds that family issues tend to be the most primary cause of homelessness in Thailand. For example, largest social demographic of homeless is elderly people. These people tend to feel lonely due to the death of their spouse and abandonment from their children, these factors motivate elderly people feel the same as homeless people. Also, these include prisons and juvenile justice centres as the only people they have contacted with are people who got paid to be a part of their lives. Hence, the meaning of homelessness are much more house-less-ness. As we mentioned above that homelessness has existed in our world since hundred years ago and it is growing continuously at the moment. This problem becomes one of the most crucial problems in our society and difficult to solve, since there are many factors lie behind this problem. For example, there are many kinds of homeless people such as inferior homeless, drug addicted homeless and street children. It not only

needs money support to help these people, but it also requires cooperation from government, government organizations, non-government organizations as well as communitys assistance. This problem challenges our organization to create a useful method to help homeless people. II. The Cause of Homelessness Homelessness is caused by many reasons, which is internal and external, but not all reason leads to permanent circumstance, most of causes only lead a temporary condition. This is due to the homelessness is caused by many reason and some issue is happen quickly and unavoidable. The major cause of the homelessness can be divided in two categories, which are an individuals circumstances affecting by societal-based condition and personal problems. Firstly, for the individuals circumstances which are affected by societal-based condition, this kind of problems are hard to prevent and protect because it happen and spread quickly, sometime people cannot beware of them. Moreover, these issues always affect people in macro and usually lead to serious problem in society. This can be divided into economical caused, political causes and environmental causes. Economical causes: There are many job opportunities for both high-skilled and unskilled employees in healthy economics which provides high demand in society but unfortunately this is not available for all of job hunters, particularly during global economics recession. Therefore, this situation creates unemployment rate. This is the major problem that leads to other severe problems, which makes people to have income lower than national poverty line. As a result, many health problems are following such as hygienic inadequacy, contemptible health care, nutrition shortage, residential problem and etc. Political causes: Political has close relationship and influences by economics, which is called political economy. Hence, protestors, terrorist and wars will be the causes of the food shortage, health inadequate, unemployment, etc. Moreover, sometimes homelessness is caused by government policy, which cannot help and subsidize people income equivalent and get above national poverty line. Apart from that, social views regarding homelessness are often expressed as inconvenient in one public forum and a humanitarian crisis in another. Those involved in the debate may, at the same time, be collectively participating in political activates that may directly or indirectly contribute to the homeless problem

Environmental causes: There are many environmental causes, which lead to severe loss. This is included all of natural disasters such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon, flooding, volcano explosion, tsunami. The environmental causes are difficult to prevent as well as difficult to predict the precise time of occurrence, which bring about national losses in a numerous number. As a result, the most of displaced cannot recover to 100 percent of original. These environmental disasters bring the economics and politics problem, which is bi-lateral relationship. Another factor is personal problems, this kind of problem happens by themselves. This is not affected by social but it is about their mind and lacking of inspiration. Therefore, this homelessness people have no inspiration to work. This kind of problem will contribute the big chain of poverty and this people will stick in poverty situation and hard to exist. Apart from this reason, mental health problem is also the major problem for this kind of people, this is limited the ability of working. Personal problem can be divided into two factors, which are psychological causes and medical causes. Psychological causes: The July 2008 issue of the Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation addressed psychological causes of homelessness involving substance abuse resulting in an unwillingness to work, or "doomed-to-failure" interpretations of their social and work environment leading to a kind of self-imposed poverty. This psychological problem is including from basic mental illness to a demoralizing, people in society does not accept the patients. Hence, this leads them to have isolation behaviors and satisfy by avoiding uniting in major society. In some case, people have a good ability to work but lacking inspiration and life aiming; therefore, they have mental illness later and cannot work as normal people. Furthermore, Domestic violence, economic abuse, relationship breakdown and staying in prison are the sensible reason leading to mental illness. Medical causes: Medical causes is include in actual physical condition, disability to provide house or shelter for themselves, lacking of healthcare, any reason leading people to have severe health problems which bring to have loss wages and poverty, especially homelessness. As the basic of human, everyone is come from the same place, which is mothers womb, but unfortunately they are not treating well. Consequently, they become homeless. Even they are homeless; they should have the rights of human being as houseful people. Homeless also deserve satisfactorily standard of living, well

education as well as the right of liberty and freedom. Therefore, for the individuals circumstances affecting by societal-based condition problem, our organization will arrange activities which try to give them inspiration and life targeting as well as to gain confidence in life again. III.Organizations aim Due to different causes of homelessness, there are several different approaches to help homeless in the exist situation. Apart from two major categories of homeless as we discussed above, our organization divide homeless people into two main categories, which are homeless with job and without job. Even though some homeless people have jobs, most of their works are unsecure works as well as unstable income. For example, people who sell stuffs or snacks at festivals in Buddhist temples in Thailand, they do not have permanent accommodation. They will move from place to place which depend on where is the next festival will take place. While homeless people who do not have jobs, they will rely on the help from outside-state social welfare such as temples and charity centres. Also, most people have a negative feeling regarding homeless. This may make homeless become more alienated from society (Wisethpreecha, 2003). The objective of our organization is to help homeless earning money by them, not depending on grants only. Our programmes are more suitable to homeless people who age between 20-45 years old with good mental health and healthy. Significantly, the purpose of our organization is to help homeless people to have secured jobs, reliable income as well as acceptable from society. This following essay provides the solution and activities to help homelessness.

We not only want to help them find a job but also encourage them from the bottom of heart to get them back to normal society.
IV. Organisations programme: Our organisation is going to collaborate with universities and technical schools by persuading schools to set a course with credits which can be counted into students graduation requirement. In this course, pupils will have to do voluntary works to get those credits, such as helping building houses for homeless, playing sports games with homeless or simply just attending presentation for more understanding of homelessness. Students would be assigned to join activities related to their majors. For example, students from computer science department can teach basic practical techniques to homeless who want to improve their working ability; people who learn medical subjects can share some basic medical knowledge to homeless, and people specialize in sports can develop methods for training and practicing, which could be combined with the sports competition events which will be illustrated in the following

section. The reason why we want to hold this programme is that we believe that people are equal since we all came from the same place, mothers womb. Everyone simply went to different directions of their lives but we actually came from the same source. Students who have normal lives and live in regular families seem hard to understand how it feels to be homeless and perhaps the only thing that most pupils care about is whether they can find good jobs after graduation but their responsibilities to society. Therefore, one of our aims is to let students who are going to be the dominant power in the future to be aware of society and understand more about what they have learned. In addition, another vital part of our goals is to help homeless both externally and internally. To help them acquire some basic working skills for living and motivate them by sports competitions or caring lectures, respectively. Our programmes can be divided into three main aspects, which are A. Training programme: Teaching basic skills of making livings to homeless who are lacking of job skills and holding lectures for students to understand more about homeless. B. Exercise programme: Holding permanent sports competitions between homeless from different areas. C. Recreation programme: Providing musical or recreational activities for homeless to get rid of stress from reality. With this programme, we not only get more people to assist us but also let more people understand homelessness. We believe that getting more people to understand homeless issue, there are more chances we will receive support from people in the future. Besides, homeless can feel the care and warmth from students and get some connection with society. A. Training programme In this programme, we basically focus on the cooperation with technical colleges. Training by technical college students, it is not only giving them a fish we also better give them a rod. In this training programme, it helps homeless to develop their ability and improve their learning job skills. The aim of this training programme is to teach those homeless for better skills and find them resources also attempt to find them a job in the future. The organization makes an effort to build them a long-term in selfsufficiency. Moreover, it also makes them feel confidence and give them great opportunities to make their lives better. Training programs can focus on: - Catering training course. - IT training (Repair computer). - Car or Bike Fixing. - Hairdressing training course.

It can be seen that technical students can transfer their knowledge to homeless for example how to fix the car or bike, cooking skills and repairing computer. Our organization will support them by opening a public service section and advertising through the community by word of month so it does not cost for advertisement. The fee of service will be cheaper than standard price by this reason we may have more customers. The organization should also focus on social responsibility, attempt to involve activities to the community so that community could prove out the problems with organization and help us with financial supports. This training skill are technical and specialize, it can help homeless for independent living in the future as well. First after finishing the course, hey can work with us until they find a new job. In case of jobless, homeless could work with organization as long as they wish. Furthermore, while the course of training, students, homeless and community will be making connections together. Community is the biggest supporters from the organization. Besides providing training to homeless, we hold lectures for students to know more about homeless issue. Lecturers will be composed by college professors or social experts from other organisations. Most important of all, homeless would have chances to share their experience. People from both sides can gain valuable information through the interacting during the lectures. Students can not only get knowledge from lecturers but also acquire clearer idea of how homeless live.

B. Exercise programme A number of homeless became homeless is simply because they lose the passion of lives or lack motivation of moving forward. In addition, lots of homeless actually have their own properties but just feel as lonely as those who do not have any. Therefore, we believe that rather than just giving them money or providing places for them to live, trying to arouse and encourage their wills perhaps a likely feasible way to alleviate this kind of problem. According to Gerald et al ( ), exercise can help people to reduce cardiovascular responses to stress, and it also can alleviate the symptoms anxiety and depression. Most important, it is able to improve self-confidence and self-esteem. As mentioned before, a lot of homeless are able-bodied and just lack self-confidence the motivation to do what they want to do. Therefore, we believe continual exercising can help them to certain extent and it will receive great efficacy in the long-term. However, how do we make homeless want to play regularly? Sports competition with other homeless is our answer.

We plan to hold sports competition between areas in each city, such as Bedminster vs Clifton in Bristol. There will be several events suitable for most people to play, such as football, volleyball or basketball. Furthermore, there will be different levels for adults, teenagers and females. Before game date, all team members will have to practice together regularly and there will be trainings implemented by skilled partners or even coach students from exercising department of universities, which will continuously to help both old and new members to practice to develop game techniques. It would be serious games but the purpose is not to find out which team is the best. The main reason of holding these activities is that we hope by the process of training and practicing together, all members will have to corporate with each other, take care of each other, and there will be emotion developed among team members so they are likely to feel that they have friends, brothers or sisters, or even families. Moreover, one of the best things is, they have an identical goal to achieve. While having fun in the game, they will also experience pressure from the competition with other teams, which probably not only makes them get rid of depression but also encourages them to find out directions of their lives or at least boost their desire to communicate with community. Through these competitions, we hope that they could feel that they are not alone, look at the bright side of things, and find the hope of their lives. Moreover, it would help them to develop awareness of team work. C.Recreation programme.

Students from school of music and drama can involve with leisure activities such as singing, dancing or playing music instruments. Make them feel relax so it can improve the way of their thinking to become positive Moreover, some of homelessness have talent but they still do not know because they do not have opportunity to learn and release their performance. If someone can find talent by himself or herself, this will be the good opportunity to be their career. Therefore, they can earn money by themselves.

V. Evaluation of programmes We hope we are doing something that is good to everybody and the society. In our programmes, schools, students and homeless can obtain benefits. Firstly, schools are likely to gain good reputation due to this collaboration programme. People would

have an impression that this school cares about the society and tries to give disadvantage groups a hand. In addition, schools would have better chances to recruit quality students since people believe that they can learn well since schools would combine theory and practice together. Secondly, students who study in this school could have opportunities to develop their knowledge and get some practical experience by joining this course. Besides, contacting with practice also help them to find out their own direction of their careers rather than just learn from textbooks. Finally, homeless not only can learn many practical skills, get motivation from exercises and have fun in the recreation activities; but also get connection with other people and association with society, which is perhaps the most important for homeless people to get back to their normal lives. Despites of those merits, on the other hand, there are some problems we might come across when implementing this programme. Firstly, there will be some parents concerning the safety of their children, which is also in our top priority while preparing all these events. Therefore, we will do our best to assure that every event is under strictly secure protection. All of the events or social works will be accompanied with people from our organization and make sure that no accident will happen. Secondly, there might be some students who actually do not want to help homeless people but just want those credits which seem to be easier to get, and that could be a problem if they do not really want to give us a hand from their heart. We will have done many preparations before they contact with homeless, students showing less desire to cooperate would not only make these events less effective but also has great opportunity to damage the relation between them and homeless because homeless cannot feel sincere consideration. Therefore, we would try to introduce this course with full understanding that it is for sure that you will have fun in these events but please do not take it as an easier course to attend. We will try to include sports suitable for most of people to play. However, It can be foreseen that there must some people not playing these games or showing less interests to learn and lose the opportunities to join these events. And if the number of these people is quite big, these events would be less effective. Therefore, while trying to convince most people to attend, we will also try to arrange relative works for them, such as scores counting, court decoration or even drinks providing. In a word, we will try to get as many homeless as possible to involve these events. VI. Limitation As mentioned in above paragraphs, even though our organisation tries to help as many as homeless to get rid of the plight they have met, there are still a lot of homeless suffered from other causes cannot be covered by our programmes as the nature of this

Homeless issue is quite complicated and hard to conquer. Besides, to convince schools and collaborate with them is not easy; we should foresee that there will be lots of schools refusing to cooperate with us due to security reasons. Therefore, the effects of sharing this idea to most areas might become weaker. In addition, it seems clear that you cannot run any programmes if you do not have money. Therefore, to acquire stable and efficient financial support is important to organisations like us. It can be seen quite often that people on the street asking pedestrians to donate money for charity. However, is it an effective way to collect money like that? We both have experiences that either just passing by or giving tiny amount of changes to a charity who you probably do not know what does it for. Therefore, a way which can collect relatively stable amount of money to support organization is required. Our organisation is going to seek collaboration with house agencies. Why house agency? It is because that we believe that people who are buying or renting houses are likely to have more empathy to help people who are homeless. Besides, these people are usually with better financial capacity comparing to other people. There would be a one or two pages of introduction booklet for understanding more information about homelessness combined with the contract hanged by agency. We will request mainly for consecutive small amount of donation each month, such as 2 pounds a week or 5 pounds per month, and they can pay together with their rent bills or mortgage. This small amount of money is less likely to give people financial pressure therefore the chance of getting continuing donation tends to be higher.

VII. Expectation: We are doing this programme with hopes that it can arouse the awareness of homeless issue of public and media. Most important of all, we do not take this as short-term programs but long-term plans. We believe that if we can make them as prevailing activities over the country or even over the world then more homeless would be able to get assistance. Take the American movie star-Angelina Jolie for example, she shows great effort to humanitarian works and adopted six children in total. Due to her big fame, a lot of attention was attracted from public and more and more people notice that there are so many people suffer in plight. Therefore, we expect that our effort can be seen by society and perhaps more organizations can also hold similar events in other places.

homeless people on the street even most of them have an ability to work as normal people but they prefer to spend their time alone and live their life independently on the street. There are some problems of homeless that can find out obviously; they are lacking of; -Working skills; they might not know what they keen at so they have no aims in their life what they should do. This is the mainly from lacking inspiration. - Knowledge; they do not know how to write and read then can cause of job opportunities. This is the chain problem of the economic because lacking of money from poor family, hence, they has no opportunity to study. - Relaxation; they have no place for doing activities for relaxing themselves. This is due to social pressure condition, which is highly competitive work condition. - Unhealthy; this is due to medical welfare from government policy, no accommodation. As mentioned before those homeless they might not have skills and knowledge so our organizer should introduce or train them how to use their basis skills properly or how to approach their abilities. It seems to be cost quite a lot of money, if the organization hires professional trainers from private company so our organization can replace senior students from those professional trainers. In this case it gives three advantages; first, the organization could save its cost. Second, students also have a chance to learn and develop their ability from their knowledge by practicing with the real situations and real solutions- student can practice by doing it not just only learn from textbooks. Last, homeless will learn to develop themselves and they will be transferred new skills. Our organization aim is to build a place as One Stop Center for homeless, it is providing training center, health center, education center, shop and accommodation. There are many advantages for having student volunteer;

- Students from school of education can teach how to read and write (Knowledge of reading and writing brings them feel more confidence and give them job opportunity). - Students from school of psychiatrist can concern of sharing homelessness feeling and consulting. From the research, it show that homelessness feel isolate because they are abandoned from main society, thus, this is the opportunity for them share some thoughts to those students consult with psychiatrist. - Students from medical school of medicine can be focused on mental and health problem. Most of homeless has severe health problem but they dont have medical welfare support to go to hospital, therefore, from the little illness becomes bigger and more severe. There may be some problems caused in this part, so probably they do not suitable to cure homelesss illness. - - Training by technical college students, they can transfer their knowledge to homeless for example how to fix the car or bike, cooking skills and repairing computer.Basic plumb and electicity skill? The skill of fixing and repairing could help organization financial to run smoother because local people can use those services. Organization will have outcomes and incomes so organization stands by their own. Organization will spend money to develop further service and help. At the same time, our organization will be the middleman to find work for homelessness. Due to unskilled homelessness, our organization will contact with the government and the private sector who want the hire labor employees such as tree cutting, toilet cleaning, housemaid, street cleaning, pipe cleaning. Therefore, this help homelessness to earn money and they encourage them to have more inspiration and feel more valuable by themselves. From this project, homelessness will feel more valuable by themselves and has opportunity improve their life. In a result, they can earn money by themselves; have a good family, inspiration and life aiming. In the end, they can exist the homelessness situation. After they can avoid homelessness situation, they will come back and can help our organization by donating money, teaching homelessness skill and etc.

This diagram will show our organization concept.

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