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Emergency Contact

Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents
Q.NO Salma Lavanya Sangeeta Naveeda Jayashree
1.1 1 1 1 1 1
1.2 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
1.4 3 3 3 3 3
1.5 3 3 3 3 3
2.1 2 2 2 2 2

The meeting began with introduction. 12 members participate in it. Firstly. Everyone was informed
about the research and on receiving their agreement, they were asked to sign and parents were asked
some questions.

B.v.Samith Asha Darkar Parents Poornima AWC Helper
leelavathi Annapurna Saraswathi AWC Teacher Jayalakshmi
1 1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 1 10/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
3 3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 3 30/10
3 2 2 3 3 23/10
2 1 1 2 2 17/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
3 3 3 3 3 27/10
3 3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 3 30/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
1 1 1 1 1 10/10
2 2 1 2 2 14/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10

1.1. There is no playground and first aid arrangements.
1.2. There is no arrangement for drinking water. I get it for Rs.5 from outside and give it to children. –
Anganwadi helpers.
1.3. There are toilets. Since there is no proper drinking water arrangements, Anganwadi workers come
and arrange for it.
1.4. There is no such trouble like children fighting among themselves but when something like that
happens, teachers shall look into it. Complain doesn’t reach their houses.

2.1. Children come to Anganwadi everyday but there have no place to play around.

2.2 There are no suitable toys or study materials for the children. They are shown using photos.

2.3. Any health requirements are fulfilled but first aid kits and observing their growth is necessary.

2.4. As it has been 1 year since children came to Anganwadi due to present Covid situation, their
knowledge level should be assessed later.

2.5 They teach children on what they are aware of and what they are trained for.

2.6. As children know their mother tongue and the native language, there is no such trouble. There is
good conversation between children and teachers.

2.7. Children speak among themselves very well as both teachers and children know their languages.

2.8. Due to Covid situation, knowledge level has reduced.

2.9. There are very few facilities. No toys or study materials.

3.1. During the absence of the teachers, workers look after the Anganwadi but things are not going
according to the time table.

3.2. Children are taught in two groups. Firstly, children aged 3-4 years and then children aged 5-6 years
are taught. Group activities are conducted.

3.3- Evaluation is not done but the lesson once taught is asked to be repeated by the children.

3.4- They are present for a training per year et they show complete support towards the children.

4.1- Once in a year, parents’ meeting has to be conducted to observe changes in children behaviour.

4.2.- Heath related programs are organised.

4.3- There is no awareness about the committee.

Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents

Q.NO Salma Lavanya Sangeeta Naveeda Jayashree
3.3 1 1 1 1 1

3.4 2 2 2 2 2

3.5 2 2 2 2 2

4.1 3 3 3 3 3

4.2 1 1 1 1 1

4.3 1 1 1 1 1

Bala vilasa Asha Darkar Parents Poornima AWC Helper
leelavathi Annapurna Saraswathi AWC Teacher Jayalakshmi
2 1 1 1 1 11/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
2 2 2 2 2 20/10
3 3 3 3 3 30/10
1 1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 1 10/10

Firstly, the meeting began with introduction. In this meeting, Child Development Committee members,
adolescent girls and parents participated. A parent called Meghana read the consent form and after
receiving the consent from everyone certain questions were asked.

1.1. There is no playground for Anganwadi children. First of all, there is no space for Anganwadi in there.
In rented places, Anganwadi is built. There is no first aid arrangements available when someone is
1.2. There Is no facilities of pure drinking water.
1.3. There are toilets but they are not used as here is no proper water supply.
1.4. As the Anganwadi is near community, children come from there too.

1.5. Children will not fight severely since the teachers and helpers are always present to ease out the
situation. If certain children are too naughty then their parents are called and informed about it.

2.1. Children are coming to Anganwadi daily except for the last one year due to Covid situation. As
children grow, there are no suitable developments in Anganwadi. There is no playground for children to
play around in.

2.2. There are no activities taken place due to the present situation. There are certain necessities
required by children for their study. There are not getting any practical knowledge or opportunities.

2.3. The vaccinations that have to be given to children from time to time shall be given in Anganwadi
and PHC, the information about which Is conveyed. They also give information about healthy diet and

2.4.- Children are categorised into groups and taught according to their emotions and age. Children
doesn’t fear scared as sit as among them and speak. They converse with teachers the same way as they
do in home. They respond accordingly.

2.5.- They repeat everything whatever is taught in Anganwadi. They do it easily as they made to recite it
everyday. They memorise numbers, colours, ABCD and rhymes.

2.6.- Children know Kannada and they use regional language. Language shall improve with it.

2.7- Speaking activities have participation from the children and even teachers know the regional

2.8.- Children are coming to Anganwadi everyday but due to the present situation and there are
students who stay at home but they use numbers in their conversation. If we say the name of the
vegetable, they say its colour. They say we want 5 chocolates, we want 3 chocolates.

2.9.- If the children are asked to get 2 tomatoes, they get it from the shop. They say the colours of the
clothes and if they want it or not.

3.1.- Apart from children’s education, it is informed by parents that Anganwadi also assists in spreading
awareness about appropriate nutritional diet for pregnant women, Bhagyalakshmi Yojana, awareness
that is necessary during motherhood. When the teachers are not around, Anganwadi helpers look after
the children.

3.2.- They are taught according to their age. 3 year old kids are taught with toys. Children above age 5 go
to school and they know numbers, they recite rhymes. Every kids are looked after equally.

3.3.- Assessments and tests are not yet introduced. The lessons of previous day is made to repeat the
next day.

3.4.- Due to the presence of teachers, it is beneficial to parents who are working. The reason being food
and other necessities are looked after in the Anganwadi once they are left there early in the morning.
Some parents are BBMP workers and they cannot be enough responsible for their children. Teachers are
trained twice in a year to being friendly towards the children.

3.5.- There are certain ruled framed in Anganwadi. Children have to be sent on time and in neat clothes.
Parents must send handkerchiefs with their children. Some parents neglect these rules.

4.1.- There is an information about Anganwadi. They are opened on time and once in a month parents’
meeting has to be called and their height and weight has to be recorded. Parents are informed about
malnutrition and the right pattern of diet to followed.

4.2.- There is no knowledge about the committee.

The meeting began with introduction. The purpose of the meeting was informed and consent form was
distributed. Dhanalakshmi read it out to everyone. After everyone’s consent was received, meeting was
started. Questions were asked.

1.1- As this Anganwadi is present in school premises, it has a large playground but there are no sports
equipment or toys. There is first aid facility and the Anganwadi has its own building.
1.2- There is no drinking water facility or sources of water around Anganwadi for children. Helpers bring
water to children everyday and it is used for their drinking and for food preparation.
1.3- The toilet meant for Anganwadi is not kept systematically. There is no proper water supply. There is
a toilet but it cannot be used. They are using teacher’s toilet for now but that cannot be done like
that always.
1.4- The facilities in Anganwadi are safe and when students studying in higher class come to school they
bring these children with them. In the same way, they take them back to their houses too. It is near
to the community and parents bring their children to school too.

2.1- About physical growth of children – They used to come to Anganwadi everyday in a proper way
before Covid and their physical growth happening well. There is nothing like swing or sea saw for them
to play.

2.2- There are no items required for the muscle growth of children. They are taught in lessons but not in
practicality. Study materials are required for children.

2.3- Parents are informed about the health of their children and pregnant women are informed about
vaccinations that has to be given on time. Teachers shall look after cleanliness, regular worm tablet
availability and malnutrition. They take such children to hospitals if necessary and inform about such
consultation to their parents.

B.v.m.s Adolescent Parents Parents Parents Parents
Member girl
Q.NO Sagay Mary Asha Sathya Renuka Jayanthi Moskam
1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.2 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.3 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.4 3 3 3 3 3 3
1.5 2 2 3 3 3 3
2.1 2 2 2 2 2 2
2.2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.4 3 2 2 2 2 2
2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.6 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.7 3 2 2 2 2 2
2.8 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.9 2 2 2 2 2 2
3.1 3 3 3 3 3 3
3.2 3 2 2 2 2 2

Parents Parents Parents Parents AWC AWC
HELPER Teacher
SUBBALAXM Meghana Yasmeen Parveen Gayathri-cc Pushpalatha
1 1 1 1 1 1 12/12
1 1 1 1 1 1 12/12
1 1 1 1 1 1 12/12
3 3 3 3 3 3 36/12
2 2 2 2 3 3 30/12
2 2 2 2 3 3 26/12
1 1 1 1 2 2 16/12
3 3 3 3 3 3 36/12
2 3 3 2 3 3 34/12
2 2 2 2 3 3 27/12
3 3 3 3 3 3 36/12
2 2 2 2 3 3 26/12
3 3 3 3 3 3 36/12
2 2 2 2 3 3 27/12

2.4- Yes. Teachers have good relationship with children. They ensure that children participate in group
activities and they communicate with teachers without any fear.

2.5- Yes. Sometimes, when we come to leave children they say that teachers have gone for training.
Hence, we say that teachers here are trained. They know how to be with children and how to easily
console a crying child.

B.v.m.s Adolescent Parents Parents Parents Parents
Member girl
Q.NO Sagay Mary Asha Sathya Renuka Jayanthi Moskam
3.3 1 1 1 1 1 1

3.4 2 1 1 1 1 1

3.5 2 1 1 1 1 1

4.1 3 3 3 3 3 3

4.2 1 1 1 1 1 1

4.3 2 1 1 1 1 1

2.6- Yes, teachers and helpers both know regional language. There is no problem regarding that and
most importantly children know and can understand Kannada. Three languages such as Kannada, Tamil
and Urdu are used in the community. Teachers use these languages.

2.7- Yes, language is improved. Children are made to repeat is being told but value base knowledge is
not given.

2.8- When children play with each other near their houses they say the rhymes taught and stories told
by the teachers in Anganwadi. They memorise well.

2.9- When something is brought to them at home, they say whether they want 2 or 3. They say that they
need 4 chocolates when their parents take them to a shop. They are familiar with numbers.

3.1- Apart from providing education, various programmes like vaccination, population survey, number of
children per family and such activities are being taken place. Anganwadi will not be closed because
helpers are always present to look after it.

3.2- Children are taught through group activities. Small children are taught using toys. They are taught
according to their age. Every child is given education equally.

3.3- They are made to repeat whatever is taught in previous class but they are facilities to conduct tests
or assessments. When parents come to drop their children, they are informed about their activities.

3.4- Anganwadi is near to our houses so we can drop the children in the morning and pick them during
the evening. They get necessary nutrition and are growing well.

3.5- Every parents are asked to come to meeting but only few come and others say that they did not
have time for it. Children’s weight is checked every month and parents are informed about their
children’s health.

4.1- Yes. Parents are not aware that a committee is made to conduct activities for children.

4.2- There is no information about this committee and it has not organised anything yet.

4.3- Committee is formed but no meeting was conducted.

Parents Parents Parents Parents AWC AWC

HELPER Teacher
SUBBALAXM Meghana Yasmeen Parveen Gayathri-cc Pushpalatha
1 1 1 1 2 2 14/12
1 1 1 1 2 2 15/12
1 1 1 1 2 2 16/12
3 3 3 3 3 3 36/12
1 1 1 1 2 2 14/12
1 1 1 1 2 2 15/12

The meeting began after introduction. Members are informed about the consent form and the research
and Sunitha read out the particulars and once everyone agreed to it the meeting began with questions.

1.1- There is no playground close to the Anganwadi. Building is safe. No outdoor games are played as
there is no playground and sports items are not available. First aid facilities are available. There are
BBMP buildings.
1.2- There is no water supply and pure drinking water for children in the Anganwadi. The water from
streams are used for food preparation and drinking.
1.3- There are toilets in Anganwadi but Is not well maintained to use. It has no water supply. We have
relocated the Anganwadi, now since the building is new there are no appropriate facilities. The
building is good but no power supply too.
1.4- Anganwadi is near to houses and parents drop their children in the morning. Food and protection is
looked after well.
1.5- Teachers shall be present with children if there is a fight among them. They observe the children. In
such times, they conduct activities for children. Children focus on participation than quarrel in such
2.1- Children’s physical growth – Children come to Anganwadi everyday. They do not come now due to
Covid. Physical growth is hindered due to absence of outdoor games.
2.2- Children are taught alphabets and shapes using charts. There cannot play in sand or water. There
are no items to play or study materials to study.
2.3- Children’s health – Awareness is spread on malnutrition, worm tablets and regular vaccinations.
2.4- Teachers know children well and they conduct group activities for their participation. Personality
development is observed through such activities. Students do not fear and get along well with
2.5- Yes. They did say. Teachers have told us that they have training and they will not be available. They
know how to communicate and handle children. When we drop our children to the Anganwadi they
cry. At that time, we have seen how they are consoled by teachers and have their attention

2.6- Teachers and helpers know regional language so language improvement of children is not a
2.7- Yes. There is improvement in language. There are teachers who speak many languages.
2.8- Yes. The knowledge base of children is widening. They repeat the lessons taught in house too. They
say action songs and alphabets.
2.9- Yes. Children ask their father to get them one pencil, give me One rupee, give me two chocolates. In
this way, they are familiar with numbers as it is taught in Anganwadi.

3.1- Yes. Children are taught according to their age and are taught equally. Nutritional food and facilities
like Bhagyalakshmi are given to them. Anganwadi does not close if teachers are not present as the
helpers will take care of it and the children.

3.2- There is equal distribution of knowledge. As every child participates in group activities, they learn
from each other.

3.3- They teach everyday and ask the children to repeat it again the next day but facilities like tests are
not there.

3.4- As Anganwadi is near their houses they drop the children in the morning. They go regularly except
now that Covid is there.

3.5- Once is every month, parents are called for a meeting. Information about their children’s health,
weight, height, diet pattern and vaccinations are given. Code of conduct is also informed to them.

4.1- Parents are not aware that a committee is made to conduct activities for children.

4.2 – There is no information about this committee and it has not organised anything yet.

4.3- Committee is formed but no meeting was conducted.

Everyone were welcomed after introduction and the purpose of meeting which is Foucus group
discussion meeting was informed. In this meeting, Mamata of Bala Vikas Samithi, Shivaleela and
Shantamma are members of self help groups and 6 parents were present. There were total 12 members
present in the meeting. Consent form was distributed to everyone and Shobha K.N read it to others. The
meeting began on everyone’s consent.

1.1 – There is no playground near the Anganwadi. There is a road in front but it is not safe. There are no
sports equipment but first aid facility is present.
1.2 – There is no drinking water facility in Anganwadi. Helpers bring filtered water from outside and give
it to them.

1.3- Anganwadi has toilets but no water supply. Corporation distributes water before Anganwadi opens
so there is no method to store water. It has own building which is safe.\

1.4- Anganwadi is near to houses and parents drop their children in the morning and take them back in
the evening.

1.5- Children will not fight severely since the teachers and helpers are always present to ease out the
situation. Children are interested to come to learn. They get good food.

2.1- They used to come to Anganwadi everyday in a proper way when it was open and their physical
growth happening well. There is nothing like swing or sea saw for them to play. Had it been there, they
would love to come.

2.2- There are no items required for the muscle growth of children. They are taught in lessons but not in
practicality. Study materials are required for children.

2.3- Parents are informed about the health of their children and pregnant women are informed about
vaccinations that has to be given on time. Teachers shall look after cleanliness, regular worm tablet
availability and malnutrition.

2.4- Yes. Teachers have good relationship with children. They ensure that children participate in group
activities and they communicate with teachers without any fear. Personality development is observed.

2.5 - Yes. We know it by the way they handle children. Sometimes, when we come to leave children they
say that teachers have gone for training. Hence, we say that teachers here are trained. They informed
about the same in parents’ meeting too.

2.6 - Teachers and helpers know regional language so language improvement of children is not a
problem. They speak in the language that the child understands.

2.7 - Yes. There is improvement in language. There are teachers who speak in the language the child
2.8 - The knowledge base of children is widening. They repeat the lessons taught in house too. They say
action songs and alphabets.
2.9 – They get 2 onions if they are asked to. In this way, they are familiar with numbers as it is taught in

3.1- Yes. Children are taught according to their age and are taught equally. Nutritional food and facilities
like Bhagyalakshmi are given to them. Anganwadi does not close if teachers are not present as the
helpers will take care of it and the children.

3.2 - There is equal distribution of knowledge. As every child participates in group activities, they learn
from each other.

3.3 - Children are taught alphabets and shapes using charts. There is no practical knowledge and they
are made to repeat whatever studied the previous day on the next day. There are no items to play or
study materials to study.

3.4- Yes. We go to work and we drop them in the morning which is helpful as they look after our
children’s food and safety well.

3.5 – Parents’ meeting is conducted once in a month. Everyone cannot be present so they are informed
about their children when they come to Anganwadi.

4.1- Anganwadi is open from 9:30 AM TOP 3:30 PM. Activities are taken place but time table is not
decided. Children are actively participating in learning.

4.2 – Helpers and teachers are trained to look after children.

4.3 – Committee is formed and annually 4-5 meetings are organised.


Everyone present in the meeting were welcomed after introduction. Firstly, information was given about
“Save the children” institution and the purpose of the meeting was discussed. 6 parents participated in
the meeting and information was collected from them and 7 children also participated. A headmaster, a
teacher, 5 SDMC members participated. They were made to sit separately for evaluation. Social
mapping was made. 25 people participated in it.

Question Category Comments, observation and opinions of Indicator Rating

Number participants. points scoring
1.1 Parents Not aware of code of conduct. It is not in use. 6
SDMC Children are aware of police and helpline
numbers. We are not aware of it. 5
Students Teachers have not informed us about it. Hence,
we do not know. We know about the helpline, 7
H.M Code of conduct is not framed yet. 1 20%
Teacher No. Not done yet 1 1%
1.2 Parents This facility is there but children are taught 8
through teachers. Parents are called and made to 12
SDMC There is a facility for students to report abuse and 8
harassment but they are aware about the
committee. They sit and solve with parents. 3

Student Teachers solve this problem or they inform parent. 4
Not aware of the committee. 5
H.M There is a facility for students to report abuse and 1
harassment but there is no committee.
Teacher There is no committee formed. Such issues are not 1 2%
there. We inform parents if such situation arises
1.3 Parents Teachers take measures against fights and 2
hooliganism but severe disciplinary measures are 4
not taken. Teachers and students have friendly 6
SDMC Environment to study is good and teachers are not 9
harsh. There are no threats or abuse. 4
Student Teachers are friendly with students. They 6
communicate softly. 8
H.M No. Nothing like that has ever happened. Students 2
are good. Other children come to school premises
and break windows. Students’ discipline is good.
Teacher Students behave respectfully with teachers. Other 2 2.15%
children come and do hooliganism during holidays.
1.4 Parents Every student is tested equally without bias. Every 9
student comes from the community here. 3
SDMC There is no bias on unequal treatment based on 15
caste and religion. Students are treated equally.
Student Our teachers treat everyone equally and they 21
teach well.
HM No. Everyone student is equal to us. Had we 3
treated unequally, how do they come to school
Teacher Every student is equal for us. It is our 3 3%
responsibility to teach everyone equally. Students
participate well and share anything with us.

1.5 Parents If a student commits any mistake, teachers speak 18
to them and advise them not to repeat and then
speak to the parents.
SDMC If students do any mistake, teachers advise them. 10
They call parents and inform and also speak to
students. If they do little mistakes teachers shall
solve them.
HM If not students, are we supposed to do mistakes? 1
It is our responsibility to correct them and we do
Student If we do any mistake we are called and are asked 7
to correct ourselves by teachers and HM but they
do not hit us for it.
Teacher Students do mistakes but we should advise so that 1 1.85%
they understand. We don’t trouble them
physically or mentally.
2.1 Parent School is protected. Ventilation, light, 18
environment is appropriate. There is a playground
for students.
SDMC School building is good. New buildings are built. 3
Ventilation and light is good. There is playground 8
but in monsoon, water gets clogged and doesn’t
pass out.
Student Our school is good. There is a playground. Sports 12
competition are conducted for us there. 9
H.M School building is good. There is good 1
environment. There is no hindrance for education.
No that ward office is being built, our premises are
used by BBMP people otherwise everything is
Teacher The school is suitable for education. Ventilation 1 2.6%
and light everything is good. There is a playground

in monsoon water gets clogged.
2.2 Parents There is no facility of drinking water in school. 6
Students take water from home. Due to Covid, we
give hot water.
SDMC There is no drinking water facility inside school. 5
They get it from home. Every student don’t get
water from home, they borrow from their friends.
Student We get water from home to drink as there is no 7
drinking water facility inside school. It is not safe.
Students don’t bring water from home they
borrow from their friends.
H.M There is no drinking water facility. We store the 1
water brought by BBMP people. Students get
water from home. Aqua Gard is repaired.
Teacher Due to Covid, students bring water from home. 1 1%
Otherwise, they drink from the water stored. Aqua
Gard is repaired.
2.3 Parents There is toilet for students use. There is a separate 12
toilet for teachers too. We are not aware of means 3
of washing hands.
SDMC There are separate toilets for teachers and 5
students but there are issues to use them. Taps
will taken and there is no water there.
Student Yes. There are toilets but they are not clean. There 14
is water scarcity. We wash hands after food. There
are separate toilets for students and teachers.
H.M There are toilets but there are issues to use them. 1
Outsiders break the taps and steal them. Hence,
there is water scarcity in toilets. Students wash
their hands according to our advise.
Teacher Toilets are not clean. If we ask them to wash their 1 1.8%
hands in front of us they do or else there merely

show their hands to the water.
2.4 Parents There is play time for children but the playground 10
is not safe and clean. 1
SDMC They play both indoor and outdoor games except 10
during monsoon they are not allowed to go out.
Student There is time given to play. We play in ground and 14
H.M We allow them to play but during monsoon water 1
gets clogged and they cannot play and that is
when they play indoors.
Teacher There is time to play. As playground is not safe 1 1.85%
and clean, at such times indoor games are
2.5 Parents As school is nearby they can come by walk, no 18
SDMC As school is nearby they can come by walk. School 15
is just 200m away.
Student Our school is nearby so we walk. It is a 5 minute 21
H.M school is nearby they can come by walk. It is just 3
100-150 m away.
Teacher School is nearby. They come by walk no issues. 3 3%
2.6 Parents Yes there are doing health check-ups for students. 12
They inform us previously about vaccination and
worm tablets.
SDMC We do health check-ups for students . 10
Vaccinations are given. If there are any issues,
them PHC is nearby, they visit frequently.
Student Once in a month they come from PHC and treat us 14
They give us worm tablets. We participate in
cleanliness and health programmes.
H.M As PHC is nearby, once in a month they come and 2

treat them. They give them worm tablets.
Teacher Doctors do visit. They give vaccination and check 2 2%
their height, weight, growth.
3.1 Parents We do not know about rights. With respect to 6
students rights we do not know about the
violation of rights. We are yet to know.
SDMC We know about students rights. Students should 10
not be scolded or hit. Students rights violation is
not happening in school.
Students They have informed about students rights. They 14
are not violated in school. There is child line for
protection. They have informed us about students
rights, protection and harassment.
H.M We have students rights book. Students and 2
teachers know about it.
Teacher We are trained on students rights. We have 2 1.7%
informed that to students too.
3.2 Parents Students participate actively in school but after 6
Covid, we should see how students perform. They
participate in cultural programs.
SDMC Students know about their rights.They actively 5
participate in academic and cultural activities.
They know their responsibilities.
Student They have trained us with student rights and we 7
know the responsibilities. We participate in all
HM Student rights, responsibilities and abuse – 2
students are trained with these. They participate
in cricket and cultural activities.
Teacher Student know their rights Everyone participates. 2 1.2%
3.3 Parents Students rights committee is not formed. Not 6
aware about SDMC.

SDMC Students rights committee was formed 2 years ago 5
but not now. Presence of SDMC is known but it’s
role is not known.
Student Not aware of students rights committee or SDMC. 7
HM Last year, students rights committee was formed 1
but they are not aware of it due to Covid. SDMC is
present but not active .
Teacher Students rights committee and SDMC is there. 1 1%
3.4 Parents Everyday students are going for every classes. 12
They are not going due to Covid. They are actively
participating in all classes.
SDMC Yes. Students are coming to class everyday but 5
their presence is reduced due to water supply that
happens once in two days. They actively
participate in classes.
Students They go to school but absenteeism is due to water 7
scarcity. They go home for lunch and come late.
HM Students are coming to class everyday but their 1
presence is reduced due to water supply. They
actively participate in classes.
Teacher Students are present everyday. They actively 1 1%
participate in classes.
3.5 Parents Students are taught using study materials. We do 6
not know their number. They might not have it 2
enough. 1
SDMC Students are taught using study materials. They 5
use certain things from nature in teaching. They
do not have enough study materials.
Student They teach using study materials. They use 7
whatever they have. Otherwise, they teach us by
other means.
HM They teach using the study materials present but 1

the materials are not enough.
Teacher We teach using study materials but they are not 1 1%
3.6 Parents Students who study well ask doubts the rest 9
don’t . Everyone should ask doubts if they get one. 2
SDMC They ask. If they don’t understand they ask. They 10
had interest in studies but these days TV and
movies are highly used by them.
HM They ask but everything is a challenge after Covid 1
came. They use TV and mobile a lot.
Student They are used to reciting things. 7
Teacher Teachers have a big responsibility. It is very 1 1.8%
difficult to make students with in class due to
Covid where they have forgotten many things.
Few actively participate and ask doubts.
3.7 Parents Students speaking Tamil, Urdu and Kannada come 9
to school. They are taught in Kannada and they
know the language.
SDMC Students speaking Tamil, Urdu and Kannada come 15
to school. They are taught in Kannada and they
know the language. No language issues.
Student We speak in Kannada. Everyone knows Kannada. 21
They teach in the same language.
HM They are taught in Kannada and they know the 3
language. If they do not know, they are taught in
the language they can understand.
Teacher They are taught in Kannada and they know the 3 3%
3.8 Parents We do not know about lesson. They might be 1
teaching according to it. They give homework. 5
SDMC Teachers teach after preparing lesson plan. They 10

check homework. All the teachers together
prepare lesson plan.
Student Yes. Teachers write in their books and teach us. 14
They give homework. All teachers together
prepare the plan and teach.
HM Teachers don’t go to class without lesson plan for 3
their subject. They teach according to it. Related
to the lesson, they give homework.
Teacher We plan and teach. We prepare it ourselves and 3 1.6%
give them homework on the lessons taught.
3.9 Parents They can teach according to students ability. They 6
are trained. We do not know. We are not
SDMC Yes. Students are taught according to their 10
capabilities. Slow learners are given extra care.
Student If students don’t understand they give extra 21
HM Students are taught according to their capabilities. 3
Slow learners are categorised and given extra
Teacher Students are taught according to their capabilities. 3 2.3%
Slow learners are categorised and given extra
classes .
3.10 Parents They go to training. Students come home and 6
inform whatever is taught to them.
SDMC Trainings take place and students reap the 8
benefits from it. 2
Student Teachers tell us that they go to training and they 8
inform us whatever is told there.
HM They go to training and students activities are also 2
looked after.
Teacher Teachers go to training and follow whatever they 2 1.4%

learnt there.
3.11 Parents Exams and evaluation are conducted through 12
group activities and reading and writing activity.
SDMC Exams, evaluation and activities are conducted. No 6
Information about the training. 2
Student After lesson homework are given and tests are 4
conducted. Group activities are made. No 2
information on training. 2
HM Exams and evaluation are conducted through 2
group activities and reading and writing activity.
Doing these, students are made to understand.
Teacher Exams and evaluation are conducted through 2 1.8%
group activities and reading and writing activity.
4.1 Parents When the students around us didn’t go to school 6
we ask them to go. Haven’t had a meeting with 2
SDMC We have talked about this in SDMC meeting last 1
year. Many students couldn’t come to school due 3
to Covid. No teachers and parents meeting 3
Student Schools are not opened. We don’t know the 2
reason. During Covid there was holiday and 3
homework sheets were distributed through 2
WhatsApp. We don’t know who left school during
that time.
HM We have spoken about absenteeism of children to 1
their parents but many are not able to meet due
to their work schedule.
Teacher Due to Covid could not meet parents. Informed 1 1.2%
through phone call and also met them in their

4.2 Parents No we do not know about this. Others might have 2
participated. 4
SDMC Yes sometimes we participated but not every 4
time. 3
Students Parents have involved in various programmes 14
conducted by school.
HM Few participate as they go to work. 1
Teacher Few participate as they go to work. 1 1.45%
4.3 Parents Parents and teachers meeting conducted 2-3 8
times annually. SDMC committee is present? 2
SDMC SDMC committee meetings held 6-7 times a year. 10
Also parents meeting. But not now due to corona.
Students Parents meeting held 3-4 times a year. Not aware 8
about SDMC committee. 3
HM Parents meeting and SDMC meeting both are held. 2
Teacher Parents meeting and SDMC meeting both are held. 2 1.85%
Discussion on student development.

Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents AWC AWC

HELPER Teacher
shakila nandhini pushpalatha dhanalakshmi nageena gowrama lalitha

Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents AWC AWC
HELPER Teacher
shashikila nandhini pushpalatha dhanalakshmi nageena gowrama lalitha
2 2 2 2 3 3 34/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14
3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
1 1 1 1 1 1 14/14
3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14

B.v.s B.v.s Asha Adolescent Parents Parents Parents

worker girl
Q.NO Manjula Nagarathn Latha Rajeswari Swetha Thasmiy Nazira
a a
2.6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2.8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2.9 2 2 2 1 1 1 2
3.1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3.4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Parents Parents Parents Parents AWC AWC

Helper Teache
Shashikal Nandhini Pushpalatha Dhanalakshmi Nageen Gowramma Lalitha
a a
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28/14
2 1 1 2 2 3 3 25/14
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 42/14
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 30/14
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 16/14
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 30/14
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 30/14
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 16/14
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 16/12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14/14

Parents Parents AWC Helper AWC Teacher
Nagarathnam Anjum Shabidha Sangeetha
1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 20/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
2 2 3 3 22/10
1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 10/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
2 2 2 2 20/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
2 2 2 2 20/10


B.v.s B.v.s Asha worker Adolscent Parents Parents

Q.NO Rabiya Sunitha Farahathnis Dhivya Pavithra Rakshitha
3.3 1 1 1 1 1 1

3.4 3 3 3 3 3 3

3.5 3 3 3 3 3 3

4.1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4.2 1 1 1 1 1 1

4.3 2 2 2 2 2 2

Parents Parents AWC Helper AWC Teacher

Nagarathnam Anjum Shabidha Sangeetha
1 1 1 1 10/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
3 3 3 3 30/10
1 1 1 1 10/10
1 1 1 1 10/10
2 2 2 2 20/10

Everyone present in the meeting were welcomed after introduction. Firstly, information was given about
“Save the children” institution and the purpose of the meeting was discussed. 6 parents participated in
the meeting and information was collected from them and 7 children also participated. A headmaster, a
teacher, 5 SDMC members participated. They were made to sit separately for evaluation. Social
mapping was made. 30 people participated in it. Consent form was distributed and agreed to.

Question Category Comments, observations, opinions of Indicator Rating
Number participants points scoring
1.1 Parents Not aware of code of conduct. Not in notice 2
board. 2
SDMC Not aware of code of conduct. Not in notice 4
board. 2
Students Not aware of it. 7
HM No. Haven’t framed it yet but have informed 1
children about it.
Teacher No. Haven’t framed it yet but have informed 1 1%
children about it.
1.2 Parents Students fight among themselves but teachers 10
look after them well and stop the fights, 2
students are allowed to report.
SDMC Students are allowed to report abuses and 10
fights but committee formed for it. It is brought 2
to parents notice. 2
Students Students fight among themselves but teachers 14
look after them well and stop the fights,
students are allowed to report.
HM Students are allowed to report abuses and 1
fights but committee formed for it
Teacher If there are fights we resolve it, nothing serious 2 1.8%
1.3 Parents Study environment is good and teachers are 12
student friendly.
SDMC Teachers are student friendly and are not harsh 16

to students.
Students Teachers do not hurt us. They make us 14
understand if we are wrong.
HM Teachers should win students hearts by 2
kindness otherwise they won’t come to school
or share their thoughts.
Teachers If not communicated friendly way students 2 2%
won’t listen to us. We do not hurt them.
1.4 Parents As every student comes within the community 18
not elsewhere everyone are treated equally
without bias.
SDMC Everyone are treated equally irrespective of 24
caste and religion.
Students We study together and are given equal 21
HM As every student comes within the community 3
not elsewhere every student is equal for us.
Teacher They are our “students” irrespective of their 3 3%
caste and religion. That is our perspective.
1.5 Parents If children commit any mistake, teachers advise 2
them or inform parents. They do not handle 4
students harshly. No training taken place. 2
SDMC If children commit any mistake, teachers advise 6
them or inform parents. They do not handle 4
students harshly. 2
Students If we do any mistake, HM and teachers advise 14
us. They will not scold or hit us.
HM If children commit any mistake, we advise them 2
or inform parents
Teacher If we hit or scold children the won’t come to 4 2%

school regularly. We have to inculcate interest
and show kindness to them.
2.1 Parents School building is safe. Light and ventilation is 12
good. No playground for students.
SDMC Light and ventilation is good. Water comes 4
inside classes during monsoon. No playground 3
for students. 2
Student Our school is good. No playground. We should 6
play in classroom. Water comes inside classes 4
during monsoon
HM School building is safe. Light and ventilation is 1
good. No playground for students. Water comes
inside classes during monsoon. Properties are
damaged due to it.
Teacher School building is safe. Light and ventilation is 1 1.5%
good. No playground for students. They play
2.2 Parents No water supply in school. They bring from 6
SDMC No water supply in school. Rotary institution 8
make facility for filter water everyday.
Student School has water supply, they get it from 7
HM No water supply in school. Rotary institution 1
make facility for filter water everyday.
Teacher No water supply in school. Rotary institution 1 1%
make facility for filter water everyday.
2.3 Parents There are no toilets for students and teachers. 1
There is no water for washing hands and they 1
do it after food only. They get water from 2
outside using bucket. Students bring water from 2

home. 1
SDMC There are no toilets for students and teachers. 2
There is no water for washing hands and they 2
do it after food only. They get water from 3
outside using bucket.
Student There are no toilets for students and teachers. 7
There is no water for washing hands and they
do it after food only.
HM There are no toilets for students and teachers. 1
There is no water for washing hands and they
do it after food only.
Teachers There are no toilets for students and teachers. 1 1%
Teachers are using “Use and pay toilets”.
2.4 Parents There is no playground for children. They play 6
indoors only.
SDMC There is no playground for children. There is 4
play time but they play indoors only. 8
Student There is no playground for us. There is play time 7
but we play indoors only.
HM There is no playground for children. There is 2
play time but they play indoors only.
Teacher There is no playground for children. There is 2 1.2%
play time but they play indoors only.
2.5 Parents Schools are nearby and any outside cannot 24
enter premises. There is no problem.
SDMC Schools are nearby and any outside cannot 32
enter premises. There is no problem.
Student Schools are nearby. There is no problem. 28
Teacher Schools are nearby. There is no problem. 4
HM Schools are nearby. There is no problem. 4 4%
2.6 Parents Yes there are doing health check-ups for 12
students. They inform us previously about

vaccination and worm tablets.
SDMC We do health check-ups for students . 24
Vaccinations are given. If there are any issues,
them PHC is nearby, they visit frequently.
Student Once in a month they come from PHC and treat 21
us They give us worm tablets.
H.M As PHC is nearby, once in a month they come 3
and treat them. They give them worm tablets.
Teacher Doctors do visit. They give vaccination and 3 2.7%
check their height, weight, growth.
3.1 Parents We do not know about rights. With respect to 6
students rights we do not know about the
violation of rights.
SDMC We do know about those. We know only about 2
police protection. 3
Student We are not aware 7
HM We have students rights book. Students and 2
teachers know about it.
We have students rights book. Students know 2 1.1%
about it.
3.2 Parents Students participate actively in school. They 1
participate in cultural programs. 4
SDMC Students know about their rights.They actively 10
participate in academic and cultural activities. 4
They know their responsibilities. 2
Student We know the responsibilities. We participate in 14
all activities.
HM Student rights, responsibilities and abuse – 2
students are trained with these. They

participate in all activities.
Teacher Student know their rights Everyone 2 1.9%
3.3 Parents Not aware of Students rights committee. Not 6
aware about SDMC committee.
SDMC Students rights committee not formed. 8
Presence of role of students in SDMC is not
Student Not aware of students rights committee or 7
HM Last year, students rights committee was 1
formed but they are not aware of it due to
Covid. SDMC is present but not active .
Teacher Last year, students rights committee was 1 1%
formed but they are not aware of it due to
Covid. SDMC is present but not active .
3.4 Parents Everyday students are going for every classes. 2
They are not going due to Covid. They are 4
actively participating in all classes. 4
SDMC Students are coming to class everyday. They 8
actively participate in classes. 8
Everyday 6
students are 8
going for
classes. They
are not going
due to Covid.
They are
in all classes.

HM Students are coming to class everyday. They 2
actively participate in classes.
Teacher Students are present everyday. They actively 2 1.9%
participate in classes.
3.5 Parents We do not know about it. Students say that 2
they are taught using study materials. They 4
might not have it enough. 2
SDMC Students are taught using study materials. They 10
use certain things from nature in teaching. They 3
do not have enough study materials.
Student They teach using study materials. They use 8
whatever they have. Otherwise, they teach us 2
by other means. They do not have enough 2
study materials.
HM They teach using the study materials present 1
but the materials are not enough.
Teacher We teach using study materials but they are not 1 1.5%
3.6 Parents If they do 12
they ask
SDMC We do not know much. They ask. If they don’t 2
understand they ask. 6

Student We ask if we have any doubts 16

HM They ask if 2
they have

Teacher They participate actively and ask doubts. 2 2%
3.7 Parents They are taught in Kannada and they know the 12
SDMC They are taught in Kannada and they know the 8
language. No language issues. 8
Student We speak in Kannada. Everyone knows 14
Kannada. They teach in the same language.
HM They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2
Teacher They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2 2%
3.8 Parents We are not educated. We do not know about 2
lesson. They might be teaching according to it. 6
They give homework. 2
SDMC Teachers teach after preparing lesson plan. 16
They check homework. All the teachers
together prepare lesson plan.
Student Yes. Teachers write in their books and teach us. 14
They give homework. All teachers together
prepare the plan and teach.
HM Teachers don’t go to class without lesson plan 3
for their subject. They teach according to it.
Related to the lesson, they give homework.
Teacher We plan and teach. We prepare it ourselves and 3 2%
give them homework on the lessons taught.

3.9 Parents They can teach according to students ability. 6

They are trained.. 6
SDMC Yes. Students are taught according to their 8
capabilities. Slow learners are given extra care. 6
Student If students don’t understand they give extra 14

HM Students are taught according to their 2
capabilities. Slow learners are categorised and
given extra classes
Teachers Students are taught according to their 2 2%
capabilities. Slow learners are categorised and
given extra classes .

3.10 Parents They go to training. Students are given activities 8

accordingly. 2
SDMC Trainings take place and students reap the 8
benefits from it. 6
Student Teachers tell us that they go to training and 14
they give us activities.
HM They go to training and students activities are 2
also looked after.
Teacher Teachers go to training and follow whatever 2 2%
they learnt there.
3.11 Parents Exams and evaluation are conducted through 4
group activities. 4
SDMC Exams, evaluation and activities are conducted. 6
Student After lesson homework are given and tests are 14
conducted. Group activities are made..
HM Exams and evaluation are conducted through 3
group activities and reading and writing activity.
Doing these, students are made to understand.
Teacher Exams and evaluation are conducted through 3 2.3%
group activities and reading and writing activity.

4.1 Parents When the students around us didn’t go to
school we ask them to go. Haven’t had a
meeting with teachers.
SDMC We have talked about this in SDMC meeting last 2
year. Many students couldn’t come to school 2
due to Covid. No teachers and parents meeting 2
Student Schools are not opened. We don’t know the 16
reason. During Covid there was holiday and
homework sheets were distributed through
WhatsApp. We don’t know who left school
during that time.
HM We have spoken about absenteeism of children 8
to their parents but many are not able to meet 3
due to their work schedule.
Teacher Due to Covid could not meet parents. Informed 2 1.6%
through phone call and also met them in their
4.2 Parents Students participate in every school activities. 8
SDMC Yes they participate. 12
Student Yes we participate in all activities. 14
HM They participate. 3
Teacher They participate. 3 1.7%
4.3 Parents Parents and teachers meeting conducted 3-4 1
times annually. SDMC committee presence is 4
not known. 4
SDMC SDMC committee meetings held 6-8 times a 2
year. Also parents meeting. Improvement is 2
discussed. 4
Student Parents meeting are held. Not aware about 4
SDMC committee. 1

HM Parents meeting is held 6-7 times a year. 3
Teacher Parents meeting and SDMC meeting both are 3 2.3%
held. Discussion on student development.

B.v.s B.v.s Parents Parents Parents Parents

Q.NO Mamatha Shivalila Latha Shobha Bhagya Geetha
1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1.3 2 2 2 2 2 2
1.4 3 3 3 3 3 3
1.5 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2.2 1 1 1 1 1 1
2.3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.4 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.6 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.7 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.8 3 3 3 3 3 3
2.9 3 3 3 3 3 3
3.1 4 4 4 4 4 4
3.2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Parents Parents SHG AWC Helper AWC Teacher

Uma devi Anjali Shantamma Anasuya Sunitha
1 1 1 1 1 11/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11

3 3 3 3 3 33/11
1 1 1 1 1 11/11
1 1 1 1 1 11/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
3 3 3 3 3 22/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
4 4 4 4 4 33/11
2 2 2 2 2 33/11

B.v.s B.v.s Parents Parents Parents Parents

Q.NO Mamatha Shivalila Latha Shobha Bhagya Geetha
3.3 1 1 1 1 1 1

3.4 3 3 3 3 3 3

3.5 2 2 2 2 2 2

4.1 2 2 2 2 2 2

4.2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4.3 2 2 2 2 2 2


Parents Parents SHG AWC Helper AWC Teacher

Uma devi Anjali Shantamma Anasuya Sunitha

1 1 1 1 1 11/11
3 3 3 3 3 33/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11
2 2 2 2 2 22/11

Everyone present in the meeting were welcomed after introduction. Firstly, information was given about
“Save the children” institution and the purpose of the Focus group meeting was discussed. Parents,
students, HM, teachers and SDMC members participated. They were made to sit separately for
evaluation. Social mapping was made. 30 people participated in it. Consent form was read and agreed

Question Category Comments, observation and opinions of Indicator Rating

Number participants points scoring
1.1 Parents Not aware of code of conduct. 8
SDMC Not aware of code of conduct. We know about 4
helplines like 108,1098 or 100. 4
Student Not aware of it. 8
HM No. Haven’t framed it yet but have informed 1
children about it.

Teacher No. Haven’t framed it yet but have informed

children about it.
1.2 Parents Children are taught through teachers. Parents are
called and made to advise.
SDMC There is a facility for students to report abuse and
harassment but they are aware about the

committee. They sit and solve with parents.
Student Teachers solve this problem or they inform
parent. Not aware of the committee.
H.M There is a facility for students to report abuse and
harassment but there is no committee.
Teacher There is no committee formed. Such issues are not
there. We inform parents if such situation arises
Severe disciplinary measures are not taken.
1.3 Parents Teachers and students have friendly relations.
Environment to study is good and teachers are not
SDMC harsh. There are no threats or abuse.

Teachers are friendly with students. They

Student communicate softly.

Students are good. Students’ discipline is good.

H.M Students behave respectfully with teachers.
Teacher Every student is tested equally without bias. Every
student comes from the community here.
1.4 Parents There is no bias on unequal treatment based on
caste and religion or gender. Students are treated
SDMC equally.
Our teachers treat everyone equally and they
teach well not harshly.
Student Everyone student is equal to us. Students who are
5km away come here.
HM Every student is equal for us. It is our
responsibility to teach everyone equally. Students
Teacher participate well and share anything with us.
If a student commits any mistake, teachers speak
to them and advise them not to repeat and then

1.5 Parents speak to the parents.
If students do any mistake, teachers advise them.
They call parents and inform and also speak to
SDMC students. If they do little mistakes teachers shall
solve them.
It is our responsibility to correct them and we do
HM If we do any mistake we are called and are asked
to correct ourselves by teachers and HM but they
do not hit us for it.
Student Students do mistakes but we should advise so that
they understand. We don’t trouble them
physically or mentally.
Teacher School is protected. Ventilation, light,
environment is appropriate. There are no
benches. There is a playground for students. Hot
2.1 Parents lunch is available.

Ventilation and light is good. There are benches

and water problem.
Our school is good. There is a playground. Sports
competition are conducted for us there.

School building is good. There is good

environment. There is no hindrance for education.
H.M Teachers are less. There is playground.
The school is suitable for education. Ventilation
and light everything is good. Teachers are less.
Teacher There is playground. There are benches and water

There is facility of drinking water in school. Few
students take water from home. There is filter
2.2 Parents water available.
There is drinking water facility inside school. They
spent 8 lakhs and got a filter water.
SDMC Few get water from home to drink. There is
drinking water facility inside school. Filter water is
Student not safe. Students don’t bring water from home
they borrow from their friends.
There is drinking water facility. They spent 8 lakhs
and got a filter water. Due to Covid, we asked
H.M them to get water from home

Due to Covid, students bring water from home.

Filter water is available.
Teacher There is toilet for students use. It is less in number
and not well maintained.
2.3 Parents There are separate toilets for teachers and
students but there are issues to use them.

There are toilets but they are not in good number.

We wash hands after food. There are separate
Student toilets for students and teachers.

There are toilets but there are issues to use them.

Students wash their hands according to our
H.M advise.
Toilets are not clean. If we ask them to wash their
hands in front of us.
Teacher There is play time for children but the playground

is not safe and clean.
2.4 Parents They play both indoor and outdoor games except
during monsoon they are not allowed to go out.
There is time given to play. We play in ground and
Student We allow them to play but during monsoon water
gets clogged and they cannot play and that is
when they play indoors.
There is time to play. As playground is not safe
H.M and clean, at such times indoor games are

Teacher As school is nearby they can come by walk, no

2.5 Parents As school is nearby they can come by walk. School
is just 200m away.
SDMC Our school is nearby so we walk. It is a 5 minute
Student School is nearby they can come by walk. It is just
100-150 m away.
H.M School is nearby. They come by walk no issues.
Yes there are doing health check-ups for students.
Teacher They inform us previously about vaccination and
2.6 Parents worm tablets.
We do health check-ups for students .
Vaccinations are given. If there are any issues,
them PHC is nearby, they visit frequently.
SDMC Once in a month they come from PHC and treat us
They give us worm tablets. We participate in
cleanliness and health programmes.
Student As PHC is nearby, once in a month they come and

treat them. They give them worm tablets.
Doctors do visit. They give vaccination and check
H.M their height, weight, growth.
We do not know about rights. With respect to
Teacher students rights we do not know about the
violation of rights. We are yet to know.
3.1 Parents SDMC We know about students rights.
Students should not be scolded or hit. Students
rights violation is not happening in school.
Students They have informed about
students rights. They are not violated in school.
There is child line for protection. They have
informed us about students rights, protection and
H.M We have students rights book.
Students and teachers know about it. 2
Teacher We are trained on
students rights. We have informed that to
students too. 2 1.7%
3.2 Parents Students participate
actively in school but after Covid, we should see
how students perform. They participate in cultural
programs. 6
SDMC Students know about their
rights.They actively participate in academic and
cultural activities. They know their responsibilities.
StudentThey have trained us with student
rights and we know the responsibilities. We
participate in all activities. 7
HM Student rights, responsibilities and
abuse – students are trained with these. They

participate in cricket and cultural activities. 2
Teacher Student know their rights
Everyone participates. 2 1.2%
3.3 Parents Students rights committee
is not formed. Not aware about SDMC. 6
SDMC Students rights committee was
formed 2 years ago but not now. Presence of
SDMC is known but it’s role is not known. 5
StudentNot aware of students rights
committee or SDMC. 7
HM Last year, students rights
committee was formed but they are not aware of
it due to Covid. SDMC is present but not active . 1
Teacher Students rights committee
and SDMC is there. 1 1%
3.4 Parents Everyday students are going for
every classes. They are not going due to Covid.
They are actively participating in all classes.
SDMC Yes. Students are coming to class
everyday but their presence is reduced due to
water supply that happens once in two days. They
actively participate in classes. 5
Students They go to school but
absenteeism is due to water scarcity. They go
home for lunch and come late. 7
HM Students are coming to class
everyday but their presence is reduced due to
water supply. They actively participate in classes.
Teacher Students are present
everyday. They actively participate in classes. 1

3.5 Parents Students are taught using
study materials. We do not know their number.
They might not have it enough. 6
SDMC Students are taught using study
materials. They use certain things from nature in
teaching. They do not have enough study
materials. 5
StudentThey teach using study materials.
They use whatever they have. Otherwise, they
teach us by other means. 7
HM They teach using the study
materials present but the materials are not
enough. 1
Teacher We teach using study
materials but they are not enough. 1
3.6 Parents Students who study well
ask doubts the rest don’t . Everyone should ask
doubts if they get one. 9
SDMC They ask. If they don’t understand
they ask. They had interest in studies but these
days TV and movies are highly used by them.
HM They ask but everything is a
challenge after Covid came. They use TV and
mobile a lot. 1
Student They are used to reciting

things. 7
Teacher Teachers have a big
responsibility. It is very difficult to make students
with in class due to Covid where they have
forgotten many things. Few actively participate
and ask doubts. 1 1.8%
3.7 Parents Students speaking Tamil,
Urdu and Kannada come to school. They are
taught in Kannada and they know the language. 9
SDMC Students speaking Tamil, Urdu
and Kannada come to school. They are taught in
Kannada and they know the language. No
language issues. 15
Student We speak in Kannada.
Everyone knows Kannada. They teach in the same
language. 21
HM They are taught in Kannada and
they know the language. If they do not know, they
are taught in the language they can understand. 3
TeacherThey are taught in Kannada and
they know the language. 3 3%
3.8 Parents We do not know about
lesson. They might be teaching according to it.
They give homework. 1
SDMC Teachers teach after preparing
lesson plan. They check homework. All the
teachers together prepare lesson plan. 10
Student Yes. Teachers write in
their books and teach us. They give homework.
All teachers together prepare the plan and teach.

HM Teachers don’t go to class without
lesson plan for their subject. They teach according
to it. Related to the lesson, they give homework.
Teacher We plan and teach. We
prepare it ourselves and give them homework on
the lessons taught. 3 1.6%
3.9 Parents They can teach according
to students ability. They are trained. We do not
know. We are not educated. 6
SDMC Yes. Students are taught
according to their capabilities. Slow learners are
given extra care. 10
Student If students don’t
understand they give extra classes. 21
HM Students are taught according to
their capabilities. Slow learners are categorised
and given extra classes 3
Teacher Students are taught
according to their capabilities. Slow learners are
categorised and given extra classes . 3
3.10 Parents They go to training.
Students come home and inform whatever is
taught to them. 6
SDMC Trainings take place and students
reap the benefits from it. 8
Student Teachers tell us that they
go to training and they inform us whatever is told
there. 8
HM They go to training and students

activities are also looked after. 2
Teacher Teachers go to training
and follow whatever they learnt there. 2
3.11 Parents Exams and evaluation are
conducted through group activities and reading
and writing activity. 12
SDMC Exams, evaluation and activities
are conducted. No Information about the training.
Student After lesson homework
are given and tests are conducted. Group activities
are made. No information on training. 4
HM Exams and evaluation are
conducted through group activities and reading
and writing activity. Doing these, students are
made to understand. 2
Teacher Exams and evaluation are
conducted through group activities and reading
and writing activity. 2 1.8%
4.1 Parents When the students
around us didn’t go to school we ask them to go.
Haven’t had a meeting with teachers. 6
SDMC We have talked about this in
SDMC meeting last year. Many students couldn’t
come to school due to Covid. No teachers and

parents meeting recently. 1
Student Schools are not opened.
We don’t know the reason. During Covid there
was holiday and homework sheets were
distributed through WhatsApp. We don’t know
who left school during that time. 2
HM We have spoken about
absenteeism of children to their parents but many
are not able to meet due to their work schedule.
Teacher Due to Covid could not
meet parents. Informed through phone call and
also met them in their house. 1 1.2%
4.2 Parents No we do not know about
this. Others might have participated. 2
SDMC Yes sometimes we participated
but not every time. 4
Students Parents have involved in
various programmes conducted by school.
HM Few participate as they go to
work. 1
Teacher Few participate as they go
to work. 1 1.45%
4.3 Parents Parents and teachers
meeting conducted 2-3 times annually. SDMC

committee is present? 8
SDMC SDMC committee meetings held
6-7 times a year. Also parents meeting. But not
now due to corona. 10
Students Parents meeting held 3-4
times a year. Not aware about SDMC committee.
HM Parents meeting and SDMC
meeting both are held. 2
Teacher Parents meeting and
SDMC meeting both are held. Discussion on
student development. 2 1.85%

G.L.P.S Kohigepalya

School Focus Group Discussion

Project: Samuhika Shakthi H&M

Date:2/11/2021 Time:12.30 -3.30 P.M.

Place- G.L.P.S Kohigepalya school

Participation Details

Parents Name Designation

01 Renuka parents
02 Mamatha parents
03 Pavithra parents
04 Madevi parents
05 Shashikala parents
06 Nagamani parents
07 Pavithra D.N. parents

SDMC Name Designation

01 Ankamma SDMC Member
02 Vijaya Lakshmi SDMC Member
03 Prarad SDMC Member
04 Nagamani SDMC Member
05 Sampath SDMC Member

06 Shabnadgthum SDMC Member
07 Aravind kumar SDMC Member
08 Lakshmi SDMC Member
09 Mahadevamma SDMC Member

G.L.P.S Kohigepalya

Students Name Designation

01 Harshita.B Student
02 Aishwarya.R Student
03 Nagaraj.A Student
04 Pritham.B Student
05 Shruthi.S Student
06 Santosh.S Student
07 Manjunath Student

H.M. & Teacher Name Designation

01 Mangalagouramma Head mister
02 Kavitha.s Teacher

Other participant Name Designation

01 Pushpa.R Cluster co-ordinator
02 Priya.M Consult project
03 Devika Volunteer

Social Mapping



3.Vijaya Lakshmi




7.Sampath Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
1.1 Children Charts on emergency numbers 1
not available. we were aware of
the numbers board on tobacco
free is not available.4
SDMC Children are followed up 2
regularly. Information on
emergency numbers shared.3
Parents Children are taught on safety 2
mechanisms. but display of the
same is not available.2
Teacher During national days, committee 2
members participate awareness
also given at those times.1
HM Police officials trained all 2
teachers ,HM on Safety, rights.
code of conduct is followed up.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
1.2 Children We have small fun fights. we 1

never fight among ourselves.
Teachers guide us regularly.4
SDMC Children are not fighting. 1
Teachers teach them values.3
Parents Teachers guide children who are 1
Teacher Children are “thought of value”. 1
They are taught on values and
are taught good habits. They font
HM Children who are troublesome 1
are guided with parents. No
major fight within children
witnessed.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
1.3 Children They are no problems in school. 2
we feel safe at school.2
SDMC Teachers teach students with 2
care no trouble is put on
Parents Children are given equal focus.1 2
Teacher Children are taught equally. 2
Children with Muslims, Hindus,
Christian religious background
also come. Each child is taught
with unity in dignity.1
HM No child has witnesses with any 2
kind of trouble. Police officials
train the children on
safety,equality.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
1.4 Children Children are treated equally. 2
Teachers concentrate on all
children. We are studying here
since 1St standard. Teacher scolds
but never beats us.3
SDMC No discrimination is found.1 2
Parents All children are treated equally.2 2
Teacher Group leader among children are 2
selected. children are taught in a
friendly manner.1
HM No discrimination has been taken 2
place. Children are taught on
equality and dignity.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
1.5 Children Magala, HM guides the children 2
and counsel when in need.3
SDMC All teachers talk to children who 2
are in need of counselling.2
Parents Magala, HM give counselling. All 2
teachers provide support.2
Teacher No Trainings on counselling 1
conducted we counsel children
individually in need.1
HM We have experienced very less 2
number of such children in
distress. Children are controlled
in initial stages children are
counselled by the class

62 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring
opinions of participants points rating
2.1 Children There is no ground but a small 1
place. We play in this road
SDMC There is no place for ground 1
uniforms are provided.2
Parents There is no safe place children 1
play in Road outside. As of now
no trouble is caused due to
playing on road. Donors support
in prizes, organizing programs.3
Teacher No ground is available programs 1
are conducted in the road
outside the ground.1
HM Donor support for prizes and gifts 1
during sports day. The place
belongs to school and require
cement flooring.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
2.2 Children We use filter water due to Covid- 2
19, We carry hot water from
home. We have water for use.2
SDMC Earlier children drink water from 2
purifier in school.2
Parents Due to Covid, children bring hot 2
water. There are two water
Teacher Two filters are available children 2
take water from home due to
HM Ro + Uv Water purifier is 3
available for children. Water is
sufficient for all. Due to Covid,

children are asked to get hot
water. individual donors support
the school.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
2.3 Children We wash hands regularly we 3
have toilet separately for Girls,
Boys and Teachers.3
SDMC Toilets are sufficient and is 3
maintained clean.1
Parents Water supply is there in Toilets. 3
Separate toilets are available.
Toilet is separate for Girls, Boys,
Teachers. Wash basin is available
for hand, utensil wash.3
Teacher Soap is provided in common for 2
children to wash hands.
Crowding is observed so children
are asked to stand in Q during
lunch breaks.1
HM There are two girls toilets and 1
one boys toilet. One toilet is
available for teachers. There is a
requirement for toilet.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
2.4 Children P.T Period is carried out we play 1
in the road.1
SDMC Children cannot make loud noise 1
as it is on road.2
Parents P.T Period is set for playing.1 2
Teacher Time table is prepared P.T Period 2
is allotted once in a week.1
HM During P.T Period, children play in 1

the place outside the road
children keep the place clean.
Time table is known to parents
and children.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
2.5 Children We come by walk from 3
Kottigapalya B.D.A Complex,
Sajjepalya school is nearby.3
SDMC Summanahalli, kottigepalya B.D.A 3
complex are the area where in
children come from they all
Parents School is in 10 minutes walkable 3
Teacher All children come by near by 4
communities. Children come by
walk Elder children accompany
the younger ones.1
HM Few children are accompanied by 4
parents All the children come by
walk. 3 Teachers come by bus.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
2.6 Children Cold, cough, fever is regularly 2
checked .Govt Hospital Nurses
regularly supply deworming

tablet we are not part of those
SDMC From PHC, Health drives are 1
Parents Tablets are given regularly 1
children take the immunization.
But children are not part of the
Teacher All children are given Vitamin 1
Deworming tablet regularly.1
HM Deworming tablet drive is 2
conducted at school campus.
Parents are guided on health.
Children assist in the camp.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.1 Children We know child rights But not in 1
deep. We have not attended any
SDMC Child Rights are known but not 1
clearly known on the rights in
Parents Children have responsibilities. 1
children should study. That is
there rights.1
Teacher Child rights are right to live, 2
Protection, Participation, Speech
HM Training on POCSO Act was 2
conducted, child rights such as
Right to Live, Protection,
Participation, and development.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating

3.2 Children We are aware of childline but not 1
other systems. Not aware of child
rights violations .Bosco NGO has
trained us long back.we are part
of all programs and we
participate well.Responsibilities
of us are to respect others, elders
maintain personal hygiene.5
SDMC Children can contact police if any 1
Parents We are unaware of the child 1
protection system.1
Teacher We are of CWC,CWO, children, 2
women police cell.1
HM Children information is said 2
Bosco and police officials have
given training on children.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.3 Children SDMC committee exist. Preetham 2
is being part of the committes. 2
SDMC There is a committee we are part 2
of it regular meeting are carried.1
Parents We attend meetings. Sometimes, 2
due to work, unable to attend the
Teacher SDMC members attend meeting 2
HM SDMC member stand for the 3
school. Small materials are
supported by Donor. At time of
meeting, most of the SDMC

67 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring
opinions of participants points rating
3.4 Children Children are regular only few 3
during fever are irregular and
SDMC Children are regular few children 3
are irregular after Covid.2
Parents Teachers with children visit 2
homes of irregular children.4
Teacher All children are regular. Parents 2
are guided on importance of
HM 80% of the school strength is 3
regular rest irregular children are
followed up by teachers,
children, parnets.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.5 Children Teachers use TLM for Teaching If 2
materials are less in number,
Batch wise children are taught.3
SDMC Teachers uses videos audios in 2
Parents Other than T.V, Videos are shown 2
through mobiles, charts are used
in teaching.3
Teacher Charts, Experiment are 2
conducted and used.1
HM Videos are shown to children in 3
teaching charts, paper crafts are
prepared for teaching. Teachers
plan and prepare their own TLM.
There are materials available for

68 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring
opinions of participants points rating
3.6 Children We ask doubts and we get 2
clarified. All children ask
SDMC Children express the learning 2
made in schools.2
Parents All children study well and ask 3
doubts. Teachers clarify all
Teacher Every Children is motivated to 3
ask questions. Teachers clarifies
the doubts.1
HM Children are taught as per 3
chapter in the syllabus.
Interactive session are
conducted. Teachers use TCMs to

S.No. Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.7 Children Telugu, Hindi children also come 1
to school. Teacher teach in
Kannada and give more
concentrate for children in
SDMC Most of the children understand 1
Parents Even few Telugu, Hindi 1
Background children speak
Teacher All children are able to follow 2
HM Fewer children are from Hindi 2
and Telugu speaking families. All
children follow Kannada. Children
are taught extra time until they

69 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring
opinions of participants points rating
3.8 Children Teachers give homework. 2
Teachers together plan for the
class and tell the plan for
Tomorrow to children in previous
SDMC Teachers give Homework 2
children are taught as per plan.3
Parents Teachers plan for the class.3 2
Teacher Lesson plan is prepared in -
consultation with all teachers.1
HM Lesson plan day wise and month 3
wise is prepared in consultation
with all teachers. Assignments
are provided to children on topic
basis.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.9 Children Special classes are conducted for 3
slow learners.2
SDMC Children are taught in easy way. 3
They are given variety of tests.4
Parents Special attention is given to 3
children who have difficult in
Teacher Slow learners are grouped with 3
leaders in a class each child is
helped by the other.1
HM Special classes are conducted 3
during tests, Exams and for the
slow learners. Meena group is

formed and Teachers also
supported.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.10 Children Teachers are being part of 3
various training. They also share
the learning made in those
SDMC Many trainings are conducted for 3
teachers from department.2
Parents Teachers are well trained on 3
innovative ideas.2
Teacher Teachers are trained in Deeksha 3
App. Innovative approach are
HM Group activities are carried out 3
trainings are conducted on
teaching techniques, safety,
protection mechanisms.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
3.11 Children Oral, Writing, Dictation, tests are 3
conducted. Children also conduct
SDMC Oral test and surprise test are 2
conducted often.2
Parents Children prepare from tests well. 2

Reading and writing practice are
Teacher Children are given assignments, 2
Worksheets, Oral, Written.4
HM Different types of tests, exams, 3
seminars. Children as per age
group are given tests, Oral,
Reading practices are done on
daily basis.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
4.1 Children Red cross, Arpitha Ngo’s have 1
conducted classes for us. We also
go with teachers to bring back
irregular children.4
SDMC Most of the children are regular.2 2
Parents We also guide children to be 2
regular. Teachers also check the
reasons for being irregular.3
Teacher Parents meeting are conducted. 2
Irregular children are also called
for the meeting.1
HM Parents and children are called 3
and informed about being
regular. With help of children.
Home visits are made.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
4.2 Children School enrollment campaign are 2

conducted. Children are being
past of the campaigns.3
SDMC Enrollment campaigns are 2
conducted. Home to home
awareness on school is given.2
Parents Teachers and children conduct 2
rally and give awareness on
school enrollment.3
Teacher Shale kade Nanna Nade programs 3
and compaign are conducted.
Children also part of the
HM Enrollment compaign are 3
conducted door to door. Children
identify out of school children.1 Category Comments, Observations, Indicator Scoring

opinions of participants points rating
4.3 Children SDMC meetings are conducted. 1
Topics discussed in those
meeting are unaware to
SDMC Meetings are regularly conducted 2
four meetings are organized in
this academic year.3
Parents Due to emergencies, we attend 1
meeting though virtual calls.
Most of the parents attend the
Teacher SDMC’s support the school in 2
following up with children.1
HM SDMC’s attend meeting regularly, 2
5 to 6 members are active and
others also attend the meeting
Financial support are given by
individual donors.1


Everyone present in the meeting were welcomed after introduction. Firstly, information was given about
“Save the children” institution and the purpose of the Focus group meeting was discussed. Parents,
students, HM, teachers participated. They were made to sit separately for evaluation. Social mapping
was made. 20 people participated in it. Consent form was read and agreed to.

Question Category Comments, observations and opinions of Indicator Ratings

Number participants points scoring
1.1 Parents Code of conduct is there. It is in notice board. 3
8 6
Student We do not know about committee. We know code 4
7 of conduct through notice boards. We know about 1
the helpline, though. Smoking and drinking not 8
HM Code of conduct is not framed yet. Smoking and 3
1 drinking not allowed
Teacher Code of conduct is not framed yet. Smoking and 3 1.9%
1 drinking not allowed
1.2 Parents This facility is there but children are taught through 16
teachers. Parents are called and made to advise.
Student Teachers solve this problem or they inform parent. 12
Mostly we solve among ourselves. 6
HM There is a facility for students to report abuse and 2
harassment. WE inform parents.
Teacher Such issues are not there. We inform parents if 2 2.2%
such situation arises
1.3 Parents Severe disciplinary measures are not taken. 16
8 Teachers and students have friendly relations.

Student Teachers are friendly with students. They 14
communicate softly.
Teachers No. Nothing like that has ever happened. Students 2
are good. Students’ discipline is good.
HM Students behave respectfully with teachers. 2 2%
1.4 Parent Every student is tested equally without bias. Every 16
student comes from the community here.
Student Our teachers treat everyone equally and they teach 14
well. Students speaking Kannada, Tamil and Urdu
are treated equally.
HM No. Everyone student is equal to us. 2
Teacher Every student is equal for us. It is our responsibility 2 2%
to teach everyone equally. Students participate well
and share anything with us.
1.5 Parent If a student commits any mistake, teachers speak to 16
them and advise them not to repeat and then
speak to the parents.
HM It is our responsibility to correct them and we do it. 4
Student If we do any mistake we are called and are asked to 14
correct ourselves by teachers and HM but they do
not hit us for it.
Teacher Students do mistakes but we should advise so that 2%
they understand. We don’t trouble them physically
or mentally.
2.1 Parents School is protected. Ventilation, light, environment 16
is appropriate. There is a playground for students.
Hot lunch is there. Good place to study.
Student Our school is good. There is a playground. Sports 14
competition are conducted for us there. There is hill
nearby and it is difficult during monsoon.
HM School building is good. There is good environment.
There is no hindrance for education.

Teacher The school is suitable for education. Teachers are 2 2%
less. Toilet is not safe to use. Ventilation and light
everything is good. There is a playground in
monsoon water gets clogged. Hot lunch is there.
2.2 Parents There is no facility of drinking water in school. 8
Students take water from home. Due to Covid, they
bring give hot water. Filter water is under repair.
Student We get water from home to drink as there is no 7
drinking water facility inside school. It is not safe.
Students don’t bring water from home. Filter water
is under repair.
HM There is drinking water facility. Filter water is under 1
Teacher Due to Covid, students bring water from home. 1 1%
Filter water is under repair.
2.3 Parents There is toilet for women use. We are not aware of 8
means of washing hands. They wash after play and
Student There is toilet for women use.. We wash after play 8
and food.
HM Students wash their hands according to our advise. 2
Teacher Toilets are not clean. If we ask them to wash their 1 1.19%
hands in front of us they do or else there merely
show their hands to the water. There are separate
toilets for teachers and students. They wash after
play and foo
2.4 Parents There is play time for children the playground is 24
safe and clean.
Student There is time given to play. We play in ground and 21
indoors. playground is safe and clean.
HM We allow them to play. playground is safe and 3

Teacher There is time to play. As playground is not safe as 3 3%
there is hill nearby but if compound is put then no
2.5 Parents As school is nearby they can come by walk, no 16
issues. If they coming from far away then they
come by auto or bus.
Student Our school is nearby so we walk. If they coming 14
from far away then they come by auto or bus if
their house is 5-6 km away.
HM As school is nearby they can come by walk, no 2
issues. If they coming from far away then they
come by auto or bus.
Teacher As school is nearby they can come by walk, no 2 2%
issues. If they coming from far away then they
come by auto or bus.
2.6 Parents Yes there are doing health check-ups for students. 24
They inform us previously about vaccination and
worm tablets.
Student Once in 6 months they come from PHC and treat us 21
They give us worm tablets. We participate in
cleanliness and health programmes.
HM Once in 6 months they come and treat them. They 3
give them worm tablets.
Teacher Doctors do visit. They give vaccination and check 3 3%
their height, weight, growth.
3.1 Parents We do not know about rights. With respect to 8
students rights we do not know about the violation
of rights. We are yet to know.
Student They have not informed about students rights. 7
There is child line for protection. They have not
informed us about students rights, protection and

HM We have students rights book. Students and 2
teachers know about it. They have told us during
Teacher We are trained on students rights. We have 2 1.1%
informed that to students too. We have told about
3.2 Parents Students participate actively in school but after 4
Covid, we should see how students perform. They 8
participate in cultural programs.
Student They have trained us with student rights and we 6
know the responsibilities. We participate in all 2
activities. 6
HM Student rights, responsibilities and abuse – 2
students are trained with these..
Teacher Student know their rights Everyone participates. 2 2%
3.3 Parents Students rights committee is not formed. Not 8
aware about SDMC.
Student Not aware of students rights committee or SDMC. 7
HM SDMC not present. 1
Teacher Students rights committee not formed. 1 1%
3.4 Parents Everyday students are going for every classes. They 4
are not going due to Covid. They are actively 6
participating in all classes. 4
Student They go to school but few absenteeism is there. 5
HM Students are coming to class everyday. They 2
actively participate in classes.
Teacher Students are present everyday. They actively 2 1.5%
participate in classes.
3.5 Parents We do not know if they use study material. They 5
might not have it enough. 1

Student They teach using study materials. They use 10
whatever they have. Otherwise, they teach us by 1
other means. 1
HM They teach using the study materials present but 4
the materials are not enough.
Teacher We teach using study materials but they are not 4 1.5%
3.6 Parents Students who study well ask doubts the rest don’t . 16
Everyone should ask doubts if they get one. They
had interest in studies but these days TV and
movies are highly used by them.
Student They ask but everything is a challenge after Covid 14
came. They use TV and mobile a lot.
HM Teachers have a big responsibility. It is very difficult 1
to make students with in class due to Covid where
they have forgotten many things. Few actively
participate and ask doubts.
Teacher Teachers have a big responsibility. It is very difficult 1 1.8%
to make students with in class due to Covid where
they have forgotten many things. Few actively
participate and ask doubts.
3.7 Parents Students speaking Tamil, Urdu and Kannada come 8
to school. They are taught in Kannada and they 8
know the language.
Student We speak in Kannada. Everyone knows Kannada. 14
They teach in the same language.
HM They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2
language. If they do not know, they are taught in
the language they can understand.
Teacher They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2 2%
3.8 Parents We do not know about lesson. They have lesson 16

plan. They might be teaching according to it. They
give homework.
Student Yes. Teachers write in their books and teach us. 14
They give homework. All teachers together prepare
the plan and teach.
HM Teachers don’t go to class without lesson plan for 2
their subject. They teach according to it. Related to
the lesson, they give homework.
Teacher We plan and teach. We prepare it ourselves and 2 2%
give them homework on the lessons taught.
3.9 Parents They can teach according to students ability. They 16
are trained. They give special classes too.
Student If students don’t understand they give extra classes. 14
HM Students are taught according to their capabilities. 2
Slow learners are categorised and given extra
Teacher Students are taught according to their capabilities. 2 2%
Slow learners are categorised and given extra
3.10 Parents They go to training. Students come home and 16
inform whatever is taught to them.
Student Teachers tell us that they go to training and they 14
inform us whatever is told there.
HM They go to training and students activities are also 2
looked after.
Teacher Teachers go to training and follow whatever they 2 2%
learnt there.
3.11 Parents Exams and evaluation are conducted through group 16
activities and reading and writing activity. Seminars
are conducted. Not aware of question answer
Student After lesson homework are given and tests are 14

conducted. Group activities are made. No
information on training.
HM Exams and evaluation are conducted through group 2
activities and reading and writing activity. Doing
these, students are made to understand.
Teacher Exams and evaluation are conducted through group 2 2%
activities and reading and writing activity.
4.1 Parents When the students around us didn’t go to school 8
we ask them to go. Had a meeting with teachers
and asked about students being absent.
Student We are not aware of it. 1
HM We have spoken about absenteeism of children to 2
their parents but many are not able to meet due to
their work schedule.
Teacher We have spoken about absenteeism of children to 2 1%
their parents but many are not able to meet due to
their work schedule.
4.2 Parents We participate in activities. 8
Students Parents might have involved in various programmes 7
conducted by school.
HM Few participate as they go to work. 2
Teacher Few participate as they go to work. 2 1%
4.3 Parents Parents and teachers meeting conducted 4 times 10
annually. Not aware of SDMC committee. 3
Student Parents meeting held 4-5 times a year. Not aware 8
about SDMC committee and their meeting. 3
HM Parents meeting and SDMC meeting both are held. 1
Teacher Parents meeting and SDMC meeting both are held. 1 1.5%
Discussion on student development.


Everyone present in the meeting were welcomed after introduction. Firstly, information was given about
“Save the children” institution and the purpose of the meeting was discussed. 6 parents participated in
the meeting and information was collected from them and 7 children also participated. A headmaster, a
teacher, 5 SDMC members participated. They were made to sit separately for evaluation. Social
mapping was made. 27 people participated in it. Consent form was distributed and agreed to.

Question Category Comments, observations and opinions of Indicator Rating
Number participants points scoring
1.1 Parents Not aware of code of conduct. It is not in use. 9
SDMC Not aware of code of conduct. It is not in use. 7
Student Not aware of Code of conduct .
HM Have not made a committee. Have informed 1
about it to children.
Teacher Have not made a committee. Have informed 1 1%
about it to children.
1.2 Parents Children are taught through teachers. Parents 16
are called and made to advise.
SDMC There is a facility for students to report abuse 18
and harassment but they are aware about the
committee. They sit and solve with parents.
Students Teachers solve this problem or they inform 14
HM There is a facility for students to report abuse 2
and harassment but there is no committee.
Teacher There is no committee formed. Such issues are 2 2%
not there. We inform parents if such situation
1.3 Parents Teachers and students have friendly relations. 18
SDMC Environment to study is good and teachers are 14
not harsh. There are no threats or abuse.
Student Teachers are friendly with students. They 14
communicate softly.
HM Students behave respectfully with teachers. WE 3
should win over students with kindness. Last
year 14-15 students were there. This year 58
students are there.

Teacher Students behave respectfully with teachers. WE 3 2.1%
advise they go wrong.
1.4 Parents Every student is tested equally without bias. 27
Every student comes from the community here.
SDMC There is no bias on unequal treatment based on 21
caste and religion. Students are treated equally.
Students Our teachers treat everyone equally and they 21
teach well.
HM No. Everyone student is equal to us. 3
Teacher Every student is equal for us. It is our 3 3%
responsibility to teach everyone equally.
Students participate well and share anything
with us.
1.5 Parents If a student commits any mistake, teachers 18
speak to them and advise them not to repeat
and then speak to the parents.
SDMC If students do any mistake, teachers advise 14
them. They call parents and inform and also
speak to students. If they do little mistakes
teachers shall solve them.
HM It is our responsibility to correct them and we 2
do it.
Student If we do any mistake we are called and are 14
asked to correct ourselves by teachers and HM
but they do not hit us for it.
Teacher Students do mistakes but we should advise so 2
that they understand. We don’t trouble them
physically or mentally. They shall not come to
school if we scold or hit.
2.1 Parents School is protected. Ventilation, light, 27
environment is appropriate. There is a
playground for students.

SDMC School building is good. New buildings are built. 21
Ventilation and light is good. There is
Student Our school is good. There is a playground. 21
Sports competition are conducted for us there.
School building is safe.
HM School building is good. There is good 3
environment. There is no hindrance for
education. There is large playground too.
Teacher School building is good. There is good 3 3%
environment. There is no hindrance for
education. There is large playground too.
2.2 Parents There is no facility of drinking water in school. 6
Source of water is far away and they get it from 3
SDMC There is no drinking water facility inside school. 7
They get it from outside.
Student We get water from home to drink as there is no 7
drinking water facility inside school..
HM There is no drinking water facility. 1
Teacher There is no drinking water facility. 1 1%
2.3 Parents There is no toilet for students use. They get 9
water from outside. They use toilets of nearby
SDMC There is no water and toilets there. They get 7
water from outside.
Students There is water scarcity. There are no separate 7
toilets for students and teachers. We use
hospital toilets.
HM There is water scarcity. There are no separate 1
toilets for students and teachers. We use
hospital toilets.

Teacher There is water scarcity. There are no separate 1 1%
toilets for students and teachers. We use
hospital toilets.
2.4 Parents There is play time for children and the 27
playground is safe and clean.
SDMC They play both indoor and outdoor games and 21
the playground is safe and clean.
Student There is time given to play and the playground 21
is safe and clean.
HM There is play time for children and the 3
playground is safe and clean. They play both
indoor and outdoor games.
Teacher There is play time for children and the 3 3%
playground is safe and clean. They play both
indoor and outdoor games.
2.5 Parents There is road no issues they use vehicles. 18
SDMC They use roads to travel. 14
Students Our school is nearby so we walk. It is a 5 minute 2
HM school is nearby they can come by walk. It is 2
just 100-150 m away.
Teacher School is nearby. They come by walk no issues. 2 2%
2.6 Parents Yes there are doing health check-ups for 27
students. They inform us previously about
vaccination and worm tablets.
SDMC We do health check-ups for students . 21
Vaccinations are given. If there are any issues,
them PHC is nearby, they visit frequently.
Students Once in 6 month they come from PHC and treat 21
us They give us worm tablets. We participate in
cleanliness and health programmes.
HM As PHC is nearby, once in 6 month they come 3

and treat them. They give them worm tablets.
Teacher Doctors do visit. They give vaccination and 3 3%
check their height, weight, growth.
3.1 Parents We do not know about rights. With respect to 9
students rights we do not know about the
violation of rights. We are yet to know.
SDMC We know about students rights. Students 7
should not be scolded or hit. Students rights
violation is not happening in school.
Students They have informed about students rights. They 7
are not violated in school. There is child line for
protection. They have informed us about
students rights, protection and harassment.
HM We have students rights book. Students and 1
teachers know about it.
Teachers We are trained on students rights. We have 1 1%
informed that to students too.
3.2 Parents Students participate actively in school but after 171
Covid, we should see how students perform.
They participate in cultural programs.
SDMC Students know about their rights.They actively 14
participate in academic and cultural activities.
They know their responsibilities.
Students They have trained us with student rights and 14
we know the responsibilities. We participate in
all activities.
HM Student rights, responsibilities and abuse – 2
students are trained with these. They
participate in cricket and cultural activities.
Teacher Student know their rights Everyone 2 2%
3.3 Parents Students rights committee is not formed. Not 9

aware about SDMC.
SDMC Students rights committee not formed 7
Students Not aware of students rights committee or 7
HM Students rights committee was formed but they 1
are not aware of it due to Covid. SDMC is
present but not active .
Teacher Students rights committee was formed but they 1 1%
are not aware of it due to Covid. SDMC is
present but not active .
3.4 Parents Everyday students are going for every classes. 18
They are not going due to rain. They are
actively participating in all classes.
SDMC Yes. Students are coming to class 14
everyday .They actively participate in classes.
Student They go to school but absenteeism is due to 14
rain. They participate actively in classes.
HM Students are coming to class everyday. They 2
actively participate in classes.
Teacher Students are present everyday. They actively 2 2%
participate in classes.
3.5 Parents Students are taught using study materials. We 3
do not know their number. They might not 4
have it enough. 4
SDMC Students are taught using study materials. They 8
use certain things from nature in teaching. They 1
do not have enough study materials.
Students They teach using study materials. They use 12
whatever they have. Otherwise, they teach us 1
by other means.
HM They teach using the study materials present 4
but the materials are not enough.

Teachers We teach using study materials but they are not 4 1.4%
3.6 Parents Students who study well ask doubts the rest 18
don’t . Everyone should ask doubts if they get
SDMC They ask. If they don’t understand they ask. 4
They have interest in studies. 2
Student We ask doubts. 14
HM They participate in classes. 2
Teachers Teachers have a big responsibility. It is very 2 2%
difficult to make students with in class due to
Covid where they have forgotten many things.
Few actively participate and ask doubts.
3.7 Parents Students speaking Tamil, Urdu and Kannada 10
come to school. They are taught in Kannada
and they know the language.
SDMC Students speaking Tamil, Urdu and Kannada 14
come to school. They are taught in Kannada
and they know the language. No language
Student We speak in Kannada. Everyone knows 14
Kannada. They teach in the same language.
HM They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2
language. If they do not know, they are taught
in the language they can understand.
Teacher They are taught in Kannada and they know the 2 1.6%
3.8 Parents We do not know about lesson. They might be 2
teaching according to it. They give homework. 10
SDMC Teachers teach after preparing lesson plan. 14

They check homework. All the teachers
together prepare lesson plan.
Student Yes. Teachers write in their books and teach us. 14
They give homework. All teachers together
prepare the plan and teach.
HM Teachers don’t go to class without lesson plan 2
for their subject. They teach according to it.
Related to the lesson, they give homework.
Teacher We plan and teach. We prepare it ourselves 4 2%
and give them homework on the lessons
3.9 Parents They can teach according to students ability. 18
They are trained. We do not know. We are not
SDMC Yes. Students are taught according to their 14
capabilities. Slow learners are given extra care.
Student If students don’t understand they give extra 14
HM Students are taught according to their 2
capabilities. Slow learners are categorised and
given extra classes
Teacher Students are taught according to their 2 2%
capabilities. Slow learners are categorised and
given extra classes .
3.10 Parents They go to training. Students come home and 18
inform whatever is taught to them.
SDMC Trainings take place and students reap the 14
benefits from it.
Student Teachers tell us that they go to training and 14
they inform us whatever is told there.
HM They go to training and students activities are 2
also looked after.

Teachers Teachers go to training and follow whatever 2
they learnt there.
3.11 Parents Exams and evaluation are conducted through 181
group activities and reading and writing activity.
SDMC Exams, evaluation and activities are conducted. 14
No Information about the training.
Student After lesson homework are given and tests are 14
conducted. Group activities are made. No
information on training.
HM Exams and evaluation are conducted through 2
group activities and reading and writing activity.
Doing these, students are made to understand.
Teacher Exams and evaluation are conducted through 2 2%
group activities and reading and writing activity.
4.1 Parents When the students around us didn’t go to 9
school we ask them to go..
SDMC We have talked about this in SDMC meeting 7
last year. Many students couldn’t come to
school due to Covid.
Student Teachers inform the parents of the students 7
who do not come to school.
HM We have spoken about absenteeism of children 1
to their parents but many are not able to meet
due to their work schedule.
Teacher Due to Covid could not meet parents. Informed 1 1%
through phone call and also met them in their
4.2 Parents No we do not know about this. 9
SDMC Yes sometimes we participated but not every 7
time. No programmes recently.
Students Parents have not involved in various 7
programmes conducted by school.

HM Few participate as they go to work. 2
Teacher Few participate as they go to work. 2 1%
4.3 Parents Parents and teachers meeting conducted 3-4 4
times annually. SDMC committee presence is 6
not known 1
SDMC SDMC committee meetings held.. Also parents 7
meeting. Everyone participates
Student Not aware about SDMC committee. 7
HM Student groups not formed and SDMC present. 2
Discussion on student development.
Teacher Student groups not formed and SDMC present. 2 1%
Discussion on student development.


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