Optical and Langmuir Probe Diagnostics I

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Optical and Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in a

Magnetized Hollow Cathode Arc

Article in Plasma Processes and Polymers · June 2009

DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200930804


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3 authors, including:

Gonzalo Felipe Avaria Achim Lunk

Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear Universität Stuttgart


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Full Paper

Optical and Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in a

Magnetized Hollow Cathode Arc

Gonzalo Avaria,* Achim Lunk, Attila Schröder, Igor Pavlovitch Vinogradov

The paper presents measurements of the plasma parameters of a hollow cathode arc (HCA)
using Langmuir probes (LPs) as well as optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The plasma of a
HCA is characterized by a high energy beam-like component of electrons which causes a
relatively high ionization degree. Data of LP measurements were evaluated to obtain the
electron energy distribution function (EEDF), which could be approximated by the generalized
Druyvesteyn distribution. The spectroscopic method used is based on the analysis of the
molecular spectra of nitrogen and the atomic spectra of He and Ar. By considering several lines
with different excitation thresholds the EEDF could be obtained in a trial and error procedure
using a regularization routine. Because of the high electron density in HCA, stepwise processes
initiated by metastable states of Ar and He atoms and N2 molecules are taken into account
also. The data evaluated from spectroscopic measurements are compared with those from LP
measurements. The EEDF measured by OES could be approximated by a Maxwellian distri-
bution function.

Introduction low pressure regime (103 mbar) ionization degrees of

nearly 10% can be obtained. The combination of optical
The increasing application of plasma-technological pro- and Langmuir probe (LP) diagnostics offers a good chance
cesses in industry demands further development of to compare different measuring methods and to check the
plasma sources, which are well adapted to the techno- applicability of both methods. The diagnostics of the HCA-
logical requirements. Plasmas sources with high electron plasma was performed with the back-ground of applica-
density as well as high electron temperature are often tion in PEPVD.
favorable in plasma enhanced physical deposition In dc-discharges the measurement of inner plasma
(PEPVD) of inorganic materials. Furthermore the produc- parameters by the LP method is highly developed and
tion cost of the plasma source should be acceptable. The often used.[1] Evaluation of the voltage–current–character-
properties of the hollow cathode arc (HCA) plasma source istics (VCC) of LP gives information about the electron- as
agree with many of these requirements. HCA combines well as the ion-part of the plasma. Data evaluation of the
thermo-ionic emission with the hollow cathode effect so VCC was carried out by a four step procedure: subtraction
that the plasma production is very effective. Beam-like of the ion current from the entire current, fitting of the
electrons with high kinetic energy are detectable near the electron part of VCC, smoothing of VCC, and derivation of
exit of the hollow cathode. Thus, the electron energy the VCC to get the first and the second derivatives. The
distribution function (EEDF) is strongly anisotropic. In the second derivative was adapted by the generalized
Druyvesteyn distribution.[2] The electron density results
from integration of the EEDF. When measurements are
G. Avaria
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
performed in one-component-gases, the electron density
Fax: þ49-711-68563102; E-mail: lunk@ipf.uni-stuttgart.de can be evaluated from ion saturation current because of
A. Lunk, A. Schröder, I. P. Vinogradov quasi-neutrality. In the measurements the OML-theory
Institut für Plasmaforschung, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffen- was applied for the evaluation of the ion saturation
waldring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany current at the cylindrical probe.[1]

Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S352–S356

S352 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200930804
Optical and Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in a Magnetized . . .

Experimental Conditions and Data several lines with different excitation thresholds the EEDF is
Evaluation obtained in a trial and error procedure by a regularization
routine. The EEDF between 1.5 and 4.5 eV was determined
Figure 1 shows the experimental set-up. Mainly it consists from the vibrational distribution of excited molecular states
of the hollow cathode made from LaB6 with gas feed and of nitrogen.[6–8] The EEDF in the energy range higher than
water-cooled anode. At the position of the cathode a 11 eV was evaluated from the intensities of different
Helmholtz coil is mounted which delivers a magnetic field emission lines and bands of He, Ar, and N2, respectively. The
of Bmax ¼ 30 mT. The LP can be positioned at two distances reliability of the EEDF obtained in this way depends on the
to the cathode: dLP ¼ 25 and 60 cm. At dLP ¼ 25 cm were also systematic errors in the experimental device as well as on
placed windows for OES-measurements. The HCA was the accuracy of the model and on the reliability of the atomic
running in a current range from 15 to 110 A in a gas flow and molecular data implemented. An increase in the
range from 20 to 80 sccm. The upper gas flow rate was number of lines improves the quality of the result. This
restricted by the pump speed. A butterfly valve was spectroscopic method can be applied in a wide range of
installed between the plasma volume and the pump so plasma parameters and gives at least an educated guess of
that the pressure in the chamber could be changed the EEDF also at conditions where no other methods are
independently from the gas flow rate. Pressures applied available.
ranged between 0.3 and 5 Pa. The recording and evaluation of data in LP- as well as
Measurements discussed in this paper were performed OES-measurements were carried out in computer-assisted
in Ar and Ar/He, Ar/N2, N2/He mixtures at different devices.
pressures. At discharge currents in the range of 15–110 A,
the discharge voltage ranges from 32 to 42 V. The magnetic
field strength was changed from 0 to 25 mT. For emission Experimental Results and Discussion
spectroscopy, a spectrometer of 30 cm focal length together
with a CCD-camera and a glass fiber were used. A spectral Results of LP-measurements of the ion resp. electron
resolution of 0.05 nm could be achieved. The spectroscopic density in dependence on arc current and total pressure in
system was calibrated in the region of 350 and 750 nm argon are shown in Figure 2a. The probe was located at a
with standard tungsten-ribbon-lamp. distance to the cathode dLP ¼ 25 cm, the Ar-gas-flow rate
Measurements of plasma parameter by OES are often amounts to 60 sccm. In the figure, the solid lines represent
based on the assumption that the EEDF corresponds to a density measurements calculated from the OML-corrected
Maxwellian distribution.[3] This assumption was checked ion saturation current. At a pressure of p ¼ 0.5 Pa, data of
for the conditions in the HCA. For this reason, we applied a this method are compared with results obtained by the
collisional radiative model which considers those processes integration of the EEDF (dotted line). Within an error bar of
and quantities that are mainly influenced by the EEDF in the 20% the data of both methods agree well. In the whole
HCA in mixtures of argon/nitrogen, argon/helium, and range shown the ion density increases nearly linearly with
nitrogen/helium. This method used for the determination of increasing current. The ionization degree x remains
the EEDF without the assumption of a Maxwellian constant at x  0.4% between pressure variations of 0.3–
distribution function was successfully applied in earlier 1 Pa and then drops linearly to x ¼ 0.24% at p ¼ 2 Pa
works in noble gases.[4,5] It can be extended to the analysis of (discharge current I ¼ 100 A, QAr ¼ 60 sccm, B ¼ 0 mT). This
molecular spectra of nitrogen and atomic spectra of He and high ionization degree at low pressure recommends the
was utilized for the determination of the EEDF in glow- and HCA for the application in PEPVD. The ion density in
ECR-discharges.[6–8] By measuring the relative intensity of dependence on magnetic field, which is localized at
cathode, shows no remarkable effects
at the probe position. This result is in
contradiction to measurements in HCA-
set-ups where the whole arc column was
magnetized.[9,10] In these devices the
charge carrier density could be increased
up to one order of magnitude by
increasing the magnetic field from 0 to
500 mT.
The excitation rate of an atom energy
level from the ground state is propor-
tional to the ground state density n0 and
Figure 1. Experimental set-up of the HCA-device. the electron density ne. Taking into

Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S352–S356

ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.plasma-polymers.org S353
G. Avaria, A. Lunk, A. Schröder, I. P. Vinogradov

measurements in an Ar/He mixture on the basis of ion

saturation current because the ratio of Arþ-/Heþ-ions is
not known. Evaluation of the electron density based on the
integration of the VCC-second-derivative could not be
performed at these conditions because the high electron
saturation current destroyed the probe due to evaporation.
So a direct comparison of density data of both methods
was not possible.
A better comparison of data received by LP- and OES-
method can be obtained by measuring the EEDF resp. the
mean kinetic energy of the electrons. Here, the restriction
of high electron densities (ne  1016 m3) is not valid. In
LP-measurements the electron current was fitted by a
Boltzmann-fit after subtraction of the ion current from
the entire current. The fitting procedure performs a
nonlinear fitting of the given signal to a sum of
Boltzmann functions by using nonlinear Marquardt–
Levenberg optimization. After the fitting procedure the
VCC is—if it was necessary—smoothed and the first and
second derivative of the VCC voltage were calculated. The
plasma potential could be derived from the first
derivative. The second derivative was adapted by the
generalized Druyvesteyn distribution function for the
EEDF. The reliability for the fit of the second derivative of
the VCC by a Druyvesteyn EEDF distribution is demon-
strated in Figure 3a. It shows the measured VCC with the
corresponding fitted curve. The second derivative of the
fitted VCC is well fitted by a Druyvesteyn distribution fD
which corresponds to:
Figure 2. (a) Electron density in dependence on discharge current
at different pressures, measured by LP at a distance from cathode   p 
" me 2
to LP dCP ¼ 25 cm. (b) Electron density in dependence on the fD ¼ Ap "1=2 exp Bp ; with " ¼ v ;
discharge current at different pressures, measured by OES at a
eTe 2
distance to the cathode d ¼ 25 cm. p ½Gð5=2pÞ3=2 2Gð5=2pÞ p
Ap ¼ Bp ¼
e ½Gð3=2pÞ5=2 3Gð3=2pÞ
account the excitation and de-excitation processes of
different atom energy levels, it has been shown that for Here p is an adaption parameter with p  1. p ¼ 1
different atoms the ratio of different line intensities only denotes Maxwellian- and p ¼ 2 Druyvesteyn-distribution
depends on electron density.[11,12] In the experiments function. eTe is defined as the mean kinetic energy
presented here, OES-diagnostics and data evaluation for according to 32 eTe ¼< " >e . In Figure 3a the coefficient p
electron density measurements were performed with corresponds to p ¼ 1.87. Typical results for the dependence
intensity ratios of the following lines: He-lines ratio of mean kinetic energy on discharge current are shown in
[667.8 nm (31D-21P)]/[728.15 nm (31S-21P)],[5] He-lines Figure 3b. The mean kinetic energy does not depend on
ratio [492.2 nm (41D-21P)]/[504.8 nm (41S-21P)],[11] and Ar- current and also not on pressure in a wide range. If we
lines ratio [365 nm (4p1) þ 360.7 nm (4p5)]/[425.9 nm assume an error bar of 20% for the determination of the
(3p1)].[12] Figure 2b) shows the dependence of electron mean kinetic energy the deviations from < " > ¼ 3 eV are
density on current measured by OES in an argon/helium inside of the error bars in Figure 3b.
mixture at a distance of 25 cm from the cathode on the The data of EEDF measurements by LP were compared
axis. Note that the minimum electron density which can with data from OES. The following assumptions are
be detected by this technique is in the range implemented in the evaluation of OES-data measured in
of 1016 m3.[11,12] So the measurements at low discharge the HCA:
current are characterized by large error bars. Figure 2b
shows that with increasing current the density increases (i) Excited states of He atoms (He) can be populated by
almost linearly similar to the results of probe measure- direct excitation He(1S0) þ e ! He þ e, and by excita-
ments. The electron density cannot be evaluated by LP- tion via the metastable states Hemet [He(1S0), or

Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S352–S356

S354 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200930804
Optical and Langmuir Probe Diagnostics in a Magnetized . . .

Figure 3. (a) Fitting of the VCC and adaption of the second

derivative of VCC with generalized Druyvesteyn distribution. Figure 4. (a) Dependence of electron temperature on the dis-
(b) Dependence of the mean kinetic energy on discharge current charge current in the HCA at different mixtures, measured by OES
in the HCA, measured by LP. (d ¼ 25 cm). (b) Mean kinetic energy/electron temperature in
dependence on magnetic field strength; comparison between
LP- and OES-measurements (d ¼ 25 cm).
He(3S1)] He(1S0) þ e ! Hemet þ e, Hemet þ e ! He þ e.
Excitation cross-sections of metastable states are Figure 4a shows the summarized results of EEDF-
5.1  1018 and 4.5  1018 cm2 for He(3S1) and measurements by OES. At all measuring conditions the
He(1S0), respectively).[13] form of the EEDF could be approximated by a Maxwell-
2 þ
(ii) Nþ

2 B Su state can be populated by direct excitation, distribution in contradiction to LP-measurements. The
penning ionization [He(3S1, 1
S0) þ N2(X) ! Nþ
2 discharge current was changed from 30 to 60 A and
2 þ [14]

B Su þ He] with a rate constant k ¼ different gas mixtures (Ar/He, Ar/N2, and He/N2) were
7.1  1011 cm3s1 for He(3S1), k ¼ 17  1011 cm3 applied. The electron temperature does not depend on the
s1 for He(1S0), and by a two step excitation process discharge current similar to the results of LP-measure-
through the ground state of Nþ 2 ðXÞ. ments and it does also not depend on the species of gas
(iii) In the mixture of Ar/N2 are considered[15] the followin- mixture. The averaged value is about eTe ¼ 4.0  0.5 eV in
genergy transfer processes for the additional popu- contrast to hei ¼ 3 eV measured by LP. The electron
lation of nitrogen molecule in excited states: Ar(3P2) þ temperature measured by OES showed a similar behavior
N2(X) ! N2(C3Pu) þ Ar with k ¼ 2.9  1011 cm3s1; by applying the longitudinal magnetic field at the cathode.
Ar(3P2) þ N2(X) ! N2(B3Pg) þ Ar with k ¼ 0.6 1011 cm3 Measurements indicate no dependence on the discharge
s1. Because of the relatively high electron density the current in the range of 20–70 A as well as on the species in
stepwise processes via metastable states of Ar and He gas mixture at a constant magnetic field strength of 20 mT.
atoms as well as N2(A) molecules must be taken into However, the electron temperature is increased up to the
account. value eTe ¼ 7.8  0.8 eV.

Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S352–S356

ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.plasma-polymers.org S355
G. Avaria, A. Lunk, A. Schröder, I. P. Vinogradov

The application of a longitudinal magnetic field located high energy tail contributes strongly to the excitation of
at the cathode changes the electron density and electron atoms. Further experiments with plane LPs are in
temperature close to as well as faraway from the cathode. preparation.
The magnetic field influences the processes in the cathode
range two-fold. First: the longitudinal magnetic field
bundles the beam-like electrons which leave the cathode. Conclusion
These bundled electrons increase the density far from the
cathode on the axis. The second influence refers to the The EEDFs evaluated from LP measurements differ from
processes inside cathode. We can assume that the energy Maxwellian ones and can be approximated by the
of the electrons which are accelerated in the cathode drop generalized Dryvesteyn-distribution. The mean kinetic
inside the cathode-hole is in the range of 15 eV in energy of the electrons in dependence on current remains
argon.[16,17] Then the gyro radius of electrons results in constant and shows no significant dependence on
1.3 mm at 10 mT—comparable to the radius of cathode. current. The application of a longitudinal magnetic field
The gyration of electrons can only influence processes to the cathode of HCA seems to change the electron
inside the cathode if the ratio of gyro frequency temperature of the electrons drastically. At higher

over electron collision frequency vg ne > 1. In argon magnetic fields (B > 10 mT) results of the spectroscopic

with a magnet field strength of 25 mT results vg ne  1 measurements of the electron temperature deviate from
for p 3 mbar (elastic collisions are taken into account those received by cylindrical LP.
as the main processes). In former measurements in Received: September 25, 2008; Accepted: January 23, 2009; DOI:
static systems it was shown that the HCA effect is 10.1002/ppap.200930804
working if the product pressure  cathode-diameter
Keywords: DC discharge; electron-energy distribution function;
( p  d)  1.3 mbarcm. The pressure inside the cathode hollow cathode arc; Langmuir probe; optical emission spectro-
cannot be measured in the flow regime. Otherwise, it is scopy
known from previous experiments that at very low gas
flow rates the HCA becomes instable, probably because of
the pressure is to low inside the cathode. Hence, we
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Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S352–S356

S356 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200930804

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