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Alaba Gabriel Idowu

Copyright © 2021 Alaba Gabriel Idowu

All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and
not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
express written permission of the publisher.

ISBN-13: 9781234567890

ISBN-10: 1477123456
This book is dedicated:
To the Almighty God, praising and thanking Him for His loving
To all my fathers and mothers in the Lord. Words will fail
me to describe how grateful I am for your support and guidance. Thank
you all.
To pastor Tope Ajayi (ESQ), the Regional overseer of MFM Egbeda
Youth Church Region 1. Pastor Tope has been my mentor and spiritual
father for more than 13 years. He believed in my visions and gave me
all the necessary support. He stood by me when the road was rough.
To Pastor Ropo Tusin, my spiritual father and the lead pastor of RCCG
Household of Faith, Arlington, TX. When the road was rough and I felt
helpless, Pastor Ropo was one of the Lord's pillars for me to achieve
various feats.

FOREWORD................................................................................... iv
FOREWORD................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 ...........................................................................................1
The Foundation .................................................................................2
Laying A Solid Foundation .............................................................3
Silent Question ................................................................................6
Faulty Foundation ...........................................................................7
Causes of Weak and Faulty Foundation ..........................................8
Chapter 2 .........................................................................................10
The Force of Vision .........................................................................11
What Is Vision ...............................................................................16
Importance of Vision. ....................................................................18
Waiting on The Lord .....................................................................19
How To Discover Purpose ............................................................21
Chapter 3 .........................................................................................22
Paying The Price .............................................................................23
The Price to Pay ............................................................................24
Chapter 4 .........................................................................................30
Confronting Your Fears .................................................................31
How To Confront Fear ..................................................................35
Chapter 5 .........................................................................................38
The Danger of Shortcuts ................................................................39
The Danger of Shortcut .................................................................41
Chapter 6 .........................................................................................45
The Force of Distraction .................................................................46
Sources of Distraction ...................................................................48
How To Avoid Distraction.............................................................51
Chapter 7 .........................................................................................54
Stay on Track ..................................................................................55
Rules For Staying On Track ..........................................................58
Chapter 8 .........................................................................................62
The Danger of Trusting in Man .....................................................63
What Are The Dangers Of Trusting In Man?................................67
Way Out. ........................................................................................69
Chapter 9 .........................................................................................70
The Force of Faith ...........................................................................71
Climbing Insurmountable Mountains............................................75
Chapter 10 .......................................................................................78
Time Management ..........................................................................79
Chapter 11 .......................................................................................83
Connecting to The Mystery of Grace and Mercy ........................84
How To Connect To God’s Grace And Mercy ..............................86

BOOKS BY THIS AUTHOR.........................................................88

FEEDBACK ....................................................................................89
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ................................................................90
A lot of times, there are confusion, fractions, and untold
miseries in our journey of life, which our manual for a successful
Christian life on earth - The Bible -is very clear and unequivocal on
some issues of life. Neglect of the word and disregard for God's order
in our way of life could only bring unpleasant results. Unfortunately,
this is the experience of many people, including the children of God.
However, we would not have you ignorant concerning God's mind
regarding the success or great height God has ordained for us. That is
why "Attaining The Uttermost Height" is a must-read for you. It
contains biblical principles and truths on major life issues that could
enable you to attain the height God ordained for your life. This book
goes directly to the kernels of the issues discussed. Here are the
multiple advantages to reading this book:
Here are the multiple advantages to reading this book:

• This is a refreshing alternative to the reader who is weary of

voluminous texts. So much is compressed into this book.

• To those who have eyes only for the nucleus of the matter, this
book will serve them in good stead.

• The author used simple sentences with good illustrations that

can be easily read and understood by all.

In writing this book, he used his experience as both a pilot and minister
of God to further drive his message. I have been blessed reading this
book, and I warmly recommend 'Attaining The Uttermost Height 'to
you with the prayer that the Lord will use it to make you attain a great
height in our destiny. Again, I recommend this book as a must-read for
everyone who is tired of their destiny's present height and wants
something better.

Pastor Omotayo Samuel Kayode.

RCCG Victory House, Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A.

Attaining The Uttermost Height is a book that reveals and
points believers to the center of God's purposes for their lives. The
Bible tells us that God's plans for us are good and not evil (Jeremiah
29 verse 11). Of course, this does not mean that we will not experience
any pain or affliction, but even as we go through trials, our victory is
sure because God will be with us all the way.
It will be a tragedy for believers to live outside God's will all
because of ignorance (Hosea 4:6). If we don't go to God, the devil is
ready to suggest a counterfeit version of ourselves to us. This book is
carefully written to help believers discover their identity in Christ. You
will find various steps that are clearly highlighted to help attain the God
kind of greatness. By the spirit of God, the writer (Alaba Gabriel
Idowu) has carefully laid out some foundational steps that can lead a
believer to greatness. He is also a son in the Lord I have seen grow in
knowledge and faith in God, and he has been a blessing to the youth
ministry. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who desires
to live at the center of God's plan for their life.
Pastor David Popoola
Regional Overseer
MFM Dallas 1

Chapter 1

The Foundation

T he strength of a building lies in its foundation. So, laying a

proper and solid foundation is wiser and better than having
the best paint on a building. Building engineers understand
this, so they use quality materials and dig deep to ensure their building
projects have a strong foundation.
I once heard a story of a building project. John, an architect,
designed a four-bedroom duplex with a gym and a penthouse for Felix.
Felix fell in love with the design but was advised by his family members
not to retain John’s services as the project manager in order to save some
Several months later, Felix called John and said he was at
loggerheads with his family over the project’s construction and was
willing to hand over supervision to him against his family’s opinion.
Felix felt the builders made some mistakes in constructing the
foundation, which could be costly.
John resumed his supervision role, and on his first visit to the site, he
discovered that the builders did not use the proper soil for the foundation,
and a wrong foundation type was laid. In addition, he observed that the
building would collapse if they continued the work because the
foundation was not solid enough for a bungalow, let alone a duplex. The
correction of the project was more stressful than starting a new project.
They had to pull down the existing foundation to lay a proper and solid
foundation for the building.
Just like the foundation of a building, the strength of every life
and destiny hinges on its foundation. How far you will go in life can be
determined by the strength of the foundation you lay for your life.

Therefore, you must strive to lay a solid foundation that will withstand
the weight of your desired heights. Jesus likens to a wise man, anyone
who digs deep and lays the foundation of his house on the rock (Luke
• Do you know what it takes to dig deep?
Building engineers will tell you that it takes extra effort to dig
deep to find a rock. The people around you might have completed their
buildings while you are still working on the foundation. Don’t be
perturbed; you are securing a future with unimaginable heights that can
withstand unforeseen storms. The exploits you dream of could become a
mirage if your foundation is weak.
• How sad will it be for one’s house to collapse after
finishing it?
• Will you be happy to spend time and resources on a
project that will not last?
Wisdom demands laying a foundation strong enough to withstand
the strength of your vision. With the help of God, this assures a future
free of shame and reproach.

Laying A Solid Foundation

Avoid Ungodliness (Corruption, Falsehood, etc.)

Endeavor not to lay the foundation of your life on falsehood and

corruption. Never engage in anything that will weaken and pollute your

foundation. The word of God says, “Do not be deceived, God is not
mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Gal 6:7).
Taking ungodly steps in laying the foundation of any destiny project will
bring sorrow and regret. Any ungodly action a man takes in life will have
a negative effect on his destiny. You don’t have to manipulate figures
before the Lord elevates you; you don’t have to steal before you succeed.
Those who steal other people’s money to start up a business never last in
that business because they have laid a faulty foundation.
Growing up, I observed people who engaged in examination
malpractices. They hired brilliant contractors to write their papers to
make it to higher institutions. They never knew they were laying a faulty
foundation for their destinies. The same pattern continued in higher
institutions. They struggled till they graduated and could not defend their
certificates. Unknown to most of them, employers are looking for
intellectual candidates, not just certificates. They failed to lay the
foundation of their careers properly. Cheating, stealing, and corruption
pollute your foundation. If you aim to reach the zenith of your career,
business, or ministry, avoid contaminants.
Laying a solid foundation is impossible without diligence. Every
destiny project must be handled with seriousness. There is no one on
earth who cannot be great; it is a lack of discipline that deprives people
of greatness. We need to understand that no one becomes a star by
sleeping; you must work hard and do the right thing at the right time. The
Bible says, “the hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be
put to forced labor” (Proverbs 12:24). The Lord encourages us to learn
from the ant who has no captain, overseer, or ruler. Yet, she works hard
to store up provisions in summer and gathers food at harvest.
“Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise,
which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies

in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will
you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A
little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep-
So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, and your need
like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).
You must also be diligent in acquiring wisdom, knowledge, and
understanding. The word of God says, “Through wisdom, a house is built,
and by understanding it is established; By knowledge, the rooms are
filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Prov 24:3-4). Godly wisdom
is key in laying a firm foundation.


Anyone who wants to lay a solid foundation must plan. Planning

helps in managing available resources. I have seen many people who only
talk about their dreams but don’t plan to execute them. They wait for
huge financial breakthroughs before putting plans in place. All you need
to have your needs met is in your hand. Learn how to manage the little
resources in your hands and see how the Lord will elevate you. Planning
is one of the key ingredients to the actualization of vision. Prayer is
crucial in fulfilling destiny; however, no amount of prayer will take the
place of planning. Failure to plan is an invitation to wastage,
disappointment, and frustration.

Silent Question

I have been asked several times, “why is it that some unbelievers

are prospering, and some believers are struggling”? Unfortunately, this
is a silent question in the minds of many believers.
The principle of sowing and reaping is ever potent in the lives of
both believers and unbelievers. Scripture says, “while the earth remains,
seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and
night shall not cease” (Gen 8:22). If an unbeliever wisely adopts this
principle, it will work for him, and if a believer fails to adopt it, he will
struggle. Whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, you are only due
for harvest if you sow. Jesus also makes us understand that “God makes
His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the
unjust” (Matthew 5:45). The responsibility of greatness is placed on us.
God will play His role while He expects us to play ours. Righteous men
often shift the responsibility of success, greatness, and advancement to
God, making it difficult for them to attain the heights some unbelievers
The responsibility of laying a solid foundation for whatever
height we desire lies on us. God’s grace is available to help us as we
actively work towards laying a solid foundation. If you envision having
a ten-story building on a plot of land and the foundation of that building
is not strong enough for a three-story building, will that house stand? No.
Even if you spend 10 million dollars, the house will collapse. On that
note, if a righteous man fails to lay a solid foundation for the vision God
has given him, he will struggle and experience continuous failure. If an
unbeliever diligently lays a solid foundation for his destiny and builds on
it gradually, the house will stand.

Faulty Foundation

“If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?”
(Psalm 11:3)
The answer to this question is, “reconstruct the foundation.”
I know this might be hard and might not be easy, but the only
solution to this problem is to reconstruct the foundation to ensure it’s able
to carry the weight of whatever you desire.
In most cases, the key to progress is making a U-turn. This might
sound absurd to some people, but let’s think of it; if you have missed your
way, must you continue? No. The further you go on a wrong path, the
farther you are from your destiny. Go back and start all over if you need
to. I know it will be painful, but it’s worth the pain. If you have missed
your career path or laid a faulty foundation, do not be ashamed to start
all over and fix whatever is wrong. It is better to spend another four years
getting things right than to keep patching for the rest of your life. Career
speed is guaranteed when the foundation is properly laid.
Reconstructing a faulty foundation guarantees safety and
serenity. Doctor Olusoga once told me that he needed to go back to read
all the books he used while in medical school because he wanted to
become a consultant in his field. He examined himself and discovered he
did not have adequate knowledge for the height he envisioned. Can he
proceed without going back to read all the books he used while in medical
school? Yes. But he might encounter difficulties that will stop him. The
word of God says, “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim
2:15). To avoid ridicule, he decided to be diligent to re-learn what was
not properly learned.

I heard the story of a brother who did not go to school. At 40, he

approached a minister of God and told him that he would love to go to
school. He did not even have a secondary school certificate. This minister
of God advised him to get a personal teacher who would focus on five
subjects only. He did that and sat for the ‘General Certificate
Examination (GCE)’. To God’s glory, he passed his exams and was
granted admission into one of Nigeria's Universities. In 4 years, he
finished his first degree. Afterward, he went on to complete his master’s
and Ph.D. programs. Today, he’s a lecturer in one of the Universities in
Scripture says, he who observes the wind will not sow, and he
who regards the clouds will not reap” (Ecc 11:4). Take a bold step right
now and rebuild whatever you need to rebuild. The fear of starting all
over renders a man unfit for his desired heights. Do not consider the pain
but fix your eyes on the joy ahead just like Jesus, the author, and finisher
of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of
God (Heb 12:2).
You can attain that glorious height if you are willing to do the
needful. God is always by your side as you work to lay a firm foundation
for your business, career, or ministry.

Causes of Weak and Faulty Foundation

Impatience in all ramifications is often to blame when people
don’t invest in laying a proper and solid foundation. Some people want
to see their future almost immediately; they fantasize about a great future
without the willingness to pay the price. They are eager to make money,

comparing themselves with others without focusing on their own vision

and laying the foundation for the fulfillment of their dreams. They hear
about a flourishing business and jump into it without knowing the
intricacies of that business.
Impatience will take you farther away from your destiny and
entrap you to embrace false breakthroughs prepared to deprive you of the
strength to lay a strong foundation. It is one of the weapons in the hand
of the devil to derail men of glorious destiny. If Jesus had bowed down
to the devil and collected all the devil had to offer because of impatience,
the victory on the cross would have been impossible (Matthew 4:8-10).
Comparing oneself with others and pressure from family and friends are
part of the factors contributing to impatience. Guide yourself against
these factors; they have ruined many destinies beyond repair. Scripture
says, be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6). Your future is great, but
impatience can truncate it.
Laziness and Unwillingness to Pay the Price
Nothing is easy for a lazy man. Laying a solid foundation for a
lazy man is stressful. He would rather have his foundation laid on the
ground than on the rock to avoid the stress of digging deep, even though
he desires having it laid on the rock.
Greatness is not cheap; it comes with a price. If you choose to lay
a weak and faulty foundation, you are already a failure in the school of
greatness. Some people like to skip a mandatory process. They cut
corners and later face the consequences of their craftiness. The truth is,
the future you don't invest in, you cannot wake up to see. Even if the Lord
shows you mercy, the lack of discipline will affect the sustainability of
your greatness.

Chapter 2

The Force of Vision

“Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it
plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for
an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not
tarry” (Habakkuk 2:2-3).

L ife is a race that must be run with precision and accuracy

to obtain a crown of glory. You must understand that God
has not called anyone to become mediocre; however,
mediocrity is inevitable when a sense of purpose and vision is lost. So, to
run the race of life accurately and precisely, destiny's blueprint, which
gives a sense of direction, must be revealed to eradicate confusion in the
pursuit of destiny.
Many people are driven by ambition and have become a victim
of compromise and frustration. Ambition is generally known as a strong
yearning to accomplish something, typically requiring willpower and
hard work (Oxford Dictionary). It is also a solemn craving for some type
of attainment or distinction, as power, honor, recognition, or prosperity
and the readiness to strive for its fulfillment with or without the
consideration of purpose.

Ambition could be positive or negative. Positive ambition is

referred to as passion, and as a matter of fact, anyone who will go far in
life must be passionate about what they do. Negative ambition gives a
false impression of vision; it stems from jealousy, pride, greed, and
selfish desires. Looking at our society today, many people are ambitious,
and scripture tells us, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or
conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than
himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also
for the interests of others” (Phl 2:3-4). The litmus test to know whether
you are ambitious or passionate is the motive of your heart.
• What are the motives behind what you do?
The amplified version of Philippians 2:3 says, “do nothing from
selfishness or empty conceit [through factional motives, or strife].” We
might need to pause for a while and reexamine our motives. Men and
women living a life of positive impacts are not selfish; they commit
themselves to serving humanity and getting blessed in return.
Negative ambition is a self-made vision based on selfish interests.
It’s a force that propels people to attain desired heights by any means,
irrespective of the consequences of their actions. Someone once told me
that every form of ambition is good because it helps people remain
focused and achieve their desired goals. I believe this statement to some
extent, but we need to understand that there are goals that have nothing
to do with fulfilling our destinies. In most cases, negative ambition
propels people to achieve goals that are aimed at impressing others. This
is not what God expects of us. It is pointless to attain a height entirely
outside God’s plan. Every achievement or attainment outside God’s plan
and purpose is meaningless. We all know that God is merciful; He directs
the steps of His own; but when we allow ambition to fuel the vehicle of
our lives, we pay less attention to divine directions. We sometimes focus
on certain projects because we want to prove a point to those who don’t

care about us. When God signals us to follow a different path, we ignore
His signs because we have not impressed and proved a point to our
targeted audience. Only God can lead us to the height He has prepared
for us, not our emotions. Jealousy, pride, and greed are negative
motivations, and they are instruments in the hand of the devil.
The primary purpose of every God given vision is for us to serve
humanity and not for our personal gain, even though we also benefit as
we experience the joy of fulfilling the purpose for which we were created.
If you have the vision of becoming a medical doctor, your purpose is to
save lives; if you have the vision of becoming a lawyer, your purpose is
to defend justice; if you have the vision of becoming a minister of God,
your purpose is to watch over the sheep. When we begin to use our
talents, positions, and achievements to serve humanity, we will find His
provisions in our visions, and our visions become wider.
Men and women of vision are purpose driven. They envision the
purpose of God for their lives and pursue it. They are not envious of other
people’s success but rather get motivated. They understand that striving
to become what God does not want them to become is an act of ambition
that produces a shadow of one’s destiny.
Negative ambition leads to instability. I have encountered several
people who do not have a sense of direction. If they see a successful
lawyer, they automatically dream of becoming a lawyer; if they
encounter a successful nurse, that immediately becomes their vision;
once they encounter a successful businessperson, they begin to tilt
towards business. This set of people ends up being a jack of all trades and
masters of none. God has not called you to solve every problem.
Prayerfully discover the problems He wants you to solve.
Negative ambition has killed several people, including many who
know the plan of God for their lives. Negative ambition makes a man
impatient to see God’s plan come to fulfillment. Every vision has an

appointed time for its fulfillment. The word of God says, “He has made
everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecc 3:11a) Ambition pushes people to
manifest before their time and exposes them to danger. The word of God
says, “for the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will
speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will
surely come, It will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2:3). Patience is a virtue needed
for the fulfillment of our visions. Hebrews 12:2c says, “Let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us.”
• So, why are we impatient?
Ambitious people do anything (good or evil) to attain the desired
height without minding the consequences of their actions. They do not
mind killing or threatening people’s lives to achieve their goals.
Absalom, the son of David, was ambitious. He wanted the throne
of his father by all means. He stole the hearts of the men of Israel (2 Sam
15:6) and deceived his father while working his way to the throne.
“After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with
chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Now
Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate.
So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king
for a decision, that Absalom would call to him and say, “What
city are you from?” And he would say, “Your servant is from such
and such a tribe of Israel.” Then Absalom would say to him,
“Look, your case is good and right; but there is no deputy of the
king to hear you.” Moreover Absalom would say, “Oh, that I were
made judge in the land, and everyone who has any suit or cause
would come to me; then I would give him justice.” And so it was,
whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would
put out his hand and take him and kiss him. In this manner
Absalom acted toward all Israel who came to the king for
judgment. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel. Now

it came to pass after forty years that Absalom said to the king,
“Please, let me go to Hebron and pay the vow which I made to
the LORD. For your servant took a vow while I dwelt at Geshur
in Syria, saying, ‘If the LORD indeed brings me back to
Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.’ ” And the king said to
him, “Go in peace.” So, he arose and went to Hebron. Then
Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, “As
soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say,
‘Absalom reigns in Hebron!’ ” (2 Sam 15:1-10).
Absalom’s ambition made him pretend as if he cared for the men
of Israel. He showed them love and care to win their hearts and conspired
against his father because he wanted the throne God never prepared for
him. The king had to run for his life and wept as he walked to mount
• What could have made a man inflict pain and sorrow on
his father?
• What could have made a man merciless towards his
• What could have made a man chase His father out of the
palace God gave him?
The simple answer is “NEGATIVE AMBITION.”
“So, David went up by the Ascent of the Mount of Olives
and wept as he went up; and he had his head covered and went
barefoot. And all the people who were with him covered their
heads and went up, weeping as they went up” (2 Sam 15:30)
Absalom became heartless and had no compassion for his father
because of his ambition to mount the throne. There are ambitious people
around us, causing pain and sorrow. They take over what belongs to a
whole community and pretend as if they are kindhearted. They feed on

the poor and refuse to show compassion to the masses. They give gifts to
win the people’s hearts and turn against them when their desires are met.
Unknown to them, the finger of God is writing their destruction. What
was the end of Absalom, a man who wanted to take the throne of his
father? Let us see the grave consequences of negative ambition.
“Then Absalom met the servants of David. Absalom rode on a
mule. The mule went under the thick boughs of a great terebinth
tree, and his head caught in the terebinth; so he was left hanging
between heaven and earth. And the mule which was under him
went on”. (2Samuel 18:9) 2
Absalom died a painful death. He allowed ambition and his
wishes to truncate his destiny. Negative ambition is not for believers.
Every believer who wants to attain the uttermost height must strive to get
rid of negative ambition. Believers are visionaries; they run with the
Lord’s given visions and patiently wait on God for its fulfillment.

What Is Vision

We serve a God of orderliness. He does nothing without a plan.

Before the creation of any creature, He has a plan. He said to Jeremiah,
“before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I
sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
Jeremiah’s assignment was revealed to him right there. He knew where
God wanted him to function. Every human has an assignment on earth.
No one is created without a purpose. The discovery of that purpose is
called vision. Take time to ask God the purpose of your creation so that

you will not be circumnavigating in the market square of life. You are
created to solve a problem; solving that problem makes you a star.
Vision is not a dream of the night but God’s plan that can be
prayerfully discovered and passionately pursued. It is the discovery of
purpose. The word of God says, “where there is no vision, the people
perish” (Prov 29:18). God is not referring to physical death but the death
of purpose and destiny. An unfulfilled purpose is as good as dead. It is
pointless to be existing without understanding why you are existing.
Visionaries are people who understand where they are going and
the route to take before commencing the trip. Understanding the path
designed by God for the fulfillment of your vision is crucial. Aircraft
pilots know it is a suicide mission to embark on a flight without
understanding where one is going and having a specific flight plan. Men
of exploits understand this concept; they have a clear vision before
stepping out to execute the vision. You save yourself a lot of stress by
knowing what to do and how God expects you to do it.
The lack of vision leads to disorientation. Disorientation is the
inability to deduce one’s position in God’s plan accurately. The problem
with disorientation is that it leads to disaster. It is important to understand
the purpose of one’s creation and pursue it to fulfill destiny. Erroneously,
several people think financial prosperity equals fulfillment. Financial
prosperity is not proof of destiny fulfillment. Focus on fulfilling purpose
instead of lusting after money. Your provisions, which include money,
are embedded in your purpose- so, run with the vision by fulfilling your
Vision is also the act of understanding the path(s) designed by
God for the fulfillment of purpose. Every path might not lead to your
destination. So, understand the path designed by God to avert destiny
mishap. An aircraft that loses direction is heading for destruction if
imminent correction is not made. Knowing what to do without knowing

how to do it leads to frustration. Having a similar vision with someone

else does not mean you are meant to follow the same path. Eagles do not
compete with other birds; they know their path and follow it. To soar like
eagles, you must understand your vision and follow a predetermined
Several people look successful, but in fact, they are unfulfilled.
They have wasted years fulfilling another man’s purpose. It should be
noted that whatever progress a man makes in the wrong direction is
backwardness. Making a U-turn might look like backwardness, but it is
Attaining the uttermost height requires more than a vision but a
clearer vision. A vision that is not clearly understood becomes an illusion.
An Illusion is a state of wrongly perceiving or interpreting God’s vision,
which leads to confusion. This is the reason many people are running
from pillar to post, trying different businesses without success.

Importance of Vision.

When the road is rough, vision assures you of a better future. So,
knowing the path God designed for you and walking in it builds
confidence and turns you into a person who can achieve great exploits.
You stand a chance of abandoning destiny projects after
encountering hurdles if a more explicit vision is not received. Life is full
of challenges, even on the path designed by God. Some hurdles could
instill fear and make it easy to abandon God’s given projects. Therefore,
having a more explicit vision will strengthen and make you confident to
confront and overcome obstacles.

Focus and Stability

Chances are, those who don’t know what God is asking you to do
will discourage you. Diverse kinds of ideas or counsel will come,
especially when you are going through difficult moments. Vision
becomes a solid anchor that gives you stability amid confusing
suggestions. Vision makes you unmovable in the plan of God and keeps
you focused instead of being swayed by winds of distraction.
Vision helps a man to fix his eyes on the end from the beginning.
That’s why vision-driven individuals are not easily distracted by the
happenings around them.
Vision Keeps You Alive
Vision gives hope, and the word of God says, “hope does not
disappoint” (Rom 5:5). Several people get to the point of despair because
they cannot fix their eyes on the mind of God for their lives. In the midst
of confusion, when all hope is lost, men and women of vision who are in
the Lord can say, “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand
at last on the earth” (Job 19:25). Though the fig tree may not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the
fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and
there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in
the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:17-18).

Waiting on The Lord

I often come across this question, “how do I know God’s plan for
my life?” My response to this question is, “ask God.” Only God can
reveal His plan to us. God’s word says, “I will climb up to my watchtower

and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the LORD says
and how he will answer my complaint.” (Habakkuk 2:1 NLT)
I would like us to analyze this scripture.
“I will climb up to my watchtower.” In this context, ‘to climb’
means to make extra efforts to get to a place where you can have a
dialogue with God. The extra effort might be fasting, praying, and
meditating on God’s word. A watchtower is a quiet place, a lonely place,
void of distraction where God can be sought after. An extra effort is
needed to get to this place, so you need to climb and put behind anything
that will hinder you.
The next important word is “wait.” Prophet Habakkuk says, “I
will wait to see what the Lord says.” He made extra effort to seek the face
of God and waited until a word came from the Lord. How many people
are ready to wait until God releases a word? Understanding God’s plan
requires making efforts to go into the presence of God and waiting on
Him until He speaks. It is better to spend one year waiting on God to lead
you to the right path than to gamble and waste four years on the wrong
Our major problem is the inability to wait on God. God’s word
says, ‘call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty
things, which you do not know’ (Jeremiah 33:3). If we cry to God to show
us the future, He will. Do not be in haste; wait patiently on God and let
Him reveal the blueprint of your destiny so that you will not be confused
in this perplexing world.

How To Discover Purpose

Divine Revelation: God’s purpose for one’s life can be discovered

through divine revelation. Several people discovered the blueprint of
their destinies through divine revelation. However, this must be done
prayerfully because the devil is cunning. If the devil knows you are
waiting on revelations, he can sponsor confusing revelations. The best
way is to get your heart connected to God and follow His leadings.
Divine gifting: God’s given talents are a pointer to the purpose of your
creation. People usually find fulfillment in what they are naturally gifted
at. Talents are given for profiting. Do not bury your talents; God expects
you to use them to propagate His kingdom.
Passion: Someone once said your passion is the pointer to the problem
you are created to solve. God sometimes does not give us revelation to
tell us what He expects us to do but places certain burdens on our hearts
and makes us passionate about working on them. The truth is, you are
better able to stay focused and persevere in the face of challenges when
you’re doing something you are passionate about.
When God decides to help a man discover purpose through
passion, He places a drive that drives him to his destiny. This drive is the
power of God that resides and works in us. Apostle Paul says, “for it is
God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure” (Phil
2:13). This means God’s power inside us gives us the will (desire) to do
His will (purpose). If you are still unsure of His purpose for your life, cry
to God for more of His power to drive you to your destiny.

Chapter 3

Paying The Price

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down
first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it lest,
after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who
see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and
was not able to finish’ (Luke 14:28-30)?

reatness is everyone’s desire, but it requires a price.

G Unfortunately, several people have been unable to attain
greatness due to their unwillingness to pay the price. A
popular proverb says, “if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
Your dreams could become an illusion if you are not determined
to pay the price to bring them to life. According to Jesus, it is pointless
to start a project without counting the cost.
In the school of greatness, there are unavoidable prices to pay to
attain the desired heights. The truth is that prayer and fasting are crucial,
but they cannot be substituted for the price required to attain the glorious
place God has prepared for you.

The Price to Pay

The Price Self-Denial

Anyone who lacks self-denial will have difficulties attaining the
uttermost height. If by chance, he attains it, lack of self-denial will bring
him down. Let us examine some of the things we must deny to attain
desired heights.
Pleasure and worldly possessions: Undoubtedly, the Lord created
all things for our good, except the forbidden fruits. However, the devil
can use the good things of this world to distract and rob us of a glorious
Lovers of pleasure and worldly possessions are easily distracted
and have difficulties becoming resolute to see their dreams come true.
Those who are resolute set their faces like flint until they achieve their
goals. They channel all resources towards accomplishing their goals and
are unmindful of their peers and society's opinions. Some of them get rid
of material possession to acquire necessary resources to attain their
desired heights. They place value on their future more than their present
needs. They have no regard for the sufferings of this present age as it is
written in Romans: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time
are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in
us” (Rom 8:18).
It is disheartening that the majority of the youths today are
materialistic. They want to buy the latest car to show off and impress
their peers. All they want is money without sustainable plans and goals.
Therefore, they live like the prodigal son who spent all he was given on
prodigal living.
There are people holding expensive phones that can be traded for
what it takes to build a glorious future. They keep complaining about the

economy of their nations, forgetting that every man has to fight for his
destiny. The United States of America is a great nation; people migrate
from all over the world to live there, yet numerous citizens of this great
nation are without shelter, simply because many of them squandered their
opportunities, wasted resources, abused credit cards, and had no plans for
the future. In this same country, many foreigners are successful, while
many are living like beggars. So, if you keep complaining about your
nation's economy without controlling your spending, your dreams can
become a mirage. God’s Word makes us understand that “there is
desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man
squanders it” (Proverbs 21:20). A popular proverb says little drops of
water make an ocean. However, due to the lack of self-discipline, you
can waste those tiny drops on extravagant living and end up in poverty.
While growing up, I noticed some people who were disciplined
and focused. You could predict the dress they would wear the following
day, even though some of them had money to buy new clothes, but they
would rather use their money to buy the books they needed in school or
go for extramural classes. The sacrifices they made then are paying off
now. They sacrificed pleasures for the heights they desired in life.
It surprises me to see people trusting God to enlarge the coast of
their businesses waste business funds on purchasing new fabrics for
irrelevant celebrations. God cannot be held responsible for your lack of
discipline. Deal with devourers, or they deal with you.
Sleep: Sleep is a thief of time that robs people of their opportunities and
subjects them to abject poverty if not adequately controlled.
“A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest;
So shall your poverty come like a prowler, And your need like an
armed man” (Proverbs 24:33-34).

“Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty; Open your eyes,
and you will be satisfied with bread” (Proverbs 20:13).
A man of vision does not give in to sleep. He controls his sleep to
achieve his purpose on earth. The devil has already captured you if you
love sleep more than anything in life. Sleep deprives you of the time you
should devote to thinking, praying, and working on your goals. If you
want to see your dreams fulfilled and attain your desired heights, you
have to control your sleep and dedicate your time to working on destiny
Some people prefer to sleep rather than engage in activities that
enhance knowledge and widen visions. They have high expectations but
are unwilling to deny themselves momentary pleasures to ensure their
dreams come true.
High-flyers sacrifice their sleep. They do not fold their hands
during the day and lie in bed. Instead, they carve out time at night to think
and work toward accomplishing their goals because great ideas often
come at night when the mind is free of irrelevant activities.
Denying yourself some sleep does not mean you won't rest at
night. It is medically proven that oversleeping leads to medical problems,
including diabetes and heart disease (Carol DerSarkissian, 2020).

The Price Humility

When it comes to destiny fulfillment, you must get rid of your
ego. It will prevent you from taking specific steps to attain certain
heights. Jesus is our role model; The Word of God says, “Let this mind
be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God,
did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no
reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness

of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself

and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name
which is above every name” (Phil 2:5-9).
Jesus humbled Himself and disregarded His reputation because
He needed to fulfill His destiny on earth. Imagine the King of kings
coming to this world to be maltreated by the people He came to save. He
went through the highest form of ridicule anyone could ever go through
because of His mission on earth. Scripture encourages us to look unto
Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set
before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at
the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).
You will miss lots of destiny opportunities if you fail to deal with
your ego. All in the name of trusting God, some people are ashamed of
picking up menial jobs. They have high expectations forgetting that the
way to the top is down. The annoying thing is that many of them are
dying of hunger and still refuse to humble themselves. Is it not better to
pick up menial jobs than to borrow or beg for food?
Great men have their stories. Many of them started with menial
jobs; they saved up in the process and paid for the education they desired.
In the process, the Lord elevated them. People envy their riches without
the willingness to pay the price they paid. Kenny Troutt, the founder of
Excel Communications, is an American billionaire who self-sponsored
himself to higher institutions selling life insurance. There is dignity in
labor, do whatever menial jobs your hands find to do as you work toward
attaining your desired heights.
I heard the testimony of a woman who used to work in a high
school. She lost the passion for working for that school and told her
husband she needed to do something else. One day, she baked beans
pudding for her sister-in-law. A friend of her sister-in-law ate part of the

beans pudding and requested the services of the person who made it. She
became fulfilled baking beans pudding and cooking for people. To her
surprise, different people began to order beans pudding from her. One
glorious day, the Lord told her to package beans pudding and start selling
it in front of the school where she used to work. She felt so sad because
it was ridiculous and shameful for her to start selling beans pudding in
front of the school where she used to work. The Lord told her He would
raise someone else to do it if she was not willing. At that point, she
reminded herself, “there is dignity in labor”. She obeyed the Lord’s
instruction and began to sell beans pudding in front of that school. Some
people mocked her, some bought it to encourage her, and some
patronized her out of pity. Surprisingly, one of the people who patronized
her asked her if she could be cooking for a corporate organization. She
consented to it and became their caterer. That became the beginning of
her breakthrough.
Sometime later, she attended a training program organized by a
foreign-based organization to train industrious women. The organizers of
the training were impressed when she came out to share her testimony.
They asked her if she would be willing to travel to the United Kingdom
and the United States to share her testimony. It was a huge surprise to her
because nobody thought something good could come out of her. She lost
the hope of becoming a great person because she didn't have formal
education like her siblings. They funded her trip to the United Kingdom
and the United States to share her testimony. On getting to the United
States, she was surprised to find herself sharing her testimony in front of
nobles like the president of the United States and former President
Olusegun Obasanjo. She is fully established in the catering business with
lots of people working for her. All this happened to her because she got
rid of her ego.
You don’t know where God is taking you to. That which you
consider senseless may be what God intends to use to elevate you. We

serve a God who uses the foolish things of this world to confound the
wise. All He wants from you is obedience. If you think He’s taking you
through a shameful situation, rest assured, He’s bringing you into glory.
Working for younger folks could be shameful, especially when
they are disrespectful. However, don’t be discouraged; God might have
decided to put your bread on their tables because He wants to teach you
humility. Failure to learn this lesson could hinder the fulfillment of
In conclusion, make up your mind to pay whatever godly price
you need to attain your desired heights. You can't afford to be lazy.
Scripture says, “Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle person
will suffer hunger” (Proverbs 19:15). It is not God’s will for anyone to
remain poor or stagnant. God expects you to take the bull by the horn.
The only thing you are not required to do is to steal or defraud others.
Don’t be ashamed to do a legitimate job others disdain. It could be your
steppingstone. The God of all grace is faithful, “He raises the poor out of
the dust and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that He may seat him with
princes- with the princes of His people” (Psalm 113:7-8).

Chapter 4

Confronting Your Fears

• Are you afraid of confronting your challenges?

• Would you rather remain where you are or confront
• Are you scared of taking risks?
Let us examine what the word of God says.
“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with
My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Life is full of risks that are scary, and God does not expect you to live
a life that is completely risk-free. Victory begins when you decide to
confront your fears and take God by His word. There are heights you
cannot attain until you confront and overcome your fears.
• A life of exploits becomes impossible without confronting fears.
Fear is an enemy that must be dealt with if we desire to experience
the full manifestation of destiny. It keeps people in bondage and hinders
the fulfillment of God’s purpose in their lives.
Bethel was crucial to the fulfillment of God’s promises in the life of
Jacob. He lived in Laban’s house for over twenty years and could not
fulfill God’s plan for his life. He was afraid of returning to Bethel because
he cheated on his brother, which kept him out of God’s plan for his life.
He became what the Lord wanted him to become after confronting his
fears and returning to Bethel, where the Lord met with him.

“Then God appeared to Jacob again when he came from Paddan-

aram, and He blessed him And God said to him, “Your name is
Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel
shall be your name.” So He called his name Israel. Also God said
to him: “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation
and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall
come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac
I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land.”
Then God went up from him in the place where He talked with
him (Gen 35:9-13).
If you are going to be great in life, you will be faced with
situations that demand decisive actions that look like a risk, and failure
to trust God in taking such a risk can render you an average person.
The devil wants you to live in fear to rob you of the reality of your
destiny. You need to wake up and understand that it is better to confront
your fears than manifesting a shadow of your destiny.
Naomi had been in the United States for over twenty years
without valid immigration status. She could not travel outside the United
States even though she had things to do outside the country. She was
stuck, unable to accomplish a number of important goals and achieve the
greatness she desired. However, she was scared of returning to her home
country. The situation seemed too uncertain and the risk too big, but she
needed to break the barrier of not being able to travel in and out of the
country. As a Christian, she did not want to go through ungodly ways to
get a valid immigration status even though many people encouraged her
to do so.
A friend advised her to apply for a Canadian student visa since
the godly ways of getting her papers in the United States were becoming
difficult. She loved the idea; however, she needed to travel to her home
country to apply for the visa. She was unsure of what to do because

getting a Canadian visa in her home country could also be difficult. She
pondered over this for months and eventually decided to take the risk;
she traveled back home to begin the process of getting her Canadian
student visa. When she got home, she trusted God to intervene. The Lord
showed her favor, and she obtained a Canadian study permit and
relocated to Canada.
She called me one day to inform me that she would be traveling
to South Africa for vacation. I smiled and gave glory to God. She’s now
able to travel to various places to do those things she could not do before.
Her progress was tied to her fears. She was caged in the United States
and could not fulfill destiny. There are many people in that situation
today. They have been in the United States (or any other country) without
valid immigration papers to travel freely and are scared of returning to
their home country. The life they live in the US is not particularly
pleasant, but their fears keep them stuck.
Fear is one of the instruments the devil uses to stop people from
attaining the uttermost height. Fear has crippled many destinies and
frustrated numerous divine projects. Fear is sometimes defined as false
evidence appearing real. The truth about life is, it will be difficult to enter
God’s promises without overcoming fear. The moment the devil
perceives that you are on a mission to possess your possession, he
surrounds you with a cloud of fears.
I am not here to lie to you; I will say it the way it is. There are
giants you must confront before entering the promised land. Confronting
these giants will seem like a risk, and faithless people around you will
discourage you.
The Israelites knew Canaan was a land flowing with milk and
honey, but they feared possessing it because of giants occupying the land.
They had traveled thousands of miles and finally arrived at the verge of
their breakthrough, yet they could not enter because they were afraid to

confront giants living in the land. They thought of appointing a leader

who would lead them back to Egypt, a land of bondage. This infuriated
God, and He vowed not to allow them to enter the land He prepared for
them but allowed only Caleb and Joshua to enter because they had a
different spirit.
“Then they told him and said: “We went to the land where you
sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit.
Nevertheless, the people who dwell in the land are strong; the
cities are fortified and very large; moreover, we saw the
descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites dwell in the land of
the South; the Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in
the mountains; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and along the
banks of the Jordan” (Numbers
People sometimes prefer to remain in bondage than step up to the
good fight of faith against their fears. Fear prevents them from gaining
access to what God has prepared for them by weakening their spirits and
making goals seem too daunting and unachievable. Fear is a voice of
defeat that needs to be silenced in order to manifest destiny and attain the
utmost height. The Israelites had the strength to possess the land of
Canaan but were weakened through fear.
Fearful people are afraid of starting new things. They would
rather give you hundreds of reasons for remaining where they are than
take a bold step of faith to make progress. They are comfortable with
stunted growth.

How To Confront Fear

Seek Knowledge: The word of God says, “my people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge reveals the mystery behind
our fears; it levels mountains and strengthens us to confront our fears.
Knowledge disperses the cloud of assumption, gives you a clearer
picture of what you are afraid of, and broadens your understanding to
develop ways of overcoming your fears. Without knowledge and
understanding, a plain will look like a mountain and one will consider
himself helpless and hopeless. The bible says, “a man who wanders from
the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead” (Prov
• Have you done enough research about what seems like a
• Have you studied the lifestyle of those who succeeded in doing
what you are afraid of doing?
Inadequate knowledge is responsible for most of our fears. You will
be amazed at how easy it will be to overcome those fears after acquiring
knowledge. You can overcome the fear of starting a business by
researching it. Because some people failed in certain businesses does not
mean no one succeeded.
Be Strategic: You must be strategic while confronting certain fears.
Jacob adopted this principle when his messengers returned from meeting
with Esau. He divided the people that were with him into two companies,
including the flocks, herds, and camels; in case Esau decided to attack
one the other will flee (Gen 32:7-8). This is the application of wisdom.
Do not throw all your eggs in one basket, expect the Lord says otherwise.

Most people who made it to the top are strategic; they walk in
wisdom, take God-approved risks and arrive at the climax of their
Because God is leading you to start a business does not mean you
should not take calculated risks. Several people have made mistakes and
shifted the blame on God. They went into a God-approved business and
got nothing out of it because they failed to seek knowledge that would
have helped them be strategic concerning what God asked them to do.
They often question the integrity of God forgetting the word of
God says, “wisdom is profitable to direct.” (Ecc 10:10). I have seen
people who quit their jobs and started their businesses and regretted
afterward because they failed to seek knowledge and were not strategic
about it. Be Prayerful and Full of Faith: Don’t just talk about your fears,
pray about them. Prayer is a key in the hand of believers to turn situations
around. Jacob prayed earnestly and believed the Lord would answer his
prayers. Indeed, his prayers were answered, his brother, Esau, was glad
to see him (Gen 32:9-12, and Gen 33:4).
Prayer and rugged faith will strengthen you to move mountains.
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James
5:16). Esther risked her life by approaching the king when it was not right
to do so. She prayed to God and her prayer was answered. Spend time in
the place of prayer and you will see God do wonders.
“Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the
Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor
drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast
likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law;
and if I perish, I perish!” (Esther 4:15-16).
Humble Yourself: Jacob did something interesting. He bowed seven
times as he moved closer to his brother to appease him,

“Then he crossed over before them and bowed himself to the

ground seven times, until he came near to his brother” (Gen 33:3).
If you are arrogant, you will be complicating issues for yourself.
You will find it difficult to confront some mountains. Humility
softens people’s hearts towards you and opens great doors.
see him (Gen 32:9-12, and Gen 33:4).
Prayer and rugged faith will strengthen you to move mountains.
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James
5:16). Esther risked her life by approaching the king when it was not right
to do so. She prayed to God and her prayer was answered. Spend time in
the place of prayer and you will see God do wonders.
“Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the
Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor
drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast
likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law;
and if I perish, I perish!” (Esther 4:15-16).
Humble Yourself: Jacob did something interesting. He bowed seven
times as he moved closer to his brother to appease him,
“Then he crossed over before them and bowed himself to the
ground seven times, until he came near to his brother” (Gen 33:3).
If you are arrogant, you will be complicating issues for yourself.
You will find it difficult to confront some mountains. Humility softens
people’s hearts towards you and opens great doors.

Chapter 5

The Danger of Shortcuts

G od designs a path for everyone to follow to fulfill destiny.

This path could be rough or smooth, depending on what
God intends to use you for. If you are journeying on a
more turbulent path, you need to understand that God is not wicked to
make you go through challenging moments without a plan to work it all
out for your good. Before the creation of the world, God has a plan for
you, and he is raising you for that purpose. A rough path is a path of
training to expose humans to what they need to fulfill God’s plan.
Humans cannot fathom God’s wisdom, He reigns from eternity to
eternity, and only He knows how to work out His plans for man. If you
cannot trust His wisdom, you may be dislocated in His plans for your life.
Therefore, depending on God and trusting His wisdom is important in
fulfilling destiny and attaining the uttermost heights. It is wise to trust the
One who knows the end from the beginning, who can use anything and
everything to work out His plan.
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times,
what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do
all that I please' (Isaiah 46:10).
Let’s use this illustration. The distance from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to
Oklahoma-city is about 96 nautical miles, and we have four persons
heading to Oklahoma-city from Tulsa to talk about their experience on
the way. The first person may be opportune to fly to Oklahoma-city and
arrive there in less than 40mins, while the second person may be blessed
with a car and drive for about 1 hour, 30 mins. The third person may also
be blessed to go through a greyhound bus and spend about 4 hours on the

road, and the fourth person may not have the opportunity to fly, drive, or
use public transport like a greyhound. So, he may need to trek to
Oklahoma-city and spend over 24 hours on the road. So, the question is,
is God unjust to make the fourth person trek? Not at all. God does things
according to His plans.
The first person will have no clue of what to experience from
point A to Point B. The second person may notice many things without
having a comprehensive knowledge of those things. The third person
might also observe certain things and take note of a few things. Finally,
the fourth person will see everything along the road and probably have a
comprehensive knowledge of those things. Therefore, even though the
journey may look difficult and exhausting, he will be the most
experienced and celebrated person at the destination.
A rough path could be exhausting and burdensome, but it pays in
the long run. Comparing ourselves to others makes the journey difficult
and sometimes prevents us from noticing the various things God is trying
to draw our attention to. If the fourth person complains and laments as he
embarks on that journey, he will get nothing out of the journey.
Complaints and grumbling hinder humans from learning what God wants
them to learn. This is why many people go through difficult moments
without fulfilling purpose and eventually fail in the school of destiny. We
must learn how to endure hardship and learn whatever lesson the Lord
wants us to learn in challenging times. That was why Paul said, “you
therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2Tim
Shortcuts often seem incredibly fast but can end up taking people
far away from God’s original plan. People who cannot hold on to God in
difficult situations opt for shortcuts and later realize they have missed
God’s plan for their lives.

The Danger of Shortcut

A Waste of God’s Investment

I've come to realize that anytime a man opts for a shortcut, he’s
wasting divine investment. The Lord makes us understand that when we
pass through the waters, He will be with us, and through the rivers, waters
shall not overflow us. We shall not be burned when we walk through the
fire, nor shall the flame scorch us (Isaiah 43:2). This verse of the Bible is
not a conditional statement. It is a statement assuring us of events that
will happen in life. God knows we will be faced with fire-like and water-
like situations, but victory is ours.
The question is, who do you think is making provision for the
waters, the rivers, and the fire? Amazingly, it is the Lord. He makes all
these provisions for our transformation. But, unfortunately, many
Christians don’t like to hear such things. All they want to hear is
blessings. Yes, blessings are coming your way, but you will still pass
through the waters, the rivers, and the fire of life because they will work
together for your good.
Tough times are not easy, but they are priceless opportunities of
greatness given to us by God. God uses the challenges of life to mold,
transform, and prepare us for what He has in store for us. A difficult
moment is a class in the school of greatness where God molds people’s
character by making them go through fire for them to come out as gold.

Shortcuts Terminate God’s Plan.

The wisdom of man cannot perform God’s plan. You will need to
depend on the wisdom of God to fulfill His purpose. People take all kinds
of steps because they want to skip the rigorous process designed by God.

Almost everyone quotes Jeremiah 29:11, without realizing why the Lord
said so. It was a prophecy given to those taken captive by
“for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”
(Jeremiah 29:11).
For understanding, let us examine Jeremiah 29:4-10
“Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all who were
carried away captive, whom I have caused to be carried away
from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and dwell in them; plant
gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and beget sons and
daughters; and take wives for your sons and give your daughters
to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters— that you
may be increased there, and not diminished. And seek the peace
of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive
and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace.
For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let
your prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive
you, nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed.
For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent
them, says the LORD. For thus says the LORD: After seventy
years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My
good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place”
(Jeremiah 29:4-10).
We can see that God orchestrated their captivity. God debunked
the prophecies given by false prophets and made them realize it was His
plan for them to be taken captive. He also advised them to feel
comfortable in their captivity because He had a plan. God has a plan that
is yet to be revealed concerning your situations, relax and trust Him. No
one knew their captivity would lead to God’s name being glorified in

Babylon. Daniel and the three Hebrews fulfilled the plan of God in
Babylon. God simply allowed them to be taken captive to learn the
language and customs of the land and get integrated into the political
system for His glory to be proclaimed. Can you see the wisdom of God
in action? He can use anything to work out His plan. We often give credit
to the devil and his agents for all the happenings in our lives without
realizing that nothing happens without the knowledge of God. Daniel and
the three Hebrews would have missed their destinies if they had left
Babylon, and God’s plan would have been frustrated.
Those who love you can frustrate God’s plan in your life if you
are not sensitive to things of the Spirit. Those who love you sometimes
do not want you to go through difficult moments, they are too caring, and
they can get very worried and concerned about you in difficult moments.
If your loved ones refuse to help you, I would like you to see the hand of
God in it. Never be discouraged. God knows all you are going through.
At God’s appointed time, the rough path will become smooth.

Shortcuts Stop Progress

In the process of taking a shortcut, one could get stuck. The path
that seems to be fast and smooth could bring sorrow and regrets. The
consequences of it might not be apparent now, but in the long run, it will
be devastating. Therefore, anyone who wants to attain the utmost height
must be careful and avoid taking shortcuts.
I was advised to take a shortcut during my aviation training
because my training was taking too long. Someone told me to manipulate
and alter my logbook; I declined because I fear God. Indeed, that could
have saved me some money and time, but I knew it would come with
some unforeseen consequences. When I finished that training, I
transferred to another school for additional training. The first examiner

that was to conduct my check-ride said, “I don’t like your logbook, and I
don’t even think all the hours you have in this logbook are correct”. I
replied, “everything here is correct”. Before I knew what was going on,
he reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and asked
them to verify my logbook. They asked me to contact all the schools I
have been to and request my flight training records, which I did. They
appointed someone who went over my logbook and cross-checked it with
all the flight training records sent from all the schools I have been to. If I
had manipulated my logbook by recording flight hours I never did, that
would have been the end of my career. All the time and money I spent
would have been a waste, and the shortcut would have cut short and
stopped my progress. The uttermost height I aimed for would have
become a shattered dream.

Shortcuts Hinder Your Testimony

The devil presents shortcuts to prevent us from trusting the ability
of God and having our testimonies. David wouldn’t have had the courage
to confront Goliath if he had not attacked a bear. His encounter with the
bear strengthened and reminded him of the ability of God to deliver.
Scripture says, “and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by
the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”
(Rev 12:11). David held on to his testimony and marched forward to
defeat Goliath with a faith-empowered stones.
Testimonies build up and strengthen us to soar higher. They are
powerful weapons to confront future obstacles. You are running away
from small obstacles; how will you confront great obstacles? Therefore,
whosoever is willing to attain the uttermost heights must, as a matter of
necessity, avoid shortcuts to keep scaling new heights.

Chapter 6

The Force of Distraction

istraction is a force that consciously or unconsciously
takes away one's attention from a pursuit. It is one of the
forces preventing people from attaining their desired

The devil knows defeating those who are focused is difficult, so

he uses distractions to get people off track.
There are perceptible and imperceptible distractions. Sensitive
believers easily overcome perceptible distractions due to the fact that
their harmful effects are often very obvious. However, imperceptible
distractions are harder to identify or recognize because they often seem
innocuous and desirable to many people.
If the devil is unsuccessful in taking your eyes off your pursuit,
you will hit your mark no matter the severity of your challenges. Most of
the people who started well but missed it along the way succumb to
distractions. They started strong with the hope of finishing strong but got
caught up in the web of distractions.
Until the zeal of your pursuit consumes you, you are likely going
to give in to distractions. Elisha was a man who was completely
consumed by the zeal of his pursuit. He was determined to receive the
double portion of Elijah's spirit. Even though Elijah tried all he could to
leave him behind the way he left his first servant behind.

“Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here please, for the LORD has sent
me as far as Bethel." But Elisha said, "As the LORD lives and as
you yourself live, I will not leave you." So they went down to
Bethel” Now the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came
out to Elisha, and said to him, “Do you know that the LORD will
take away your master from over you today?” And he said, “Yes,
I know; keep silent!” Then Elijah said to him, “Elisha, stay here,
please, for the LORD has sent me on to Jericho.” But he said, “As
the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So
they came to Jericho. Now the sons of the prophets who were at
Jericho came to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that the
LORD will take away your master from over you today?” So he
answered, “Yes, I know; keep silent!” Then Elijah said to him,
“Stay here, please, for the LORD has sent me on to the Jordan.”
But he said, “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not
leave you!” So the two of them went on (2 Kings 2:2-6).
• Are you on a mission to fulfill a mandate?
• Are you determined to fulfill your destiny?
It will help if you learn how to turn deaf ears to comments that will
weigh down your spirit and prevent you from pursuing your goals.
Discourage words are distractions; they can drain you of the needed
strength to continue the journey. For instance, the sons of the prophets
almost got Elisha discouraged by informing him of what the Lord wanted
to do.
I need to say this carefully. Sometimes, you have to ignore
people’s opinions and revelations and pursue what the Lord impresses on
your heart, for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His
good pleasure (Phil 2:13). People’s opinions and their contrary
revelations to whatever the Lord is saying could be imperceptible
distractions the devil intends to use to rob you of your glorious crown.

I’ve come across many people who missed their marks by trusting
other people’s visions and revelations more than what the Holy Spirit
impressed on their hearts. While respecting other people’s spiritual
discernment is good, we must constantly remind ourselves that the Holy
Spirit is our teacher. He may choose to confirm His word through another
Spirit-filled person. The crucial thing is to be sure you are working in
alignment with His leading, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
these are sons of God (Romans 8:14). However, don’t impatiently and
proudly discard any revelation contrary to what the Holy Spirit is
impressing on your heart, seek clarity before the Lord, and be sure your
emotion is not misleading you.
The sons of the prophets at Bethel and Jericho were the major
distraction Elisha had to deal with. They were discouragers who
considered it pointless for Elisha to keep following Elijah, knowing that
the Lord was about to take Elijah. The devil arranges such discouragers
your way whenever he perceives your determination to fulfill destiny. He
bombards your life with those who cannot see the future in your pursuit.
They may try to prove you wrong by giving you statistical analyses of
why your pursuit will fail. The honorable thing to do is to fix your eyes
on your goals. God’s given dreams are achievable with the help of God,
even with limited resources.

Sources of Distraction

Pursuing Many Things at a Time

Singleness of purpose was the secret to Elisha’s ministerial
exploits. He unwaveringly pursued what was required for his relevance.
The sons of the prophets have been in the ministry before him, yet none
of them had a track record of his ministerial exploits because he chased

what was paramount to the fulfillment of his ministry. You will leave an
indelible mark on your generation and change the history of your lineage
if you prayerfully and resolutely pursue what is essential to the
fulfillment of your destiny.
You need to sit down and ask yourself, what must I pursue to
attain my desired height? Once you discover that and you prayerfully and
purposefully pursue it, beyond the sky is the limit. But if you chase after
many things when your feet are yet to be established in one, you will end
up an average person.
Some motivational speakers encourage various sources of income
in the quest to become rich. It is not a bad approach, but if your strength
is not large enough to accommodate numerous businesses, such an idea
will be a distraction, and none of those businesses will thrive.
The story of brother Nicholas reminds me of the effects of chasing
after many things. He had four businesses and constantly complained of
being broke. He thought it was a spiritual attack because things were not
just working for him, and he was heavily in debt. He approached his
pastor, who carefully listened to him and told him, “you need to focus on
one of the businesses for the next six months and see what happens”. The
brother yielded to this counsel. He focused on one of the businesses, and
after a few months, he was debt-free. The problem was that he could not
concentrate his energy on any of the businesses, making it difficult to
succeed. Scripture says, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your
might” (Ecc 9:10). It is not wrong to have more than one or two
businesses. As your capacity increases, you will gain the strength and
grace to do so without losing focus.

Wrong Company

The company you keep has a profound influence on your destiny.

Associating with people with wrong mindsets is a disaster waiting to
happen. Jealousy will stem from such a relationship, and if care is not
taken, you will be discouraged from scaling new heights. Several years
ago, a young man was admitted to the same school I attended. I was the
first African man he met; he was so happy to meet with a born-again
Christian. A few weeks later, I saw him mingling with a non-
academically focused guy. I tried engaging and discussing with him so
that he would not be distracted, but he was reluctant. As time went by, I
noticed he was no longer serious academically. The guy he made friends
with negatively influenced him and got him off track. He could not
complete in 2 years a program that should have lasted six months. His
parents came and withdrew him from the program and flew him back
home. Here was a man who had a dream of becoming a professional pilot
but lost the opportunity of becoming one and wasted close to thirty
thousand dollars due to the wrong association.
You must be mindful of the company you keep. Some
associations will do you harm more than good. If you associate with like-
minded folks, you will be motivated to keep scaling new heights.
Scripture tells us, as iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the
countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17). Socialize with purpose-
driven believers who will bring the best out of you.
Avoidable Demands and Desires
Reaching the peak of one's endeavor demands adopting the
principles of self-denial. That is the ability to say “NO” to certain
demands and desires. Our needs are imperceptible distractions that the
devil uses as bait to get us off track. When the devil spots a man who is
determined to fulfill destiny, he creates other important needs to distract

Apostle Paul finished strong by adhering to the principle of self-

denial. He says, "all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought
under the power of any" (1 Cor 6:12). No one can successfully hit his
mark without adopting this principle.
The greatest of these distractions is the love of money.
Undoubtedly, money is important, but the devil uses the love of money
to change people’s focus and get them derailed. Once money becomes
your motivator, you are on the verge of being distracted.
Beloved, understand this, once the devil is unsuccessful in luring
you with the things of this world, no height is unattainable. Rest assured,
with patience and perseverance, stubborn difficulties will be overcome.

The devil is using pleasure to waste precious time and resources.
Lovers of pleasure can waste their savings on meaningless celebrations.
That’s why the word of God says, “he who loves pleasure will be a poor
man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich” (Prov 21:17). You may
become a first-class prey of distraction if you give in to pleasure.

How To Avoid Distraction

Determination is the key to success. It is difficult to distract a
determined person. One of the things we deal with while flying is the
wind. The wind will strive to drift you off course, especially if it is a

crosswind. What we do is crab into the wind to avoid drifting off-course.

If you are a man going somewhere, you must be determined to crab into
the wind. This requires going the extra mile to achieve your goals.
Determination opens difficult doors and gives you the strength to climb
unmovable mountains.
The song of every determined person is, “I have set the LORD
always before me; because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved”
(Psalm 16:8). So, they shun every distraction the devil is bringing their
way and give it all it takes to remain focused.

Deal With Ignorance

The devil hides under the canopy of ignorance to distract people.
Therefore, you must hunt for knowledge to expose his secrets concerning
you. Scripture says, "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
(Hosea 4:6).

Keep Good Company

Keeping company with those heading in the same direction as you
will keep you on track. Remember, “he who walks with wise men will be
wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20). If
possible, associate with those who have attained your desired heights.
They will serve as mentors and provide you with important information
that will ease your journey.

Be Disciplined

Discipline enables one to say “NO” to distractions and observe

rules and regulations of getting to one’s desired heights. Discipline
powers us to have control over what we eat, where we go, who we
associate with, and what we do. An undisciplined person will get
distracted and perhaps live an unfulfilled life.

Be Focused
Fix your eyes on one thing at a time. Whoever keeps looking
sideways while running will fall and get injured. To avoid injuries that
will hinder your progress, stay focused.

Chapter 7

Stay on Track

N o matter what comes your way, strive to stay on track.

Sooner or later, you will hit your mark. The speed of your
progress is irrelevant, provided you are on track.
However, if you are off-track and it seems like you are making progress,
it is a question of time; you will find yourself nowhere.
At a point in my life, I nearly got off track. The future of the career
the Lord asked me to pursue looked obscured. I saw several people who
gave up along the way because they were not getting expected results due
to many challenges in the industry. Besides, I met several roadblocks
while pursuing this dream. As a human, I began to question myself and
the instructions the Lord gave. It was difficult as the people who advised
me otherwise about this career began to mock me and rejoice over every
obstacle I met and eventually made me look as if I was walking in
foolishness. On the other hand, I noticed those who took a different route
looked successful. This got me thinking, and I began to question myself
if I was on the right path after spending a fortune and still spending.
Through it all, I kept having an inner witness that the game wasn't
over and that all I needed to do was to remain on track. I encouraged
myself in the Lord as David encouraged himself in the Lord (1 Samuel
30:6). This was when the Lord began to teach me certain unimaginable
mysteries about destiny and how God leads His own people. The Lord
made me realize that humans’ definition of success is entirely wrong.
Humans see success as being financially prosperous, but God sees
success as the fulfillment of destiny. We appraise people based on their

accomplishments, but God appraises people as they fulfill His purposes

for their lives.
Without me questioning God, the Lord opened my eyes to what
it takes to fulfill destiny and be prosperous, even though many have been
erroneously taught that believers should be unmindful of prosperity. The
secret of fulfilling destiny and becoming prosperous is hidden in the book
of proverbs 24. Scriptures say, “Through wisdom, a house is built, and
by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with
all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4). By the grace of God,
I expatiated on this mystery in one of our books titled “One Thing That
Matters”. The Lord made me realize that wisdom will position you aright
and create in you the fear of God to do the right thing.
Understanding will enhance the establishment and the fulfillment
of your purpose on earth, while knowledge will fill your rooms with
precious and pleasant riches. The day I caught this Rhema, verse four of
proverbs twenty-four, resonated with me so much. I realized that what
guarantees believers’ prosperity on the path God has ordained for them
is knowledge. This means you can be on the path God has mapped for
you and still be poor if you fail to acquire relevant knowledge. As a
matter of fact, you cannot successfully fulfill destiny without the
acquisition of knowledge because knowledge is a component of wisdom
that makes your destiny elastic. Scripture makes us understand that
wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, but the excellence of
knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it (Ecc 7:12). This
scripture tells us that the kind of life you ever envisioned can be realized
through wisdom fully engineered by knowledge. Therefore, it is high
time we pray to God to create hunger and thirst for knowledge in us.
The devil understands these principles, so he suppresses people’s
hunger for knowledge and makes them chase after money. His main
agenda for doing this is to lure people with riches and get them off track.

When you look at our society today, almost everyone, including believers
who pretend that money is unimportant, runs after money and envies the
wicked's prosperity. The same book of proverbs twenty-four warns us not
to be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them; for their heart
devises violence, and their lips talk of troublemaking (Proverbs 24:1-2).
Nothing else is there for believers to envy but the prosperity of the wicked
and their accomplishments. In the process of envying their prosperity and
accomplishments, one is likely to get tempted and feel like traveling on
a different path that can produce similar results.
Beloved, be steadfast and immovable without being jealous of the
prosperity and results of the wicked because if you do, the devil is at the
corner to get you off track. Instead, focus on acquiring wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding. God is always mindful of the end; that
was why He told me the game is not over. With the help of God, if you
are consistent and steady in doing the right thing, your results will be
The inability to stay on track has played a significant role in
preventing many people from attaining their desired heights. Surely,
there are challenges on the path of greatness, but we have an anchor,
Jesus, who can help us stay on track.
Everyone earnestly craves results. This is because a man without
results becomes a subject of insult and ridicule. It's results that terminate
insults. However, no matter how desperate you are for getting results,
never get off track. The results you are unable to get today, you will get
tomorrow; that is why it takes patience to get to the top.
Many are off-course because of their inability to wait on God.
They have forgotten that it is better to be on course, trusting God for
results, than to be off-course, producing false results. Dr. D.K Olukoya
once said insane people are not just those walking naked on the street,
but also those who increase their speed when they have missed the road.

Be determined to remain on track, even when everyone around you is

getting results that you cannot get. Your appointed time will come, and
people will celebrate you.
Once you realize God’s path for your life, patiently stay on it,
except you are led to follow a different path. For instance, some people
started as engineers and later became bankers. God understands the
journey of your life; let Him become the driver of the vehicle of your life.

Rules For Staying On Track

Define Your Purpose

Understanding one’s path (purpose) is extremely important if one
must stay on track. A man who does not understand his path tends to
roam about in the market square of life. You can become confused if you
don't understand God's plan for your life. It is a sense of purpose that
keeps people on their path when the road is rough. Unfortunately, several
people don’t understand their purpose in life; they chase money and
follow whatever opportunity comes their way.
Never Chase After Money
The desire to get rich is one of the tricks the devil has successfully
employed in getting people off-track. The truth is that money is a reward.
If you get yourself engaged in destiny projects, money will run after you.
If you find yourself in a perfect career that is not initially financially
encouraging, do not abandon it for a temporary opportunity that will offer
you more financial benefits. It is better to stay where you are called to be,
trusting God for enlargement and promotion, than to be elsewhere
because of financial benefits. Someone studied the lives of those
struggling financially, from the age of 30 and above, and discovered that

most of them (not all of them) at a point in life focused on money and not
their purpose. Many of them abandon a path that will steadily reward
them financially because of fast money. When the channel of fast money
closed, they had difficulties going back to the previous path because they
had to start from scratch. This kind of situation has made many
disoriented in the journey of life.
I have also discovered that those who passionately endure a career
that is not financially rewarding at the beginning end up as highflyers.
God has a plan for you; never allow the love of money gets you off-track.
Some years back, I was talking to a young man called John who
studied architecture. He was despondent due to the various challenges he
was going through. He couldn’t secure a job after he graduated, and he
had various financial needs. I encouraged him to wait on God and believe
God for a miracle. After a few months, he was invited by an oil company
for a series of exams and interviews. He passed them all but was not
offered the job. He was frustrated because there was no reason why he
shouldn't be offered the job. However, he wouldn't give up searching for
highly lucrative jobs. Shortly after, he got another less lucrative
opportunity in his field; the financial package was below what he desired.
He was at a crossroads and began to pray for divine leading. The
opportunity in his field required him to relocate to a new city, but the
salary wasn't enough for him to conveniently rent an apartment
independently. We talked, and I encouraged him to take up the
opportunity in his field. He listened and resumed immediately. He gave
the job its best without minding the salary. Things were rough for him
initially, but he endured and learned as fast as he could. Surprisingly,
through the help of God, he became the head architect even though his
salary almost remained the same. John began to do exploits after
acquiring enough knowledge and experience in his field. He resigned
after spending some time with the company and set up his own company.

The Lord opened great doors for and gave him many meaningful
connections. He’s now greatly established in his field.
The non-career-related juicy opportunity was a trap by the devil
to distract him and prevent him from being fully established in his field.
If you focus on money, you will fall for such a temptation.

Never Compare Yourself with Someone Else

In a letter to the Corinthians, Apostle Paul says, “for we dare not
class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend
themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and
comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise” (2 Cor 10:12).
We can deduce from this text that it is a sign of foolishness for one to
compare oneself with others. You are not on earth to fulfill another
person’s dreams. You are unique, and your experiences in life are meant
to be unique. So, stop comparing yourself with others. The majority of
the people you compare yourself with camouflage. What you see on
social media is rarely true. Many people have missed their path, which
they will later realize in the future.
If it seems you are making little or no progress and your peers
have gone ahead, turn to God in prayers. God is a faithful God. No one
calls to Him for help without being helped. He is the answer to every
situation. Don't make the mistake of running after other gods. Scripture
says, "the sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply"
(Psalm 16:4a ESV). We've heard the stories of those who deviated from
their God-ordained paths due to a lack of results. They realized their peers
were way ahead, and in curiosity, they reached out to them and ended up
getting initiated into the occult.

Be Patient and Focus on the Process

Success is not automatic; you have to work to get it. Everyone
has an equal opportunity to be successful if they are willing to put in the
effort. Being on the right path does not automatically guarantee success;
you have to do your due diligence and passionately carry out your
assignments. Remember, your vision may be identical to other people’s
visions. If you don't handle it with dedication, excellence becomes a
mirage. This is the main reason many people are still in the school of
waiting. They have prayed and fasted, but they failed to put in the effort
that will produce desired results, and they keep thinking God is the cause
of their delay. God will do His part, but He also expects you to do yours

Chapter 8

The Danger of
Trusting in Man

“Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their

nostrils. Why hold them in esteem” (Isaiah 2:22) NIV?

O ne of God's desires is to see humans develop their

potentials and maximize destiny opportunities, which can
only be done by trusting in Him and not humans.
Conversely, putting one's trust in humans can inhibit the full expression
of God-given potentials, blur visions, and cripple destiny.
When I was about to turn nineteen, I lost my mother, who
supported my dad financially in sponsoring us to school. My dad was
financially stable when I was growing up, but things started going
downhill for him when I was about to enter high school. My mom was
industrious, and she prospered in everything she laid her hands on. She
stood by my dad and picked up some of the responsibilities my dad could
not afford. After a while, specifically, when I was about to graduate from
high school, my mom was afflicted with sickness. The sickness was so
terrible that we took her to different hospitals and churches for healing,
but she couldn't make it.

Being the last born, everyone was concerned about my education.

One of my aunts called me after I graduated from high school and
promised to assist financially. I entirely banked on her, for that seemed
like my only ray of hope as no one else was eager to render help.
After I prayed and I was convinced of what the Lord wanted me
to do, I informed my siblings, but one of them completely disagreed with
my plans. He couldn’t believe in what I felt the Lord wanted me to do.
For that reason, he advised me to do something else. I found it difficult
to do something else because I was convinced of what the Lord told me.
Due to the influence he had over the rest of my siblings, he discouraged
them over my plans, that other siblings of mine called and advised me to
yield to his advice. My brother called everyone in the family who could
think of helping me financially to further my education and discouraged
them about my plans. They all listened to him because of his level of
I traveled to see my aunt and inform her of my plans. Shockingly
to me, my brother had called and discouraged her about my plans. She
joined the rest of my family members to counsel me to listen to my
brother. At this point, I became discouraged because I never expected her
to disappoint me. After a while, I began to reason along with them all and
chose to follow their counsel.
While trying to yield to my brother’s advice, the Lord spoke to
me and assured me of His help. He asked me to pursue that, which He
told me. Without hesitation, I summoned the courage to follow God’s
counsel for my life. Beloved, unexplainable strength comes from trusting
in the Lord; for that reason, Apostle Paul said, “I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). The strength to face the
challenges of life is found in the Lord. I didn’t know how the help would
come, but I believed in God. Everyone turned their back at me in
anticipation to see my downfall, but God is a faithful God who never

disappoints His people. May I encourage someone who is reading this

book? When friends and family turn their back on you, thank God
because God is about to prove His awesomeness through you. Scripture
says, “when my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will
take care of me” (Psalm 27:10). All you need to do is trust and obey God.
I had an unusual encounter with the Lord when everyone turned
their back on me. This encounter happened after I resumed at the School
the Lord directed me to with limited funds. Two months into the program,
I was barred from taking classes because I couldn't complete my tuition.
Amazingly, unexplainable joy engulfed my heart throughout that time
despite being sent out of school. The Lord sent His angels to teach me
what my friends were being taught in school in my dreams. Each time I
woke from my sleep and picked my textbooks to study, I could feel the
presence of someone sitting beside me, making everything in the
textbooks clearer to me. To God's glory, I had so much understanding.
My friends who attended classes twenty-four-seven could not
comprehend the depth of my knowledge. When I resumed school, one
week before the final exam, I was teaching my friends what they were
taught but couldn’t understand. The understanding was so supernatural
that I could dictate a question that my friends couldn’t solve in 30 mins,
whereas it wouldn’t take me up to one minute to solve. My friends looked
at me as a strange person because they couldn’t fathom the depth of such
knowledge, and neither could I.
The Lord is faithful. Our inability to fully entrust our lives into
His hands is preventing us from experiencing His mightiness. He’s
desirous of demonstrating His power through us, but we are uneager to
surrender all to Him. When He said He was going to help me, I initially
thought He would send someone to bless me financially. Even though
God can do that, He chose to answer by demonstrating His mightiness.

I may not know what you are going through, but I can assure you
that God cares more than anyone you can ever think of. If you trust Him,
you can never be put to shame. Our major problem is that we trust the
help of man more than the help of God and the help of man is vain. I have
come to realize that anyone can let you down, including your most-
trusted people, but God can’t. His faithfulness endures to all generations
(Psalm 119:90). Unfortunately, many are helpless because their trust is
in their government, parents, siblings, friends, family, pastors, and
everyone who has but a breath in their nostrils. However, if you make up
your mind today to trust in the Lord, you will begin to enjoy His
goodness, for He will set your feet upon the rock and establish your steps.
Scripture assures us that “those who trust in the LORD are like Mount
Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever” (Psalm 125:1).
Human’s help is limited; In fact, it places an embargo on one’s
greatness. To enjoy the limitless help of God, we must focus on God
absolutely. Trusting in the Lord gives us the ability to scale new heights
constantly as the word of God says, “they go from strength to strength;
each one appears before God in Zion” (Psalm 84:7).
May I tell you a secret? “If you want to go far, let your mind be
focused on God as your only source of help”. This will help you think
out of the box and enable you to mount on wings like eagles.
Unfortunately, the little help coming from family and friends could
hinder the development of your God-given talents.
God is all-knowing. He knows who you trust. You cannot claim
to trust Him and still put your trust in humans at the same time. It will be
to your disadvantage if you do so because God is jealous and cannot share
His glory with anyone.
God is a very present help in time of need. Relate with Him as
your father and your only source of help. I have heard people say, “I don’t
have parents, and no one feels like helping me to pursue my dreams”.

Such an excuse sounds reasonable, but it is unacceptable. With God by

your side, nothing is impossible. He’s able to raise you up, for “He raises
the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap” (Psalm

What Are The Dangers Of Trusting In Man?

“Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and
makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD.
For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when
good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the
wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited” (Jeremiah 17:5-
It Displeases God
Trusting in humans displeases God. Scripture says, “But without
faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must
believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek
Him.” Trust Him over the affairs of your life, and you will be amazed
how He will turn things around for your good.

It Prevents You From Noticing The Blessings of God.

You can miss great opportunities if you’re focused on looking to
humans for assistance. God may not send someone to you to give you
money when you desperately need money, but He may decide to open
your eyes to incredible opportunities that will lead to financial fortune.
Nevertheless, if you focus on receiving money from people, you may

consider such a great opportunity worthless because it doesn’t seem to

have an immediate monetary value.
God works in mysterious ways, and His wisdom is
incomprehensible. Divine opportunities do not come the way men
perceive them. God sometimes wraps them in your struggles, but you will
not see them if you cannot trust in Him.
One obvious sign of trusting humans is blaming other people for
every difficulty and life struggle. I have seen people complain because
their church refused to help. Instead of looking up to God, they were
looking up to their pastor(s). It is alright if the Lord decides to use your
church or pastor to help you, but their help can hinder your growth
process if God does not help you.
• People who disappoint you are destiny helpers; they are directing
you to God, the limitless helper.
• Anytime you are disappointed by men, give thanks to God
because you are being helped to rely on God, a source that never
• If you trust God, He can turn a cup of water into a mighty ocean
by His grace.

It Forces You to Inhabit Parched Places in The Wilderness

A parched land is a place dried out by heat or excessive exposure
to sunlight. It represents a barren land where nothing survives, a place of
severe famine, hunger, thirst, and infertility. It's a place inhabited by
those who put their trust in men or rely on the arm of flesh.

Way Out.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall
direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the
LORD and depart from evil” (Prov 3:5-7).

Trust in the Lord

Scripture says, “some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But
we will remember the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7). You
must make up your mind to trust God fully without turning to other gods.
Walk in the consciousness of Him holding your world in His hands.

Never Depend on Your Understanding

Humans like to reason rationally without depending on the
wisdom of God. The word of God says, “the foolishness of God is wiser
than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (1 Cor 1:25).
Anyone who will put his trust in God must be careful not to allow his
wisdom to interfere with God’s wisdom.

Acknowledge Him
You must cultivate the habit of seeing God in every situation.
Acknowledging God in difficult situations is a sign of trusting Him. He
can use an unfortunate situation to work out His plan. Scripture says,
“and we know that all things work together for good to those who love
God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Chapter 9

The Force of Faith

T he world we live in demands unwavering faith. Otherwise,

one will be molested by the devil. The devil does not want
anyone to advance. Therefore, he goes all-out to keep
glorious destinies in the valley to prevent their manifestations. He’s the
brain behind every opposition to greatness. So, as you embark on the
journey of greatness, be prepared to confront giants and mountainlike
situations. The good news is, victory is yours as you stand firm in Christ
Jesus and have faith in Him.
Faith is a spiritual force that grants us victory over the challenges
of life. It belittles oppositions and magnifies the power of God. Through
the force of faith, you can conquer kingdoms, shut the mouths of lions,
and gain the promise, quench the power of fire, and do great exploits.
Through faith, David defeated Goliath. He put to flight a man who
instilled fear in the heart of Saul and the Israelites. He wasn’t intimidated
by Goliath’s stature and harsh words. Instead, he disparaged and brought
him down through a faith-empowered stone.
“Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, “What
shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away
the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised
Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God”
(1Samuel 17:26)?
“This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will
strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give

the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air
and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that
there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that
the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is
the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.” So it was,
when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David,
that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the
Philistine. Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a
stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so
that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the
earth” (1 Samuel 17: 46-49).
God has given us what it takes to dislodge giants and silence
every opposition to our advancement. Through Christ Jesus, we are more
than conquerors. You don’t have to be afraid of giants and
insurmountable mountains standing on your way to greatness. Victory is
yours so far your faith is rooted in God.

Overcoming Mountains
"So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if
you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was
done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be
removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done" (Matthew
I have noticed a lot of believers are afraid of mountain- like
situations. They would rather remain in their comfort zones than confront
mountain-like situations to become what God wants them to become.
Jesus told us we have what it takes to deal with such situations (Matthew
21:21). Every difficult situation the Lord brings your way is meant to
bring you a promotion. The Lord declared concerning Zerubbabel, ‘Who

are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”
(Zach 4:7). The Lord is saying to you, every mountain standing before
you will become a plain. If you trust God and use the authority given to
you by God, you will begin to see insurmountable mountains as plains.
One thing is important, and that is acting on what you believe.
Faith strengthens and enables you to move mountains and do the
impossible. It is your responsibility to speak to that impossible situation
and take practical steps that will lead to your testimony. Scripture tells
us, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be
impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20b).
Do not underestimate the weapon of prayer. Jesus says, “and
whatever things you ask in prayer believing, you will receive” (Matt
21:22). Elijah shut the heavens through prayer, and it did not rain for
three and a half years.
“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed
earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for
three years and six months” (James 5:17).
Faith and prayer are spiritual combos that enable us to move
mountains. The devil knows if you have violent faith and your prayer
altar is on fire for the Lord, no mountains will stop your advancement.
So, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

Dealing with Mountains That Seem Unmovable

Faith conquers all mountains directly or indirectly. Believers
sometimes turn their backs on some mountains after praying fervently,
and nothing seems to happen. I understand the frustration that comes with

such insurmountable mountains. However, giving up is not an option if

God is interested in seeing such mountains conquered. God, in His
mercies, allows us to encounter some mountains in our lives to build up
our faith.
Discouragement often sets in after engaging in positive
confessions and serious prayers, and such mountains remain unmoved.
You may even be tempted to doubt God’s faithfulness because your
prayers seem unanswered the way you expected them to be answered. I
am here to encourage you not to give up. God is on the throne. There is
no mountain that your faith in God cannot move.
Logically it may be wise to abandon a mountain-like project that
refuses to move. However, it is unwise to abandon any project or idea
God has placed in your heart or inspired you to pursue. God has a way of
leveling any mountain standing between you and the fulfillment of His
plans for your life. In fact, if you are destined to be great and God is
interested in building up your faith, you will confront seemingly
insurmountable mountains. These mountains can manifest in any form,
such as a project your present resources cannot successfully execute.
Overcoming such mountains require unwavering faith in God
without looking up to humans. I say this often, "any mountain that refuses
to move becomes an adventure." This is because climbing such a
mountain is the solution, even though it might be difficult. We serve the
God of all grace who can strengthen us to climb seemingly
insurmountable mountains.

Climbing Insurmountable Mountains

Create Steps
No mountain should be too tall before believers. However, if
there seems to be one, perhaps in the form of a project, map out a plan,
divide the "big" project into smaller parts and start from there. You will
realize that with the help of God, you will overcome what initially
appeared too big. This was the concept Jesus used in feeding over five
thousand people. He divided them into groups of hundreds and fifties.
Though it might take a while, with patience and perseverance, stubborn
difficulties will be overcome.
“And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies
upon the green grass. So they sat down in ranks, in hundreds and
in fifties” (Mark 6:39-40).
If twenty million dollars is a massive mountain in front of you,
and five hundred thousand dollars is not, work with what five hundred
thousand dollars can do instead of waiting to have twenty million dollars
before taking a step.
Once you conquer the first step, the rest of the mountain becomes
an adventure. When God decides to build your spiritual muscles and
strengthen your faith, He allows you to face mountains. You do not need
to be worried because His grace will strengthen you to conquer them. As
you embark on a project and seek knowledge, you will discover that what
seems complicated may be easier than expected.

Patience is required to overcome insurmountable mountains.
People often give up when situations linger. Creating steps into a

mountain and planning to climb it step by step is tedious and time-

consuming. You need to be patient with God as He sees you through. The
word of God says, “that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those
who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:12).
So, if the height you dream of in life seems unattainable, create
steps and patiently trust God to strengthen you to climb it. Some of your
friends might attain such a height in three years, whereas it’s taking you
ten years or more. Don't be discouraged; God is only trying to build you
The program I came to study in the United States looked like a
mountain. I prayed earnestly to God to send helpers who would assist me
financially, all to no avail. Nevertheless, I remained unperturbed and
focused my attention on God. I was advised by friends and family to do
something else because they felt I wouldn't complete the program. One
of my instructors called me when she saw how I was struggling with the
first stage of the program and said, “do you think you can finish the entire
program?” I replied, “by God’s grace, I will finish it”.
The wisdom the Lord gave me was to create steps in the
unmovable mountain, which made me focus on the first stage of the
program without disturbing myself about
the rest of the program. Since I had no sponsor and did not have the right
to work, I would travel to Nigeria to work and make money and return to
the United States to spend it. The first stage, which should have taken
about six months, took me two years to complete because of the financial
difficulties I experienced. It was a two-year program, but for me, it took
six years to finish. I trusted in God while patiently conquering this
mountain stage by stage. If you can hold on to God and patiently work
with him, there is no mountain you cannot conquer, and there is no height
you cannot attain.

Seek knowledge, for it makes the journey of faith easier. If your
faith is potent enough to move mountains and you neglect the place of
wisdom and knowledge, you might end up in frustration. Some
mountains are meant to be moved and overcome by divine wisdom and
knowledge. Discounting the importance of knowledge could render your
faith impotent.

Chapter 10

Time Management

T ime is the only equal currency given to each one of us.

Therefore, managing time effectively can enhance the
fulfillment of purpose, and failure to do so can leave a note
of regret on the table of one’s life. Thus, Jesus, our role model, says, I
must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night
cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4).

• The question is this, what work are you working, in the

early days of your life?

While it is daytime, you must do the needful. Otherwise, the night

will come with regret and sorrow. The five foolish virgins in the book of
Matthew wasted a whole day while waiting for the bridegroom. They had
enough time to go to the market to buy oil, but it did not occur to them.
What they did not do during the day, they awoke to their need at midnight
when it was too late.
“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who
took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five
of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish
took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil
in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was
delayed, they all slumbered and slept. “And at midnight a cry was

heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’

Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the
foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps
are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there
should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who
sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the
bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to
the wedding; and the door was shut” (Mathew 25:1-10).
God is not a timewaster. Anytime He asks you to wait, He expects
you to be fully engaged in productive activities. Let’s look at it from the
perspective of sowing and reaping. When a farmer sows seeds, he expects
a harvest after a while; but if he fails to water the seed and weed grasses
that can impede the growth of his plantations while waiting for a harvest,
he may eventually have no harvest. Therefore, if you fold your hands
doing nothing in your waiting time, you may eventually wait in vain or
prolong your waiting time. The foolish virgin waited in vain because they
failed to do the needful while waiting for the bridegroom.

• How are you investing your time while

waiting? If you fail to wisely invest it, you are
a timewaster.

The wise virgins maximized their waiting time, ensuring they had
more than enough resources. The bible says, but while the bridegroom
was delayed, they all slumbered and slept (Mathew 25:5). The foolish
virgins went to sleep with the wise virgins, who had prepared for
midnight during the day. This is one major mistake that people make.
They compare themselves with others without knowing how well they
have invested their time.

If you aim to attain the uttermost height, you have to take

advantage of the time to get yourself equipped for the next level.
I read the story of a young man called Nathaniel. He secured a job
with his secondary school certificate as a security officer and was trusting
God for a better opportunity. 8 years down the line, his uncle, who
happened to be the director of a federal agency, saw Him and said to him,
“what are you doing here”, he replied, “I work here as a security officer”.
His uncle was glad and said, “can you work with us”? Nathaniel replied,
“of course”. The uncle asked, “what’s your qualification”? Nathaniel
replied, “secondary school certificate”. His uncle was disappointed and
said, “We can’t employ anyone without a first degree”. Nathaniel missed
the opportunity he had been waiting and trusting God for because he was
unprepared when the opportunity knocked at his door. Perhaps, he was
waiting for a convenient time before furthering his education. Remember,
the bible says, “he who observes the wind will not sow, and he who
regards the clouds will not reap” (Ecc 11:4). The bridegroom of many
people's opportunity will come, and there won't be oil in their lamps. Use
your waiting time to prepare for that which you are trusting God for.
Time is precious; you cannot consistently waste time and emerge
a star. Whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, if you fail to invest
your time in preparation for where God is taking you to, you will end up
in mediocrity. Kobe Bryant, in his lifetime, became a star because he
wisely invested his time to develop himself. When his teammates were
playing cards and engaged in unproductive activities, Kobe was busy
studying game tapes. His dedication eventually launched him into the
Quite a number of people couldn’t succeed because they spend a
lot of time watching movies and TV shows on Netflix, YouTube, and
other media streaming platforms, whereas they have very limited
knowledge of the various opportunities within their professional field. If

you waste the time you should invest in exploring and gaining new
knowledge that could help advance your career, you'll end up stuck with
limited or no options for career advancement. Bishop David Oyedepo
shared with us how he spent time reading books and studying the
biographies of various ministers before he started his ministry. He did the
same before he started Covenant University. As a result, Covenant
University emerged as one of the best universities in the world. Scripture
says, “the hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to
forced labor” (Prov 12:24). Nothing comes automatically. If you desire
to get to the peak of your endeavors, spend quality time preparing.

Chapter 11

Connecting to The
Mystery of Grace And

"If having a vision and pursuing it is all that is required to scale

mountains of success, the majority would achieve greatness".

D oing all that is required to attain the uttermost height

without God’s grace and mercy is a futile effort. I have
seen people who struggled to achieve greatness, all to no
avail, and I have seen people who didn't work as hard as the world
expects, doing exploits and attaining heights hardworking men could not
attain. King Solomon says,
“I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the
swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches
to men of understanding, nor favor to men of skill; but time and
chance happen to them all” (Ecc 9:11).
Only the grace and mercy of God can make a person’s efforts
fruitful. Without God’s grace and mercy, a person can work extremely
hard and have little or nothing to show for it. Wisdom and power are
considered the most powerful keys in life, even the word of God says,

“for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot
be compared with her” (Proverbs 8:11). However, wisdom might not
produce desirable results in the absence of God’s grace and mercy. The
bible talks about a poor man who delivered a whole city with his wisdom
but was not remembered.
His wisdom was despised, and he could not obtain what wisdom
“Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his
wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that same
poor man. Then I said: “Wisdom is better than strength.
Nevertheless, the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words
are not heard” (Ecc 11:15-16).
A wise man can die poor if he does not obtain God’s grace and
mercy. It is awesome to be academically serious and be a top-notch
student. However, it is extremely important to connect to God’s grace
and mercy to be relevant. I have seen university graduates with first-class
status becoming irrelevant in the labor market. These are people you
think will rule the world due to their intelligence, but some of them are
nowhere to be found.
The same goes for ministers of God. The world is looking for men
and women of God who will demonstrate the raw power of the Holy
Ghost. With various happenings in our world today, it’s easy to assume
that anointed men and women of God are scarce. If you travel around the
world and go to remote places, you will discover that there are anointed
ministers of God who can call down fire like Elijah. The only problem is
that many of them have not obtained grace and mercy to be relevant in
this generation.
Some years back, my father in the Lord shared the story of a man
of God with me. He said this man of God went to pray on the mountain

and was preparing to leave. He saw a man who also came to pray and
pleaded with him to get a ride to town. The man replied, “I don’t have
enough fuel in my motorbike”. The man of God told him, “I will lay my
hand on the fuel tank, and fuel will not run out of the tank”. The man of
God prayed, and they embarked on that journey. The owner of the
motorcycle drove continuously for three days without the motorbike
running out of fuel. He returned to the mountain and met with the
mountain's general overseer and narrated what happened to him. The
general overseer told him, “that man you saw is more anointed than me,
but he has not found mercy”.
When God shows you mercy, your little effort will yield bountiful
results and you will come out of obscurity into the limelight.

How To Connect To God’s Grace And Mercy

Connect to Jesus
Connecting to Jesus is the first step towards obtaining grace and
mercy. Welcoming Him into your life transforms your life and gives you
a new beginning. You need Jesus to navigate this perplexing world.
Scripture says, “and God is able to make all grace abound toward you,
that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an
abundance for every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Humble Yourself
“But He gives more grace. Therefore, He says: “God resists the
proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6).

“Surely He scorns the scornful but gives grace to the humble”

(Prov 3:34).
Pride disqualifies a man from connecting to God’s grace. The first
enemy of a proud man is God, not household enemies. Not in all cases,
but sometimes brilliant students treat their less intelligent counterparts
with disdain. They act like they rule the world, believing that their
intellect will get them anything they desire, forgetting that “God chose
the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1Cor 1:27). Humility
draws God to you and draws you to God, positioning you to receive
divine empowerment to do things you won’t be able to achieve with your
strength and intellect alone.
Be Merciful
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mathew
Be merciful to others so that you can obtain mercy from the Lord.
God’s word says, “let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around
your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and
high esteem in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3-4). If you choose
to focus on fulfilling your dreams without being kind to the people
around you, it may be difficult to obtain the mercies of God. The bible
says, “the way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know what
makes them stumble” (Prov 4:19).


The Fall Of A Great Man

This book reveals the imperceptible errors responsible for the fall
of many leaders. God is kind and merciful towards humans, but his plans
and purpose for a person might be altered if certain errors are not dealt
with. This book sheds light on some of Moses's mistakes that led to his
inability to enter the promised land.

Spotless In A Polluted World

This book reveals the secret to living a spotless life in this
polluted world. God's standards might seem unattainable, but by His
grace they are attainable. Living a spotless life is becoming increasingly
difficult. The practices of the world are gradually becoming acceptable
among believers. Though we are in the world, we are not of the world.
The expectation of God is for us to remain unpolluted. The word of God
says, "therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is
perfect." (Matthew 5:48).


If you have gotten this far with this book, it would be a great
pleasure to hear from you. You may kindly send me your comments,
feedback, suggestions, criticism, or request for further explanation on any
part of this book that may seem grey to you.

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Contact: +18178919361


Alaba Gabriel Idowu is a commercial Pilot, Tripple-rated Flight

Instructor, Master CFI, and Aviation Safety and Human Factors
Specialist. He graduated summa cum laude with a Master's degree in
Aeronautics (Human Factors Specialization) from Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University. He is a Teacher, Evangelist, and Preacher of the
gospel with a passion for touching lives through God's word. His life is a
living testimony that all powers belong to God.

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