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Dilla University





By: Halkano Guyo

Advisor: Getachew Midekssa


Dilla, Ethiopia

First and for most my heartfelt thanks goes to Glorious and Almighty Allah. Second, I am highly
in debated to my an essay advisor instructor Getachew Midekssa (MA) for devoting the time
and effort in reading this paper going through each and every point thoroughly.

Thirdly, my greatest gratitude also goes to all English teachers and grade eleven students of
moyale preparatory school for their unreserved cooperation in answering questionnaire and
interview questions.

Finally, I would like to thank my beloved brother Galgalo Guyo and my families, especially my
uncle namely Shamaa Guyo, Guyo Galgalo, Debano Buke, and Kalla Buke for their financial
and moral support.


This study is intended to explore major factors that affect students speaking skill in English
language classroom in Moyale Preparatory School grade 11 students. To achieve this goal, 40
students and 5 English teachers were selected to fill questionnaire and again 5 students were
selected for interview as sample subject. The necessary data for this study were gathered through
questionnaire, interview and classroom observation. The collected data were analysis by using
both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. From the analysis of data, the findings
of the study showed that students lack of background knowledge, shortage of time to practice,
and influence of mother tongue are some of the factors that affect students speaking skill in

Finally, in this study some possible solutions for the problems of the study were forwarded.


Table of contents..........................................................................................................................
1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study.....................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem....................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the study........................................................................................................4
1.3.1 General objective of the study......................................................................................4
1.3.2 Specific objective of the study......................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of the study.....................................................................................................4
1.5 Delimitation of the study....................................................................................................4
1.6 Limitation of the study........................................................................................................4
2. Review of related literature......................................................................................................5
2.1. Factors affecting students speaking skill..........................................................................5
2.1.1. Child's Background/environment................................................................................5
2.1.2. Mother tongue interference..........................................................................................6
2.1.3. Social factors................................................................................................................7
2.2. Some ways of improving students speaking skill in English language............................7
3. Research methodology.............................................................................................................9
3.1Population and sample........................................................................................................9
3.2 Instrument of data collection.............................................................................................9
3.2.1 Questionnaire...............................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Interview......................................................................................................................9
3.2.3 Classroom observation................................................................................................9
3.3 Method of data analysis.....................................................................................................10
Chapter one

English language has got a particular attention in educational system. People are educated
through teaching and learning process, since education is purposeful activities. The main
objective of teaching speaking skill is developing students' oral communicative skill so that they
can use oral language for practical purpose of communication in different situation (MOE,
1995:28). This objective can be attainted through developing students' fluency and confidence
in using the language. On other hand, obviously the fact of day to day process of Teaching and
learning of English language also related to many interrelated social and political uses (Ronald
and David, 2001).
To develop students' ability to speak fluently and confidently, adequate opportunity to practice
the language should be provided. Now a days, the best method of teaching- learning that
provides the high opportunity for the students to participate in teaching and learning process
that takes places in classroom has become students - centered approach to the instruction
( MOE, 1995:49). Golvin (1997:55) and Cooper(1997:71) argue that, communication is a process
of sending and receiving message in order to share meaning.

Bailey (2005) and Goh (2007) have proposed methods to enhance Speaking skill by means of
syllabus design, teaching principles, types of task and materials, and Speaking assessment.

Language learning would see an adverse effect when learners see situations as threatening. For
highly anxious individuals, they are often in a state of divided attentional resource ( EYSENCK,
1979:95), where by their concentrating ability and being successful at learning tasks is held
back. Students cannot fully concentrate on certain language task when they are constantly pre-
occupied with threat posed by the learning situation. At the early stages of learning, students
are using many attentional resources to accomplish basic tasks that they have not yet learned
how to complete automatically ( Schallert,1991:99). An anxiety is a complex concept which
depends on one's feeling of self- efficiency and appraisals and related to their potential innate
superficial threat in a certain situation. This many appraisals coupled with influence of task
irrelevant processing can negatively affect the learning process, often in way that students are
not even aware of ( Tobias, 1986:78).

Furthermore, speaking is failing by different factors that affect mutual understanding between
students and teachers such as anxiety. Researchers into debilitating effect of anxiety upon
language learning have consistently suggested that anxiety is one of the primary predictors of
second language/foreign language acquisition and it can negatively affect the performance and
achievement of foreign language learners. Horowitz et al, (1986:128) conceptualize foreign
language anxiety as "distinct complex of self perceptions, believes, feelings, and behavior
related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of language learning
process ".

Hatrakul (1995:100), indicated that since English is second language in many part of the world,
many learners are not familiar with it and experience challenges when learning its productive
skill like Speaking skill. In addition, he defines the term Speaking skill as interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Whenever there is human society there is language. Most of human activities depend on
cooperation of two or more people. A common language enable human beings to work
together infinite verity of ways (World book, 1994:87). Most educators noted that speaking is
primary device for communicating in the classroom. Learning is not only passing information to
students but also making students participatory more and more educators, government,
minister of education and employers need people who can speak English well.Companies and
organizations want staff who can speak English in order to communicate within international
work place. Students who can speak English fluently have a chance of education, employment,
and promotion. Speaking English well also help students to access up to date information in
different situation (Baker, 2001:55).But, students are sometimes unwilling or shy to speak
English in the classroom. Because of that they cannot speak English fluently and express their
thought, ideas,and feeling freely.

Therefore, the reason as to why the researcher motivated to conduct the study on the factors
that affect students speaking skill in the classroom is to identify those factors and providing a
solutions for the problem.

MOESC,( 2014:98), maintained that most English second language learners, who are not
accustomed to English- speaking environment are frequently challenged with English spoken
communication. Similarly, Ferrari (2007:111) and Polladros (2007:105), indicated that frequent
learning difficulties come from students' previous knowledge.

The following are research question that were set to be answered in process of study.

1. What are the factors that affect students' speaking skill during speaking lesson?
2. How to develop students' speaking skill in classroom activities?
3. To improve students in speaking skill, what measure suppose to be taken?
4. In what ways can these factors be reduced?
1.3 objective of the study
1.3.1 General objective of the study
The main objective of this study is to explore the factors that affect students' speaking skill in
English language classroom at moyale preparatory school in case of grade 11 students.
1.3.2 Specific objective of the study
To addressed the main objective of the study, the researcher directed giving attentions toward
the following activities as specific objective:
 Identifying the major factors that affect students in speaking skill English classes.
 To assess the extent to which the students express themselves in English.
 Investigating the types of speaking skills activities in which students were mostly
interested in.
1.4 Significance of the study
The result of this study is used to provide the information to students and teachers about the
factors affecting students speaking skill in grade 11students of Moyale Preparatory School. It
also gives information for those who would like to conduct the research on the some study.
1.5 Delimitation of the study
This study focused on Moyale Preparatory School grade 11 students. The study also limited to
exploring factors that hinder the students speaking skill.Other language skills not discussed in
this study.
1.6. Limitation of the study
The researcher faced many constraints while conducting this research. In other words, when
the researcher was conducting the study, certain constraints were controlled like, financial
constraints, time limitation and lack of reference books related to the study. Inspire of the
above constraints, the researcher tried his best to complete the study successfully.

2. Review of Related Literature
This chapter deals with the relevant review of the related literature about topic under study.
The chapter based on objective of the study. It also deals with different scholars views about
speaking. Before directly going to the detail, it is worth to defining what speaking means. The
New Oxford American Dictionary (1969:3) stated the following:
Speaking is the act or an instance of uttering words of a Language or capable of speech. It refers
to say something in order to convey information, an opinion or a feeling in order to give extract
information. In other words, it is the expression of or the ability to express thought and feeling
by particular sound. It also a visual, formal discourse delivered before or audience.
Speaking is one of the most important language skill which is a way of communication among
the people (Lucas, 1998:38). According to Tesfaye (2006:95), speaking may be defined as
communication of thought and emotion by means of voice language and body language.
According to Harmer ( 1991:48), speaking enable the people to use a whole range of facial
expression, gustures and general body languages that help them to convery message more
vividly. In addition, according to Crystal (2003:59), the definition of speaking is stated as

Speech is a time bounded, dynamic, and transient. It is a part of an interaction in which both
participants are usually present and the speaker has a particular address in mind. It is very
suited to social function such as passing the time of day or any situation where causal and
unplanned descourse is desirable.

Recently, Macintyre (2007:36), drew attention to the learners decision to voluntary speak the
language skill are being acquired. Nevertheless, despite the emphasis on communication in
modern language pedagogy and well accepted view that learners require practice in Speaking in
order to learn. zaremba,(2006:105) stated that, students who study english as a foreign
language usually have limited opportunities to speak English out side of the class room. Zhang,
(2009:39) also limited exposure to english speakers or number of international community.This
might be one of the reason for Teachers to provide more situation and activities for students to
strengths their speaking competence. In addition,Patel (2008:28),asserted that building up the
a earner's confidence to eliminate their fear of making errors was a priority that a Teacher
should consider in order to make learners feel comfortable with their language use.Regarding
Speaking effectiveness, Shumin (1997:81), pointed out a number of elements involved,
sociocultural factors, effective factors and other linguistic and sociolinguist, and strategic

2.2. Factors Affecting Students Speaking Skill

2.2.1. Child's background/Environment
According to Femi (2006:102) background of a child to an extent have a very strong influence
on child's physical and mental development process. A child from rich background (parents)
develop language faster than a child from poor background who sometimes experience some
difficulty in the process of growing up. Chukwuemeke (2006:18) share some views with Femi
where he said that, children from rich background whose parents educated are usually expose
more than children from poor homes who are usually shy and faced difficulty in term of
presentation. They always do not like to come out to the public place because of their poor
status which some leads to intensively complex.
Anada (2006:52) share different view, where she said that environment where a child grew up
determines the level of achievement and education attainment of such a child". A child who
grew up in environment where English language is the language of communication will
definitely grew up to know how to speak English unlike a child that grew up in remote
environment where language of Instruction communication and interaction is in his/her native
dialect, such as child will find it very difficulty to adopt to a new environment where they speak
different language altogether.
Okereke (2005:57) added that parents usually send their child to the school in the town for the
sale purpose of acquiring the best knowledge unlike poor parents who experience some
difficulties in sponsoring their children in school.
In Ethiopia to precise, it is noticeable that children from rich background go to best school in
country (private schools) where as children from poor homes usually seen in public or
government owned school which is less expensive.
2.2.2. Mother Tongue interference
Mother tongue is one of the factors that influence students ability to speaking in English
language fluently. Ezema (2006:65) was added opinion that students find it very hard to learn a
new language especially in a situation where they only been taught in their native dialect. This
will takes a longer times for students to gain familiarity with a new language.
In Ethiopia for instance, there are several ethnic groups and diverse language, students are
taught morals in their various dialect. So, there is very possibility that when they want to
express themselves in English, there is bound to be some interference in either their
information, or pronunciation example, the vowel sound/i/ and /I:/ which look a like but are
distinct in form of function. Students who have only speak their natural dialect will find it very
difficult to notice the difference between those two vowel.
Tiffen (2006:45) stated that "good English teachers ought to know the modern method of
teaching language courses in order to bring about moderation, participation and interest. The
went further to say that, the importance of the modern method of teaching English will also aid
the teacher and students to acquire the desire object.
2.2.3. Social Factors
Social factors is one of the factors that hindrance to the students speaking skill in English
language and indeed academic work in general has been a mandated, meaning scholars and
researchers. Chinwubar (2006:103) stated, higher or lower skill of speaking skill is not matter of
inheritance, sex but on the basis or environmental circumstance of people since everyone is
born with the inmate ability to do things.
2.2.4. Lack of constructive feedback
Hendrickson (1978:13), stated that corrected oral errors which are produced by second
language learners improve their proficiency in foreign language. Therefore, the teacher need to
know the way how to correct and give feedback on the students' oral work. This means, getting
constructive help ones to improve his/her speaking skill through correcting oral errors.
2.2.5. Nervousness during speech
Michale (1991:56) and Regory (1999:74), stated that, students afraid to speak in English
because they think that their friends and evidences may consider them as boasters. In addition,
as it is stated in Oxford Advance learners dictionary of current English (2001:vol.3), nervousness
means feeling excited and worried about something or afraid of something which is connected
with the body's nerves. And this often affects a speaker either mentally or emotionally.
Therefore, nervousness is a main factor that affect the speaker's speaking skill.
2.2.6. Large class size
Pansy(2004:124), argue that, the optimum number of students in classroom through out the
year should be twenty, twenty-five or thirty. In addition, Dieghton (1971:89), and Brandford
(1972:90), argue that, when the number of students in classroom exceeds thirty, it can be
considered as a large class. Therefore, concerning with the large class says anyone can easily
understand that, large class size might be affect the interaction between teachers and students
in teaching and learning process.
2.3. Some Ways of improving students Speaking skill in English language.
2.3.1. Making classroom learning interactive
According to Jose (2007:97), stated that, chance should be given to students in second/foreign
language learning classroom in order to increase sensibility, enthusiasm and involvement. This
implies that Student's participation in classroom increases their eagerness to speak in English.
Some of the activities which students participate in are; asking and answering questions,
making group discussion, preparing a sort of speech on particular topic and speaking in the
class so as to improve the skills of their speaking skill.
2.3.2. Motivating students to speak English
Harmer (1983:69), stated that, motivation is one kind of internal drive that can encourage
somebody to pursue a course of action. This implies that teachers are highly responsible for
students learning. Teachers should also give constructive feedback and correct speaking errors
to encourage students rather than punishing incorrect answer.
2.3.3. Classroom management in large classes.
According to Wright (1987:62) and Harmer (1991:41) classroom management refers to the
ability of the teachers to create health condition of learning in the classroom, use appropriate
strategies for managing classroom task and activities and evaluate teaching activities effectively
in terms of learning out comes. This expression implies that, classroom management in large
class is the ways to create healthy conditions for learning in classroom.
Anada (1999:324) students' practicing in speaking, during Speaking lesson can improve
thorough through the uses of small group and pair work as dominant teaching strategies.
Nawsin (2009:88) indicated that speaking difficulties in English such as shyness among learners
should be solved by allocating enough time for learners to speak as much as they can in order
to develop their level of accuracy, fluency and confidence. He also further showed that creating
a comfortable atmosphere where learners can speak without stress and pressure will also do.
Brown (1994:29) stated that students speaking abilities only improve if the teachers encourage
them to speak in the classroom and plan speaking activities which are good enough, easy and at
the level of learners. He also showed that activities can be role- plays, discussion, debates and
problem-solving task.
Generally, minimizing the effect of the problem or the factors that are identified to have Strong
negative influence on students' speaking skill, frequent uses of effective learning strategies like
small group and pair work discussion or practice can help to improve students' Speaking skill.

3. Methodology of study
3.1 Population and sample
The target of this study is focused on grade 11 students of Moyale Preparatory School. In
Moyale Preparatory School there are four sections of grade 11 students. From these sections,
three are natural science and one section is social science. There are 40 students in each
classes. Thus, the researcher selected 10 students from each classes by using simple random
sampling techniques. Therefore, 40 sample students were selected from all sections to
participate in the study. Moreover, the researcher also included grade 11 English teachers in
study so as to get substantial response of the students.
3.2 Instrument of data collection
To collect necessary data from the sources, the three main instrument of data collection were
used. These were Questionnaire, interview and classroom observation.
3.2.1 Questionnaire
A Questionnaire consists of both close ended and open ended questions. It was prepared in
English to get appropriate information from selected grade 11 students and English teachers.
3.2.2 Interview
The researcher used the structurred interview type to collect data from direct source. The
same interview questions were presented to respondents after the researcher introduced his
objective of making study and request them to respond about their English classroom feeling.
3.2.3 Classroom observation
To substantiate the data obtained through the Questionnaire and interview, the researcher
employed classroom observation in all four sections and observed each sections twice. The
four sections were totally observed eight times during class speaking lesson. The main
purpose of this observation was its directness. It enabled the researcher to study straight as
they occur.
Table 1. Sampling procedure checklist

Natural Social Total

science science

Population 120 40 160

Sampling number wanted 30 10 40

3.3 Method of data analysis

The researcher analyzed collected data from all grade 11 selected students and English
teachers by using both qualitative and quantitative method of data analysis. Quantitative
data analysis used for data collection through close ended Questionnaire and interview in
form of numerical values by using tables and percentage for sake of simple analysis and easy
for interpretation. While qualitative Method of data analysis had used open ended questions
which describe all suggestion or response in form of sentences
Chapter four
4. Data analysis and interpretation
This chapter deals with the data analysis and interpretation which was gathered from the
selected sample respondents through the data gathering instruments.
4.1. Analysis of students' responses through questionnaire
Table 1. Students responses on the factors that affect their speaking skill in English

No Items Alternative Responses

Frequency Percentage

1. Does your teachers motivate you to Yes 28 70%

practice speaking in English
No 9 22.5%
I don't know 3 7.5%

Total 40 100%

2. How often does your teacher let you Always 6 15%

to practice speaking in English?
Usually 7 17.5%

Sometimes 26 65%

Rarely 1 2.5%

Total 40 100%

3. Where do you practice speaking in Only inside of the 9 22.5%

English? classroom

Both in and 27 67%

outside of the
Only outside of 3 7.5%
the classroom

No where 1 2.5

Total 40 100%

As indicated in table 1, 28(70%) of the respondents replied on item 1 that their teachers
motivate them to practice speaking skill in English. However, 9(22.5%) of respondents
responded that their teacher do not motivate them to practice speaking in English where as
3(7.5%) of them responded that they don't know whether their teacher motivate them in
speaking skill. Therefore, significant number 28(70%) of the respondents responded that their
teachers motivate them to practice speaking skill in English. From these responses we may
recognize that English teachers were playing a essential role in terms of motivating their
students to practice speaking in English.
Moreover, as it is indicated in item 2, 6(15%) of the students responded on item 1 that their
teachers let them to practice in Speaking in English always. Where as 7(17.5%) of them
responded that their teachers let them to practice Speaking in English usually. However,
26(65%) of the students responded that their teachers let them to practice to speaking in
English rarely. Hence, from this we might notice that teachers have a crucial role to encourage
the students to improve Speaking in term of motivating them.
In addition to the above concept as it is indicated item 3, 9(22.5%) of students responded on
items 1 that they practice Speaking English only in classroom. Whereas 3(7.5%) of them practice
speaking English only outside of the classroom. However, 27(67%) of them practice Speaking
English both in and outside of the classroom and the remaining 1(2.5%) of the students practice
Speaking English nowhere. Therefore, from the responses of the subjects we may understand
that most of the students were practice Speaking in English both in the classroom and outside
of the classroom.
Table 2: students responses on the factors that affect their speaking skill.

N Items Never Little Undecide To some Too much Total

o d extent responses

Fre Perce Fre Perce Fr Perc Fre Perce Fre Perce Fre Percen
qu ntage que ntage eq enta que ntage que ntage qu tage
enc ncy ue ge ncy ncy enc
y nc y
1 Influence of mother - - 7 17.5 - - 20 50 13 32.5 40 100

2 Child's background - - 10 25 - - 25 62.5 5 12.5 40 100


3 Teacher's lack of 5 12.5 13 32.5 2 5 16 40 4 10 40 100


4 Social factors - - 8 20 - - 16 40 16 40 40

5 Fear of making - - 9 22.5 - - 14 35 17 42.5 40 100


6 Lack of confidence - - 9 22.5 - - 22 55 9 22.5 40 100

7 Shortage of the - - 12 30 - - 17 42.5 11 27.5 40 100


8 Lack of grammar - - 6 15 - - 26 65 8 20 40 100


9 Large class size 7 17.5 8 20 5 12.5 7 17.7 13 32.5 40 100

10 Shortage of time to 10 25 - - - - 20 50 19 47.5 40 100


As it is indicated in table 2, 7(17.5%) of the respondents on items 1, responded that their

mother tongue affect their speaking skill in English language. Also 20(50%) of them replied that
their mother tongue affect their Speaking skill to some extent. However, 13(32.5%) of the
students did responded that their mother tongue affects their speaking skill too much. In
addition as it is shown in table 2, 10(25%) respondents on items 2, replied that their
background (environment) affects their speaking skill little whereas 25(62.5%) of students
replied that their child background affects their speaking skill in some extent. Also, 5(12.5%) of
the students replied that their background affects them in speaking skill too much.
However, as it is indicated in the above table 2, item 3, 5(12.5%) of the students responded that
their teacher have interest in making students practice speaking in English language classroom
whereas 13(32.5%) of them replied that teachers' lack of interest affects them little. Also, 2(5%)
of them replied that they do not know whether the teachers' lack of interest affects their
speaking skill or not. Moreover, 16(40%) of the respondents replied that teachers' lack of
interest affects them to practice speaking English language to some extent. Beside this, 4(10%)
of the respondents responded that the teachers' lack of interest affects their speaking skill too
much. As we can see from the above analysis, majority of the students responses range from
little to too much. Therefore, from these responses we may recognize that teachers' lack of
interest can affects students speaking skill.

In addition to the above points of view, as indicated in table 2, 9(22.5%) of the students
responded on item 5, replied that fear of making mistake is another factors that affect them in
speaking skill little. Also, 14(35%) of them responded that their fear of making mistake affect
their speaking skill to some extent. Besides this, 17(42.5%) of the respondents replied that,
their fear of making mistake affects their speaking skill too much.
For further annotation, as it is indicated in item 6, 9(22.5%) of students responded that lack of
confidence is other factor that affect their speaking skill little. Also, 22(55%) of them replied
that, lack of confidence affect their speaking skill to some extent. Therefore, from these
responses of respondents we can interprate that lack of confidence affect students speaking
skill. Moreover, as it pointed out, in table 2, ( item 7) 12(30%) of students responded that the
shortage of vocabulary affect their speaking skill little. Whereas 17(42.5%) of students replied
that shortage of vocabulary affect their speaking skill to some extent. As well as 11(27.5%) of
them do in reply, the shortage of vocabulary affect their speaking skill too much. Thus, from the
responses of subjects, we overcome that, shortage of vocabulary highly affects student's
Speaking skill.
Additionally, as it is shown in the above table 2, (item 8), 6(15%) of respondents responded
that, lack of grammar knowledge affect them little in speaking skill. But, 26(65%) of them
replied that, lack of grammar knowledge affects in their speaking skill to some extent. Also,
8(20%) of students replied that, lack of grammar knowledge affects them in speaking skill to
Nevertheless, as it is made visible in table 2, above, 7(17.5%) of students responded on item 9
that the large class size never affects their speaking skill. Whereas, 8(20%) of them replied that
large class size affects their speaking skill 15(12%) of them argued that they do not know
whether large class size affect them in speaking skill or not. moreover, 7(17.5%) of the students
replied that large class size affects their speaking skill of English language to some extent.
Besides this, 13(32.5%) the students replied that the large class size affects their speaking skill
too much.
Finally, as it is indicated in table 2(item 10), 10(25%) of the students responded that the
shortage of time to practice never affect their speaking skill whereas 20(50%) of the
respondents replied the shortage of time to practice affect them in speaking skill to some
extent and 19(47.5%) of them replied that, shortage of time to practice affect their speaking
skill too much. Therefore based on the 20(50%) and 19(47.5%) of students responses, it is
possible to say that shortage of time to practice can affect students' Speaking skill.
Table 3: students' response on the strategies used to practice in English

It How often do Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Total

e your teachers
m used the following
Frq % Frq % Frq % Frq % Frq % Frq %

1 Debate - - 4 10 19 47.5 17 42.5 - - 40 100

2 Problem solving 9 22.5 6 15 25 62.5 - - - - 40 100

3 Question and 21 52.5 7 17.5 11 27.5 - - - - 40 100


4 Discussion - - 9 22.5 28 70 3 7.5 - - 40 100

5 Presentation - - 12 30 24 60 4 10 - - 40 100

As stated briefly in table 3, item 1, 4(10%) of students replied that their teachers usually use
debate to improve their speaking skill in English whereas 19(47.5%) of them replied that their
teachers use debate sometimes to improve their speaking skill as well as 17(42.5%) of the
students responded that their teachers rarely use debate to improve their speaking skill. Thus,
from the responses of subjects, we may conclude that most of the teachers use debate to
improve student's Speaking skill. Especially, as 19(47.5%) and 17(42.5%) of the students'
responses be a sign of that their teachers usually use debate improve students speaking skill.
Moreover, as it shown in table 3 (item 2), 9(22.5%) of the students replied that their teachers
always use problem solving strategy to improve their speaking skill of English language whereas
6(15%) of the students responded that their teachers usually use problem solving strategy to
improve their speaking skill. Besides, 25(62.5%) of the students replied that their speaking skill.
Therefore, as majority of students or 25(62.5%) of the responses indicate teachers use problem
solving strategy to improve Student's Speaking skill.
In addition, as it is shown on item 3 in the same table, 21(52.5%) of students replied that their
teachers always question and answer to improve their speaking skill whereas 7(17.5%) of the
students replied that their teachers usually use question and answer to improve their speaking
skill. Also, 11(27.5%) of answer to improve their teachers sometimes use question and answer
to improve their speaking skill. Therefore, from these responses, we may understand that,
teachers use question and answer strategy to improve students' Speaking skill. Specially, as the
responses of 21(52.5%) of the students implies. On the other hand as it stated in table 3 item 4,
9(22.5%) of the respondents answered that their teachers usually use discussion to improve
their speaking skill and 28(70%) of the students replied that teachers sometimes use discussion
to make better their speaking skill whereas 3(7.5%) of them responded that their teachers
rarely use discussion to improve their speaking skill. Therefore, from the responses of 28(70%)
of the students, we may understand that most of the teachers sometimes used discussion to
improve students speaking skill.
Finally, as it is stated in table 3, (item 5), 12(30%) of the respondents replied that, their teachers
usually use presentation strategy to improve their speaking skill whereas 24(60%) of them
responded that their teachers sometimes use presentation to improve their speaking skill.
Besides, 4(10%) of them replied that their teachers rarely use presentation strategy to improve
their speaking skill. As a result of this, from the responses of 24(60%) respondents, we
recognize that the teachers sometimes use presentation to develop Students' Speaking skill in
4.2. The analysis of data obtained from teachers through questionnaire.
Table 4 Teachers' responses on the main factors that influence their students' Speaking in
English language classroom

Item Alternatives Responses

Frequency Percentage

Are your students willing to speak in Yes - -

English in the classroom?
No 5 100%

I don't know - -

Total 5 100%

As stated in above table, all or 5(100%) of the teachers responded that their students are not
willing to speak in English language classroom. Based on this response, the teachers mentioned
reasons which make students unwilling to speak in English classroom. There reasons are: lack of
confidence, shyness, fear, shortage of vocabulary. Therefore, from this responses, we may
understand that the willingness of students to speaking is very low in the English language
classroom of moyale preparatory school grade eleven.
Table 5: Teachers' responses on the factors that affect their students' Speaking skill.
N Factors that Too much To some Little Never Undiceded Total
o affect extent
Speaking in Fre Percent Freq Perce Freq Perce Freq Perce Freq Perce Freq Percent
English? que age uen ntage uenc ntage uenc ntage uenc ntage uenc age
ncy cy y y y y

1 Students' lack 5 100 5 100%

of interest %

2 Influence of 5% 100 % 5 100%

mother tongue

3 Fear of making 3 60% 2 40% 5 100%


4 Shortage of 4 80% 1 20% 5 100%


5 Lack of 5 100 % 5 100%


6 Large class size 2 40% 3 60% 5 100%

7 Shortage of 5 100% 5 100%

time to

As depicted in table 5 (item 1), 5(100%) of the teachers replied that the students' lack of
interest affect students' Speaking skill to some extent. Also in table 5 (item 2), 5(items 2),
5(100%) of the teachers responded that the influence of mother tongue affect students'
speaking skill in English too much. On the other hands, in the same table (item 3), 3(60%) of the
teachers replied that fear of making mistake affect students' speaking skill too much. Whereas
2(40%) of them responded that fear of making mistake affect students' speaking skill to some
extent. Therefore, from these responses, we recognize that lack of interest, mother tongue, and
fear of making mistake are major factors which affect students' speaking skill.
Moreover, as it is indicated in table 5 (item 4), 4(80%) of the teachers responded that shortage
of vocabulary affects students speaking skill too much. 1(20%) of the teacher replied that
shortage of vocabulary affects their students' Speaking skill to some extent. In table 5, (item 5),
5(100%) of teachers replied that lack of grammar knowledge affects students' speaking skill in
English too much. Also, 2(40%) of the teachers responded that the large class size affects their
students' speaking skill too much whereas 3(60%) of them replied that large class size affects
students' speaking skill to some extent. Based on the above responses, the shortage of
vocabulary and lack of grammar knowledge are the main factors that influence students'
speaking skill. Specially, as 5(100%) of teachers' response shows lack grammar knowledge is a
great factor that affect students' speaking skill.
Finally, as it is indicated in table 5 (item 7), 5(100%) of the teachers replied that shortage of
time to practice affects their students' speaking skill to some extent. This response implies that
shortage of time to highly affect students' speaking skill.
Table 6, Teachers' responses on how often they use Speaking
N How often Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Total
o do use the
Freq Perc Fre Perc Freq Perc Fre Perce Freq Perc Freq Perce
uen enta que enta uen enta que ntag uen enta uen ntage
cy ge ncy ge cy ge ncy e cy ge cy

1 Debate 5 100% 5 100%

2 Problem 5 100 5 100%

solving %

3 Question 5 100 5 100%

and answer %

4 Discussion 5 100% 5 100%

5 Presentatio 1 20% 4 80% 5 100%


As it is indicated in table 6 (item 1), 5(100%) of the teachers responded that they use debate to
improve their students' speaking skill to some extent. In number 2, 5(100%) of the teachers
responded that they use problem solving strategy to improve their students' speaking skill in
English always. In addition, as it is indicated on number 3, 5(100%) of the teachers responded
that they always use question and answer to improve their students' speaking skill. Also in
number 4, 5(100%) of the teachers replied that they use discussion to improve their students'
speaking skill to some extent.
Lastly, in table 6 on number 5, 1(20%) of the one teacher replied that he usually use
presentation to improve his students' speaking skill. Whereas, 4(80%) of the teachers replied
that they use presentation to improve their students' speaking skill to some extent. As the
above response implies, all teachers use debate, problem solving, and question and answer,
and discussion to encourage students on speaking skill.
4.3. Analysis of data of obtained from students through interview.
1. What do you think are major that affect your speaking skill in English?
Concerning the above question, the respondents explained the following as a major factors that
affect their speaking skill:
 Lack of speaking habit in English.
 Fear of making mistake
 Lack of background knowledge on English.
 Shortage of time to practice.
 Influence of mother tongue.
These responses are related to students' answer on table 1 above.
2, what do you think are the ways to improve your speaking skill in English?
As respondents replied on the question number 2 of the interview, the following are their
strategies to improve their speaking skill:
 Practice Speaking in English frequently.
 Watching television and listening to radio of English program.
 Reading different materials like newspaper, magazine, short stories, dictionaries, etc.
3. What are the advantage of practicing in English language classroom
As the respondents depicated on question number 3, the following were advantages of
practicing in English language classroom.
 Improving speaking skill.
 Developing self confidence.
 Being fluent and accurate speaker.
 Minimizing being nervous.
4. How often your teacher encourage you to participate in speaking activities in English
As the respondents depicated on question 4, their teachers always encourage them to
participate in speaking activities in English language classroom through discussion, questioning
and answering, and presentation. This response is related with students' responses on table 3;
most of the teachers encourage students to participate in speaking activities in English language

4.4. Interpretation of classroom observation

No Criteria Alternatives

Yes No I don't

1 Do they have willingness to speak in English classroom? √

2 Do teachers motivate students to speak in English language √


3 Do they interact with their teachers during class activities? √

4 Does mother tongue influence their English when they speak? √

5 Do students have grammar problem when they speak? √

6 Are they confident in using English language? √

Thus, the researcher observed the following things based on the above checklist:
 Most of the students were not willing to speak in English classroom.
 Teachers didn't motivate students to motivate in English.
 The interaction of students with their teachers is very low.
 Students' mother tongue was influencing them when they speak.
 Most of the students were exposed to difficulty of grammar.
 Students have no confidence when they in English.

5. CONCLUSION, FINDING and Recommendations
This study was intended to explore factors that affect students' speaking skill in English
language classroom. The case of moyale preparatory grade 11 students. The researcher found
major factors through the research instrument: questionnaire, interview and classroom
observation. On the basis of analysis, following were major findings:
The results of analyzed data through questionnaire and interview show that lack of confidence,
fear of making mistake, lack of speaking habit in English, lack of background knowledge on
English, shortage of time to practice, lack of grammar knowledge and shortage of vocabulary
were the the major factors.According to data collected through questionnaire, mother tongue
was affecting English pronunciation.Teachers were not motivating their students as the
revealsStudents were not willing to speak in English classroom as the data shows.Practice
speaking in English frequently, watching television and listening to radio of English program,
and reading different materials like newspaper, magazine, short stories, dictionaries, etc were
the way they used to improve their speaking skill.
5.2. Finding
Based on the above analysis, the researcher has the following findings on factors that affect
students' speaking skill in English language classroom. Students were shy to speak in English
outside and inside of the classroom.
Besides, fear of making mistake is the main factor or reason for the students' difficulty to use
English in classroom. This may be, because of the lack of confident, lack of accuracy, hesitation,
and other factors that stated in other tables in students responses.
 Lack of teachers motivation
 First language dominance or influence of mother tongue
 Lack of constractive feedback
 Lack of interest to speak in English
 Shortage of vocabulary and grammar while speaking
 Shortage of time to practice speaking English
 Lack of confidence
Lack of appropriate materials etc. are the main factors that undermines the students' speaking
skill in English.
5.3. Recommendation
Since recommendations have a great role for the problems, the researcher forwarded the
following recommendations based on the findings of the study:
 English language teachers should play a great role by motivating their students to speak
in English both inside and outside of the classroom.
 Students should be interested to practice English frequently to improve their grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary knowledge.
 Students should develop their speaking skills by watching television, by listening to
radio, and by referring dictionary.
 The school should prepare different debate which help students to improve their
speaking skill of English

Barch, C.(2000). Effective teaching methodology. Sydney: Macquarie university.

Brown, G, and Yule.G. (1983). Teaching the spoken language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University press

Mohank. (1995). Speaking English effectively Delhi man mill an indialtd. The
practice of English language teaching london group UK limited, England

Oxford American dictionary. (1969). Definition of speaking Chicago: Scott ferzer

Wallace, C. (1999). Reading. Oxford: oxford university press.

Lucas, S.E.(1998). The art of public speaking. USA: MC grad Hill.

Josa, M. (2008). Efficient English teaching. New Delhi: Shaman Enterprise.

Zaremba, A.J.(2006). Speaking professionally, Canada: Thompson South Western.

Appendix A

Dilla university

College of social science and humanities

Department of English language and literature

Questionnaire to be filled by students

Dear students:

The purpose of this questionnaire is to exploring factors that affect students speaking skill in
English language classroom. The case of moyale preparatory school grade 11 students.
Therefore, your genuine response are very important for success of research. Hence, you are
kindly requested to complete this questions honestly.

Thank you indeed.

Instruction |: circle the best answer among the given alternative

1. Do your teachers motivate you to practice speaking English?

A. Yes B. No

2. If your answer for question number 1 is " yes" how often does he/she let you

practice it?

A. Always. B. Usually. C. Sometimes. D. Rarely

3. Where do you practice speaking in English?

A. Only in the classroom B. Only outside of the classroom

C. Both in and outside of the classroom D. No where

4. How often does your teacher interrupt while you are speaking?

A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. No at all

5. Does your teacher's speaking attract you?

A. Yes. B. No

6. How often do you feel confident and believe in your own ability and value in speaking skill?

A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. Never

7. What is your interest to learn English language specially speaking skill?

A. High. B. Medium. C. Low

Instruction ||: Show the extent to which the following factors affecting your speaking

skill in English language classroom by using " √"

No Factors that may affect your speaking Too To some Little Never Undecid
. skill in English much extent ed

1 Teacher's lack of interest

2 Lack of confidence

3 Fear of making mistake

4. Influence of mother tongue

5 Large class size

7.To what extent you use the following strategies to practice speaking?

No How often do your teacher use the Always Usually Sometime Rarely Never
following strategies

1 Debate

2 Problem solving

3 Role play

4 Question and answer

5 Presentation

Appendix B

Dilla university
College of social science and humanities

department of English language and literature

Questionnaire to be filled by teachers

Dear teachers

First and for most I would like to thank you for your willingness and cooperation to answer for
the questions. This Questionnaire is intended to collect appropriate information for the factors
that affecting students' speaking skill in English language classroom in moyale preparatory
school grade 11 students. Therefore, I kindly request you to forward genuine responses to the
following questions.

1. Are your students willing to speak in English classroom?

A. Yes. B. No. C. I don't know

2. If your answer for question number 1 is " no" what do you think are the reason?



3. What do you think are the major factors that affect students speaking skill in



4. How often do you give a good support/ opportunities to your students to talk in

English in relaxed manner?

A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. Not at all

5. How much do you concerned about developing your students' self confidence

In using whatever English they know?

A. Extremely. B.moderately. c. Not at all

6. The following are the factors that affect your students' speaking skill. Please

Use " √ " mark to show the extent to which they affect you as a teacher to

engage your students in speaking skill.

No Factors that may affect students' Too To some Little Never Undeci
speaking in English much extent ded

1 Students lack of interest

2 Influence of mother tongue

No Factors that may affect students' Too To some Little Never Undeci
speaking in English much extent ded

3 Fear of making mistake

4 Social factors

5 Lack of grammar knowledge

7. To what extent you use the following strategies to engage your students in

speaking skill activities?

No How often do you use the following strategies Always Usually Someti Rarely

1 Debate

2 Problem-solving

3 Role- play

4 Question and answer

5 Presentation

Appendix C

Student's interview
1. Do you take notes during lesson?

2. What are the major problems you face in speaking skill?

3. What are the cause of speaking problems you face individually?

4. What are the causes of speaking problems you face with your classmates?

5. Do you try to improve your speaking skills? How?

Classroom observation
1. Teachers encourage his students during speaking lessons
2. Methods of encouragement to motivate his students

Give individual class work

Discuss his students in group
Evaluate the activities
Give homework
3. Cause of problems
Lack of interest
Lack of practice
Lack of grammar knowledge
Social factor
Fear of making mistake
Influence of mother tongue

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