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NAME:______________________________________DATE: __________

Grammar: have got

Choose the correct words.

1. Have your parents got a car? Yes, they _____.
A. ☐ haven’t
B. ☐ has
C. ☐ have

2. Has Luke got a pet snake? Yes, he _____.

A. ☐ has
B. ☐ hasn’t
C. ☐ haven’t

3. Has Jerry got a new bike? No, he _____.

A. ☐ has
B. ☐ hasn’t
C. ☐ haven’t

4. Have your friends got DVD players? No, they _____.

A. ☐ have
B. ☐ has
C. ☐ haven’t

5. Has your brother got a computer? Yes, he _____.

A. ☐ have
B. ☐ has
C. ☐ haven’t

6. Has Milly got a budgie? Yes, she _____.

A. ☐ has
B. ☐ hasn’t
C. ☐ haven’t

2. Make the sentences positive.

1. They haven’t got a cat.


2. Carla hasn’t got a television in her bedroom.


3. Mum hasn’t got a DVD player.

4. We haven’t got a garden.

5. George hasn’t got two mobile phones.


6. I haven’t got a computer.


3. Vocabulary: possessions

Choose the correct words.

1. 3.
It's an MP3 player/ a It's a games console /
radio. a camera.

2. 4.
It's a television / a It's a television / a
remote-controlled skateboard.
It's a mobile phone / a
games console.

It's a DVD player / a

4. Choose the correct A. ☐ Yes, it is.

alternative. B. ☐ No, it isn’t.

Is it a mobile phone?
A. ☐ Yes, it is.
B. ☐ No, it isn’t.

Is it a remote-controlled

Is it an MP3 player?
A. ☐ Yes, it is. A. ☐ Yes, it is.
B. ☐ No, it isn’t. B. ☐ No, it isn’t.

Is it a camera?
A. ☐ Yes, it is.
4. B. ☐ No, it isn’t.
Is it a DVD player?
A. ☐ Yes, it is.
B. ☐ No, it isn’t.

Is it a skateboard?

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