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English VIII

Industrial Design

B.A. in E.L.T. Iván Serrano López
Tutorials: After class or by appointment

1. Grading Policy

Unit 1
Grammar: 35% Writing / Speaking / Listening / Reading 35% Classwork & Homework: 30 %
Unit 2 & 3
Listening Section / Structure and Written Expression Section / Reading Section: 70%
Classwork & Homework: 30%

2. Test Dates

Unit 1: January 24th –January 31st 2023.

Unit 2: February 28th – March 7th 2023.
Unit 3: April 11th – April 18th 2023.

3. Rules

 Be respectful Ss-T / Ss-Ss

 Attendance 80% so that you can take the test for each unit
 No eating
 No drinking (except for plain water or coffee)
 Keep your space clean
 Do not use cell phones, ip@ds, MP3 players, tablets, computers, etc,
when in class. They can only be used for educational purposes.
 No cheating and plagiarism

4. Recommended websites for further practice:

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