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Kevin Camilo Nieto Murillo - 431191010

Effects and Causes Of Social Networks

For many years, humanity has developed advanced technological tools, which although they are
an essential aid for the development of basic, and/or advanced tasks, if not controlled in the best
way, can create an addiction and can even generate damage to people's mental health.

One of the most used technological tools in the last decade is the cell phone, which during
the last 15 years, has been increasing its regularity and use in society, to the point of using it every
day of life. A cell phone is a tool that has been evolving over the years and increasingly makes the
quality of life easier for human beings. Moreover, things like long-distance calls that were once
thought impossible, now, with a couple of movements anyone can communicate anywhere in the
world without any restriction.

However, despite having many things that are functional for people's daily lives, there are
also certain risks that in recent years have increased overwhelmingly. One of them is that the
excessive use of cell phones affects both mental health and the quality of sleep of youngsters and
especially the interpersonal relationships between them. In Peru, a study was conducted in 2021
with 400 young people in which they proved through tests and diagnostic surveys that excessive
cell phone use affects the quality of sleep and interpersonal relationships. The results showed that
the hypothesis put forward by the researchers was true that cell phones did affect different factors
in this population, thus demonstrating the veracity of the study and revealing the risks of not
knowing how to control the use of cell phones. (Velasquez, Maldonado, Ytuza, Cornejo, &
Cusirramos, 2021).

Besides that, the above study was also conducted concerning the problems of excessive
cellular phone use, which evidenced the increase in cell phone use among young people in a time
of preventive confinement due to a global problem affecting all of humanity. This problem was
the COVID-19 pandemic, caused in 2020, which ended the lives of many people and forced
others to stay in preventive isolation, in order not to become infected and not to affect the health
of those close to them. This pandemic caused many young people to identify and even perceive
the use of cell phones as a tool that helps them to distract themselves because they could not do
much else to distract themselves. Families have a significant role in this excessive use, since,
after the confinement they were more concerned about the excessive use that young people gave
the cell phone, this could be seen in a study of the city of Malaga where an investigation was
conducted with young people before and during the pandemic and the use of both the cell phone,
and of the different technologies, this had an increase of more than 60% causing concern and
problematic perception by the families, and above all generating problems and difficulties in
different areas in adolescents who do not handle a preventive control over the use of
technologies. (Civico, Cuevas, Colomo, & Gabarda, 2021)


Ariza; A et al. (2021). Jóvenes y uso problemático de las tecnologías durante la pandemia: una
preocupación familiar. Revista científica de Educación y Comunicación Nº 22, p 1-12.
ISSN: 2172-7910 (electrónico).

Sota; A et al (2021). Uso excesivo del celular, calidad de sueño y soledad de jóvenes de la ciudad
de Arequipa. Rev. Psicol. Vol 11. N°1. P 207-223. ISSN 2311 - 7397

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