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Romanian Government

Monday, 25 April

Message from Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă on the 17th anniversary of

the signing of Romania’s Treaty of Accession to the European Union

“There are 17 years since the signing of the Treaty that enshrined Romania’s accession to the European Union, a moment the Romanians were expecting as a concrete
chance for democracy consolidation and economic development.

Looking back at the benefits EU membership has brought us, we have sufficient reasons to consider that this has been a good choice for Romania and for Romanians: the
tripling of Romania’s gross domestic product compared to that at the time of joining, economic and social stability, free movement for citizens, goods and services, free
access to the European single market for Romanian entrepreneurs and support provided through European funding.

So far, Romania has benefited from almost 42 billion euros net from the European Union, money that was used in various projects that have helped reduce development
gaps and have fostered private initiative.

In the current global context, where the economic and social effects of the pandemic overlap with the energy and humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion of
Ukraine, European solidarity will allow us to further support the necessary reforms benefiting all Romanians and society as a whole. Through the National Recovery and
Resilience Plan, Romania will benefit in the next years from almost 30 billion euros for new investments and reforms, in addition to the other European financing
instruments. The ‘Support for Romania’ package of measures aimed at protecting the citizens and the national economy also benefits from European support. Of the 17.3
billion lei, the value of the entire package, 9 billion lei will be provided from European funds.

Whether we speak of digitalization and energy, health and infrastructure, education and the environment, European support offers us the prospect of sustainable
development, which will make its defining mark on the country’s modernization and higher living standards.

The Romanian Government remains firmly committed to the goal of protecting the citizens and supporting the economy through investments financed from the state
budget and European funds. Our responsibility is to continue the European path of Romania, a fact also pledged through the goals included in the programme for
government, and in full agreement with the pro-European orientation of the majority of Romanian citizens.

Happy Anniversary, Romania, in the European Union! Happy Anniversary to the Romanians as European citizens!”

Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă,

Prime Minister of Romania

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