Romanian Government - Press Release 02 - 28 April 2022

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Romanian Government

Thursday, 28 April

Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă attended the meeting of the

Interministerial Committee for the coordination of Romania's relations with


Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă chaired today, as national coordinator, a new meeting of the Interministerial Committee for the coordination of Romania's relations
with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the second meeting held after the invitation addressed to our country, in January, to start negotiations
to join this inter-governmental forum.

An important item of the meeting agenda was the assessment of the situation of targets included in the first part of the Roadmap transmitted to Romania, in the
perspective of the annual OECD Ministerial Conference, scheduled for June 9-10, in Paris, when the projects of the Roadmaps of all countries invited to join the
Organization, are due to be approved.

“The accession process is an opportunity to implement the best practices and standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Our goal as a
country is to provide our citizens with all the economic and political benefits that derive from membership, alongside states holding more than 70% of global production
and trade and 90% of global foreign direct investment”, stated Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă.

The elements of the initial roadmap for Romania include: the establishment and functionality of the legal framework for the application of the Anti-Bribe Convention
and the related implementation program (under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice), the Codes for Liberalization of capital flows and invisible operations (under
the responsibility of Ministry of Finance) and corporate governance of state-owned enterprises (under the responsibility of Ministry of Finance, with a large participation
of many ministries that have such enterprises under their authority and which have to implement this legislation).

Another topic discussed on the agenda of today’s meeting of the Interministerial Committee, was the participation of Romanian representatives in the OECD meetings. In
this context, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă emphasized the importance of the way in which the representation of the Romanian side is prepared, deeming it a very
technical process and that this participation is evaluated as a criterion for interest and admission.

The members of the Interministerial Committee decided to establish a task force at the Government level to manage and integrate these negotiations, which are extremely

The accession to the OECD is a strategic objective of Romania's foreign policy, included in the programme for government.

Additional information:

Established in 1961, OECD is an inter-governmental forum dedicated to identifying, disseminating and evaluating the implementation of appropriate public policies to
ensure sustainable economic growth and social stability. The OECD has 38 members, most of them Europeans (23), developed countries, holding more than 70% of
global production and trade and 90% of the world's foreign direct investment.

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