Makalah Bahasa Inggris Group 8

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(Submitted to fulfill one of the English course assignments)

1. Anisa (1420122007)
2. Frion Finlan Hilari (1420122055)
3. Linda Herliana (1420122008)
4. Rosalinda Putri Elisabet (1420122014)
5. Wulan Sunarti ( 1420122022)

Bachelor of Nursing study program A

Immanuel Bandung Institute of Health

Year 2022

Praise be to God Almighty for giving us the opportunity to finish this writing. With His grace
and guidance we were able to complete the skin health paper in a timely manner.

Skin health papers were prepared to fulfill English assignments at the Immanuel Health
Institute Bandung. In addition, we also hope that this writing can add insight to readers. The
author is very grateful to.

1.Amanda Puspanditaning Sejati, S.Pd., M.HumThe assignment that has been given can add
knowledge and insight related to the field that the author is engaged in. The author also thanks
all parties who have helped the process of preparing this paper.We realize that this paper is far
from perfect. Therefore, we will accept constructive criticism and suggestions for the
perfection of this paper.

Bandung, 1 January 2023

Group 8


TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................................................
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................................
1.2 Formulation Of the Problem.........................................................................................................
1.3 General Purpose...........................................................................................................................
1.4 Special Purpose............................................................................................................................
1.5 Writing System.............................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................................
2.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................
2.2 How to Maintain Healthy Skin......................................................................................................
2.3 The Inportance of Maintaining Healthy Skin Months...................................................................
2.4 Skin Diseases that Often Arise......................................................................................................
2.5 Traditional treatment of skin diseases.....................................................................................
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................................
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................
3.1 conclusion.....................................................................................................................................
3.2 suggestion.....................................................................................................................................


1.1 Background

The skin is the outermost organ which is the first protector for the human
body, so if something happens to the limbs that are first affected it is the
skin. The skin is also one of the supports of human life, namely as the
sense of touch and appearance in everyday life. In humans, the skin can be
attacked by various diseases, from minor illnesses to serious illnesses that
lead to human death. Some of the causes of skin disease include: through a
dirty environment, through animals, body hygiene, natural disasters, skin-
to-skin interaction. Therefore it is very important to maintain its condition
or existence (Bumi, 2010). In everyday life, a person often visits an expert
or doctor when experiencing skin disorders. However, sometimes an
expert or doctor also has weaknesses, namely limited working practice
hours, many patients waiting in line, having a remote place to live, or the
age factor that affects memory and stamina at work. So that one day an
expert or doctor can be wrong in diagnosing a skin disease and even
provide the wrong solution for the patient. So with the advancement of the
world of technology.

1.2 Formulation Of the Problem

1. What is skin health?

2. How to maintain healthy skin?
3. What is the importance of maintaining healthy skin?
4. What are the common skin diseases?
5. What are the traditional and modern medicines for skin diseases?

1.3 General Purpose

The general purpose of making this paper is to make readers understand

about skin health

1.4 Special Purpose

The specific objectives of this paper are:
1. To know about the notion of skin health
2. To find out how to maintain healthy skin
3. To know the importance of maintaining healthy skin
4. To find out what skin diseases that often arise
5. To find out what are the traditional and modern medicines for skin

1.5 Writing System

Paper Covers


Table of contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 problem formulation

1.3 general purpose

1.4 special purpose

1.5 systematic writing

chapter 2: discussion

2.1 Understanding skin health

2.2 how to maintain and care for skin health

2.3 the importance of maintaining healthy skin

2.4 common skin diseases

2.5 Traditional treatment of skin diseases

chapter 3: closing

3.1 conclusion

3.2 suggestions




2.1 Definition

Human skin is the outer layer of the body in humans. It is the largest organ of the
covering body system. The skin has several layers of ectodermal tissue and covers
the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. The skin plays an
important role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss.
Because it interfaces with the environment, the skin plays an important role in
protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss. Its other functions
are insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, synthesis of vitamin D, and
protection of vitamin B folates. Severely damaged skin will try to heal by forming
scar tissue. This causes the skin to change color and depigmentation frequently. In
humans, skin pigmentation varies between populations, and skin type can range
from dry to oily. Such shell variations provide a rich and diverse habitat for some
bacteria which are approximately 1000 species from 19 phyla.

2.2 How to Maintain Healthy Skin

How to Care for and Maintain Skin Health

How to? Here I will give tips on caring for healthy skin to keep it bright
and healthy.
A. Drink lots of water
Water is a natural resource that can provide millions of benefits for living
things. One of the most prominent benefits is maintaining healthy skin. By
drinking water, you will avoid skin stress. Besides being able to avoid
stress on the skin, water can also prevent you from wrinkled skin. The
minimum amount of water you should consume per day is 8 glasses. How
to drink was not the origin of the drink. You have to take it little by little
so that it lasts longer in the body.
B. Get enough sleep
The second way to maintain healthy skin is to set bedtime properly.
According to research, someone who lacks sleep will have dull skin,
wrinkles quickly and skin color becomes uneven. Therefore, for those of
you who want healthy and supple skin, you must set a bedtime. The
standard sleep time in a 24 hour period is 7 hours. Within 7 hours, the skin
will regenerate so you will look fresher the next day.

In addition to maintaining rest periods, you can also maintain healthy skin
by avoiding direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will make your skin dull and
dry. For that, you should wear a jacket or sweater when leaving the house.
C. Avoid Foods Containing Sugar
The next step for maintaining healthy skin is to avoid foods that contain
lots of sugar. According to research, foods that are too high in sugar will
cause collagen and elastin to suffer damage. If so, your skin will become
wrinkled and become loose. That's why limit consumption of sugar to keep
skin fresh and healthy. Replace foods that contain lots of sugar with fruits
and vegetables. You need to do this because fruits and vegetables are food
sources that contain vitamins and minerals which are very good for skin
D. Perform Routine Maintenance
Air pollution makes your skin dry and dull. That's why you need to cleanse
your skin to keep it looking clean and fresh. Wash your face at least 3
times a day. This is important because air pollution is one of the causes of
acne. For that, diligently wash your face and shower 2 times a day.
E. Using Natural Masks
To prevent facial skin from acne, use a young corn mask. To avoid a dull
face, use a cucumber mask and to avoid acne scars, you can use a lime

2.3 The Inportance of Maintaining Healthy Skin Months

Who doesn't want to have beautiful and pleasing facial and body skin? Everyone
definitely wants it. You won't have beautiful and beautiful skin if you don't take
care of it regularly and don't understand how to take good care of your skin. It's
useless for you to strive for white facial skin but it's not healthy and well
groomed. Likewise if you have white skin but it looks dull and diseased because
you are not consistent in caring for it. Once again remember that the skin is the
outermost member of our body and is in direct contact with the environment. So
we need to protect its condition from environmental hazards such as pollution, air,
sunlight, vehicle fumes, chemicals and much more. Clean and Healthy Living
Behavior (PHBS) is very necessary in improving the quality of one's health. One
of the PHBS actions is to maintain skin cleanliness and health. Some diseases that
can occur due to lack of skin hygiene such as bacterial, parasitic, viral or fungal

infections can reduce the sufferer's quality of life. Healthy skin is indeed very
important in the health of the body. Therefore, before the skin becomes dull,
withered and wrinkled, do prevention and treatment to protect and maintain
healthy skin right now

2.4 Skin Diseases that Often Arise

Skin disease
1. dermatitis
The terms eczema and dermatitis are often used to describe the condition
the same one. Dermatitis is a non-inflammatory inflammation of the skin
acute, subacute, or chronic, and is influenced by many factors,
for example constitutional factors, irritants, allergens, heat, stress,
infections, etc. Dermatitis
Acute symptoms show erythema, edema, papules, vesicles, wetting and
In the subacute stage the skin is still reddish, but it is drier and drier
There is a change in pigmentation. The chronic stage shows
excoriations, scales, and fissures. There are various kinds of dermatitis,
The following will discuss the types that are most often encountered. This
disorder can
have predominant stages. Itching often becomes
main complaint.
2. Fungal infection
Skin disorders caused by fungi that are often encountered can be
caused by dermatophytes, candidosis by candida and pityriasis
versicolor by Malassezia sp. Fungi are saprophytic organisms
in a certain favorable environment will grow to invade
skin, hair, or nails. Such conditions, or called factors
predisposing factors, including humidity, heat, trauma, response
decreased immunity, etc. So to get healing and

prevent recurrence, in addition to appropriate and adequate treatment, very
It is important to eliminate these predisposing factors
3. Bacterial infection
Impetigo is the most common form of superficial pyoderma.
The most common cause is Staphylococcus aureus phage group II. The
predilection for the axilla, chest, and back. In neonates often found in
groin area and buttocks. Skin disorders begin with the macula
erythematous which quickly becomes vesicles, bullae and hypopyon
The bulla ruptures easily because of its subcorneal location, leaving
annular scales
with a central erythema (cholarette), and dries quickly. Lesions can
dilated to form a polycyclic appearance. The general situation is usually
HIV-related skin diseases can develop along the way
HIV infection in 90% of sufferers. When seroconversion occurs,
Exanthema may occur with fever and constitutional symptoms.
After seroconversion there will be a period of asymptomatic HIV
infection. Herpes
zoster at the onset of clinical symptoms occurring in the younger age
group (below
50 years) is closely related to HIV infection. Chronic seborrheic dermatitis
and severe may also present as early manifestations. Besides,
Skin infections in HIV infection include molluscum contagiosum, pruritic
papular, severe herpes simplex or human papilloma virus infection,

severe bacterial infections, mycobacterial and fungal infections and
Kaposi. Infestations such as scabies are usually more severe. Adverse
Drugs are very common in HIV infection.
HIV-related skin diseases can develop along the way
HIV infection in 90% of sufferers. When seroconversion occurs,
Exanthema may occur with fever and constitutional symptoms.
After seroconversion there will be a period of asymptomatic HIV
infection. Herpes
zoster at the onset of clinical symptoms occurring in the younger age
group (below
50 years) is closely related to HIV infection. Chronic seborrheic dermatitis
and severe may also present as early manifestations. Besides,
Skin infections in HIV infection include molluscum contagiosum, pruritic
papular, severe herpes simplex or human papilloma virus infection,
severe bacterial infections, mycobacterial and fungal infections and
Kaposi. Infestations such as scabies are usually more severe. Adverse
Drugs are very common in HIV infection

2.5 Traditional treatment of skin diseases

asically the people of Indonesia have used the treatment of skin diseases in
modern ways such as ointments, but the existing methods have not been
successful in curing them. It even makes sufferers complain and become
depressed about their illness, so they try to find various kinds of alternative
treatments that are more scientific and simple, such as treatment in the traditional
way, below are the types of plants for skin diseases, namely:

1. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)

Efficacious for the treatment of ulcer disease (pus wound). The part of the plant
used is tamarind seeds. The method of processing is 2 cloves of tamarind seeds
finely ground and then sprinkled on the injured skin ( festering ) , then bandaged
2-1 times a day .

2. Ginger (Zinger of finale rocs)

Efficacious for the treatment of insect-bitten wounds. The part of the plant used is
ginger rhizome.

3. Guava (Pisidium guajava)

Guava is efficacious for the treatment of burns. The plant parts used are leaves
and seeds. The way to manage it is that some guava leaves are crushed or ground
until smooth and then affixed to the sore spot 1-3 times a day.

4. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica)

Efficacious for the treatment of smallpox. The part of the plant used is turmeric
rhizome. The method of processing is 1 clove of turmeric mixed with tamarind
and coconut oil to taste, after which it is rubbed on the skin affected by
chickenpox for 1-3 times a day.

5. Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

Efficacious for the treatment of ringworm, scabies, and inflammation of the skin.
The part of the plant used is the coconut fruit (coconut oil). The way to manage it
is that the coconut fruit is processed into coconut oil and then you need as much
as 1 tablespoon and enough whiting after that it is stirred thoroughly like an
ointment after being applied to the sore skin for 1-3 times a day.

6. Cambodia (Plumeria acuminate)

O'clock. The flowers are red or yellow in the middle, while the smell of the
flowers is fragrant. Efficacious for the treatment of Umagap disease, W.
Inventory, Medicinal Plants, Alternative Medicine, Skin disease 71 spots (cracked
on the soles of the feet). The part of the plant used is the bark. The method of
management is the bark of 1 stalk pounded and mixed with water, then squeezed
after that the feeling is drunk for 1-2 times a day

7. Forest Amethyst (Brugmansia suaveokens)

Efficacious for the treatment of eczema. The part of the plant used is the fruit of
the forest amethyst. The method of management is 1 piece of forest amethyst fruit
is sliced and mixed with areca nut, betel nut and lime and then rubbed onto the
affected skin evenly for 1-2 times a day. Before being treated the eczema is
cleaned with hot water first. And others.



3.1 conclusion

Human skin is the outer layer of the body in humans. It is the largest organ of the
covering body system. The skin has several layers of ectodermal tissue and covers
the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. The skin plays an
important role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss.
Everyone wants healthy skin, so we have to take care of our skin by drinking lots
of water, getting enough sleep, avoiding foods containing sugar, oil, and doing
skin care. Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) is very necessary in
improving the quality of one's health. One of the PHBS actions is to maintain skin
cleanliness and health. If we don't take care of skin health, some diseases that can
occur due to lack of skin hygiene such as bacterial, parasitic, viral or fungal
infections can reduce the quality of life of sufferers. In dealing with skin diseases,
the community uses traditional medicine by utilizing plants that are around them,
such as: tamarind, ginger, guava, turmeric, coconut, frangipani, black amethyst.
So before the skin becomes dull, wilted and wrinkled, get sick, do prevention and
treatment to protect and maintain healthy skin from now on.

3.2 suggestion
We recommend that before starting to use the services of a beauty clinic to take
care of yourself, consider deeply, what are the negative impacts and positive dam
that will be generated. if the skin problem is not too severe it is better to be treated
naturally first, rather than having to go straight to the doctor. Even if it takes a
long time, do it Natural treatments tend not to have side effects Harm


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