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Gamification Of Moodle With Plugin

Department of Computer Science

Shivaji University Kolhapur
Shivaji University: Brief Profile


Plugin for Moodle Gamification

Gamification of Moodle With

Shivaji University-University of Hyderabad
Shivaji University

Second in the field of research at

National Level announced by QS
World BRICS India Ranking
Ranked 56-60 in all educational
institution in India.
Country Ranked 251-260 in
educational institution in BRICS
(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
Africa) countries
Gamification presents instructional
content using game-like elements to
increase student engagement in the
learning process.
Games-based learning
Games as a part of instruction
“Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics to
engage users in solving problem” Zichermann, Gabe; Cunningham, Christopher
(August 2011) Gamification by Design

“Gamification is used in applications and processes to improve user

engagement, return on investment, data quality, timeliness, and
learning” Herger, Mario (May. 21, 2012). "Gamification Facts & Figures".

“The use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game

contexts.” Werbach, Kevin – Gamification MOOC 2012

Online courses can be made more engaging, interactive and exciting

for the learner’s by inducing a small tint of Gamification.
Top 6 Plugin for Gamification in Moodle

Interactive Content – H5P

Top 6 Plugin for Gamification in Moodle

Interactive games using questions,
glossaries and quizzes.
Games include
•Snakes and Ladders
Top 6 Plugin for Gamification in Moodle

Add an inventory of items to your course and let your students find items by
exploring the activities.
Top 6 Plugin for Gamification in Moodle

Level up!
Engage your students! Gamify your students' learning experience by allowing
them to level up in their courses.
Top 6 Plugin for Gamification in Moodle
Motrain/Mootivated - Mobile Gamification
Motrain and Mootivated are personalized gamification platforms that reward
employee/student effort for learning in Moodle. Virtual coins are awarded for
working in Moodle and they can be spent at the discretion of the user.

Quizventure is an activity module that loads

quiz questions from the course it's added to.
The possible answers come down as space
ships and you have to shoot the correct one.
Students Experience Captured With
WordCloud & Sentiment Analysis In R

A word cloud is a graphical

representation of frequently used words
Sentiment is often framed as a binary distinction (positive vs. negative), but it
in a collection of text files. The height of
can also be a more fine-grained, like identifying the specific emotion an
each word in this picture is an indication
author is expressing (like fear, joy or anger).
of frequency of occurrence of the word in
the entire text.

Personalize Solve Real

Learning Time
Experiences Problems

Rewards Engages &

Leads Entertains
Involvement Learner.

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