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People aged 45-50 years old

=> People / citizens / individuals at the age of 45-50
=> People in the 45-50 age group
=> The 45 to 50-year-old people / citizens / individuals
=> The 45 to 50-year-olds
=> People whose ages are / were from 45 to 50


Double / triple: Use as Verbs or Adjectives
* Use to compare 2 subjects in one year
Ex: The number of mobile phones produced by Samsung doubled / was double that
of Iphone in 1997

Twofold / Threefold: Use as Adjectives or Adverbs

* Use to compare 1 subject in two different years (in a period) + only use to
describe the rising trend
Ex: The number of mobile phones produced by Samsung increased twofold from
30 million in 1994 to 60 million in 1998
or: The number of mobile phones produced by Samsung witnessed a twofold
increase from 30 million in 1994 to 60 million in 1998

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