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Teacher Grace

แนวข้ อสอบเข้ าม.1 ภาษาอังกฤษ

Reading (พาร์ ทการอ่ าน)

Part: Reading Comprehension

Direction: Read passages and choose the best answer. (Items 1-3)

Many species of bats have very small eyes and do not see well. Still, they
can fly around, and hunt for food in the dark without bumping into any objects.
How is this possible? Echolocation! You might recognize the beginning of the
word echolocation as echo, and you might recognize the last part of the word as
location. This gives you clues about how echolocation works. The bat sends out
sounds using its mouth or nose. The sounds bounce off objects and return to the
bat. Echolocation not only tells the bat that the objects are nearby, but it also
tells the bat just how far away the objects are, and what they look like - be its
size, shape and even texture. Bats are not the only creatures that use
echolocation, porpoises and some types of whales and birds use it as well. It is a
very useful tool for the animals that use it.

1) What is the main idea of this passage?

1. Bats cannot see very well.
2. Many animals use echolocation.
3. Bats are not the only creatures that use echolocation.
4. Echolocation is a useful tool for bats and other animals.

2) What does the word "they" refer to?

1. the clues 2. the objects
3. the sounds 4. the creatures

3) Which statement is NOT true?

1. Echolocation is a very useless tool for a bat.
2. Echolocation helps a bat hunt for food in dark.
3. Echolocation tells a bat what an object looks like.
4. Echolocation tells a bat how far away an object is.
Teacher Grace

Direction: Read the graph and choose the best answer. (Items 4-5)

4) What is this bar graph about?

1. Appliances used by residents.
2. Total electricity used per year.
3. Hours of appliances used per month.
4. Daily hours these appliances are used.

5) According to the bar graph, which statement is TRUE?

1. The refrigerator is used the most every day.
2. The air-conditioner is used the least on weekdays.
3. The lights are used more than refrigerator on weekends.
4. The television is used less than the computer on weekdays.
Teacher Grace

6) From the chart, which sentence is true? (แนวข้อสอบ EP)

1. Comedies are the second most popular.

2. Action movies are the most popular.
3. There are more students who like romance movies than drama.
4. One quarter of the students like Sci-fi movies.

Items 7 – 11: Read the given texts and answer the questions below.

7) As they came outside, Marianne told Cathy that the ending had surprised
her. Cathy said the ending hadn’t surprised her, but she didn’t understand
why the police took so long to question the maid. Marianne asked Cathy
if she was hungry, but Cathy said she had eaten too much popcorn.

You can conclude that Marianne and Cathy ________.

1) have just finished the meeting
2) have just seen a movie together
3) are police officers discussing a case
4) have just finished a meal at a restaurant

8) The longest river in the world is Nile. It runs through North Africa. The
Nile is more than four thousand miles long. But the Nile is just one
hundred miles longer than the Amazon. The Amazon is found in South

From the story, you can tell that ________.

1. the Nile is in South America
2. the Amazon is longer than the Nile
3. the Nile and Amazon are very long rivers
4. the Amazon is only one hundred miles long
Teacher Grace

9) Today skiing is a sport. But long ago, hunters used skis to chase animals.
In Norway, there is a rock carving that show two hunters on skis. Skis
were once most useful for people who ________.

1. liked to make rock carving 2. wanted to find food

3. enjoyed having fun in the snow 4. took vacations in Norway

10) You dream each night, even though you may not remember your dreams.
While you dream, your eyes move and your heart beats faster. Some
scientists think that dreaming is important for the sake of health. They
claim that without dreams, people would go crazy.

The story mainly tells ________.

1. how sleep is necessary
2. how people stay healthy
3. why dreams are important
4. when people remember their dreams

11) Many people like to keep bees as a hobby. Others sell the honey that
bees make. But beekeeping has its strange beliefs. According to one
belief, bees feel that they are important members of the beekeeper's
household. If they are not told of family events, they leave the hive.
Also, if the bees are not treated right, the luck of the family vanishes
along with the bees.

From this story you can tell that ________.

1. some people treat bees like people
2. bees do not produce honey
3. a beekeeper should treat bees badly
4. bees always mean bad luck
Teacher Grace

Aran and Somchai were sitting on the bank of a river. They were fishing.
Suddenly a dog jumped into the river and swam up and down. "It's too bad,"
said Aran. "How can we catch a fish?" "What a silly dog!" Somchai angrily
grabbed the dog by the collar and pulled it onto the dry land. The dog then bit
his hand and ran away. (แนวข้อสอบ EP)

12) What were Aran and Somchai doing?

1. They were fishing. 2. They were fighting.
3. They were swimming. 4. They were sitting near the river.

13) What did the dog do?

1. It barked angrily. 2. It ran after Aran.
3. It jumped into the river. 4. It helped catching the fish.

World Animal: Whales

Whales are the biggest animal in the sea. They are much bigger animal on
land. The largest whales are more than 30 meters long. Whales live in water, but
they are not fish. They have warm blood, and they breathe air through a hole in
the top of their head. They can stay under water for about an hour without
breathing. There are two kinds of whales. One kind has a big mouth with teeth.
Its mouth measures four meters in depth. It can eat other large animals of the
sea. This kind is called a Killer Whale. The other kind of whale is much larger than
the Killer Whale. It has no teeth. Instead, it has rows of bone in its mouth. Small
sea life is caught in these bones. These whales also have a small throat. They
cannot swallow anything larger than an apple.

Whales have skin but not scales. Their skin is gray or black in color. Under
their skin is a lot of fat. This fat is used to make oil. The oil is used for many things
such as making soap or cosmetics. Some whales have oil in their heads. This is
pure oil and is very valuable. From 114 to 228 liters of oil can be found in the
head of some whales. Sometimes one big whale has hundreds of liters of oil.

14) Which sentence is true according to the story?

1. There are more than two kinds of whales, one is called the Killer Whale.
2. The Killer whale can eat any large animals of the sea because of its big
3. The fat under the whales' skin is used to make cooking oil.
4. Whales can stay under water for a long time, together with breathing.
Teacher Grace

15) Where does whale breathe?

1. A mouth. 2. A skin.
3. A hole on its head. 4. A bone.

16) Fat from whales come from their ________.

1. throats 2. blood
3. teeth 4. skin

Are you left-handed? If so, you use your left hand more than your right
hand. Left-handed people use their left hands to do what many people do with
their right hands. This causes left handers problems in our right-handed world.
Scissors, for example, are made to fit into the right hand. Left-handed people
have a hard time cutting things. When left-handed people sit in some classroom
chairs, they find that the book rest is on the right side. Then they have to lean
over to write.

17) What is this passage mainly about?

1. Problems faced by left-handed people
2. Reasons why most people are right-handed
3. Importance of designing tools for left-handed people
4. Advice on using tools designed for right-handed people

18) What can be concluded from this passage?

1. Most scissors are designed for use by left-handed people.
2. Right-handed people sometimes have a hard time cutting things.
3. Left-handed people use their left hands more than their right hands.
4. Left-handed people learn to use tools designed for right-handed
Teacher Grace

19) If you are interested in attending this camp, what should you do?
1. Go to Khaoyai 2. Send an email to Mr. Smith
3. Call the Brighton English Club 4. Invite your friends aged 12-17

20) What is the meaning of this traffic sign?

1. No Parking 2. No Overtaking
3. No Vehicle Allowed 4. No Taxi Services
Teacher Grace

21) This advertisement is for ________.

1. an English camp 2. a holiday trip
3. a special deal 4. a free magazine

22) How much does the watch cost?

1. It costs 99 baht. 2. It costs 2,014 baht.
3. It costs 2,880 baht. 4. It is free with a subscription.
Teacher Grace

Situation: You want to buy a train ticket in the UK. Look at the picture
showing the correct steps for buying it.

23) Read the following instructions and rearrange them according to the
correct order of the pictures.
A. Find the ticket and information office
B. Arrive at the train station
C. Put the ticket in a safe place
D. Buy a suitable ticket
E. Go to the train with your ticket
F. Ask for the information about the ticket

1. A-B-D-C-F-E 2. B-A-D-E-F-C
3. B-A-F-D-C-E 4. A-B-F-D-E-C
Teacher Grace

24) Reading is like "a journey to a new place" because ________.

1. it is difficult. 2. it is interesting
3. you do it at home 4. you can read anywhere

25) How do we know that Snoopy doesn't like reading?

1. Because he would rather sleep than read.
2. Because he is awake.
3. Because he likes books.
4. Because he is in a car.

26) What can be inferred from the comic strip?

1.The girl doesn't say no. 2. The boy doesn't say no.
3. The boy doesn't like the girl. 4. The girl doesn't like the boy.
Teacher Grace

Instruction: Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
(Items 27 - 34) (แนวข้อสอบ EP)

The Ring of Fire is an enormous chain of volcanoes all around the Pacific
Ocean. The ring goes from New Zealand up to Asia and across the ocean to
Alaska. From Alaska, the ring continues southward along the coast of both
North and South America. More than seventy-five percent of the world's
volcanoes are located in this ring.
Scientists are interested in studying the Ring of Fire because they can
observe plate tectonics at work there. In 1912, a German scientist Alfred
Wegener, came up with the first theory of land movement. Wegener said
continents are made up of lighter rockets resting on heavier material. Similar
to the way large things move while floating on water, Wegener suggested that
the positions of the continents were not fixed, but that they moved slightly.
Later, scientists discovered most of Wegener's ideas were right on the mark.
They then developed the theory called plate tectonics.
According to plate tectonics, the surface of the Earth consists of a number
of enormous plates or sections of rock, each about eighty kilometers thick The
plates float and slowly move at speeds between one to ten centimeters every
year. That is about the rate your fingernails grow! Within the Ring of Fire, new
material for the Earth's plates is constantly being created as hot liquid rock
called magma flows from the center of the Earth up to the ocean floor. All the
existing plates on the Earth's surface have to move slightly to make room for
the new material.
As plates move both away from and toward each other, they run into
each other. When they hit each other, one plate might move under another.
This process is called subduction. Subduction frequently causes earthquakes. It
may also result in the bottom plate melting due to the extreme temperatures
under the top plate. The magma created in this process can rise to the Earth's
surface and come out through volcanoes, as can be seen along the Ring of Fire.

27) What is the best title of this passage?

1. The Ring of Fire 2. Subduction
3. Theory of Land Movement 4. Plate Tectonics
Teacher Grace

28) According to the reading, which statement is true about the Ring of Fire?
1. The ring gets bigger each year.
2. The ring was discovered in the 20t century.
3. All of the volcanoes along the ring are active.
4. Most of the volcanoes on Earth are part of the ring.

29) Which of the following statement is FALSE about the plate tectonic theory?
1) There are two elements of the Earth surface.
2) The plate moves slowly by floating every year.
3) Plate tectonic theory was developed by Wegener.
4) The speed of the plates’ moving is as long as the rate of your fingernails

30) The word "subduction" means ________.

1. erupting liquid rock
2. the theory of moving plates
3. rocks moving under volcanoes
4. movement of a plate under another

31) What is NOT a result of shifting tectonic plates?

1. Earthquake
2. Volcanoes
3. Subduction
4. Extreme temperatures inside the Earth

32) The underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

1. the scientists 2. the plate tectonics
3. the large things 4. the continental positions

33) These are the information of the plates, EXCEPT ________.

1. they float and move slowly.
2. they can bump each other.
3. they can be created magma liquid.
4. they can rise to the Earth's surface.

34) Which question CANNOT be answered after reading this passage?

1. Where is the Ring of Fire?
2. How fast do tectonic plates move?
3. What is the most active volcanoes today?
4. How thick are the plates in tectonic theory?
Teacher Grace

Instructions: Read the news and choose the correct answer. (Items 35 – 37)

25 Sep 2021
New Flood Warning for Central Plains
Wat Bunkannawat in Ayutthaya was under a metre of water and floods
were spreading across the province. The Royal Irrigation department warned
more areas in Central Plains for flooding as it continues to release more water
from Chao Phraya Dam. This is expected to cause more areas especially in
Ang Thong and Ayutthaya.

35) What is this news about?

1. A temple in Ayutthaya 2. A flood warning in Thailand
3. A department in Ayutthaya 4. A dam in Ayutthaya

36) Where are the Central Plains?

1. Ang Thong 2. Ayutthaya
3. Bangkok 4. 1 and 2

37) Why are the flood spreading?

1. Because it's raining.
2. Because there will be water released from a dam.
3. Because the water is spreading everywhere.
4. It isn't mentioned in the news.
Teacher Grace

Instructions: Read the table and choose the correct answer. (Items 38 – 40)

38) What does the table show?

1. The averages of COVID-19 patients in countries in Western Pacific
2. The percentages of confirmed cases and deaths in countries in
Western Pacific Region.
3. The comparison between new and old cases of COVID-19 in countries
in Western Pacific Region.
4. A number of patients who are sick and dead from COVID-19 in
countries in Western Pacific Region.
Teacher Grace

39) According to the table, which sentence is incorrect?

1. Philippines is in the first rank
2. There are no confirmed deaths in nine countries.
3. Wattis and Futuna have the least COVD-19 cases of all.
4. French Polynesia has new cases more than Malaysia but less than

40) Which question can't be answered form the given table?

1. How many total cases are there in Papua New Guinea?
2. When is the latest confirmed cases and deaths announced?
3.Which country has the largest number of confirmed cases in the
4. Which country has the smallest number of deaths in Western Pacific

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