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Teacher Grace

แนวข้ อสอบเข้ าม.1

ห้ องเรียน EP (English Program)
Part 1: Conversation
Direction: Choose the correct response/expression for each situation.
(Items 1 – 10)

Situation: Adam and Mary are talking about films.

Mary: Did you watch the new movie? It’s boring for me.
Adam: No. I’m not interested in that movie. ____(1)____ this week?
Mary: Sure. How about “Happy Family”?
Adam: Hum, ____(2)____. It sounds a bit boring. We could see “Spider-Man”.
Mary: Well, I don't like action films, but it worth a try.

1) 1. What is the film about

2. I've got a problem
3. I would like a ticket
4. Why don't we go and see another one

2) 1. I'm not sure 2. that’s fine with me

3. don't miss it 4. have fun
Teacher Grace

Situation: A customer is going to buy new sandals.

Shopkeeper: May I help you?
Customer: Yes. I would like to buy a pair of sandals, please.
Shopkeeper: Of course. What size do you wear?
Customer: Size five.
Shopkeeper: ____(3)____
Customer: I want the first one, please.
Shopkeeper: Certainly. That will be 1,000 baht.
Customer: ____(4)____! That’s way too overpriced.
Shopkeeper: That’s because it’s handmade, madam.
Customer: Well, ____(5)____
Shopkeeper: It’s OK.

3) 1. When do you want to buy? 2. Which one do you want?

3. Where will you buy sandals? 4. How much is it?

4) 1. You bet 2. You think

3. You’re lying to me 4. You can’t be serious

5) 1. I’ll take them. 2. They’re nice.

3. I can’t afford that. 4. I’ll pay by cash.
Teacher Grace

6) A: Would you mind if I opened the window?

B: _______.
1. Yes, go ahead 2. No, I would
3. Yes, I wouldn't mind 4. No, I wouldn't mind

7) A: Excuse me. I don't think we've met. I'm Kate.

B: My name is Rena. ________
1. Oh. Is it? 2. How are you?
3. I don't think so. 4. Pleased to meet you.

8) Henry: Would you like to go out with me this Friday night?

Kim: ________.
1. I’d love to, and I’m busy 2. No, I wouldn't, but you can
3. Yes, I would like to, but you can't 4. I’d love to, but I can't

9) You want to borrow a book from your teacher. What will you say?
1. May I lend you a book? 2. Could you lend me a book?
3. Please borrow the book from me. 4. Where's your book?

10) You can't hear what your teacher said. What do you say?
1. May I go outside? 2. Could you speak louder?
3. Could you tell me the answer? 4. May you ask me a question?
Teacher Grace

Part 2: Grammar
Direction: Choose the best answer. (Items 11 - 20)

11) My mother usually _______ coffee, but now she _______ tea.
1. drink / doesn't drink 2. is drinking / drinks
3. drinks / is drinking 4. drinks / drinks

12) The postman _______ at eight yesterday, but it's now half past eight and
he _______ yet.
1. came / has come 2. came / has not come
3. has come / did not come 4. didn't come / has not come

13) All the girls fell in love with the new _______.
1. Korean handsome teacher 2. teacher Korean handsome
3. handsome Korean teacher 4. hand-some Korean teacher

14) That’s the _______ film I've ever seen.

1. very interesting 2. most interested
3. most interesting 4. more interest

15) While I _______ at the bus stop, a thief _______ my bag.

1. waited, stole 2. was waiting, stole
3. waits, was stealing 4. was waiting, were stealing

16) If Somjai _______ free on Sunday, she _______ shopping.

1. is, will go 2. will be, goes
3. is, can't go 4. will be, will go
Teacher Grace

17) Could you _______ me to the shopping center?

1. drive 2. drives
3. driven 4. drove

18) _______ Everest is _______ highest mountain of _______ Himalayas.

1. The , the , the 2. - , a , the
3. - , the , - 4. - , the , the

19) This is getting ridiculous. This car is _______ not _______.

1. she , me 2. your , mine
3. hers , me 4. mine , yours

20) Mr. Jack is _______ Mr. Thompson.

1. more tall 2. tall than
3. taller than 4. more taller

Part 3: Vocabulary
Direction: Choose the closest meaning of the underlined word in the
following (Items 21 – 27)

21) The librarian asked some children to be silent because the others were
trying to study.
1. noisy 2. quiet
3. hard-working 4. normal

22) Many kinds of animals live in the jungle.

1. country 2. snowflakes
3. desert 4. tropical forest
Teacher Grace

23) Five soldiers were seriously wounded.

1. slightly 2. severely
3. immediately 4. approximately

24) When I was young, my mom told me a lot of humorous stories every night.
1. exciting 2. funny
3. horrible 4. Interesting

25) The old man struck a snake with a stick.

1. hit 2. taught
3. killed 4. caught

26) She thinks she's so glamorous. She always wears a lot of gold jewelry.
1. proud 2. arrogant
3. attractive 4. beautiful

27) There is a lot of controversy about cloning.

1. purpose 2. permission
3. performance 4. disagreement
Teacher Grace

Direction: Choose the best answer. (Items 28 – 30)

28) When something is very hard to believe we say it's almost _______.
1. incredible 2. complicated
3. complex 4. amazing

29) Please write _______ ink when you fill _______ the form.
1. with , on 2. in , with
3. with , off 4. in , out

30) Situation: Liza doesn't have a watch. She wants to know the time now.
Liza: Excuse me. Do you have the time, please?
The man: Yes. _______, madam.
1. It’s half past one
2. It’s half past three
3. It’s a quarter to one
4. It’s a quarter past one
Teacher Grace
Part 4: Reading
Direction: Read the following extracts and choose the best answer. (Items
31 – 40)

31) Which activity burns four times the number of calories per hour as slowing
1. running 2. swimming
3. fast walking 4. biking

32) What does this sign mean?

1. No parking allowed. 2. No playing in the street.

3. No pedestrian traffic. 4. No passing allowed.
Teacher Grace

If you are going to see the nurse, please contact the reception desk
and give your details to the receptionist two days before the day of
your appointment.

33) If you are going to see the nurse, you must _______.
1. give your personal information to the receptionist
2. ask the receptionist just before the appointment
3. wait for the receptionist at the reception desk
4. make an appointment two days before

Why you're hungry, or even just thinking about food, you often hear your
stomach growl. Sometimes, your stomach also growls when you're nervous or
excited. What you are actually hearing is your stomach muscles pushing air
around inside your stomach.
Your stomach also makes noises right after you eat. That's because your
stomach muscles move around to mix the food you're eaten with special juices.
When they do this, they also move around the air that you swallowed with your
food. This causes your stomach to growl though not as loudly as when your
stomach is empty.

34) This article is mainly about _______.

1. how you digest food 2. muscles of the human body
3. why people get hungry 4. why your stomach growls

35) You can guess that your stomach growls the loudest when you _______.
1. yell loudly 2. need food
3. are at school 4. are eating
Teacher Grace

36) Your stomach growls because _______.

1. there is air in your stomach 2. you feel sick to your stomach
3. you are tired 4. you have eaten too much

Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day? Is there a special way of
spending this time in your culture? In Japan, it is only the women who give
presents (mainly chocolates) to men. Japanese women are usually too shy to
express their love (though it might not be true nowadays.) Therefore, Valentine’s
Day was thought to be a great opportunity to let women express their feelings.
However, this is a custom that smart chocolate companies spread to boost their
sales, and it has been very successful. Now the chocolate companies in Japan sell
more than half of their annual sales during the week before Valentine’s Day. Men
are supposed to return gifts to women on a day called “White Day” (March 14th)

37) From the passage, which of the following seems to be a general character of
most Japanese women about showing love?
1. Friendly 2. Sociable
3. Shy 4. Selfish

38) What sort of gifts do Japanese women normally give to men on Valentine's
1. A card 2. A flower
3. Chocolate 4. Love

39) The word “boost” can best be replaced by _______.

1. distribute 2. promote
3. discount 4. purchase
Teacher Grace

40) Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?

1. The chocolate companies in Japan sell more than half of their annual
sales during White Day.
2. On Valentine’s Day, Japanese women can reveal their special feelings
to men by giving some chocolate.
3. On White Day, Japanese women normally buy some white chocolate to
all men they love.
4. Japanese men can express their special feelings to the women they love
during the week before Valentine’s Day and White Day.

Part 5: Writing
Direction: Write with the correct words to complete the sentences.
The number of letters in the brackets is a hint for you.
(Items 41 - 45)

41) A ________________ is someone who cuts hair for men. (6 letters)

42) A ________________ is someone who flies the plane. (5 letters)

43) An _________________ is someone who got trained to go travel into the

space. (9 letters)

44) A ________________ is a machine in the kitchen that heats food very quickly
using electric waves. (9 letters)

45) The students can go to the________________ when they want to borrow

some books. (7 letters)
Teacher Grace

Direction: Write the correct answer that is suitable for the sentences.
(Items 46 - 50)

46) ___________ your parents ___________ coffee every morning?

47) He ___________ ___________ a letter to his friend now.

48) ___________ you ___________ been to a circus?

49) The shop ___________ ___________ closed since last year.

50) ___________ you ___________ a letter to your friends yesterday?

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