สรุป Modal ที่ชอบสอบเข้าม.1

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Teacher Grace

สรุ ป Grammar ที่ชอบออกข้ อสอบเข้ าม.1

2. Modal Verb + ______________
Modal Verb คือ ___________________ Modal Verb มีดงั ต่อไปนี้

Verb to do (____________________) ต้องตามด้วย ________________ เช่นกัน

*คาเหล่านี้ก็ใช้เหมือน Modal Verb : have to/need to /__________ /__________ /___________
** Verb ที่ตามหลัง ____ ก็ตอ้ งเป็ น __________ ด้วยเหมือนกัน**

1) Do you _____________ who swept the floor?
(1) knew (2) known
(3) knows (4) know
2) We must ___________ our hands before eating.
(1) wash (2) washed
(3) washes (4) washing
3) The door bell is ringing ___________ you please open the door?
(1) Do (2) Shall
(3) May (4) Will
4) My father is working. We ___________ make any noise when we play.
(1) must (2) don't
(3) mustn't (4) may
5) This shirt is very old. __________ I throw it away?
(1) Shall (2) Must
(3) Will (4) Do
Teacher Grace

6) Harry _____________ finish his homework before he goes out to play.

(1) don't (2) never
(3) has to (4) wants
7) Dang wanted to ____________ the new bicycle.
(1) bought (2) buys
(3) buying (4) buy
8) The dentist can ________________ the bad tooth.
(1) treats (2) treated
(3) treat (4) treating
9) Did you ______________ across the road just now?
(1) ran (2) runs
(3) running (4) run
10) My brother used to .................. able tennis when he was young.
(1) played (2) playing
(3) plays (4) play
11) Did you ___________ to the market this morning?
(1) go (2) going
(3) goes (4) to go
12) Pete : "______________?”
Grace : "No, I can't."
(1) Can't he drive (2) Who can't drive
(3) What can't he do (4) Can you drive

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