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Battle of Arkansas Post, also known as Battle of Fort Hindman, was fought from
January 9 to 11, 1863, near the mouth of the Arkansas River at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, as
part of the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. Confederate forces had constructed
a fort known as Fort Hindman near Arkansas Post in late 1862. In December of that year,
a Union force under the command of Major-General William T. Sherman left for an expedition
against Vicksburg, without Major-General John A. McClernand because neither Major-
Generals Henry Halleck nor Ulysses S. Grant trusted McClernand. After Sherman's force was
repulsed at Chickasaw Bayou, McClernand arrived and took command from Sherman in
January 1863.
McClernand led an expedition to capture Arkansas Post, despite disapproval from Grant. After
arriving near the fort on January 9, Union infantry moved into position on January 10. A major
Union naval bombardment of the Confederate fort occurred that evening. Early in the afternoon
of January 11, McClernand ordered an infantry assault, which moved close to the Confederate
fortifications. Having suffered through severe artillery fire, white flags of surrender began to
appear above the Confederate positions around 4 or 4:30 p.m., although the garrison
commander, Confederate Brigadier-General Thomas J. Churchill denied ordering the
surrender. There was some confusion as the surrender occurred anyway, as one of his brigade
commanders initially refused to capitulate. Grant was convinced as to the value of the
movement against Arkansas Post after the fact, but reassigned McClernand to corps
The Battle of Arkansas Post, also known as Battle of Fort Hindman, was fought from
January 9 to 11, 1863, near the mouth of the Arkansas River at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, as
part of the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. Confederate forces had constructed
a fort known as Fort Hindman near Arkansas Post in late 1862. In December of that year,
a Union force under the command of Major-General William T. Sherman left for an expedition
against Vicksburg, without Major-General John A. McClernand because neither Major-
Generals Henry Halleck nor Ulysses S. Grant trusted McClernand. After Sherman's force was
repulsed at Chickasaw Bayou, McClernand arrived and took command from Sherman in
January 1863.
McClernand led an expedition to capture Arkansas Post, despite disapproval from Grant. After
arriving near the fort on January 9, Union infantry moved into position on January 10. A major
Union naval bombardment of the Confederate fort occurred that evening. Early in the afternoon
of January 11, McClernand ordered an infantry assault, which moved close to the Confederate
fortifications. Having suffered through severe artillery fire, white flags of surrender began to
appear above the Confederate positions around 4 or 4:30 p.m., although the garrison
commander, Confederate Brigadier-General Thomas J. Churchill denied ordering the
surrender. There was some confusion as the surrender occurred anyway, as one of his brigade
commanders initially refused to capitulate. Grant was convinced as to the value of the
movement against Arkansas Post after the fact, but reassigned McClernand to corps
The Battle of Arkansas Post, also known as Battle of Fort Hindman, was fought from
January 9 to 11, 1863, near the mouth of the Arkansas River at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, as
part of the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. Confederate forces had constructed
a fort known as Fort Hindman near Arkansas Post in late 1862. In December of that year,
a Union force under the command of Major-General William T. Sherman left for an expedition
against Vicksburg, without Major-General John A. McClernand because neither Major-
Generals Henry Halleck nor Ulysses S. Grant trusted McClernand. After Sherman's force was
repulsed at Chickasaw Bayou, McClernand arrived and took command from Sherman in
January 1863.
McClernand led an expedition to capture Arkansas Post, despite disapproval from Grant. After
arriving near the fort on January 9, Union infantry moved into position on January 10. A major
Union naval bombardment of the Confederate fort occurred that evening. Early in the afternoon
of January 11, McClernand ordered an infantry assault, which moved close to the Confederate
fortifications. Having suffered through severe artillery fire, white flags of surrender began to
appear above the Confederate positions around 4 or 4:30 p.m., although the garrison
commander, Confederate Brigadier-General Thomas J. Churchill denied ordering the
surrender. There was some confusion as the surrender occurred anyway, as one of his brigade
commanders initially refused to capitulate. Grant was convinced as to the value of the
movement against Arkansas Post after the fact, but reassigned McClernand to corps
The Battle of Arkansas Post, also known as Battle of Fort Hindman, was fought from
January 9 to 11, 1863, near the mouth of the Arkansas River at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, as
part of the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. Confederate forces had constructed
a fort known as Fort Hindman near Arkansas Post in late 1862. In December of that year,
a Union force under the command of Major-General William T. Sherman left for an expedition
against Vicksburg, without Major-General John A. McClernand because neither Major-
Generals Henry Halleck nor Ulysses S. Grant trusted McClernand. After Sherman's force was
repulsed at Chickasaw Bayou, McClernand arrived and took command from Sherman in
January 1863.
McClernand led an expedition to capture Arkansas Post, despite disapproval from Grant. After
arriving near the fort on January 9, Union infantry moved into position on January 10. A major
Union naval bombardment of the Confederate fort occurred that evening. Early in the afternoon
of January 11, McClernand ordered an infantry assault, which moved close to the Confederate
fortifications. Having suffered through severe artillery fire, white flags of surrender began to
appear above the Confederate positions around 4 or 4:30 p.m., although the garrison
commander, Confederate Brigadier-General Thomas J. Churchill denied ordering the
surrender. There was some confusion as the surrender occurred anyway, as one of his brigade
commanders initially refused to capitulate. Grant was convinced as to the value of the
movement against Arkansas Post after the fact, but reassigned McClernand to corps

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