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Blog Post #2 Questions:

a) How has your draft proposal helped you with your Capstone Project?

My draft proposal helped me focus on key areas, such as drafting and how I will be contacting and directing
people. So far drafting has been quite easy, trimming off bits I don’t like and adding parts I do is quite fun, but
I am more worried about the fact of how I want to contact the people who will be in this thing, and if they
show commitment to this fully or not.

b) What strategies do you plan to use to keep yourself on task and organized with your project?

Notes. Writing stuff down in any way helps me stay organized and focused, like writing down something I
should add or remove for the next day of work can help me get along on the writing and casting way faster. It
can also help me with reminders on future ideas that have yet to happen, like camera angles or locations to
film at.

c) What obstacles remain that you need to overcome to be successful with your project?

I want to say time constraints. With how big this is, and how much time I have I hope I don’t start
coasting along not doing jack and making this a big final leap in the last 2 weeks of work time. Knowing
myself and how I work, I can see me putting off stuff that should be done right away and I plan in every
way to stop that from happening, like using notes, alarms, reminders from friends or family, the whole 9

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