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Roguish Archetype

Many have sought companionship, whether it is from other
people or animals or even from something as simple as a doll.
These rogues are masters not only of the craft of doll making
but also the art of using stings to manipulate others.
Puppet Maker
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you have
mastered the art of creating and controlling a puppet to use
in combat.
You gain proficiency in carpenter's tools and can spend a
period of 5 hours that can be fit into a long rest with a set of
carpenter's tools to create a puppet. When you create a
puppet you need at least 10gp worth of appropriate materials
to function as a base. The AC of your puppet is dependant on
the base material use for its base, which is either the corpse
of a medium or smaller creature, wood, or metal.
Base AC
Corpse of a large creature or AC of the original
smaller creature
Metal 18
8 + your proficiency

Your can command your puppet using your action, requiring

the use of both your hands to gesture. All attacks made using
your puppet qualify for your Sneak Attack feature, only as
long as they don't have disadvantage on the roll.
You can modify your puppet with puppet gimmicks when you
create it or over the course of a long rest you can replace 1
gimmick. You puppet can have a number of puppet gimmicks
equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.
All puppets you create count as constructs regardless of their
original creature type, and use the statistics at the end of this
document. All rolls made by them use their own modifiers,
separate from yours.
Puppets can wield weapons if they can hold them however
they gain no benefits from magic items and you can repair a
puppet over the course of a long rest using your carpenter's
String Arts
Also, at 3rd level, you have a series of strong strings that
protrude from your fingertips. You use these strings to
control your puppet or to take the following actions;
Garotte. You can grapple a creature using your strings from
15ft away, using your Acrobatics skill rather than Athletics. At
the start of each of your turns while you have a creature
grappled this way, you can use your action to deal 1d6
slashing damage, triggering your Sneak Attack feature.
Redirect. As an action, you can use your strings to pull a
creature within 30ft of you in a direction of your choice. The
creature must make a Strength (Athletics) check against your
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a fail, the creature is moved
10 feet in any horizontal direction of your choice.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Puppet Gimmicks
Iron Shell
The puppets skin becomes as hard as iron increasing its AC
by 2.
Midnight Slick
As an action you can order you puppet to pour oil from a
hidden compartment covering a 10ft radius. The oil counts as
difficult terrain and is extremely flammable. You need to
replace the oil for the puppet after using this feature.
Dragons Charge
When you command your puppet to attack you can have it
discharge energy from a hidden compartment to strike a
creature within 30ft. You determine the energy type from
acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison and can change the type
each long rest. This attack deals 2d8 of that damage type and
cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.
Scorpion's Dart
When you attack with your puppet you can launch a piece of
ammunition or a mundane object from a hidden
compartment. You can load a number of pieces of
ammunition or objects equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Puppet Parade Iron Maiden
At 9th level, in a pinch you can turn corpses or humanoid Your puppets insides have been made hallow to capture
objects into Improvised Puppets. You can, as an action, creatures. When you command your puppet to grapple a
attach any number of available strings to suitable targets to creature that is the same size or smaller than the puppet it
create Improvised Puppets. opens up to swallow them whole. When a creature is
Improvised puppets only take 1 string to operate allowing you captured in this way they are considered to be both blinded
to operate up to 10 at one time. Improvised Puppets have 1 and restrained. Any damage a puppet would take is also taken
hit point and use the (corpse) puppet statblock. You can use by a creature captured this way.
your action to command 1 to all of your improvised puppets
to make the same action. If no actions are issued the
improvised puppets take the Dodge action.
Sting Maestro Puppet
At 13th level, when you have a creature grappled by your Construct, Neutral
strings you can use your action to force that creature to
attack as if it were your puppet. The creature must make a Hit Points 3 times your Rogue level
strength saving throw to resist this effect. Speed 30ft
(DC10 + your Dexterity modifier).
Additionally, you can as a reaction when you are attacked,
shift one of your puppets to intercept the attack. Your puppet STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
becomes the new target of that attack. 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (0) 8 (-1)
Puppet Master Damage Immunities psychic, poison
At 17th level, your ability to control puppets has reached the Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, poisoned
limits of mortal dexterity. You can now control a puppet using
1 hand, allowing you to command up to two at one time. You Puppet tightly strung. You add your PB to any ability
can command both puppets to attack using your action and check, attack roll, or saving throw that the Puppet
both attacks can qualify for your Sneak Attack feature as long makes.
as they have different targets and don't have disadvantage on
the roll. Actions
Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: your Dexterity
ART CREDIT modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see.
Hit: 1d6 + PB force damage.
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