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DAILY LESSON PLAN viewpoint about it.

Grade 5 Girly consumes her day using her mobile

Date:11/16/22 Quarter: 2nd phone. Experts say that children, like her, should not
be spending long hours playing or browsing on
gadgets. Aside from that eyesight is affected, the
Ma. Melissa M. Alcazar
(Signature of Grade Level LP Checker over Printed Name) eating habit is at risk also. Worst, children become
short tempered and ill-mannered. Her parents need
Subject: English 5 to regulate and caution girly in using such.
Time: Section Jade 8:00-8:50 AM
Section -Garnet 8:50-9:40 AM F. Developing Mastery
Section: Tourmaline Read the paragraph and state your viewpoint on
Learning Competencies: Foreign tourists have good things to say about
Identify point of view us.You often hear them saying that we filipinos are
II. CONTENT: welcoming :
Identifying point of view That visitors like them are given special
III. LEARNING RESOURCES treatment in our homes .Usually they are served
A. References with the best food that we could dffer.This and
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: 29-31 other traits such as being courteous, helpful and
2. Learner’s Materials: family- oriented made us known worldwide.
3. Text book Pages: .
B. Other Learning Resources G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills
English Expressways language Grade5 pp- Explain the point of view of the writers
statement,”KIndness should not be seasonal or
Value/s: selective”
IV. PROCEDURES H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the
A. Reviewing or presenting the new lesson lesson.
Reviewing the past lesson. Point of view is the angle of considering things
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson which shows us the opinion,or feelings of the
Read the short story. individuals involved in a situation. The words like
Rosa is starting to get tired.She had been waiting we, ,he,she, should and let us are helping words
for her mother for eternity.” How big is the market used to express the viewpoint of the writer.
anyway?I am so hungry,andmother is still not here,”
Rosa thought.she was already considering on buying I. Evaluating learning
from the small carenderia at the opposite street.but Read the story and give the viewpoint of the writer.
children cannot go out during the quarantine period. Miss Cruz, a grade IV teacher, was a bright pupil
All Rosa can do is to be patient and talk to her during her grade school ,She walked to school from her
growling tummy friend. distant home. She belonged to a very poor family.her
Answer the questions that follow. parents did not give give her money for morning or
1. What is Rosa doing? afternoon snacks.on Saturdays she helped her mother
2. Where did mother go? do the laundry for a rich ne Mang Pedro went to a
3. Who is narrating a story? public high school in hher barangay. When she was
Fourth year high school,she passed an examination for
C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson the scholarship. She was able to finish college she
became a teacher.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Section: Jade___ Section Garnet:___
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
1. What is the picture about?
for remediation:
2. What do you call such?
Section Jade: ___ Section: Tourmaline: ___
3.Is it helpful?.Why? Why not?
4.Do you know of an instance where ads or C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
advertisements brought harm than good? When No. of learners who have caught up with the
was it? lesson. Section Jade: ___ Section: Garnet ___
Why did you regard it as helpful?or not. D. No. of learners who continue to require
Section Jade: ___ Section : Garnet: ___
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Group Work
Why did these work?
Group 1 - Give your viewpoint on this pictures

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did use/

Group 2 – Read the paragraph and state your discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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