Actividad Segunda Lengua

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Above the provisions of the Convention, as well as the other rules that are applicable in
accordance with the Convention, except those rules that are mandatory. Article 9. 7
Additionally, article 7.2 establishes that questions related to matters governed by the
Convention, but not expressly resolved by it, must be dealt with in accordance with the
general principles on which they are based. If these principles do not exist, then they must
be treated in accordance with the applicable law in accordance with the norms contained in
Private International Law.
The second part, entitled Formation of the contract, is contained between articles 14-24.
The third is called Sale of goods, it is found between articles 25 to 88, and includes the
provisions related to the obligations of the buyer and the seller, as well as the remedies for
breach of contract. For this reason, it includes provisions related to their adoptions and
reservations. It should also be taken into account that, in accordance with what is
determined in article 4, the Convention exclusively regulates the formation of the contract
of sale and the rights and obligations of the parties. Its scope of application does not include
the validity of the contracts, nor the validity of any of its provisions or uses.

Article 5 sets out how the Convention does not establish the seller's liability for death or
physical injury caused to an individual by the goods. The previous paragraph shows that the
Convention does not regulate all international sales contracts, nor does it have rules that
include all the aspects that could be contained in this type of contract. This shows, as
Franco Ferrari has pointed out, that the Convention does not solve all the problems that
could possibly be found in this type of contract, and, as such, it is necessary to appeal to
other sources of law. 4 The Convention contains provisions, such as those set forth in
articles 6-9, from which a regulatory system for international sales contracts can be built.

6 As such, the contractual provisions prevail over the provisions of the Convention, as well
as the other rules that are applicable in accordance with the Convention, except those rules
that are mandatory. Likewise, uses and practices are of the utmost importance, as
established in Articles 8 and 9. Article 9. Parties to contracts of the type in question in the
particular trade in question.

7 Additionally, article 7.2 establishes that questions relating to matters governed by the
Convention, but which are not expressly resolved by it, must be dealt with in accordance
with the general principles on which they are based.

student point of view

the provisions of the Agreement, as well as the other rules that are applicable in accordance
with the Agreement, except for those rules that are mandatory. The third is called Sale of
merchandise, is found between articles 25 to 88, and includes the provisions relating to the
obligations of the buyer and seller, as well as remedies for breach of contract. For this
reason, it includes provisions related to its adoptions and reservations. Its scope of
application does not include the validity of the contracts, nor the validity of any of its
provisions or uses.

4 The Convention contains provisions, such as those established in articles 6 to 9, from

which a regulatory system for international sales contracts can be built. 6 As such, the
contractual provisions prevail over the provisions of the Convention, as well as over the
other rules that are applicable in accordance with the Convention, except those rules that
are mandatory.

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