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Final Reflection

The three biggest concepts are the concept of nonviolence, tactics for change, and
types of oppression.

If I could go back and take this class again, I would because it’s something I’ve been
interested in for a while and I wanted to learn more about other people’s histories as
well as my own. I would also recommend this class to everyone because regardless of
what category they fall into, they can learn something about themselves and the people
around them. Also, there are valuable lessons to be remembered as well.

My teacher did allow for questions this quarter. I think there were a lot of opportunities to
speak as well.

My opinion of America is that it is still an extremely flawed country. The past was riled
with suffering and hate. This led me to realize that America is built on the oppression of
marginalized people. However, it has come so far. The fact that people now
acknowledge the sins of the past is progress. That schools are starting to educate
people on important history.

I still don’t truly feel like I belong, but I believe that with time I can see myself as
belonging. I understand the impact my people had on America and hopefully, I too can
carry on the legacy they left. As for my role, I don’t know what that would be, but I’ll find
it one day.

I did talk to my parents about this class. I asked about their own experiences when it
came to immigration and passing. Also if they were ever met with negativity living in
America. I also suggested to my sister that she take this class once she is in high
school (I hope you’ll still be teaching ethnic studies within the next four years)

To future students: ask questions about themselves or about their own families. Along
with the impact their ethnicity has had on American history because regardless of which
corner of the world they’re from. Also, don’t be afraid of talking to the people around

I felt like many of the lessons were still focused on African American history and I was
hoping to learn more about Latin American, Native American, Polynesian, and Asian
history. Perhaps the next time you teach this class, you include at least one lesson from
people of these regions.

Out of thirty in participation I give myself a twenty-five. I think there were some moments
in the group discussion I could have added things as well. Also, a couple of times I did
not read some of the reading assignments.

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