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Date Submitted: 11/25/22

Consultant Log Cover Sheet

Consultant: LMS Log #: 4

Consultee’s Initials: NJ Date of session: 11/18/22
Setting: zoom Length: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 10th & 11th grade English teacher

Key Themes of Discussion: Consultation about Lack of Motivation in Student,

fourth meeting

Transcript Process Notes

Consultant (C): Hello Ms. J, how’s it going? Broad opening
Teacher (T): Hi, I'm good, how are you doing?
C: I'm doing well. I know the past few weeks we
were not able to meet because you were a bit busy.
Can we do a little recap?
T: Yes, I had a lot going on the past few weeks at
C: OK, I understand. Last time we spoke about
Jayden and the information you found in his BIP.
You planned to use it as a guide to approach him
and to implement more reinforcers in class to
motivate him.

T: Yes, that is correct. I did more reinforcing and it Shaking her head in agreement.
has yet to show a positive result. I do think that I
need to do more, but that is a start.
C: I’m glad that you were able to implement
something new. Can you tell me more about how
Jayden has been in your class?

He is coming because I guess that's one of
the, part of the criteria. And he just put his
head down. So now this is the week where
I'm like, okay, I need you to start doing stuff.
Right. So that's, that's my thing now. Like,
okay, how do I approach him this week?
Cause now I got to make sure, now, now that
I've read it, now I have to make sure I watch
my tone. So now I'm going to be
hypersensitive about that. And being that
now I've asked him, okay, how are you going
to meet me halfway? And now me knowing
these things, to what extent I'm, I'm
wondering like what reinforces will help
support this because Mm. Cause he doesn't
really participate at all. Okay. So it's like this
point, it's like I have to get him started.
We gotta start somewhere. I suggest doing
more activities in the classroom that elicit
participation or working with partners and
see how he reacts to it.
Yeah. From zero to one first. And um, and me
knowing all this, well even just this little bit,
it's still, you know, now it's in my head. So I'm
like, all right, he coming there with his
blanket, put his head down. He would, he
walks around with a blanket. A lot of them do
that. They bring some big blankets to class
because it cold in the classrooms but then
you go outside and its 90 something degrees.
Honey it would be 103 degrees here in
Houston, but 59 in their classroom.
C: I would start by not allowing the blankets in the
classroom if they are permitted to wear sweaters.
Because like you stated, they come in the
classrooms with blankets and immediately go to
sleep, I would remove that reinforcer.
T: Yeah. I also worry because I feel like he’s not
sleeping well at night, he comes in looking very
tired. His eyes are often red and I know one may
think “oh his eyes are red then he must be high”. But
I know it’s not from smoking marijuana or
anything… I know what that looks like and he just
looks tired to me.
C: It could be that. Like how you mentioned a few Paraphrasing
sessions ago, that his mom is not around, his father
is in jail and grandma is over it. So the traumatizing
experiences are taking a toll on him.
That boy is just lacking guidance. Guidance.
Yeah. Because you even mentioned that the
grandmother, you know, she was the one
there, but now she's just… She just checked
out. She, I guess it's too much. She's seeing
that whatever it is that she's doing is not
helping. So she's like giving up on, on helping
C: I just hope that for our next meeting you can give Ms. J shaking head in agreement
me a positive update on Jayden. He has a hard
demeanor from what you have shared, but he
respects you. His issue in the classroom is lack of
participation and sleeping. At least he does attend
So to summarize, Jayden has started to stay for the
full class period and is no longer walking out of
class, and I would count that as a positive change
because he was just leaving before and not
You are working on reinforcers to engage him in
participation. I would love to know how that plays
Is there anything else you want to share today?

T: You summarized it well. That’s all I wanted to Ms. L shaking head in agreement
share today. You know, I’m gonna keep trying with
him and I know I can get him to participate and be
active in class but it will take time due to his past
experiences… he’s not too trusting.

Thank you for your time today.

C: Yes exactly! And thank you as well for meeting
today, Have a good evening.

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