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Good morning ladies and gentleman.

Firstly, I would like to say thanks to God, because of His blessing I can stand in front of you. Secondly, I
would like to say thanks to my parents, my teachers, and also my friend because of their support I can
stand with confidence.

Nowadays many students are addicted to online games. According to Cam Dair 2022 over 2 billion
people play video games world wide and the number is likely to surpass 3 billion by the year 2023. One
of the crucial challenges we face for the future is preventing and treating gaming and tech addiction in
students, which, despite all the efforts from governments world wide, seem to still be on the rise.

So question, are you one of the people who are also addicted in online games?

But before that what is online games?

According to google online games is simply the playing of a video game over the internet, usually with
friends. Online games can be played on any number of devices from dedicated video games consoles
such as Play Station 3, Xboxes, and Nintendo Switches, to PCs, Laptops and mobiles phones.

Online gaming has also provide many benefits and despite of the positive outcomes there is also

Video games are designed to be addicted, so it is essential to have some self control. Especially people
with poor impulse control or who have a hard time fitting in are most vulnerable to game addiction. If
you keep playing them without any break. Once you get addicted to online gaming, you start to forget
your responsibility. To avoid this problem, you should set a time limit for playing games. It's better to
take a break after playing the game for 30 minutes or an hour to avoid video game addiction. Also video
games often act as replacements for real time human connections, this are the people who find
themselves playing hours upon hours of video games may find themselves losing touch with the
relationships they've built with other people. Lack of motion and overplaying lead to muscle pain as
well. Moreover, the addiction to these games leads to sleep deprivation which contributes to obesity.
And it is possible that uncontrolled gaming could enhance the signs and symptoms of other mental
disorders. Although video games can improve the strategic thinking decision-making process, they can
also deteriorate them. The students who use their free time to play video games can struggle to keep up
with school/college. Most gamers have been seen to procastinate on their studying, or they simply
ignore a deadline just to play their favorite games. All the games are not the same, games have different
genres, some are educational, and some contain lots of violence. Many games are developed using
violent content to attract the people.

In short, video games aren't bad for you as long as you aren't overdoing. So, enjoy your downtime and
relax with your games but get out there and keep your life as diverse as possible as well, because
eventually, you have got to win the game of life.

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