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Clinical Field Experience D: The Cultural Effect of Technology on a School Campus

Bridgett M. Bates

Grand Canyon University

EAD 513: Shaping School Culture

Jim Hattabaugh

January 11, 2023


Principal Mentor Discussion & Reflection

I was able to observe eight classrooms for their usage of technology. Then, I had a

collaborative conversation about it with my principal mentor. I learned a lot from these

discussions and observations about how technology is being used in the classroom to improve

student achievement and learning, as well as about the potential and problems it presents.

One important finding from my observations was that technology is employed in many

ways to promote student learning. Examples include the utilization of online resources,

interactive whiteboards, secure online testing, interactive slides through PearDeck, and

collaborative platforms. I also saw that there was a lack of consistency in the use of technology

across all classrooms, and that faculty and staff needed more support and training to effectively

incorporate technology into their instruction.

Using or not using technology affected the classroom culture. When teachers had specific

expectations and a plan for usage of technology, the classes seemed to be focused and able to

effectively use their technology. When the teacher was not as specific, or if they lacked a full

understanding of the technology, the students would get off-task or confused about what they

were supposed to do. Mastering how to use it effectively in class comes with experience and

opportunities for professional development. Some classes opted to use little or no technology and

the responses from the students varied. Many students seemed to prefer a physical book to work

from over navigating a digital book; however, some students expressed frustration in having to

physically write instead of typing their responses. Both environments had positives and negative

attributes, but the culture remained positive if the teacher addressed the students with respect and


In my discussion with my principal mentor, I learned about the vision and goals for using

technology at our school, which also included the aim of giving students access to the most

recent tools and resources to help their learning. We also talked about the multiple professional

development opportunities and webinars available to assist teachers and staff in acquiring the

expertise required to successfully use and incorporate technology in their classes; in addition to

the scheduled professional developments and webinars, we have a dedicated website with virtual

professional development opportunities available to all teachers and staff (Bates & Purdy).

The emphasis on encouraging engagement in local, national, and international learning

communities using technology was a significant component of our school's technology use plan

that I found particularly encouraging. We can assist students in broadening their views and

developing a deeper understanding of different perspectives and experiences by utilizing the

power of technology to connect them with peers and professionals around the world.

One concern is how we ensure student safety as they utilize technology to connect with

the world. Our school utilizes GoGuardian to monitor student internet usage. Our school

provides each student with a Chromebook that contains the GoGuardian software. With this

software, our IT department can set approved and blocked websites as determined by our

administration team and teacher recommendations. In addition, teachers can set boundaries

within their classes as well. The system also flags any questionable search topic i.e., death,

suicide, depression, etc. If students search these terms, the administration and counselors receive

an email. Then, they connect with those students to ensure their safety. The same thing occurs

when students are found to be abusing their device privileges. Our Student Conduct Code and

Restorative Justice Plan reflect the consequences associated with technology-based issues.

ISTE-Education Leader Standards and Implications for Future Practice

After giving some thought to my observations and conversations, I can see how the ISTE

Standards for Education Leaders are pertinent to and applicable to my leadership role at

Pinecrest Academy of Nevada. For instance, the standard on "Visionary Leadership" highlights

the value of developing a common vision for the use of technology to enhance student learning

and accomplishment, which is consistent with our school's goals and vision for using technology.

The "Teaching, Learning, and Assessment" standard places an emphasis on how technology

supports student-centered learning and assessment, which is aligned with how technology is used

in our classrooms (ISTE Standards: Education Leaders).

In the future, I'll put the knowledge I've gained from my discussions and observations to

use in my professional practice by making sure that technology is utilized efficiently and

consistently in all Pinecrest Academy of Nevada's classrooms to enhance student learning and

achievement. To do this, it will be necessary to work with faculty and staff to identify best

practices and methods for integrating technology into the classroom. It will also be necessary to

offer ongoing support and professional development opportunities to assist them acquire the

knowledge and skills necessary to use and integrate technology into their teaching effectively.

Additionally, I'll make sure that our school's technological mission and plan are consistent with

our objective of preparing students for college and careers as well as our goal of having students

perform at the highest level on all academic measures. I wish to help our school community

continue to grow and succeed by adopting these actions and by assisting our students in realizing

their full potential.



Bates, B., & Purdy, J. (2023, January 5). Clinical Field Experience Clinical Field Experience D:

The Cultural Effect of Technology on a School Campus. personal.

ISTE Standards: Education Leaders. ISTE. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2023, from

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