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1. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

Population, health and environment are very closely interconnected issues; therefore,
they should be addressed through integrated programs and actions. Too many people
getting the Earth’s resources too quickly put extreme pressure on the environment.
During the period 2010-2015, the Philippine population has increased by 8.64 million.
What is the total population of the Philippines in exact figures as of August 2015 based
on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015)?

A. 99,016,015
B. 100,981,437
C. 92,337,852
D. 102,912,417

2. TRUE OR FALSE: 10 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

In the Philippines, the youth population, those in ages 15 to 24 years, continues to grow
in absolute numbers but its share to the total youth population has remained stable at
around 20 percent in the last 50 years. The region of Central Visayas has a total of 1.3
million youth ages 15 to 24 in 2010 and this constitutes 19.6 percent of the total
population of the region. Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?


3. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds
Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

HIV in the Philippines continue to threaten the well- being of Pinoys especially those
with or whose partners have risky behaviors. In November 2016, there were 758 new
HIV antibody sero-positive individuals reported to the HIV/AIDS Registry and most were
male at 96% of the total cases and the age group with the biggest proportion of cases
has become younger.

The proportion of HIV positive cases in the 15-24 year age group increased from 25% in
2006-2010 to 28% in 2011-2016. With these very alarming trends, the HIV prevention
campaign has been intensified and a key strategy is to develop key messages that are

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easy to remember and recall especially by the young people. Give the five basic ways of
HIV prevention in any order:

 Practice Safe Sex

 Don’t Share Needles

 Take Preventive Medication

 Avoid Risky Behaviors

 Screen And Treat for HIV During Pregnancy

4. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

One in ten young Filipino women aged 15-19 is already a mother or pregnant with first
child according to the results of the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey
(NDHS). The survey also reveals that one in five young adult Filipino women age 18 to 24
years had initiated their sexual activity before age 18 and more common among young
adult women with less education and those in poorer households. These trends call for
more effective campaigns and advocacy activities that will address early and unplanned

One of the key strategies is the popularization of key and factual Sexuality and
Reproductive Health messages in order to correct the common and persistent myths and
misconceptions. Below are the most common Sexuality and Reproductive Health


A. It is possible for a woman to get pregnant before her first menstruation

B. Withdrawal is effective to prevent pregnancy
C. A girl cannot get pregnant if she has sex during her period or menstruation
D. More than one healthy sperm cell is needed for a woman to get pregnant
5. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds
Area: Population and Development

The Commission on Population confers an annual prestigious award to local government

units, local chief executives, and institutions or individuals in honor and recognition of
their outstanding contributions in the field of population and development.

This award is done to perpetuate the legacy of the first-ever head of the United Nations
Population Fund who conveyed the importance of understanding the crucial links
between population and development and the need to take population factors into
account in development planning. In whose honor does this award is named after?

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Answer: Bill and Melinda Gates

6. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

The first AIDS case recorded in the Philippines was in 1984 following the death of a
foreign national from AIDS-related pneumonia. In 1986, HIV/AIDS was classified as a
notifiable disease. In 1987, the HIV/AIDS Registry was established in the Department of

In November 2016, there were 758 new HIV positive individuals reported to the
HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines, 72 cases or 10% of which are in Region 7.

The following statements about HIV/AIDS are myths, except:

A. AIDS can be transmitted by mosquito bites.

B. A healthy-looking person cannot have AIDS.
C. AIDS is treatable but not curable.
D. A person can be infected with HIV/AIDS by hugging, shaking hands or sharing
of food and utensils with a person who has HIV/AIDS.
7. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds
Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

The Philippines had 18 administrative regions, 81 provinces, 33 highly urbanized cities,

1,489 municipalities, and 42,036 barangays. Four highly urbanized cities (HUCs) had
surpassed the one million population mark, except:
A. Cebu City
B. Quezon City
C. Davao City
D. Caloocan City

8. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds
Area: Population and Development Integration

Population Growth Rate (PGR) indicates how fast a population increases or decreases
resulting from the interplay of births, deaths, and migration in a given period of time.
Where the population is closed, meaning no migration, the rate of natural increase is the
same as the population growth rate. What are the three (3) methods for computing the
rate of growth based on the assumption with respect to the change?
 Arithmetic Change
 Geometric Change
 Exponential Change
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9. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds
Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

The internet, social media, and cell phones have become the means for the youth to
meet new friends and form new relationships, some not requiring face-to-face contact.
Among all youth who own a cell phone, ________ of the young people in Central Visayas
reported having text mates whom they have not met personally.

A. Half
B. More than one-third
C. Three in every 10
D. 2.4 percent

10 . COMPUTATION: 30 seconds
Area: Population and Development Integration

In 2010, it was estimated that in the Philippines, there were 71 dependents per 100
persons in the working group. If in 2015, the population of the “dependent” population
(those younger than 15 and 65 or older) is 43.8 million and the “economically
productive” population (those between 15 and 64 years) is 67.3 million, how many
dependents do 100 persons in the working age group support?

11. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds

Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

The 2015 population of the Philippines is higher by 8.64 million compared with the
population of 92.34 million in 2010. Despite the slowdown of its population growth rate,
the Philippines still has a large population size because additional persons are added into
its large population base. What is the Annual Population Growth Rate (in percent) of the
country during the period 2010 to 2015?

Answer: 1.7 percent annually

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12. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds
Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

Age 10 is a turning point in girls’ lives. Early adolescence is a transformative time

mentally, physically and socially. At 10, a girl is only beginning her journey through
adolescence and into adulthood, and into a future that has the potential to be secure
and successful. The start of that journey, however, is fraught with risks and

In some parts of the world, when a girl reaches 10, she is deemed ready for marriage.
Every day, an estimated _________ girls are married at age 17 or younger in developing

A. 18,603
B. 53,160
C. 24,900
D. 47,700

13. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

Results of the fourth YAFS or YAFS 2013 Further Study entitled, “Early Sex Debut of
Young Males and Females in Central Visayas”, indicate that early sex debut is influenced
by having experienced living in a dormitory or boarding house. For both men and
women, living in a dormitory or boarding house was conducive to an early sex debut,
since these facilities provide an environment vulnerable to risky behavior due to strong
peer pressure and the lack of parental supervision.

Based on the Young Adult and Fertility Study in 2013, what percentage of the youth in
Central Visayas has engaged in casual sex?

Answer: For casual sex, 9.4 percent of males have engaged in this activity compared
with only 0.7 percent of females
14. TRUE OR FALSE: 10 seconds
Area: Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning

The three conditions necessary to practice Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) are:
breastfeeding or demand without supplementations, no return of menstruation, and a
seven-month-old child.


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15. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds
Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

Parenting styles affect the development and adjustment process of adolescents. They
are believed to matter in children’s subsequent behaviors, especially in adhering to
norms of good conduct. Different parenting styles could exert different effects on their
development and social competence.

Results show that a great majority of parents believe that setting clear rules and
guidelines, listening to adolescent children’s views, monitoring and supporting them is
the best way of parenting adolescents. Cite the three types of parenting styles.

 Authoritative (which blends a caring tone with structure and consistent limit-
 Authoritarian (a parents-know-best approach that emphasizes obedience)
 Permissive (which provide few behavioral guidelines because parents don’t want
to upset their children)

16. COMPUTATION: 30 seconds

Area: Population and Development Integration

Between 1990 and 2000, the Philippine population grew by 2.34 percent. Given this
growth rate, the Philippines was expected to double its population in 30 years from the
year 2000 by using the rule of 69.3 which is accurate for rates from 0% to 5%.

The population growth rate however, declined between 2010 and 2015 and the
population grew by only 1.72 percent during that period. In what year will the Philippine
population double its 2015 population?

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17. COMPUTATION: 30 seconds
Area: Population and Development Integration

The BPO industry in Cebu City attracts many people from the different parts of the
country looking for work and business prospects. In 2010, Barangay Apas, Lahug has only
a population 27,650 which rose to 57,755 in 2015 largely due to the influx of 18,432
people who chose to stay and work or build their business in the said barangay.

Compute the in-migration rate of Barangay Apas, Lahug between 2010 and 2015.

18. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning

President Rodrigo Duterte, on July 2017, vowed the full implementation of the
Reproductive Health law, a legislation passed by Congress four years ago under the
administration of President Benigno Aquino III, as it is vital in the administration’s quest
to reduce poverty and promote economic growth.

Reproductive health care refers to the access to a full range of methods, facilities,
services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by
addressing reproductive health-related problems. Which of the following is an element
of reproductive health care?
A. Violence against women and children Law
B. Proscription of abortion and management of abortion complications
C. Male involvement in guidance and counselling
D. Reproductive health training and management

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19. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds
Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda

for Sustainable Development — adopted by 193 countries in September 2015 officially
came into force.  Over the next fifteen years, countries will mobilize efforts to end all
forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no
one is left behind.

Give at least three (3) global goals for sustainable development.

 Goal 1 – No Poverty
 Goal 2 – Good Health and Well-Being
 Goal 3 – Quality Education

20. COMPUTATION: 30 seconds

Area: Population and Development Integration

Maternal deaths are deaths of mothers caused by complications of pregnancy and

childbirth. In the national census of the Republic of Naboo in 2014, maternal deaths
reached 1,743 of the 1,826,580 live births in 2014. The following year, another survey
was done and it reported a total of 2,867 maternal deaths out of the total 2,104,898 live

By how much did the maternal mortality rate of Naboo increased from 2014 to 2015?

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21. COMPUTATION: 30 seconds
Area: Population and Development Integration

Fertility refers to the number of live births women have. It differs from fecundity which
refers to the physiological capability of women to reproduce. There are various ways to
measure fertility, one of which is the age-specific fertility rate or ASFR.

Compute the difference in ASFR of those in the age group 20-24 and 25-29 given the
following data.

Age of No. Of No. Of

Women Women births
15 – 19 237,000 3,912
20 – 24 228,800 30,015
25 – 29 188,200 31,670
30 – 34 180,300 25,402
35 – 39 176,400 12,918
40 – 44 165,800 2,590
45 - 49 146,100 162

22. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

The Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS) Study is a national survey on the Filipino
youth, conducted by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI). YAFS is
one of the primary sources of information on the Filipino youth’s sexual and non-sexual
risk behaviors and its determinants in the Philippines, at the national and regional levels.

In the #Usapang Sex series, the results show the preferred sources of information
among Filipino youths in Central Visayas when it comes to sex and reproduction. Which
of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. 1 in 7 youth in Central Visayas will consult no one when faced with questions
about sex.
B. Medical professionals are the Central Visayas youth’s most preferred sources of
information about sex and reproduction.
C. Nearly half of Central Visayas youth do not have any source of information about
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D. Only 9 in 100 youth in Central Visayas have discussed sex at home while growing

23. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds

Area: Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development

With a total land area of approximately 300,000 square kilometers, the population
density of the Philippines in 2015 was posted at 337 persons per square kilometer.  This
represents an increase of 29 persons per square kilometer (9.4 percent) from the
population density of 308 persons per square kilometer in 2010.

Among the country’s 81 provinces, Rizal was the most densely populated with 2,439
residents per square kilometer of land. In contrast, _________ was the most sparsely
populated province in 2015 with a population density of 26 persons per square

Answer: Apayao

24. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 10 seconds

Area: Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning

Family Planning is having the desired number of children and when to have them by
using safe and effective modern methods. Proper birth spacing is having children 3 to 5
years apart. Among the benefits of Family Planning includes healthy mother, healthy
baby and healthy family.

However, despite these benefits, a lot of couples are hesitant to use any of the modern
Family Planning methods or are not properly informed about it. All BUT one is factual
information about Family Planning methods:

A. Modern natural family planning or fertility awareness based methods are

effective if practiced consistently and correctly by women as long as they
have regular menstrual cycle.
B. The rhythm method which involves counting the days before and after
menstruation to predict a woman’s fertile period is not a modern natural
family planning method.

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C. The effectiveness of the different Family Planning methods varies a lot and is
influenced by the couple’s motivation and on how the couple and individual
used them.
D. ALL modern family planning methods –natural and artificial are effective and
not harmful to health.

25. TRUE OR FALSE: 10 seconds

Area: Adolescent Health and Youth Development

Young adults in Central Visayas are having their sex debut earlier compared to the past
decades. Data from the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study revealed that
early sex debut is more common among males and the home is still a popular place for
sex initiation.

While more young men expressed wanting the sex encounter primarily to relieve sexual
tension, more young women did not desire the sex encounter, but many succumbed to
sex out of curiosity.

Answer: True

26. COMPUTATION: 30 seconds

Area: Population and Development Integration

Of the 17 HUCs outside of the NCR, Mandaue City was the most densely populated with
14,402 persons per square kilometer of land.  It was followed by Lapu-Lapu City with
7,024 persons per square kilometre while Puerto Princesa City was the most sparsely
populated HUC outside of the NCR in 2015.

Given that Puerto Princesa has a population of 255,000 and a land area of 2,381 square
kilometres, calculate its population density. (Round off your answer to the nearest
whole number)

Dp= N/A = 255,000/ 2381= 108

27. IDENTIFICATION: 20 seconds

Area: Population and Development

Fertility increases the population, death or mortality reduces it, and migration either
adds up the population in the destination area or decreases the population in the area of
origin. _______________________ refer to events that determine the size and structure
of population such as fertility, mortality and migration.

Answer: Demography

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