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I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Distinguish various types of information/factual text according to
purpose and language features (Sequence)
2. Note significant details and
3. Write a sequence text.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sequence
Learning Competency: Identify the purpose, key structural and
language features of various types of informational/factual text
Concepts: One form of a text type is what you just did in the activity, which
is called time-order or sequence This text type is organized or
arranged in which the events happen.
Value(s): Respond respectfully
Reference (s): Quarter 2 module 6
Materials: printed Handouts.

III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
B. Review.
Explain the following words;
1. imaginative
2. historical
3. personal

C. Motivation. Oral Participation a story and let the students listen to the story.

2. ask the students the sequence of events in the story.
3. Come up with the topic

D. Lesson Proper
1. Reveal the subject matter and objectives of the session.
2. Discussion
a. Explain what is sequence.
b. Explain how to use the sequence.
c. Give more examples.
3. Divide the class into three.
a. Each group will be given different stories.
b. Each group will give the sequence of events on what
happen in the stories using the graphic organizer.

E. Generalization.
Definition Example

C. Reflection.
How can sequence or time order helps you as a student in your daily
IV. Evaluation/Assessment. Quiz
Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. What is sequence?
a. A text organized or arranged in order in which the event happens. b. It time-order
c. It is a factual text d. All of the above
2. What is the other term of sequence?
a. Experience b. Time-order c. Journey d. None of the above
3. What is exposition?
a. It gives a point of view. b. It convinces others by giving your reason for your point
of view.
c. It gives several points of view to arrive at a logical decision. d. Its states a logical
4. What is a discussion? a. It gives a point of view. b. It convinces others by giving
your reason for your point of view. c. It gives several points of view to arrive at a
logical decision. d. Its states a logical conclusion.
5. A factual text.
a. informs, instructs or convinces by giving facts and evidence b. investigates
c. checks focus topics d. registers reading texts
V. Assignment
Direction: Retell your favorite story with the sequence map. Write the
title answer sequence of events.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Head Teacher II

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