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I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1.Identify the similarities and differences in a reading text using
Venn Diagram.
2. Note significant details.
3. Write a narrative showing comparison and contrast.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Comparison and contrast
Learning Competency: Identify the purpose, key structural and
language features of various types of informational/factual text
Concepts: Comparison and Contrast text mainly aims to present the
similarities and differences of two things. Usually, you do not compare and
contrast things for the sake of doing so. Most often, you have a point to drive
at. To contrast something is to look for differences among two or more
elements but compare is to do the opposite, to look for similarities.
Value(s): Respond respectfully
Reference (s): Quarter 2 module 7
Materials: printed Handouts.

III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
B. Review.
Read a story and ask the students to sequence the events.

C. Motivation. Oral Participation to paragraph on the board.

2. ask the students to identify the similarities and differences of the
3. Come up with the topic

D. Lesson Proper
1. Reveal the subject matter and objectives of the session.
2. Discussion
a. Explain what is compare and contrast.
b. Explain how to use compare and contrast.
c. Give more examples.
3. Divide the class into three.
a. Each group will be given different passages.
b. Each group will give the differences and similarities
of the given passage using the Venn diagram.

E. Generalization.
Definition Example
Compare and
How can a compare and contrast help you as a student in your daily life?
IV. Evaluation/Assessment. Quiz
Direction: Read each sentences/passage. On your answer sheet, write
Compare if it shows similarities and Contrast if it shows differences.
1. While one ant gathered food for the winter, his cousin partied away.
2. A teacher works at the school and a doctor at the hospital, they both
work with many people.
3. Jolly is having chocolate ice cream and Donald is having strawberry ice
cream. They have fun in eating ice cream.
4. A thunderstorm on one end of an island and clear, blue skies on the
other end.
5. Three goats went into a groove to eat leaves. The first had one little
belly, the second had two little bellies, and the third had three bellies.

V. Assignment
Direction: write a narrative showing comparison and contrast. Write in 1
whole sheet of paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Head Teacher II

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