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1. (a) Table 1 shows the percentage of different bases in DNA from different organisms.

Source of Adenine % Guanine % Thymine % Cytosine %

Human 30 20 30 20
Rat 28 22 28 22
Yeast 31 19 31 19
Turtle 28 22 28 22
E.coli 24
Salmon 29 21 29 21
Sea urchin 33 17 33 17

Table 1

(i) What information about the ratios of the different bases in DNA can you work out
from the table?





(ii) Give the results that you would expect for DNA from the E.coli bacterium.
Explain how you arrived at your answer.

Guanine ......................... Thymine ......................... Cytosine .........................

Explanation ......................................................................................................



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(iii) Turtles have the same percentages of the four different bases as rats. Explain why
they can still be very different animals.



(b) Table 2 shows the percentage of different bases in the DNA from a virus.

Adenine % Guanine % Thymine % Cytosine %

25 24 33 18

Table 2

(i) Describe how the ratios of the different bases in this virus differ from those in
Table 1.



(ii) The structure of the DNA in this virus is not the same as DNA in other organisms.
Suggest what this difference in DNA structure might be.


(Total 8 marks)

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2. (a) The diagram shows the structure of a DNA nucleotide.

B ase

Name the parts of the nucleotide labelled X and Y.

X .................................................................................................................................

Y .................................................................................................................................

(b) The table shows the percentage composition of bases in the DNA of cattle and octopus.

Organism Adenine Cytosine Guanine Thymine

Cattle 29 21

Octopus 33 33

(i) Use your knowledge of the structure of DNA to calculate the missing values and
complete the table

(ii) Explain your answer.




(Total 5 marks)

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3. The diagram shows part of a molecule of DNA

B ox B

(a) Complete the diagram with the first letters of the appropriate complementary bases.

(b) What is represented by:

(i) the part of the molecule in box B;


(ii) the dotted lines between the complementary base pairs?


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(c) Describe how a molecule of DNA replicates to give two identical DNA molecules.






(Total 6 marks)

4. Explain each of the following statements in terms of your knowledge of the structure and
function of DNA.

(i) In all living organisms the ratio is constant but the ratio varies from one
species to another.







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(ii) The DNA which codes for the human protein, -globin, has 850 base pairs but there are
only 141 amino acids in this protein.



(Total 4 marks)

5. The diagram shows the replication of a molecule of DNA.

O rig in al D N A m o lec u le

O rigin al stran d

N ew stra n d

(a) Explain why DNA replication is described as semi-conservative.



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(b) (i) What is meant by specific base pairing?



(ii) Explain why specific base pairing is important in DNA replication.





(c) Describe two features of DNA which make it a stable molecule.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................

(Total 6 marks)

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6. The diagram shows the process of DNA replication. The horizontal lines represent the positions
of bases.




(i) What is represented by the part of the DNA molecule labelled W?


(ii) In the diagram, A represents adenine and C represents cytosine.

Name the base found at

position X; ...................................................................................................................

position Y; ...................................................................................................................

position Z. ...................................................................................................................
(Total 4 marks)

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7. (a) Nucleic acids, such as DNA, are polymers, made up of many repeating monomer units.
Name the monomer from which nucleic acids are made.


(b) The table shows the percentage of different bases in the DNA of some organisms.

Organism Percentage of each base

Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine
Human 31.2 18.8 18.8 31.2
Cow 27.9 22.1 22.1 27.9
Salmon 29.4 20.6 20.6 29.4
Rat 28.6
Virus 24.7 24.1 18.5 32.7

(i) Calculate the missing figures for rat DNA and write them into the table.

(ii) The virus has single-stranded DNA as its genetic material. Explain the evidence
from the table which suggests that the DNA is single-stranded.




(Total 5 marks)

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8. (a) There are two forms of nitrogen. These different forms are called isotopes. N is a
heavier isotope than the normal isotope N.

In an investigation, a culture of bacteria was obtained in which all the nitrogen in the
DNA was of the N form. The bacteria (generation 0) were transferred to a medium
containing only the normal isotope, N, and allowed to divide once. A sample of these
bacteria (generation 1) was then removed. The DNA in the bacteria of generation 1 was
extracted and spun in a high-speed centrifuge.

The bacteria in the N medium were allowed to divide one more time. The DNA was
also extracted from these bacteria (generation 2) and spun in a high speed centrifuge.

The diagram shows the results of this investigation.

G en eratio n 0 G en e ratio n 1 G e n eratio n 2

D N A from D N A fro m D N A from
b ac teria w ith b acte ria w h ich b acteria w h ich
N o nly h av e div id ed h av e d iv id e d
o n ce in a 1 4 N tw ice in a 1 4 N
m ed iu m m ed iu m

(i) Which part of the DNA molecule contains nitrogen?


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(ii) Explain why the DNA from generation 1 is found in the position shown.





(iii) Complete the diagram to show the results for generation 2.


(b) The table shows the percentage of different bases in the DNA of different organisms.

Organism Adenine% Guanine% Thymine% Cytosine%

Human 19
Bacterium 24 26 24 26
Virus 25 24 33 18

(i) Complete the table to show the percentages of different bases in human DNA.

(ii) The structure of virus DNA is different from the DNA of the other two organisms.
Giving evidence from the table, suggest what this difference might be.




(Total 9 marks)

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9. The diagram shows a section of a DNA molecule.

G u an in e

A d en in e

(a) Name parts P, Q and R.

P .................................................................................................................................

Q .................................................................................................................................

R .................................................................................................................................

(b) Explain why DNA replication is described as semi-conservative.





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(c) A piece of DNA was analysed. 15% of its nucleotides were found to contain guanine.
What percentage of its nucleotides would you expect to contain adenine? Show your

Answer ....................................
(Total 6 marks)

10. (a) Complete the table to describe some of the events during the cell cycle.

Stage of cell cycle Main event which takes place


Chromosomes coil and shorten

Daughter chromosomes move to poles of

the cell


Nuclear envelope re-forms


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(b) The diagram shows the life cycle of an organism. The numbers show how many
chromosomes are present in one cell at each stage of the life cycle.


H ap loid o rg a n ism

S p o res M ale F e m ale
g am e te g am ete


D ip lo id o rg an ism Z y g o te

(i) Name the type of cell division that must be involved in producing the spores.


(ii) How many chromosomes are there in a male gamete from this organism?

(Total 7 marks)

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11. The diagram shows a short section of a DNA molecule.

(a) On the diagram draw a box round one nucleotide.


(b) Use the letters in the diagram to indicate a part of the molecule which

(i) is not a base and is different in an RNA molecule; .........................................

(ii) contains nitrogen. .............................................................................................


(c) (i) The sequence of bases on one strand of DNA is important for protein synthesis.
What is its role?



(ii) How are the two strands of the DNA molecule held together?


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(iii) Give one advantage of DNA molecules having two strands.


(Total 6 marks)

12. (a) Explain why the replication of DNA is described as semi-conservative.





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(b) Bacteria require a source of nitrogen to make the bases needed for DNA replication. In an
investigation of DNA replication some bacteria were grown for many cell divisions in a
medium containing N, a light form of nitrogen. Others were grown in a medium
15 15
containing N, a heavy form of nitrogen. Some of the bacteria grown in a N medium
were then transferred to a N medium and left to divide once.
DNA was isolated from the bacteria and centrifuged.
The DNA samples formed bands at different levels, as shown in the diagram.

Tu b e A Tu b e B Tu b e C


D N A fro m D N A fro m D N A fro m

b acteria g ro w n b acteria g ro w n b acteria g ro w n
in a 14 N m ed iu m in a 1 5 N m ed iu m o rigin ally in a
N m ed iu m , b u t
th en tran sferred
fo r o n e c ell d iv ision
to a m ed iu m
c o ntain in g 1 4 N

(i) What do tubes A and B show about the density of the DNA formed using the two
different forms of nitrogen?



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(ii) Explain the position of the band in tube C.





(c) In a further investigation, the DNA of the bacterium was isolated and separated into
single strands. The percentage of each nitrogenous base in each strand was found. The
table shows some of the results.

Percentage of base present

DNA sample Adenine Cytosine Guanine Thymine

Strand 1 26 28 14
Strand 2 14

Use your knowledge of base pairing to complete the table.

(Total 7 marks)

13. (a) Boxes A to E show some of the events of the cell cycle.

A Chromatids seperate

B Nuclear envelopes disappears

C Cytoplasm divides

D Chromosomes condense and

become visible

E Chromosomes on the equator of

the spindle

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(i) List these events in the correct order, starting with D.

.............. .............. .............. .............. ..............

(ii) Name the stage described in box E.


(b) Name the phase during which DNA replication occurs.


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(c) Bone marrow cells divide rapidly. As a result of a mutation during DNA replication, a
bone marrow cell may become a cancer cell and start to divide in an uncontrolled way. A
chemotherapy drug that kills cells when they are dividing was given to a cancer patient. It
was given once every three weeks, starting at time 0. The graph shows the changes in the
number of healthy bone marrow cells and cancer cells during twelve weeks of treatment.

1 st d o se
K ey H e althy cells C an ce r cells
1 .0
2 n d d o se 3 rd d ose 4 th d o se

0 .8

0 .6
N um b er
o f c ells /
m illion
0 .4

0 .2

0 .0
0 3 6 9 12
Tim e / w e ek s

(i) Using the graph calculate the number of cancer cells present at week 12 as a
percentage of the original number of cancer cells. Show your working.

Answer ......................................%

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(ii) Suggest one reason for the lower number of cancer cells compared to healthy cells
at the end of the first week.



(iii) Describe two differences in the effect of the drug on the cancer cells, compared
with healthy cells in the following weeks.

1 .........................................................................................................................


2 .........................................................................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

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14. The drawing shows part of a DNA molecule.


P h o sp h a te
D e o x yrib o se



(a) Describe the structural features shown in the drawing which account for the ability of the
molecule to replicate itself.





(b) One piece of experimental evidence for the semi-conservative mechanism for replication
of DNA involves the use of bacteria labelled with the heavy isotope of nitrogen, N.
(i) Which component of DNA would be labelled with N?


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(ii) Explain how DNA labelled with N could be separated and distinguished from
DNA containing N.






(Total 6 marks)

15. (a) A nucleotide of DNA contains an organic base and two other components.
Name the two other components.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

2 ..................................................................................................................................

(b) A piece of DNA consisted of 17 base pairs. This piece was analysed to find how many
bases of each type were present in each of its two strands. Some of the results are shown
in the table.

N u m b er o f b a ses


S tran d A 6 2

S tran d B 5

Calculate the missing values for the number of bases and complete the table.

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(c) The cells in the heart and liver of a person are genetically identical but different in
appearance. Use your knowledge of genes to suggest why these cells are different in




(Total 6 marks)

16. The diagram shows part of a DNA molecule in the process of replication.







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(a) Name parts P to S.

P ..................................................................................................................................

Q .................................................................................................................................

R .................................................................................................................................

S ..................................................................................................................................

(b) Which enzyme joins part S to the new DNA strand?


(c) During which stage of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

(Total 6 marks)

17. The diagram shows one nucleotide pair of a DNA molecule.


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(a) Name the parts of the nucleotide labelled X, Y and Z.

X .....................................................

Y .....................................................

Z .....................................................

(b) What type of bond holds Z and Q together?


(c) A sample of DNA was analysed. 28% of the nucleotides contained thymine. Calculate the
percentage of nucleotides which contained cytosine. Show your working.

Answer ....................................... %
(Total 6 marks)

18. The table shows some antibiotics and the way in which they work.
Antibiotic Method of action

Penicillin Prevents the formation of bacterial cell walls.

Streptomycin Distorts the shape of ribosomes in bacterial cells so that protein

synthesis is stopped.

Mitomycin C Joins together the two polynucleotide chains which make a

DNA molecule with strong chemical bonds so they cannot be

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(a) Explain why:

(i) penicillin is effective against bacteria but not against fungi;



(ii) streptomycin cannot be used to treat diseases caused by viruses.



(b) (i) Explain why cells treated with mitomycin C cannot synthesise proteins.





(ii) Suggest why it is thought that mitomycin C might be effective in treating cancer.




(Total 6 marks)

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