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1. The test comprises of 40 Questions.
2. Every question holds 1 mark.
3. The test should be attempted carefully.
Q1. In the context of the “Challenge of Expansion”, which of the following ideas is
i Ensuring greater power to the local government.
ii Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
iii Extension of federal principles to all the units of federation.
iv Inclusion of women and minority groups.
A. (i), (ii), (iii)
B. (ii), (iii), (iv)
C. (i), (iii), (iv)
D. (i), (ii), (iv)
Q2. Which one of the following situations represents the success of democracy?
A. US as the only Superpower disregards the UN and takes unilateral action
B. General Pinochet government defeated, but army is still under control of many
C. The King of Nepal Birendra accepted constitutional Monarchy.
D. Integration of French speaking and Dutch speaking people in Belgium.

Q3. What democracies ensure regarding the decision making?

A. Decision that are taken by the head of the country
B. The process of transparency
C. Decisions are taken by the council of ministers
D. Restricted popular participation in the decision making
Q4. If a government is providing its citizens a right and means to examine the process
of decision, then it is:
A. A responsible government
B. An accountable government
C. A stable government
D. A transparent government

Q5. What is a political party?

A. Self made groups who automatically hold power
B. A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the
C. Non government groups to do social work
D. Government organisations for social work
Q6. Parties are about a part of the society and thus involve …………….?
A. Partnership
B. Participation
C. Partisanship
D. Political partnership

Q7. Which of the following statements is correct regarding ‘section Interest groups’?
A. They promote collective rather than select group
B. Their principal concern is betterment and well being of their members, not society in
C. They aim to help groups rather than their own members
D. They do not seek to promote the interest of a particular section or group of society

Q8. Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is
housework and bringing up children. This is reflected in a ………………… in most
A. Gender system
B. Sexual division of labour
C. Division of labour
D. Gender division
Q9. More radical women’s movements aimed at equality in personal and family life as
well. These movements are called…………… movements.
A. Political
B. Gender
C. Feminist
D. Radical

Q10. When did the Civil Rights Movement in the USA take place?
A. 1960 to 1970
B. 1954 to 1968
C. 1950 to 1966
D. 1956 to 1970
Q11. Who led the Civil Rights Movement in the USA?
A. Mohamad Ali
B. Richard Allen
C. Martin Luther King Jr
D. Rosa Parks

Q12. How many levels of government does a federation usually have?

A. Single
B. Two
C. Three
D. Multiple
Q13. How many countries in the world have a federal political system?
A. 42
B. 33
C. 25
D. 18

Q14. Belgium Shares borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany and ……?
A. England
B. Norway
C. Luxembourg
D. Italy
Q15. In the capital city Brussels, 80 percent people speak………?
A. French
B. Dutch
C. German
D. English

Q16. Foundational challenge includes:

A. Bringing down the existing non- democratic regimes.
B. Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.
C. Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
D. All of these
Q17. Democracy does not stand for:
A. Democratic Right
B. Elections
C. Violence
D. Accommodation of diversity
Q18. In Bolivia, Morales, a supporter of the water struggle, becomes Prime Minister,
MNCs threaten to leave the country.
A. Foundational challenge
B. Challenge of democracy
C. Deepening of democracy
D. None of these

Q19. On which of the following Economic growth depends?

A. Territory or area of the country
B. Global Scenario
C. Size of the country’s population
D. Cooperation among the various nations
Q20. Which country tops in the inequality of income?
A. South Africa
B. Russia
D. Hungary

Q21. A democratic government is:

A. A responsive government
B. An accountable government
C. A legitimate government
D. All of the above

Q23. What are the components of a political party?

A. Leaders
B. Active members
C. Followers
D. All
Q24. In a democracy…..
A. Parties are unanimously chosen
B. Parties contest elections
C. Parties are self chosen
D. Parties are aristocratic

Q25. Parties function through…..

A. Demands of the people
B. The way they want to
C. Policies and programmes
D. None of the above

Q26. Which one of the political parties came to power in 2006?

A. The Communist Party
B. The Republican Party
C. The Socialist Party
D. The Conservative Party
Q27. Which of the following was the main aim to start the movement on on April 2006,
in Nepal?
A. To gain control over the government
B. To snatch power from the king
C. To restore democracy
D. To dethrone the king

Q28. Which of the following is not a movement?

A. Narmada Bachao Andolan
B. Women’s movement
C. Struggle in Nepal
D. All Indian trade Union Congress

Q29. India is still a …………..society.

A. Matriarchal
B. Patriarchal
C. Mixed
D. All
Q30. What is the literacy rate of women in India?
A. 54%
B. 55%
C. 56%
D. 57%

Q31. What is the literacy rate of men in India?

A. 73%
B. 76%
C. 75%
D. 78%

Q33. These social differences are mostly based on …………….

A. Society
B. School
C. Caste
D. Accident of Birth

Q34. The difference between the Blacks and Whites becomes a social division in the
US because
A. Of colour
B. Blacks tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated against
C. The blacks are great politicians and freedom fighters
D. A & B
Q35. What is the problem of social division between Northern Ireland and the
A. Black and white societies
B. Both are predominantly Christian but divided between Catholics and Protestants
C. Extremely rich and poor
D. None of the above

Q36. State government has powers of its own for which……..

A. It is answerable to Central government
B. It is not answerable to Central government
C. It is answerable to the people
D. B & C
Q37. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own
………….. in specific matters.
A. Administration
B. Jurisdiction
C. Execution
D. Policies

Q38. Can the fundamental provisions of the constitution be unilaterally changed by

one level of government in federalism?
A. Yes
B. No
C. May be in special provisions
D. A & C

Q39. What percentage of Sri Lankan Population is Tamil Speaking?

A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 18%
D. 16%
Q40. The people whose forefathers came from India to Sri Lanka as plantation
workers during the colonial period are called…….
A. Sri Lankan Tamils
B. Indian Tamils
C. Tamil Indians
D. Indian Sri Lankans

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