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Title: Psychological Enemy; A qualitative study of Lack of Confidence

among the students of the JHS students of Matina Biao NHS


Competence information and execution are interrelated concept, and they are the
key victory for a person in their career. Due to the need of each one can confront
numerous challenges in their lives. Understudies with the need of any of these
may confront different challenges in achieving expecting results which have been
set out by their regarded teach or the objectives they have for themselves. The
lack of self-confidence in understudies may not as make an issue for
understudies but for teaching zones thereof and ineffective implementation of the
curriculum. Most of the current crisis in the educational system is due to low self-
confidence that leaded a number of students having lack of enough participation
and unsatisfactory progress after much time spends in the class.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to determine the factors that contribute to JHS
students’ lack of confidence at Matina Biao NHS.

Research Questions

This research aims to answer the following questions:

1.What is the level of students’ self-confidence in learning at Matina Biao

National High School?

2.What are the impacts of students’ self-confidence on their learning process at

Matina Biao National High School?
Theoretical Lens

Social psychologists have found self-confidence to be correlated with other

psychological variables within individuals, including saving money, how
individuals exercise influence over others, and being a responsible student.
Marketing, researchers have found that general self-confidence of a person is
negatively correlated with their level of anxiety.

Significance of the study

This study aims to know if there is a significant impact between student’s self
confidence on their learning process among selected Junior High School
Students of MBNHS.
Students - They will have the chance to identify the causes of their lower
performance and possible solutions to exist in effective curriculum
Teachers – Understand the students deeply and carry out effective curriculum
Future Researchers – This many serve as basis for those research enthusiasts
who want to expand and conduct further study involving Psychological Enemy
study of Lack of Confidence among the JHS students of Matina Biao NHS.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined operationally to provide better understanding of
the concepts used in this study.
 Junior High School refers to the prevailing secondary basic education
curriculum made up of four years.
 Lack of Confidence refers to the students who doubting their ability to
succeed, making them hesitant to engage in learning or take appropriate
academic growth risks.
 Psychological Enemy refers to the mental or spiritual concerned with the
aspects in students’ acquisition.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of students’ self-
confidence to their learning process among JHS of Matina Biao National High
The researcher limits the study to 20 Grade 7 students, 20 Grade 8 students, 20
Grade 9 students and 20 Grade 10 students, of Matina Biao National High
In observance to strict quarantines and health protocols google forms were
utilized in the dispersal of the survey questionnaires. The researcher, on the
other hand, made certain that the respondents’ trustworthiness and integrity were
protected to the fullest extent possible.

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