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Subject: SCIENCE Grade Level: Grade 8

Unit Topic: Light Quarter: 1


This unit is about visible lights, colors and energies of light, the wave equation and
phenomena involving light waves. The students will also discover the phenomena such as
blue sky, rainbow, and red sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light.

At the end of the unit the students will have to create a video blog on a phenomenon (blue
sky, rainbow, or red sunset), and explain the reason behind it using the concept of wavelength
and frequency of visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your audience by being interesting and

Consider this question: How can the human eye perceive colors?

Map of Conceptual Change:

Initial-Revise-Final Sheet
Based on the given unit introduction, what are your preliminary thoughts about it? Fill in
the first column with your initial ideas about the lesson. 

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LC1: Identify Activity 1: Visible Light Spectrum
properties and Instructions: The students will answer the following activity on or before the given time.
characteristics Clickable Links :
of visible light. Screenshot of Online Resource:

Scaffold for TRANSFER 1

Activity 2: Worksheet 1: Visible Light
Instructions: The students will answer the given worksheet.
Clickable Links :
Screenshot of Online Resource:

Activity 3: Worksheet 2: Visible Light

Instructions: The students will answer the given worksheet.
Clickable Links :
Screenshot of Online Resource:

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Scaffold for TRANSFER 2
Activity 4: Vlog plan
Instructions: Create your vlog plan using your knowledge and skills in video
Clickable Links : How to Make a GREAT Vlog! - YouTube

Screenshot of Online Resource:


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Interactive Quiz 1
Instructions: Identify what is ask

Interactive Quiz 2
Instructions: True or False

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LC2: Explain the Instructions:
colors in relation Essential Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 (Video)
to energy. Question Visible light Human vision and Measuring the
color perception electromagnetic
LC3: Explain that
red is the least
How can the Answer: Answer: Answer:
bent and violet
human eye The human eye The human eye is Visible is the part
the most bent and brain work
perceive colors? equipped with a that our eyes see.
according to together to
variety of optical Visible radiation
their convert visible is emitted by
wavelengths or light energy into components
frequencies. everything from
an electrical including the
fireflies to light
impulse that can cornea, iris, pupil,
be interpreted as bulbs to stars
aqueous and
an image-- also by fast-
vitreous humors, moving particles
allowing us to see
what we need to a variable-focus hitting other
see to survive. lens, and the particles.
Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
Waves of Human stereo You actually know
electromagnetic color vision is a more about it
energy traveling very complex than you may
across the globe process that is not
think! The
and throughout completely
understood, electromagnetic
space make life
despite hundreds (EM) spectrum is
on Earth
possible. of years of intense just a name that
Activities like study and scientists give a
modeling. Vision bunch of types of
reading a
involves the nearly radiation when
computer screen,
calling someone they want to talk
interaction of the
on a cell phone, two eyes and the about them as a
heating up hot brain through a group. Radiation
chocolate in a network of is energy that
microwave, or neurons, travels and
using a GPS receptors, and spreads out as it
device would be other specialized goes-- visible light
impossible cells. The first
without that comes from
steps in this
electromagnetic sensory process a lamp in your
energy. are the stimulation house and radio
of light receptors waves that come
in the eyes, from a radio
conversion of the station are two
light stimuli or types of
images into
signals, and
transmission of radiation.
electrical signals
containing the
vision information
from each eye to
the brain through
the optic nerves.
This information is
processed in
several stages,
ultimately reaching
the visual
PEAC2020 Page 5
cortices of the
Reason: Reason: Reason:
Answers may vary Answers may vary Answers may vary

Common Ideas in Reasons:

Light travels into the eye to the retina located on the back of the eye. The
retina is covered with millions of light sensitive cells called rods and cones.
When these cells detect light, they send signals to the brain. Cone cells help
detect colors.
Enduring Understanding/Generalization: The students will understand that
the human eye and brain together translate light into color. Light receptors
within the eye transmit messages to the brain, which produces the familiar
sensations of color. Newton observed that color is not inherent in objects.
Rather the surface of an object reflects some colors and absorbs all others.
C-E-R Questions:
1. How are refraction and dispersion demonstrated in light?
2. What line in the article support your answer?
3. What do you say that line support your answer?
EQ: How are refraction and dispersion demonstrated in light?
Prompt for Generalization:
1. Students are able to understand the importance of visible light.
2. Students will learn the benefits familiarizing about visible light.
3. Students are able to use the information about visible light.


(examples:, insertlearning, kami,
Text 1: Visible light

Text 2: Human vision and color perception


Text 3: Measuring the electromagnetic spectrum


Instructions: Instructions: After going through the materials in the Guided Generalization
activity, reflect on how your insights may be helpful in your performance task. 

Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization:

Scoring Rubric Guide for Guided Generalization

4 In addition to the Level 3 response, the student's answer shows in-depth inferences that
go beyond class discussion of the Enduring Understanding (EU) and other compelling
evidence related to the text.

3 Explanation shows no major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring Understanding

(EU). Justification shows logical reasoning with appropriate text citation. 

2 Explanation contains major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring Understanding

(EU). Justification shows logical reasoning but text citation is not relevant.

1 Explanation has no major references to the Enduring Understanding (EU). Justification is

either incomplete, missing or lacks support of evidence.

0 No explanation or justification was found in the answer.

Scaffold for Transfer 3: Blog Delivery

Instructions: Practice delivering your blog using your knowledge and skills in applying

PEAC2020 Page 6
appropriate features of blogging. Prepare to record your blog in the Inshot app.

Clickable Links:

Screenshot of Online Resource: 

Map of Conceptual Change

Initial-Revise-Final Sheet
Now that some of the preliminary concepts and skills are acquired, what initial learnings
have you revised or changed? Fill in the second column with your revised ideas about
the lesson. 

the existence of
the color
components of
visible light
using a prism or

PERFORMANC Transfer Goal: The students on their own and in the long run will be able to discuss a
E STANDARD: phenomenon such as blue skies, rainbows, or red sunset using the concept of
Discuss wavelength and frequency of visible light.
such as blue sky, PERFORMANCE TASK (1 PRODUCT)
rainbow, and
red sunset using
the concept of PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: Creating a video blog on a
wavelength and phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or red sunset), and explain the reason behind it using the
frequency of concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your audience
visible light. by being interesting and creative.

SITUATION: Your group has encountered many subscribers’ queries on the reason behind

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natural phenomena involving light. Your group, being an influential vlogger group on
Youtube, wants to inform your subscribers about the cause of these phenomena through
physics explanation.
GOAL: Your group’s goal is to discuss a phenomenon such as blue skies, rainbows, or red
sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light.
ROLE: Your group is a famous vlogger group on Youtube who wants to inform the subscribers
about the reason behind a natural phenomenon involving light through the use of physics
PRODUCT: Your group will create a video blog on a phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or red
sunset), and explain the reason behind it using the concept of wavelength and frequency of
visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your audience by being interesting and creative.
AUDIENCE: Your audience is your Youtube subscribers.

STANDARDS: Your performance will be graded by the following rubric. Content,

Organization, Quality


1.The unit Performance Standard is stated. The Performance Task is aligned with this
Performance Standard.
2. A real life problem SITUATION is presented. 
3. The Situation indicates the need or GOAL that has to be addressed. The GOAL states the
purpose of the product (it is not the product itself).
4. The Situation tells the student his or her ROLE in answering the need or goal or solving the
5. The student is asked to make an output or a PRODUCT that answers the need or goal or
solution. The PRODUCT is aligned with the Performance Standard.    
6.  The Situation informs the student the AUDIENCE or group of people that will be using or
benefiting from the product.
7. To assess the quality of the product, a set of STANDARDS are given. (These standards
become the rubric criteria). The STANDARDS are consistent with the Unit Performance


PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: Creating a video blog on a
phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or red sunset), and explain the reason behind it using
the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your
audience by being interesting and creative.

SITUATION: Your group has encountered many subscribers’ queries on the reason behind
natural phenomena involving light. Your group, being an influential vlogger group on
Youtube, wants to inform your subscribers about the cause of these phenomena through
physics explanation.
GOAL: Your group’s goal is to discuss a phenomenon such as blue skies, rainbows, or red
sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light.
ROLE: Your group is a famous vlogger group on Youtube who wants to inform the
subscribers about the reason behind a natural phenomenon involving light through the
use of physics explanation.
PRODUCT: You have to create a written report on a phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or
red sunset) explaining the reason behind it using the concept of wavelength and
frequency of visible light. Your written report must appeal to your readers by being
interesting and creative.
AUDIENCE: Your audience is your readers follower.

PEAC2020 Page 8
STANDARDS: Your performance will be graded by the following rubric. Content,
Organization, Quality


1.The unit Performance Standard is stated. The Performance Task is aligned with this
Performance Standard.
2. A real life problem SITUATION is presented. 
3. The Situation indicates the need or GOAL that has to be addressed. The GOAL states the
purpose of the product (it is not the product itself).
4. The Situation tells the student his or her ROLE in answering the need or goal or solving
the problem.
5. The student is asked to make an output or a PRODUCT that answers the need or goal or
solution. The PRODUCT is aligned with the Performance Standard.    
6.  The Situation informs the student the AUDIENCE or group of people that will be using
or benefiting from the product.
7. To assess the quality of the product, a set of STANDARDS are given. (These standards
become the rubric criteria). The STANDARDS are consistent with the Unit Performance


PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: Creating a video blog on a
phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or red sunset), and explain the reason behind it using
the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your
audience by being interesting and creative.

SITUATION: Your group has encountered many subscribers’ queries on the reason behind
natural phenomena involving light. Your group, being an influential vlogger group on
Youtube, wants to inform your subscribers about the cause of these phenomena through
physics explanation.
GOAL: Your group’s goal is to discuss a phenomenon such as blue skies, rainbows, or red
sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency of visible light.
ROLE: Your group is a famous vlogger group on Youtube who wants to inform the
subscribers about the reason behind a natural phenomenon involving light through the
use of physics explanation.
PRODUCT: You have to create a written report on a phenomenon (blue sky, rainbow, or
red sunset) explaining the reason behind it using the concept of wavelength and
frequency of visible light. Your written report must appeal to your readers by being
interesting and creative.
AUDIENCE: Your audience is your readers follower.

STANDARDS: Your performance will be graded by the following rubric. Content,

Organization, Quality


1.The unit Performance Standard is stated. The Performance Task is aligned with this
Performance Standard.
2. A real life problem SITUATION is presented. 
3. The Situation indicates the need or GOAL that has to be addressed. The GOAL states the
purpose of the product (it is not the product itself).
4. The Situation tells the student his or her ROLE in answering the need or goal or solving
the problem.
5. The student is asked to make an output or a PRODUCT that answers the need or goal or
solution. The PRODUCT is aligned with the Performance Standard.    
6.  The Situation informs the student the AUDIENCE or group of people that will be using
or benefiting from the product.
PEAC2020 Page 9
7. To assess the quality of the product, a set of STANDARDS are given. (These standards
become the rubric criteria). The STANDARDS are consistent with the Unit Performance

Integrated Subjects (REG only)



LEVEL: The learner transfers learning by: Creating a video blog on a phenomenon (blue
SUBJECT  sky, rainbow, or red sunset), and explain the reason behind it using the concept
of wavelength and frequency of visible light. Your vlog must appeal to your
audience by being interesting and creative.

ENGLISH African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings

contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis purposes of meaning; ways
by which information may be organized related and delivered orally and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
COMMON OUTPUT: Video blogging

Analytic Rubric:

Initial-Revise-Final Sheet
Now that the unit discussions and activities are almost over, lookback on your previous
responses in this IRF chart. What are your final learnings based on the unit discussions? Fill in
the third column with your final ideas about the lesson. 

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Value Integration: Essay Writing

There are many beautiful phenomena in nature that are caused by the properties
of light waves. These include the formation of rainbows after a rain or the mirage
that is witnessed in dry, hot regions.

What is the physics behind such phenomena?

Review the past experience in this lesson and plan for your future applications. Record your
thoughts below.
What I did What I learned How can I use it

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