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1. What is the difference between regionalism and globalization? How does the former affect
the latter?

Regionalism is a movements demanding territorial autonomy within unitary states ;the

organization of the central state on a regional basis for the delivery of its policies including
regional development policies;political decentralization and regional autonomy .
Globalization is the development of an increasing integrated global economy marked by free
trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor market.

It allows countries to increase the level of competition slowly and give domestic industries
time to adjust

2. Do you really think regionalization can benefit Asia and the world? Prove your answer.

Yes, in Asia It link’s the competitive strengths of its diverse economies in order to boss their
productivity and sustain the region’s exceptional growth, while the benefit of the
regionalization in the world is to generate productivity gains,new ideas, and competition that
boost economic growth and rais incomes across the world.It link’s the competitive strengths of
its diverse economies in order to boss their productivity and sustain the region’s exceptional
growth, while the benefit of the regionalization in the world is to generate productivity
gains,new ideas, and competition that boost economic growth and rais incomes across the

3. Does Asia’s economic interdependence do more good or harm? Explain your answer.

I think it was done good, because in many Asian countries, the cycle of poverty has been broken. Asia
is now so important to the world economy that it also plays a greater role in global economic

3. What do you think is the challenge of Asian regionalism? Why do you say so?
It should be carefully formulated. Regionalism must not lead to protectionist blocs a "fortress
Asia" is no more desirable that a "fortress Europe" or a "fortress North America" would be. But
the open, outward-oriented regionalism that is emerging in Asia can avoid posing such a

5. What do you think are the contributions of the Philippines towards the regionalization of
I think the biggest contribution of the Philippines is the Filipino itself.Filipino employees are
renowned and trusted worldwide. The great Filipino worker is known for his diligence, hard
work, creativity, professionalism, technical skills, and English proficiency. In the recent survey
of Global English Corporation, a cloud-based advance English literacy software provider, the
Philippines ranked as the best in the world in terms of Business English Proficiency

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