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The bible verse says’s “Many are called, but few are chosen” that I can relate a teaching
career. It says that many can explain data, facts and information, but few are those who can
touch by heart and transform a student in learning.

I’ve been in teaching for 7 years up to present since then I started to experience exhaustion
with the routine of being a teacher. In our family, I’m the only one who made in college. I am
a varsity and scholar in the school that’s why I was able to afford to graduate in a university
here in our place. It was a challenge for me to have good grades and also to be a good varsity
player. Being in sports teaches me a lot of discipline that is what I want to teach to my
students now. I am currently enjoying teaching at the secondary level where students are
more mature and responsible enough to give importance to education. Students here in our
school are those less fortunate with financial status, and I might say love and care because
some are from broken families, some with parents who don’t care enough for them, that’s
why I learned that my student are needing for further patience and extended love and with
them I also learned to empty myself to fill unto them, giving extra effort, time and more often
my pocket. It seems like it is a normal scenario in the Philippines, but it’s the reality, the
reality that we need to embrace and to change it with love and passion.

 It’s a reality that all teachers are moved by their motivation, some for salary, some for job
security, and some for happiness. My family is always my inspiration in life. My mother and
father who work hard to provide for our needs, they’re the ones who thrust me to finish my
studies. And now that I’m in the field of teaching and also have a family of my own, I learned
to treasure even more my profession. With a job secured and with good compensation, hence
I can provide also for my own family. While my daughter is growing up she always asks me
if I am happy with my job and why I choose to teach, I just stare and smile and I always say
that I am happy with my job because teaching is an opportunity for us to help, it gives us
happiness if we help others. Because seeing the joy in every student's face and making an
impact with them is certainly a reward. I experienced that my old students give me a free
meal in a restaurant, I didn’t even recognize him till he approaches me and thank me for he is
now, it’s not the free meal matter it’s the gratefulness of the student who marks in my heart.
While I’m in teaching I have also allowed being a coach in Arnis a Filipino sport, I handled
10 different players every year, and being a coach plays deeper than teaching it requires long
patience, positivity, and passion. Giving extra time and effort will make a big impact to your
players, just like in teaching students will also appreciate and reap it in time.

I vision myself to be a teacher who makes a difference in every student's life. I always
remember those students who ask for assistance, just because they can’t afford some projects,
those students who are starving inside the classroom and they cannot do anything about it.
Whenever I see those situations crushes my heart. I want to make difference in their lives in a
simple way. And I truly believe that Education is the key to success. when I teach I always
tell my students do not to make things complicated than make it simple and that I want them
to remember me as a cool and happy teacher/coach. I believe that if you provide students
with pressure less environment, then new learnings will come.
The field of teaching entails a lot of stress, time management, an uneasiness that’s why we
need to achieve our whole well-being mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. As a
former athlete, I’ve learned to love being fit and also advocating it. I believe that when you
are physically fit everything will follow such as being mentally able and socially poised. And
last but least is having a strong connection with our almighty who gives everything
unconditionally. And when a teacher is able the student will also capable to learn easily, cope
with changes, and be a productive citizen in our country, I still believe that there’s always a
chance to change the situation we have now (extreme poverty and achieving the primary
education. as a teacher, I will try my best to grow professionally to continue my education to
continue to grow not just for myself but also for my be a light and an inspiration.
To be able to manage a structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within their physical learning environment
with the aid of the different technological platforms available and to be a loving passionate
teacher as I can be.
Thank you for the opportunity! God speed

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