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Target SSC CGL 2020

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

“This PDF is made for SSC Aspirants who are preparing Competitive
collected all Previous Year Vocabulary [SYNONYM, ANTONYMS, ONE WORD
exams 2018-2022 asked from TCS. This PDF will help to boost you Vocabulary in
English Section. Nowadays, this is trend of SSC and other exams is to ask
repeated words from previous year so It is an excellent PDF for Aspirants.”

By: Amandeep Maurya


SYNONYMS 1000+ 03-28
IDIOMS & PHRASE 1000+ 29-59
ANTONYMS 800+ 79-89

Subscribe Our YouTube Channel – English Web Academy


Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1



 Ostentatious Showy लिखावटी
 Retaliate React प्रलिकार करना
 Avert Prevent टािना
 Taciturn Reserved अल्पभाषी
 Vertical Upright खडा
 Smooth Flat लनर्ाा ध
 Imminent Impending करीर्
 Redundant Superfluous अनावश्यक
 Urge Appeal लवनिी करना
 Duo Pair जोडी
 Paranoid Distrustful िु र्व्ावहार
 Fluke Chance संयोग से पडनेवािी चोट
 Inscrutable Inexplicable गूढ़
 Eventually Ultimately अंििः
 Trendy Popular फैशनेर्ि
 Lacuna Hiatus कमी
 Solemn Dignified गंभीर
 Succulent Juicy रसीिा
 Disrupt Breach लर्खरा हुआ
 Amass Gather एकत्र करना
 Final Concluding अंलिम
 Squawk Scream पक्षी का ककाश शब्द
 Threshold Doorway सीमा
 Perjury Falsehood झूठा साक्ष्य
 Arid Dry शु ष्क
 Tranquil Clam शां ि
 Obstruct Block रोकना
 Commute Convert आना-जाना
 Monotonous Boring नीरस
 Abandon Quit त्याग िे ना
 Ravenous Starved लहं सक
 Lull Calm शां लि काि
 Saucy Cheeky सजीव
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Robust Sturdy मज़र्ूि

 Generic Universal सामान्य
 Regime Rule शासन
 Prompt Quick ित्पर
 Dedicated Committed समलपाि
 Iota Bit अत्यंि छोटी मात्रा
 Yield Harvest उपज
 Numerous Several र्हुि
 Transmit Convey संचाररि
 Chaos Confusion अराजकिा
 Rejuvenate Refresh लफर से युवा करना
 Adjust Adapt समायोलजि करना
 Slack Careless ढीिा
 Termination Conclusion समापन
 Munch Chew चर्ड-चर्ड कर खाना
 Celebrate Honour जश्न मनाना
 Debilitate Weaken िु र्ाि करना
 Wander Roam लवचिन
 Grumble Groan र्डर्डाना
 Abolish Eliminate समाप्त करना
 Testify Affirm गवाही िे ना
 Brat Spoilt child ढीठ र्च्चा
 Deride Mock उपहास करना
 Calm Relaxed शां ि,
 Poignant Touching मालमाक
 Tag Label उपनाम
 Detrimental Harmful हालनकारक
 Commence Start आरं भ
 Principle Axiom लसद्ां ि
 Spill Drop छिकना
 Breakthrough Discovery महत्वपूर्ा खोज

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Banner Poster र्ैनर

 Absolve Pardon िोषमुक्त करना
 Bang Beat धमाके
 Ponder Meditate लवचार
 Shimmer Shine लटमलटमाना
 Uncanny Mysterious अिौलकक
 Integrate Assimilate एकीकृि
 Leverage Influence अपेलक्षि शक्तक्त
 Cadence Rhythm आरोह-अवरोह; िय
 Abstain Refrain र्चना / परहे ज़ करना
 Humdrum Boring नीरस
 Drag Pull खींचना
 Pathetic Pitiful ियनीय
 Penitence Repentance पश् चात्ताप
 Implore Plead प्रार्ा ना करना
 Glorious Splendid यशस्वी
 Revere Respect सम्मान
 Prevent Avert रोकना
 Acknowledgement Confirmation स्वीकृलि
 Prodigal Extravagant खचीिा
 Fury Anger अि् यलधक क्रोध;
 Solitary Singular अकेिा
 Expensive Dear महं गा
 Retain Maintain र्नाए रखना
 Erudite Learned लवद्वान
 Violent Aggressive लहं सक
 Deficiency Inadequacy कमी
 Catastrophic Disastrous कष्टकारी
 Ovation Applause उि् साहपूर्ा स्वागि
 Preferred Favoured पसंिीिा
 Disheartened Depressed िु खी या लनराश
 Cordial Warm हालिा क
 Juvenile Childish लकशोर
 Repercussion Reaction प्रलिलक्रया

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Scared Holy डरा हुआ

 Weary Exhausted र्का
 Affluent Prosperous धनी
 Accurate Precise सटीक
 Assault Attack हमिा
 Thrive Flourish फिना-फूिना
 Solemn Serious गंभीर
 Eradicate Uproot उन्मूिन करना
 Abort End र्ीच में र्ंि करें
 Exceed Surpass सीमा पार करना
 Relief Aid राहि
 Inclement Dignified गररमामय
 Scintillating Glittering चमचमािा, जगमगािा
 Tilt Slant एक ओर झुकना
 Inept Clumsy अयोग्य
 Inarticulate Incoherent धीरे से र्ोिना
 Indelible Inerasable अलमट
 Entice Entrap िु भाना, फुसिाना
 Dubious Fishy संलिग्ध
 Triumph Victory लवजयोल्लास
 Drag Pull खींचें
 Engulf Envelop पररग्रहर् करना
 Lethal Fatal जानिेवा
 Prevalent Common प्रचलिि
 Exempt Exclude मुक्त करें
 Rampant Excessive अलनयंलत्रि
 Reticent Silent मौन रहने वािा
 Fury Anger
 Pensive Reflective लचंिाग्रस्त
 Vindictive Revengeful प्रलिशोधी
 Repudiate Renounce पररत्याग करना
 Lament Mourn लविाप
 Perplex Bewilder हक्का-र्क्का करना
 Defer Delay आस्र्लगि करें
 Taciturn Reticent अल्पभाषी
 Mammoth Gigantic लवशाि

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Exalt Praise प्रशं सा करना

 Concise Brief संलक्षप्त
 Renown Fame प्रलसक्तद् और आिर
 Devout Pious धालमाक
 Intricate Complex जलटि
 Assist Help सहायिा िे ना
 Adept Skilled लनपुर्
 Initiate Start आरं भ करना
 Obstacle Barrier र्ाधा, अडचन, अवरोध
 Endeavour Attempt प्रयास
 Insult Offend अपमान करना
 Hostility Enmity शत्रुिा
 Attribute Quality लवशे षिा
 Fuse Combine परस्पर जु डकर एक हो जाना
 Bafflement Confusion चकरा िे ने वािा
 Renounce Forsake त्याग
 Amble Wander टहिना
 Equivocal Ambiguous गोिमोि
 Benevolence Compassion भिाई
 Cunning Slick धूिा
 Abundant Plentiful भरपूर
 Perilous Dangerous जोक्तखम
 Serendipity Godsend नसीर्
 Loath Abhor अलनच्छु क
 Hated Loathed नफरि
 Perilous Treacherous जोक्तखम
 Sanguinity Optimism आशावालििा,
 Expended Exhausted खचा
 Inclined Motivated इच्छु क
 Pace Speed गलि
 Ecstasy Bliss परमानंि
 Vacant Uninhabited खािी

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Disseminate Circulate प्रसाररि करना

 Scared Afraid डरा हुआ
 Opulence Prosperity अलधकिा
 Startle Surprise डराना
 Decipher Interpret समझने
 Overture Preamble प्रस्ताव
 Credible Dependable लवश्वसनीय
 Rescind Revoke रद्द कर िे ना
 Reconnoiter Inspect िे ख-भाि
 Admire Appreciate प्रशं सा करना
 Arraign Prosecute अलभयोग
 Fleck Spot िारा
 Incite Flame उत्तेलजि
 Tranquil Calm शां ि
 Pudgy Thick-bodied स्र्ूि
 Quaint Queer लवलचत्र
 Allay Relieve लनराकरर्करना
 Rampart Bulwark लकिे की िीवार
 Profess Declare िावे
 Devastate Destroy उजाडना
 Vanity Conceit घमंड
 Litigant Petitioner लववािी
 Boldness Bravery साहस
 Austere Stern सीधा-सािा
 Banter Repartee मज़ाक
 Salubrious Beneficial स्वास्थ्यप्रि
 Pleasing Gratifying मनभावन
 Stymie Hinder गलिरोध
 Illogical Absurd लवसंगि
 Startle surprise डराना
 Nadir Base पिन
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Abrogate Repeal अलभलनषेध करना

 Inevitable Inescapable अपररहाया
 Startlingly Amazingly पूर्ािया
 Utilitarian Functional उपयोगी
 Laconic Concise संलक्षप्त
 Greed Cupidity िािच
 Resplendent Magnificent िे िीप्यमान
 Excruciating Piercing कष्टिायी
 Quintessential Typical सवोत्कृष्ट
 Giddiness Unsteadiness चक्कर
 Chastise Discipline िं ड िे ना
 Bestial Brutish वहशी
 Slender Frail पििा
 Resolute Strong दृढ़
 Robbed Plundered िु ट गया
 Modest Shy मामूिी
 Savoury Salty लििकश
 Satiate Satisfy पूरा करना
 Stupendous Stunning अलि लवशाि
 Benign Benevolent सौम्य
 Deception Cunning धोखे
 Damage Afflict हालन
 Hapless Ill-fated अभागी
 Renounce Abjure त्याग
 Imprisonment Incarceration कैि होना
 Exorcise Expel जािू िे ना
 Ludicrous Crazy ऊटपटां ग
 Eccentric Queer लविक्षर् र्व्क्तक्त

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Affront Insult अपमान

 Ravenous Esurient लहं सक
 Destitute Indigent लनरालिि
 Pugnacious Truculent लनरालिि
 Encroach Intrude अलिक्रमर् करना
 Apparently Seemingly स्पष्ट रूप से
 Wry Crooked टे ढ़ा-मेढ़ा
 Malignant Vicious घािक
 Dearth Shortage अकाि
 Comply Obey पािन करना
 Herald Announce सूचना िे ना
 Adept Skilled लनपुर्
 Forbid Prohibit रोकना
 Despicable Contemptible नािी का कीडा
 Salient Noticeable मुख्य
 Apathetic Indifferent उिासीन
 Imitate Mimic नकि करना
 Commence Launch आरं भ
 Callous Insensitive कठोर
 Livid Furious क्रोलधि
 Fascination Appeal सम्मोहन
 Bonhomie Companionship खुशलमज़ाजी
 Complicated Complex जलटि
 Delectable Luscious मनोरम
 Paranoid Suspicious िु र्व्ावहार
 Absolute Complete समूचा, सं पूर्ा
 Clean Honest साफ़,
 Allege Charge आरोप
 Forsake Desert त्यागना
 Profuse Abundant अि् यलधक मात्रा में, प्रचु र
 Dilemma Predicament िु लवधा

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Emerge Appear उभरना

 Hazardous Dangerous खिरनाक
 Pollute Contaminate नापाक लकया हुआ
 Cordial Friendly हालिा क
 Travail Agony िु : ख
 Trail Path रास्ता
 Appalling Shocking भय उत्पन्न करनेवािा
 Random Arbitrary यादृक्तच्छक रूप से
 Bolster Strengthen शक्तक्तवद्ा न करना
 Prudent Cautious लववेकी
 Stretch Extend फैिाव
 Precision Accuracy शु द्िा
 Priority Preference वरीयिा
 Ban Prohibit प्रलिर्ंध
 Repulsive Disgusting प्रलिकारक
 Jeopardy Peril प्रलिकारक
 Anticipate Expect पूवाा नुमान करना
 Wreak Cause क्षलि या हालन पहुुँ चाना
 Saga Narrative कर्ा
 Reckless Thoughtless िापरवाह
 Deviate Veer लवचलिि
 Dreaded Feared खूंखार
 Dictator Tyrant िानाशाह
 Diffidence Meekness संशय
 Challenge Objection चुनौिी
 Ragged Torn टु कडे टु कडे कर लिया
 Adulation Adoration मनुहार
 Divulge Reveal प्रकालशि करना
 Novice Beginner नौलसक्तखए
 Resplendent Dazzling चमकीिा;
 Bull-headed Headstrong हठीिा
 Emerge Appear उभरना
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Severity Seriousness िीव्रिा

 Mandatory Imperative अलनवाया
 Abode Dwelling लनवास स्र्ान; घर
 Investigate Probe छान - र्ीन करना
 Brace Fortify मज़र्ूि करना;
 Encroach Intrude अलिक्रमर् करना
 Encroach Intrude अलिक्रमर् करना
 Assertion Declaration र्ि िे कर कहना
 Guile Deceit छि
 Agile Nimble फुिीिा
 Furtive Secretive चुराया हुआ
 Diligent Untiring पररिमी
 Insidious Crafty कपटी
 Enrage Infuriate क्रुद् करना
 Opulent Luxurious धनी
 Constraint Control र्ाधा
 Foliage Greenery पौधे के सर् पत्ते-पलत्तयाुँ
 Nebulous Vague अस्पष्ट
 Rind Peel लछिका
 Mandible Jaw जर्डा
 Prejudice Bias पक्षपाि
 Persecution Oppression उत्पीडन
 Rotund Round गोि
 Mandate Official order शासनािे श
 Holistic Comprehensible समग्र
 Lurk Prowl घाि में रहना
 Integrate Unite एकीकृि
 Tolerance Endurance सहनशीििा
 Masqueraded Acted छद्म आचरर् करना
 Interspersed Scattered लछिराना
 Deplete Reduce र्व्य करना
 Derogatory Sarcastic अपमानजनक
 Rowdy Boisterous उपद्रवी
 Barren Desolate र्ंजर
 Idleness Lethargy आिस्य

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Reproach Berate लिरस्कार

 Trust Belief लवश्वास
 Alluring Attractive मनोहर
 Cove Bay छोटी खाडी
 Surge Rush आवेश
 Occur Happen घलटि होना
 Resilient Supple िचीिा
 Choosy Selective नकचढ़ा
 Jovial Joyous उल्लासपूर्ा
 Kit Equipment उपकरर्-समूह
 Anodyne Benign पीडा-नाशक
 Explicit Lucid मुखर
 Instigate Kindle भडकाना
 Adjustment Balancing समायोजन
 Quarrelsome Querulous झगडािू
 Tarnish Damage किं कलि करना
 Pleasant Refreshing सुखि
 Penury Poverty िररद्रिा
 Festivity Celebration उत्सव
 Affluent Wealthy धनी
 Morose Sullen उिास
 Glum Dismal उिास
 Opulent Sumptuous धनी
 Reconcile Resolve समाधान करना
 Salvage Save क्षलिग्रस्ि होने से र्चाने
 Accrue Collect उपालजि होना
 Motif Design मूि भाव
 Delinquent Offending अपराधी
 Prodigious Immense लविक्षर्
 Fraudulent Deceitful धोखाधडी
 Indomitable Invincible अजे य एवं लनडर
 Congenial Compatible अनुकूि
 Pedigree Lineage वंशाविी
 Altruist Philanthropist परोपकार के लसद्न्त का
 Haughty Arrogant घमंडी
 Enunciate Articulate उच्चाररि करना

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Assemble Mass इकट्ठा

 Reproach Berate लिरस्कार
 Aversion Dislike घृर्ा
 Desperation Hopelessness लनराशा
 Enigmatic Puzzling रहस्यपूर्ा
 Fabulous Charming आश्चयाजनक
 Liberty Freedom स्विं त्रिा
 Despondent Dejected हिाश
 Jubilant Ecstatic उल्ललसि
 Rectify Correct सुधारना
 Trauma Emotional shock सिमा
 Blister Wound छािा
 Dearth Scarcity अकाि
 Insensitive Callous सुन्न
 Shines Glitters चमकिा
 Circuitous Roundabout चक्करिार
 Boisterous Noisy कोिाहिपूर्ा
 Mellow Genial मधुर
 Nefarious Wicked कुलटि
 Sordid Unpleasant लघनौना
 Tranquil Peaceful शां ि
 Imaginary Fictious काल्पलनक
 Caricature Grotesque लवलचत्र
 Absorbing Engrossing अवशोलषि
 Emancipate Liberate स्विं त्र करना
 Laud Praise प्रशं सा
 Emulate Simulate अनुकरर्
 Eternal Forever शास्वि
 Stroll Walk चहिक़िमी
 Brutal Savage क्रूर
 Revel Make merry आनंलिि,
 Adversity Misery आपिा
 Abundant Plentiful प्रचुर
 Deceive Cheat धोखा िे ना
 Vanquish Defeat परास्त करना
 Emphasize Stress ज़ोर िे ना

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Massive Huge र्डा

 Scrumptious Delicious शानिार
 Cherish Nurture अच्छा िगना
 Luxuriant Lush लविासी
 Conceited Smug अलभमानी
 Despise Abhor घृर्ा
 Cordial Amiable हालिा क
 Revamp Restructure सुधार
 Leisurely Relaxed आराम से
 Eminent Prominent प्रख्याि
 Expandable Flexible लवस्तार योग्य
 Assert Emphasize ज़ोर
 Commence Start शु रू
 Competent Capable सक्षम
 Vindictive Revengeful प्रलिशोधी
 Herculean Strong अत्यंि कलठन
 Erstwhile Former भूिपूवा
 Mediation Intervention मध्यस्र्िा
 Prohibition Exclusion लनषेध
 Alteration Modification पररविा न
 Distest Loathing लिरस्कार
 Overwhelming Awesome ज़र्िा स्त
 Complicated Complex जलटि
 Ache Suffering कष्ट
 Adore Admire प्रशं सा करना
 Aerial Alevite िरक्की
 Agony Torture यािना
 Blaze Glow चमक
 Rigid Inflexible कठोर
 Stagnate Fester लनक्तिय पड जाना
 Restore Reconstitute पुनगालठि
 Regain Attain प्राप्त
 Defer Stall िु कान
 Validate Corroborate मंलडि किना
 Squander Frivol र्रर्ाि करना
 Sulky Dismal लनराशाजनक

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Cardinal Essential आवश्यक

 Stigy Miser कंजू स
 Bliss Euphoria उत्साह
 Tarnish Blot घट जाना
 Compact Appressed िर्ाया हुआ
 Curtail Cramp घटाना
 Genteel Courteous लवनम्र आचरर् वािा
 Intoxicating Stigmatizing मािक
 Peripheral Inessential कम महत्वपूर्ा
 Agitated Aroused उत्तेलजि
 Concise Abridge संलक्षप्त
 Wrath Exasperation क्रोध
 Creep Crawl रें गना
 Natural Usual प्राकृलिक
 Decoy Trap प्रिोभन
 Entice Allure िु भाने
 Pursuit Trail काम
 Palpable Perceptible स्पशा नीय
 Feeble Weak कमज़ोर
 Arouse Reasonable जगाना
 Evident Obvious प्रत्यक्ष
 Distinct Clear अिग
 Condemn Belittle लनंिा करना
 Dingy Drab धूंधिा
 Constant Fixed िगािार
 Shrewd Judicious उलचि
 Promising Bright चमकिार
 Submerge Drown डु र्कर मरना
 Mundane Commonplace सामान्य
 Puzzled Confused अस्पष्ट
 Tenacity Firmness दृढ़िा
 Mortal Lively जीवंि
 Enthusiasm zeal उत्साह
 Accustomed Habituated आिी
 Hapless Unlucky र्िलकस्मि
 Tend Care for िे खभाि

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Sustain Support सहायिा

 Dubious Uncertain संिेह
 Inimical Hostile लवरोधी
 Whirl Spin घुमाव
 Inventory Catalogue सूची
 Consult Discuss चचाा करना
 Predicament Dilemma िु लवधा
 Eminent Renewed नवीकृि
 Erroneous Inaccurate ग़िि
 Shudder Shiver कंपकंपी
 Defect Flaw िोष
 Ardent Passionate जोशीिा
 Tousled Disarranged अर्व्वक्तस्र्ि
 Thwart Curb लनयंत्रर्
 Consult Discuss कीमिी
 Predicament Dilemma पिच्युलि
 Valuable Precious अनुपािन
 Denial Dismissal स्पष्ट
 Deference Compliance उल्लंघन करना
 Explicit Clear मुखर
 Violation Breach उल्लंघन
 Huge Big लवशाि
 Emblem Symbol प्रिीक
 Carnage Slaughter नरसंहार
 Supporting Agreeing सहायक
 Batter Beat र्ैटर
 Deficient Lacking न्यू न
 Tranquil Sober शां ि
 Timid Humble डरपोक
 Hospitable Congenial मेहमाननवाज़
 Stationary Fixed स्र्ावर
 Hamper Restrict टोकरी
 Forth-night Outspoken अगिी राि
 Commence Initiate आरं भ
 Liberty Freedom स्विं त्रिा
 Consequence Outcome पररर्ाम

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Harmony Peace समन्वय

 Vulnerable Exposed भेद्य
 Austere Unadorned सीधा-सािा
 Extract Withdraw लनचोड
 Assist Evident सहायिा िे ना
 Release Acquit ररहाई
 Grab Seize िपकना
 Tension Strain िनाव
 Scrawny Skinny सूखा
 Deficiency Shortage कमी
 Delegate Nominate प्रलिलनलध
 Haste Hurry जल्दी
 Alleviate Mitigate कम
 Astonish Surprise चलकि
 Misfortune Calamity िु भाा ग्य
 capable Component कालर्ि
 Lavish Bountiful लफज़ूिख़ची
 Accountable Answerable उत्तरिायी
 Courteous Polite लवनम्र
 Infuriate Enrage उपज क्रुद् करना
 Obvious Evident स्पष्ट
 Optimist Idealist आशावािी
 Benevolent Generous परोपकारी
 Harass Molest परे शान
 Slender Slim पििा
 Apparent Obvious स्पष्ट
 Fundamental Basic मौलिक
 Detain Delay रोकना
 Revive Recover पुनजीलवि
 Engage Occupy काम पर िगाना
 Intricate Complicated जलटि
 Ferocious Fierce क्रूर
 Beneficial Advantage फायिे मंि

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Dubious Doubtful संलिग्ध

 Anthology Collection संकिन
 Absolved Pardoned िोषमुक्त
 Humdrum Monotonous नीरस
 Obtain Achieve प्राप्त
 Encumbrance Obstacle र्ाधा, अडचन, अवरोध
 Recently Lately हाि ही में
 Artful Crafty धूिा
 Morbid Nasty अलप्रय वस्िुओं में रुलच
 Persuade Coax राज़ी करना, मनाना
 Inclination Aptitude झुकाव
 Impious Irreligious र्ेईमान
 Prodigy Genius अि् भुि वस्तु
 Judicious Prudent उलचि
 Chaste Pure पलवत्र
 Deepen Intensify गहरा
 Courage Valour साहस
 Demolish Dismantle ध्वस्त
 Chide Rebuke डां टना
 Immense Massive अत्यलधक
 Former Previous भूिपूवा
 Profuse Aplenty अि् यलधक मात्रा में, प्रचुर
 Rectify Amend सुधारना
 Forgive Pardon क्षमा करना
 Agile Quick चुस्त
 Eager Keen आिु र
 Strange Abnormal अजीर्
 Tangled Knotted उिझा हुआ
 Proclaim Declare घोषर्ा करना
 Exceptional Extraordinary असाधारर्
 Brisk Quick िे ज
 Enhance Improve सुधारना

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Hate Detest घृर्ा

 Awkward Clumsy अटपटा
 Dedicate Devote समलपाि करना
 Aroma Scent सुगंध
 Confusion Muddle भ्रम की क्तस्र्लि
 Impolite Rude असभ्य
 Remember Recall याि रखना
 Calm Peaceful शां ि
 Relevant Applicable उपयुक्त
 Swift Quick िीव्र
 Integration Unification एकीकरर्
 Acclaim Praise
 Vigilant Watchful चौकस
 Lucid Clear स्पष्ट अर्ा का
 Affluence Wealth समृक्तद्
 Zest Enthusiasm उत्तेजकिा
 Abandoned Deserted छोडा हुआ
 Advantageous Favourable िाभिायक
 Mock Taunt लिखावटी
 Contempt Hatred अवमानना
 Anxious Nervous लचंलिि
 Control Regulate लनयंत्रर्
 Drowsy Sleepy सुस्त
 Enormous Huge लवशाि
 Esteem Regard आिर
 Frigid Freezing उिासीन
 Fascinate Captivate ररझाना
 Foment Incite भडकाना
 Angry Enraged नाराज़
 Wane Decline पिन
 Potent Powerful प्रर्ि
 Limpid Lucid पारिशा क
 Protest Object लवरोध करना
 Indulgence Leniency आसक्तक्त
 Lax Negligent ढीिा
 Tensile Stretchable िचीिा
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Fluorescent Glowing फ्लोरोसेंट

 Graceful Elegant सुंिर
 Delicate Frail नाज़ु क
 Baffle Perplex उिझन में डाि िे ना
 Outraged Angry र्ेहि नाराज
 Antique Ancient प्राचीन काि की कोई वस्िु
 Iconic Exemplary प्रलिलिि
 Fowl Bird पक्षी
 Evident Clear प्रत्यक्ष
 Calm Quiet शां ि
 Implore Plead प्रार्ा ना करना
 Anxiety Worry लचंिा
 Vacant Bare खािी
 Appease Pacify खुश
 Plentiful Ample प्रचुर
 Royal Kingly शाही
 Rely Depend भरोसा करना
 Hazardous Risky खिरनाक
 Smudge Stain धब्बा
 Priority Precedence वरीयिा
 Stern Strict कठोर
 Provoke Enrage उकसाना
 Practical Sensible र्व्ावहाररक
 Hardly Barely मुक्तिि से
 Symptomatic Characteristic रोगसूचक
 Rabid Extreme लवलक्षप्त
 Transparent Clear पारिशी
 Pollution Contaminator प्रिू षर्
 Rapturous Delighted मनमौजी
 Pacify Soothe शां ि करना
 Inexpensive Cheap सस्ता
 Investigate Search जाुँ च करना
 Crucial Vital महत्वपूर्ा
 Interrogate Investigate पूछिाछ
 Comprehend Understand समझना
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Yield Submit
 Tremendous Huge अि् भुि
 Regular Usual लनयलमि
 Aim Purpose उद्दे श्य
 Alarm Panic खिरे की घंटी
 Agony Depressed पीडा
 Conclude End लनष्कषा लनकािना
 Obstruction Hinderance र्ाधा
 Ample Sufficient प्रचुर
 Concise Brief संलक्षप्त
 Decrease Decline कमी
 Amiable Friendly सुशीि
 Prevent Block रोकना
 Elegant Graceful सुरुलचपूर्ा
 Mimic Copy
 Magnanimous Charitable उिार
 Proactive Enthusiastic सलक्रय
 Strenuous Difficult ज़ोरिार
 Enthrall Enchant ग़ुिाम र्नाना
 Isolate Detach अिग
 Abuse Harm गािी िे ना
 Allow Permit अनुमलि िे ना
 Exultation Jubilation उमंग
 Retort Reply करारा जवार्
 Achieve Succeed प्राप्त करना
 Determined Resolute लनधाा ररि
 Banish Exile लनवाा लसि
 Discover Find खोज करना
 Lucid Clear स्पष्ट अर्ा का
 Duct Canal वालहनी
 Active Busy सलक्रय
 Bind Fasten र्ाुँ धना
 Loyalty Faithfulness लनिा
 Ominous Threatening अमंगि
 Breezy Airy समीररक

Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Hasty Expeditious जल्दर्ाजी

 Demolish Raze ध्वस्त
 Lethargic Inactive सुस्ती
 Humble Modest लवनम्र
 Malign Besmirch घािक
 Occlude Obstruct रोकना
 Random Chance यादृक्तच्छक
 Modest Humble मामूिी
 Segregate Isolate अिग करना
 Obstructive Prominent र्ाधक
 Obstruct Curb र्ाधा
 Eccentric Bizarre सनकी
 Sacred Consecrated पलवत्र
 Plausible Credible प्रशं सनीय
 Gloomy Depressing उिास
 Critically Severely गंभीर रूप से
 Merry Happy मीरा
 Advent Arrival आगमन
 Caustic Acidic जिा िे ने में सक्षम; िाहक
 Generic General सामान्य
 Callous Brutal र्ेििा , लनष्ठु र,
 Intervene Arbitrate हस्तक्षेप
 Sinister Evil भयावह
 Protest Resist लवरोध
 Deficient Incomplete कमी
 Concede Permit स्वीकार करना
 Exaggerated Magnified अलिशयोक्तक्तपूर्ा
 Provoke Arouse उकसाना
 Innate Inherent जन्मजाि
 Luxuriant Flourishing लविासी
 Banish Exile लनवाा लसि करना
 Dissolve Fade भंग
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Enforced Imposed िागू

 Intricate Complicated जलटि
 Extravagantly Expensively असाधारर् रूप से
 Hurdle Impediment र्ाधा
 Laborious Assiduous िमसाध्य
 Grieve Mourn शोक
 Alleviate Relieve कम करना
 Probe Search जां च
 Clandestine Undercover गुप्त
 Pleasant Delightful सुखि
 Vivacious Sparky जीवंि
 Imbecile Dunce मूखा व्यक्तक्त
 Fatal Deadly घािक
 Blunt Dull कुंि
 Maestro Genius उस्ताि
 Bulky Massive भारी
 Garnish Embellish सजाना
 Uncanny Spooky अिौलकक
 Mandate Command जनािे श
 August Eminent अगस्त
 Erring Blundering ग़िलियाुँ करना
 Penniless Broke िररद्र
 Definite Precise लनलश्चि
 Proficient Accomplished कुशि
 Tenderness Kindless कोमििा
 Artful Crafty धूिा
 Ardent Passionate जोशीिा
 Acute Dire िीव्र
 Sarcastic Caustic र्व्ंग्यात्मक
 Propitious Auspicious अनुकूि
 Criticise Condemn आिोचना
 Rebuke Scold फटकार
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Collaborate Collude सहयोग करें

 Cultured Polished सुसंस्कृि
 Vivid Lucid सजीव और सुस्पष्ट
 Bloom Flower पुष्प, फूि
 Satiate Satisfy िृ क्तप्त
 Confiscated Seized जब्त
 Enraged Furious क्रोलधि
 Flagrant Atrocious झं डार्रिार
 Sporadic Infrequent लछटपुट
 Slim Skinny पििा
 Unique Exclusive अनोखा
 Enthrall Captivate रोमां लचि करना
 Dapper Stylish फै़ ै शनेर्ि और आकषाक
 Interfere Restrict हस्तक्षेप
 Culpable Guilty िोषी
 Appeased Pacified िु ष्ट
 Revile Abuse र्ुरे या ग़िि ढं ग से
 Fright Dread डराना
 Perceptive Astute र्ोधगम्य
 Eternity Forever अनंि काि
 Scold Chide डाुँ टना
 Voracious Greedy प्रचंड
 Reveal Disclose प्रकट
 Impetus Incitement प्रोत्साहन
 Hesitant Reluctant लहचलकचाहट
 Vanquish Defeat लवजय
 Bustle Rush हिचि
 Reliable Dependable लवश्वसनीय
 Encourage Stimulate प्रोत्सालहि करें
 Emphatic Vigorous जोरिार
 Astute Shrewd चिु र
 Tidy Orderly साफ सुर्रा
Study Materials PDF के लिए हमारे टे िीग्राम चैनि जरूर ज्वाइन करे @EditorialVocabs1

 Sparkling Gleaming जगमगािी

 Expository Illustrative अलि प्रसन्न, र्हुि ख़ुश
 Delighted Joyful प्रसन्न
 Imitate Copy नक़ि करना
 Contaminate Pollute िू लषि
 Subsequent Consecutive र्ाि का
 Adequate Sufficient पयाा प्त
 Tranquil Calm शां ि
 Fascinating Appealing लचत्ताकषाक
 Condemn Denounce लनंिा करना
 Engulf Inundate लनगि जाना
 Offend Annoy कष्ट पहुं चाना
 Parsimony Frugality लकफ़ायिशारी
 Apparent Obvious प्रकट
 Fatigue Weariness र्कान
 Redundant Unnecessary अनावश्यक
 Trivial Superficial मामूिी
 Scanty Meagre अल्प
 Complacent Smug आत्मसंिुष्ट
 Flourish Thrive फिना-फूिना
 Perpetuate Preserve यािगार र्नाना
 Discern Perceive पहचानना
 Inimical Hostile अलमत्रवि, लवरोधी
 Venerable Esteeme3d सम्मालनि
 Incessant Persistent लनरं िर
 Sanction Approval प्रलिर्ंध
 Jeopardy Peril ख़िरा
 Ignominy Disgrace र्िनामी
 Opinion View सम्मलि, राय
 Loyal Devoted लनिावान
 Incredible Unbelievable अलवश्वसनीय
 Aloof Detached अिग
 Intensify Strengthen िे ज
 Exasperate Infuriate लचढ़ाना
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 Feign Pretend र्हाना करना

 Efficacious Voracious प्रभावोत्पािक
 Beguile Deceive मोहना
 Deference Obeisance सम्मान
 Disastrous Calamitous लवनाशकारी
 Fatigue Tiredness र्कान
 Surreptitious Secretive छि से लकया हुआ
 Reprimand Rebuke डां टना
 Malady Illness रोग
 Foundation Base नींव
 Imitation Mimic नकि
 Just Fair उलचि, सही
 Accurate Correct सटीक
 Fiction Fantasy उपन्यास
 Condone Forgive माफ करना
 Catastrophe Calamity िर्ाही
 Conceited Arrogant अलभमानी
 Cordial Friendly हालिा क
 Absurd Ridiculous र्ेिुका
 Sumptuous Opulent वैभवशािी
 Gaudy Flashy भडकीिा
 Despise Abhor घृर्ा
 Wrench Wrest खींचना या मरोडना
 Fasten Affix जकडना
 Coveted Desired प्रलिलिि
 Shove Poke धक्का
 Lofty Towering र्हुि ऊुँचा
 Tumult Uproar कोिाहि
 Intriguing Gripping सालज़श का
 Oblivious Ignorant र्ेख़र्र
 Auspicious Favourable शु भ
 Authentic Genuine लवश्वसनीय
 Gradual Continuous क्रलमक
 Flabbergasted Astonished है रि में डािा हुआ
 Foundation Base नींव
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 Bite off more than one can To take on more than one can handle
 Take into account To consider
 In the same breath Say two contradictory things at the
same time
 Be hard up Have very little money
 Cake walk Something very easy
 Rank and file Ordinary people
 To take after To be similar in appearance
 Foul play Unfair or dishonest behavior
 On the wane On the decline
 A long shot Little chance of success
 Lie low Try not to be noticed
 Money does not grow on tree Money is hard earned and limited
 Stone’s throw Short distance
 Dark horse An unexpected winner
 Hold the key To control on something
 Left no stone unturned Try every possible effort
 A tight corner A difficult situation
 Nip in the bud To destroy early
 Cool as a cucumber Calm and composed
 A hair in the butter A challenging situation
 To bury the hatchet To end quarrel
 Easy money Make money without much effort,
may be illegally
 Keep someone at arm’s length Avoid being friendly with someone
 To fight shy of Try to avoid something
 A green horn Inexperienced
 Sticky fingers An inclination to steal
 Play with fire To do something dangerous
 To hold water To be valid and reasonable
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 Blow your own trumpet Boast about one’s own qualities

 A snake in the grass A hidden enemy
 Smooth sailing Easy progress
 On purpose Intentionally
 Eat like a horse Eating excessively
 Pay heed to Listen carefully with attention
 Back out To withdraw
 Have a change of heart Change one’s opinion
 Hit a brick wall Not able to make any progress
 To sit on the fence Avoid taking sides
 Feast one’s eyes on Gaze at something with pleasure
 Cold comfort Very little satisfaction
 Cat’s paw A person used as a tool by another
 Bang for the buck More value for money
 Raise the bar To set higher goals
 To walk on air To be very happy
 To take a chill pill To calm down
 Want to curl up and die Fell terribly ashamed and sorry
 Be at a loss for words Not know what to say
 Full of beans Full of energy
 To cut a long story short Tell something briefly
 To the nines To perfection
 Apple of one’s eye Someone very precious or dear
 A storm in a teacup Lot of fuss that will soon be forgotten
 At the eleventh hour At the very last minute
 Herculean task A job that requires a large amount of
physical strength
 Pipe dream A dream or idea that is unlikely to
 Go easy on something Use only a small amount of
 Spick and span Neat and clean
 Wild goose chase A worthless hunt or chase
 Pat on the back Praise or approval for doing something

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 A kick in the teeth A grave setback

 A stumbling block An obstacle to progress
 Lion’s share The greatest and most desirable
portion of something
 A live wire A very active or energetic person
 Fair and square According to the rules
 Sit on the fence Avoid making a decision
 Tide someone over Give temporary help, usually financial
 A bad egg Someone who is dishonest
 To pay lip service To be insincere
 To get the ball rolling To begin a process
 Onn the horizon An event that is likely to happen soon
 Through thick and thin Under all conditions
 On cloud nine Extremely happy
 Draw the line at something Accept something up to a particular
 To be light years away To be too distant for human beings to
 A fish out of water Feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar
 A square deal A fair agreement
 Onn edge Nervous and unable to relax
 Fell at sea Feel lost or confused
 The gift of the gab Talks well and persuasively
 Out of the blue Completely unexpectedly
 Twiddling one’s thumbs Feeling bored
 To fight tooth and nail To fight or compete with great ferocity
and intensity
 To fan the flames To make a bad situation worse
 To take French leave Without any intimation
 On shank’s mere On foot
 A Snake in the grass A secret enemy
 Blow one’s own trumpet Praise oneself
 Spill the bears Give away a secret
 Back to square one Come to the original point

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 Dead heat Close contest that ends in tie

 The bee’s keens Observant
 To throw a fit Express extreme anger
 Bring to light Reveal clearly
 Hold water To be valid
 A close fisted person A miserly person
 A best of roses An easy and happy situation
 To take the bull by the horns To handle difficulties
 To flog a dead horse To waste the effort
 Hobson’s choice An apparently free Choice where
there is no real alternative
 To add fuel to the fire To make a bad situation worse
 Chicken-hearted Cowardly
 By and by Gradually
 Pull a past one Trick someone
 See eye to eye Agree with someone
 A hard nut to crack A difficult problem
 To paddle one’s own canoe Depend on himself
 Like a dying duck in a Dejected
 Look down upon To consider someone inferior
 Keep abreast of Keep oneself updated
 Came to the point To speak plainly about the real issue
 Give a piece of one’s mind To rebuke someone strongly
 Cut and dried Already decided
 At large Not caught
 Kill two birds with one stone To achieve two results with a single
 Make off with To run away
 Blind alley A situation in which no further progress
can be made
 The acid test A fact, event or situation that proves
 To take a back seat To become less important or to give

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up control over things

 To bark up the wrong tree To do something that will not get the
result you want
 Costs an arm and a leg Very expensive
 Get out of hand Get out of control
 Actions speak louder than words What you do is more important than
what you say
 Pull someone’s leg Joke with someone
 Give someone the cold shoulder Ignore someone
 Pull yourself together Calm down
 Couch potato A person who watches too much
 Lead someone by the nose To dominate someone
 Butterflies in the stomach Being nervous
 Out of the woods No longer in trouble
 In the pink In good health
 Lock stock and barrel Completely
 On tenterhooks In Anxious suspense
 Lend an ear To pay attention to
 Kicked up a row Created to fuss
 Bolt from the blue An unexpected disaster
 A square peg in a round hole A misfit in the environment
 Smell a rat Detected something wrong
 Keep the wolf from the door Avoid starvation
 Ended in smoke Yield no result
 Through thick and thin Under all circumstances
 The sword of Damocles A constant threat
 Walk the tight rope Be very cautious
 Blow his top Be very angry
 Pull the cart before the horse Do last thing first
 Speaks volumes Gives enough proof
 To feather their own nest Promote their own interest
 Out of the woods Out of danger
 All ears Very attentive
 Swollen-headed Conceited
 Playing with fire Taking a grave risk
 Turned a deaf ear Neglected
 Been nipped in the bud Dropped at an early stage
 In the running Contesting the seat

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 In black and white In writing

 Under his nose Right in front of him
 To his heart’s content As much as they wanted to
 Suit you to a T Look very good on your face
 At draggers drawn Bitterly hostile
 To play ducks and drakes To use recklessly
 Teething problem Problems at the start of a new project
 Put one’s foot down Adopt a firm policy when faced with
 Rat ace A way of life in which people are
caught up in a fiercely competitive
struggle for wealth or power
 By fits and starts Irregularly
 To keep the wolf from the door Avoid starvation
 Mealy-mouthed Soft-spoken
 Whistle in the dark Pretend to be unafraid
 Spin one’s wheel Expel much effort for a little
 Live from hand to mouth To have enough money to live on a
nothing extra
 Sow wild oats To waste time by doing foolish things in
younger age
 Ended in a fiasco A complete failure
 Red letter day An auspicious day
 Chicken hearted Coward
 To go through fire and water To experience many dangers in order
to achieving something
 Willo the wisp Something that is impossible to get
 An axe to grind To have a selfish motive
 Kick the bucket To die
 Not to mince matters To speak out politely
 All agog Amazed
 To draw the longbow To exaggerate
 Sick and span Neat and clean
 A moot point Disputed
 A wild goose chase Useless search
 At loggerheads In conflict with someone
 Throw up the sponge To surrender
 The alpha and the omega The beginning and the end
 To face the music To bear the consequences
 Pillar to post One place to another
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 Hobson’s choice No real choice at all

 Adams ale Water
 At one’s wits end To get puzzled
 To steal a march To outshine
 In a jiffy Something that is done very quickly
 Herculean task A difficult task
 The end of the wedge Start of harmful development
 To accept the gauntlet To quarrel over trifles
 In black and white A very clear choice that cause no
 To not have a clue To not know about something
 To have at one’s fingertips Recall of factual information at one’s
 In bad taste Not suitable or offensive
 Once and for all Now and for the last time
 To be on cloud nine To extremely happy
 To have something on the brain To be obsessed with something
 Not one’ cup of tea Not one’s choice or preference
 To have a sigh of relief To suddenly feel very happy because
something unpleasant has not
 On thin ice In a precarious or risky situation
 To hit the nail on the head To find exactly the right answer
 To make up one’s mind To make a decision
 To have a finger in every pie To be involved in a various activities
 To give the devil his due To give credit to even a notorious
 Bear the palm To win
 Rise like a phoenix To become successful again
 Damp squib Complete failure
 Make one’s flesh creep To frighten someone
 To wrangle over an ass’s shadow To quarrel over trifles
 To accept the gauntlet To accept the challenge
 Out of the date Old fashioned
 Get the message Understand what is implied by a
remark or action
 Leave no stone unturned Try every possible attempt
 It goes without saying Something which is implied to be
 To let someone off To leave someone in his present state
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 Barking up the wrong tree Looking in the wrong place

 Call it a day To declare the end of a task
 Give somebody a ring Call someone on the telephone
 Best of both worlds A situation wherein someone has the
privilege of enjoying two different
 Ball is in your court It is up to you to make the next
decision or step
 To angle To fish
 For all intents and purposes Practically
 To pull a long face look sad
 Cat-nap Short sleep
 Gate crasher Uninvited guest
 Caught red-handed Discovered in the act of doing
 Fit like glove Perfectly
 Go out of one’s way Doing every possible effort
 In the running Has good prospects in competition
 Make room Make space
 Mend your ways Improve one’s behavior
 Beat about the bush To say everything except the main
 Beggar description Cannot be described
 Drag one’s feet Be reluctant to act
 Hope against hope Nurture an impossible hope
 For keeps Forever
 Paled into insignificance Seemed less important
 With one voice Unanimously
 Make it light Treat lightly
 Every inch a gentleman Entirely
 Catch a tartar A rough, violent, troublesome person
 To add fuel to the fire Make thing worse
 To take to heart To be greatly affected
 to bring to light Reveal
 All moon shine Far from reality
 At a snail’s pace Lowly
 Call on Play a visit
 Pros and cons Advantages and disadvantages
 Once in a blue moon Very rarely
 Fish out of water An uncomfortable situation
 Be down with Suffering from
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 Fair-weather friend Supports only when easy and

 To bury the hatched To make peace
 Pull together Work harmoniously
 Selling like hot cakes To have a very good sale
 Scot free Unpunished
 To give oneself airs Behave arrogantly
 At a stone’s throw At short distance
 Bone of contention Matter of dispute
 To eat humble pie To yield under humiliating
 To end in smoke To end without any practical results
 To spill the beans To reveal a secret
 Drive home Emphasize
 A left hand compliment An ambiguous compliment
 Cut a sorry figure Make a poor impression
 To take to task Reprimand
 Bad blood Enmity
 Maiden speech First speech
 To get cold feet Fear
 Beside the mark Not to the point
 On tenterhooks In suspense and anxiety
 A cuckoo in the nest An unwelcomed intruder
 A house of cards An insecure scheme
 To smell a rat To suspect foul dealing
 Old head on young shoulder To be wise beyond one’s age
 A wild goose chase Pointless search
 Hard of hearing To be deaf
 Burn your boats Do something that makes it impossible
to return to the previous situation
 Dressing-down To give scolding
 Null and void Invalid
 A dark house Unexpected winner
 Throw cold water Discourage
 Butt in Interrupt
 Couch potato A person who prefers to watch TV
 Carry the ball Be in charge
 Turn down Reject
 Catch a tartar To deal with a person who is more
than one’s match
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 Cap in hand In a respectful manner

 In the blues Cheerless and depressed
 Cheek by jowl Very close together
 Blow one’s own trumpet Praise oneself
 Stick to one’s guns Maintain own opinion
 Face the music be punished
 Curry favours Seek favourable attention
 Weal and woe Good times and bad times
 Call in question Challenge
 Make both ends meet Live within means
 Put up the shutters Go out of business
 A drop in a bucket A very insignificant amount
 Draw a blank Find no favour
 To break the ice To start conservation
 To be in a fix In a difficult situation
 As daft as a brush Extremely silly
 In a nutshell Briefly and concisely
 Strain every nerve Work very hard
 Evening of life Old age
 Button one’s lips Stop talking
 Capital punishment Death sentence
 A live wire Active and lively
 Cock and bull stories Absurd and unlikely stories
 Leaps and bounds Rapidly
 Wet behind the ears Young and without much experience
 Under a cloud Under suspicion
 Get the sack Be dismissed
 Feather in one’s cap A new and additional distinction
 Donkey’s year A long time
 Leave no stone unturned To try every possible way
 A man of letters Scholar
 Bear in mind Remember
 To nip in the bud To stop something in the starting
 To clip one’s wings To deprive one of power
 To put a spoke in one’s wheel To hinder
 Hold up Delay
 To play fast and loose To act in an unreliable
 Grease the palm To bribe
 Turn turtle Complete over turn of a situation
 pull a fast one Play a trick
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 Feather one’s own nest Make money in an improper way

 Snake in grass A hidden enemy
 Make a mountain of a mole hill Exaggerate a mirror problem
 Spill the beans Reveal the secret information
 Leave high and dry Left in a difficult situation
 Make believe To pretend that something is true
 Go for the jugular Attack all out
 Make amends for Compensate the loss
 Keep a level head To remain calm and sensible in a
difficult situation
 Under the weather Sick
 At loggerheads In strong disagreement
 Go Dutch Divide the cost
 Alma meter Institution where one got education
 A closefisted man A miser
 As daft as a brush Very silly
 Rise with the lark Get up early
 At one’s wit’s end To be too worried by a problem that
you don’t know what to do next.
 Make a beeline Rush
 Wilde goose chase Unless search
 A man of letters A literary person
 Horse sense Basic common sense
 Sort in the arm Something that gives encouragement
 Catch time by the forelock Seize opportunity
 Get on nerves Annoying
 Pull someone off Make something happen
 Go to the dogs Deteriorate shockingly
 Under wraps Secretly
 On the tenterhooks Very tense
 To go red in the face To feel embarrassed
 Fell flat Failed to have an effect
 To make up To settle their differences
 To poke one’s nose with a twig To take interest in others’ affairs
 To have eggs on one’s face To be embarrassed because of one’s
 Thick as thieves Having a close friendship
 Butter fingers To be clumsy
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 Large-hearted Generous
 In vogue In fashion
 To play with fire To act in a dangerous and risky way
 To add insult to injury To make something worse
 Without rhyme or reason Without a reasonable explanation
 Hard nut to crack A difficult problem or person
 Know inside out To know something thoroughly
 A blessing in disguise Something good that isn’t recognized
at first
 Needle in a haystack Something impossible to find
 To cut corners Not do a thing well in order to save
money or effort
 Cook the books To falsify financial records
 Poke one’s nose Interfere or meddle
 A fire in someone’s belly One who is energetic and enthusiastic
about something
 For good Forever
 Rank and file Ordinary workers in a company
 Burn the midnight oil Work late into the night
 To come round To become conscious again
 A dime a dozen Common and so of little value
 A Red letter day A memorable day
 Hang on every word Listen very carefully
 Off and on Sometimes but not regularly
 At a stone’s throw At a very short distance
 To fish in troubled waters To take advantage of a difficult
 Caught red-handed Caught in the act of doing something
 To be all ears To be ready and eager to listen
 Living in a fool’s paradise To believe wrongly that your situation is
 A far cry Very distant
 Rules the roost Is in complete control

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 To put one’s foot in one’s mouth Not one’s cup of tea

 To cross one’s mind To think of something
 Kept up appearances Maintained an expression of well
 Full of beans Happy and energetic
 Method to one’s madness Seeming disorderly yet having a
 Make big time Attain fame and success
 In hot water In trouble
 Provide a blue print Give a detailed plan or scheme
 To back to the drawing board Start planning again because earlier
plans failed
 A good turn A helpful act
 Read between the lines By the skin of one’s teeth
 Be glad to see the back of Be happy when a person leaves
 Cold blood Cruelly, without any emotions
 A sea change Complete transformation
 Cost an arm and leg Be extremely expensive
 A bold from the blue Something that happens suddenly
 To be in the dark To not know something others are
aware of
 A grey area An unclear situation
 To drag one’s feet To delay taking a decision
 To make both ends To have just enough money to live
 Getting butterflies in one’s To be anxious and nervous
 A herculean task A task requiring great effort
 Pull someone off Make something happen
 Go to the dogs Deteriorate shockingly
 At one’s elbow Next to someone
 Lose your touch Not being as successful as previously
 Blow up To destroy by an explosion
 A fly on wall An unperceived observer
 In the same boat To be in the same difficult situation as
someone else
 Gear up for Get ready for
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 Call upon To order

 In high spirit Cheerful
 A piece of cake A very easy work
 Tell upon To affect adversely
 A storm in a tea cup A lot of anger and worry about trivial
 A snake in grass A deceitful person
 Tit for tat Counter attack
 Grease someone’s palm Bribe someone
 A hair’s breadth Narrow margin
 Let down To fail
 Safe pair of hands A person who can be trusted to do
something efficiently
 Hard and fast Strict
 A catch 22 situation A difficult situation in which the
solution to a problem is impossible
 Win laurels To gain honour
 By the skin of his teeth Barely managed to escape
 Read between the lines Understand something that is not said
 Red letter day Memorable day
 A kick in the teeth Great disappointment
 Donkey’s years Long time
 Go to the wall To fail
 Eat like a horse Eat a lot of food
 Knock down To demolish
 Beat around the bush To avoid talking about what is
 Comparing apples with oranges Unequal comparisons
 Playing the devil’s advocate One who argues against something
just for the sake of arguing
 Back out To withdraw from
 Wipe the floor with someone To defeat someone
 Lion’s share Largest share
 Get the axe Lose the job
 Have a soft spot for someone To like someone a lot
 Pull the plug End something
 At loggerheads Disagreeing with
 Break a leg Wish someone good luck
 Miss the boat Miss an opportunity
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 On cloud nine Extremely happy

 Under duress Under pressure
 Sum and substance Essence
 Apple of one’s eye Very dear
 To pay lip service To express loyalty, respect or support
for something insincerely
 Every dog has his day Everyone has good luck or success at
a point of time
 Come about To happen
 It’s all Greek to me I cannot understand anything
 Crocodile tears Pretended show of sorrow
 To hold good To remain valid
 Pull a long face To look sad
 Bed of roses Pleasant condition of life
 Heart skipped a beat Felt extremely nervous
 Hit the books To study very hard
 A piece of cake An easy task
 Charley horse Cramp
 Carry the day Winning
 Green eyed Jealous
 To put someone’s back up To irritate someone
 A chip off the old block Similar to one’s parents behavior
 White elephant Costly but useless possession
 Be like chalk and cheese Be absolutely different
 Dark horse An unexpected winner
 The best of both words An advantageous situation from two
different things at a time
 Have a long face Look unhappy or disappointed
 Get away To leave
 Be at a loose end To have nothing to do
 Between Scylla and Charybdis Between two dangers
 Under the weather Feeling ill
 By leaps and bounds Very quickly
 Elbow grease Hard physical efforts
 Hard of hearing Partially deaf
 Start from scratch Start entirely from the beginning
 To make my flesh crawl Frightened me
 Cut straight to the chase Avoid unnecessary introduction and
go the more important part
 Make one’s blood boil Make someone extremely angry
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 Up in arms In rebellion
 To bite the bullet To be brave in a difficult situation
 Call a spade a spade Known for taking too frankly
 To draw a blank To be unsuccessful at eliciting a
 Jump the gun Start something too soon or act hastily
 Man of letters Scholar
 Chip off the old block Someone who resembles their parent
 Costs an arm and leg Too expensive for someone to buy
 To bite the bullet Force oneself to do something
 Child’s play An easy task
 Once in a blue moon Very rarely
 Tick all the boxes To fulfill the required norms
 Stab someone in the back To betray someone’s closest friend
 Pocket an insult Tolerate insult without protest
 Upset the Apple cart Spoil careful plans
 To twist someone’s arm To try to force someone to do
 Cast aside To reject
 In your birthday suit Not wearing any clothes
 with a pinch of salt Doubt the truth or value of something
 To movers and shakers People who have a lot of power and
 Snail’s pace Very slow
 Get one’s dander up Lose one’s temper
 Snake in the grass Treacherous person
 In queer street In debt
 Be under a cloud To be untrustworthy
 Hit the sack Go to sleep
 Face up to To accept a difficult situation
 Running around in circles To be very active but with few results
 Hate and hearty Strong and healthy
 Strain every nerve To try extremely hard to do something
 Jump the gun To do something too soon
 A fish out of water Being uncomfortable and restless
 Hobson’s choice A choice forced upon someone
 At one’s elbow Next to someone
 Lose your touch Not being as successful as previously
 Blow up To destroy by an explosion
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 A fly on wall An unperceived observer

 In the same boat To be in the same difficult situation as
someone else
 Gear up for Get ready for
 Grease anybody’s palm To give bribe
 Leave in the lurch Abandon in the midway or difficult
 Caught red handed At the time of committing crime
 On the brink of On the pint of
 Face the music Face the unpleasant consequences
 Gift of the gab Ability to speak impressively
 Go down the drain Lose forever
 A close shave A narrow escape from danger
 Cool as a cucumber Not nervous of emotional
 In high spirits Cheerful
 Bring about Cause
 Pull up Reprimand
 At sixes and seven In disorder or confusion
 Lose head Panic
 Take to task To criticize severely or punish
 Sit in judgement To pass judgement for comment on
someone (especially when you have
no authority)
 Leave in the lurch To desert someone
 Cry over spilt milk Cry over irreparable loss
 Bad blood Active enmity
 Close shave A narrow escape
 Pot luck dinner Dinner where somebody brings
something to eat
 To hit below the belt To attack unfairly
 All at sea Puzzled
 Sought after Wanted by many people because it’s
of good quality or difficult to find
 Build castles in the air Daydreaming
 Sit on the fence To avoid becoming involving in
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deciding or influencing something

 Shake off Forget or to get away from somebody
who is chasing
 Cock and bull story A concocted or absurd story
 Pull a long face Look dejected or an unhappy or
disappointed expression
 Under a cloud Under suspicion
 Break down To fail
 Lend one’s ear To listen attentively
 Bank on something To rely on something
 Make up one’s mind To decide something
 Catch on To become popular
 To grease the palm To bribe someone
 Chicken out To refuse to do something due to fear
 Donkey’s year A very long time
 Cut the Gordian knot Removed the difficulty
 Gift of the gab Ability to talk, convincingly and readily
 Long and short of it The summary of the matter
 Pay havoc To worsen the situation
 Tall order Difficult demand
 Explore every avenue To look for every possible means
 In the same boat Having the same problem as of others
 Stand one’s ground To maintain one’s position
 Watch one’s step Warning to someone to walk or act
 Give oneself airs To act better than one really is
 Make ducks and drakes of To waste something
 Be an open hook To be easy to understand
 Wide of the mark Inaccurate
 To have a bee in one’s bonnet To be obsessed with something
 Crying for the moon To want the impossible
 Utopian Idealistic
 Come to grief To experience something unpleasant

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 Look before you leap To think before doing

 Make a clean breast of it To confess completely
 Put the saddle on right horse To blame the right party
 Strike while the iron is hot To make use of opportunity
 To end in smoke To come to nothing
 Best thing since sliced bread A good invention
 Hit the nail on the head Do or say something exactly right
 When pigs fly Something that will never happen
 Hear it on the grapevine To hear a some numerous about
 A chip on your shoulder You are holding a grudge
 Apple of one’s eye The person who someone loves or
cherishes the most
 Ball is in your court It is up-to your to decide something
 Last straw Last problem in the series of problems
 Back to square one To go back to the beginning
 Burst your bubble To ruin someone’s happiness
 Smell a rat Have a reason to suspect something
 Move heaven and earth Make every effort to achieve
 In the nick of time At the last possible movement
 To turn out a new leaf To change your behavior in a positive
 To leave no stone unturned To do everything possible to achieve a
good result
 Once in a blue moon Rarely and infrequently
 Wash one’s hands off something Refuse to be responsible for something
 Give someone the cold shoulder Deliberately ignore someone
 Sail close to the wind Do something that is dangerous or
even illegal
 Twist someone’s arm To force someone to do something by
making it hard for them to refuse
 Get down to brass tacks To start about the basic facts of a

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 A hard nut to crack A tough challenges

 Breathing the air Useless tasks
 On one’s last legs Near to death
 Give someone a piece of one’s To scold
 Dead set against Having a narrow escape
 Under the weather Being sick
 To cut a long story short To tell something briefly
 Pull yourself together Calm down
 Break the ice To make something comfortable
 See eye to eye Agree with each other
 A piece of cake Very easy
 Learn the ropes Learn to do particular jobs
 Once in a blue moon Very rarely
 The best of both worlds Enjoying two opportunities together
 The graveyard shift To work shift during the night, often
from mid-night to 8 AM
 Straight from the horse mouth Hear something from someone who
has direct personal knowledge
 Take with a pinch of salt Not believe completely, something
that you are told
 Barking up the wrong tree Chasing a false trail
 At the drop of a hat Do something without having planned
 In a tight corner In a difficult situation
 Walks the talk To do what one says
 Hoping against hope Hoping in hopeless situation
 The tip of an iceberg Something which is a small part of
something much bigger
 From the horse’s mouth To hear directly from someone who
 Heed in the cloud Cut off from reality
 Cool your heels Unwillingly wait for something
Or someone
 Keep at arm’s length Avoid making friends with someone
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 Chip off the old block One who resembles a parent strongly
 Bend over backwards Try to accommodate and please
 Added insult to injury To say something that makes a bad
situation even worse
 Crying over spilt milk Feeling sorry over a mistake that
cannot be changed
 Too close for comfort To close to be a cause for worry
because of being unwelcome
 Let your hair down To take it easy and relax
 Be a blessing in disguise Something good that seems bad at
 Bugs me Irritates me
 To break a leg To wish good luck
 Make my mouth water Are very tasty and appetizing
 A stuffed shirt Pompous person
 Eager beaver A keen person and enthusiastic person
 Cock and bull story Improbable story
 By hook or by crook By any means, good, or bad
 Laughing stock An object of ridicule
 Pulled the chestnuts out of fire Accomplishing a difficult job for
someone else
 Put our heads together Consult and work together
 Be a blessing in disguise Something good that seems bad at
 In a tight corner In a difficult situation
 Walks the talk To do what one says
 Hoping against hope Hoping in hopeless situation
 The tip of an iceberg Something which is a small part of
something much bigger
 To make up for To replace something that is lost or
 To cut corners To save money and economies
 Under the weather Not feeling well
 To get cold feet To become afraid to do something
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 The apple of someone’s eyes The person that someone loves and is
proud of
 Once and for all Finally
 Twist someone’s arm Persuade someone to do something
 To call the shots To have control
 Dry run Rehearsal of an event
 At a snail’s pace Very slowly
 Hang up your boots Retire from playing a game
 In high spirits Joyful
 Get your act together Organize your work in a better way
 Vanish into thin air Disappear
 Throw caution to the wind Behave in a reckless manner
 Hanging by a thread/a hair Being in a dangerous position
 Cross a bridge when you come Deal with something when it happens,
to it and not worry about it beforehand
 Pull yourself together Control emotions and behave calmly
 In the same boat Sharing the same problem
 The back sheep One who is not accepted as part of a
family or group because of one’s bad
 Hit a dead end Reach a situation that is exactly right
 Take one’s hat off to someone Show admiration for someone
 Make a beeline for To move directly towards something
 All ears Ready to listen
 Bury the hatchet Make peace
 Chill out Relax completely
 Raise an alarm Warn of a dangerous situation
 Take a cue from someone Be strongly influenced by someone
 Hold one’s tongue To keep quiet
 One’s cup of tea One’s chosen or preferred thing
 Chew the scenery To act overly emotional
 The lion’s share The largest portion
 Through thick and thin In good and bad times
 Tricks of the trade Special skills or knowledge
 In a nutshell In very briefly
 Draw the line To set a limit on something

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 Out for the count In a deep, insensible sleep

 An eye wash A pretence
 Change of heart Different opinion about something
 To lad one by the nose To control someone completely
 Play with fire To do something risky
 Shooting fish in a barrel Exceptionally easy to do
 To foot the bill To make payment
 Long in the tooth Too old to do something
 In black and white In writing
 Through thick and thin Under all circumstances
 The lion’s share The biggest part of a whole
 At the drop of a hat Without delay
 To walk the tight rope Be very cautious
 Water under the bridge Anything from the past that is not
significant or important anymore
 Feather in his cap An achievement to be proud of
 Set the wheels in motion To initiate a chain of events
 A stone’s throw A short distance
 Spill the beans Give away a secret
 On thin ice In a risky situation
 Raining cats and dogs To rain very heavily
 Ignorance is bliss To remain ignorant of things that may
cause stress
 To smell a rat To suspect something
 Stealing the thunder Get praise for doing something before
 Crocodile tears False tears
 Have a whale of a time Have an exceptionally for or exciting
 Come rain or shine Whatever happens
 An iron hand Strict and harsh control
 Hold someone or something at Prevent someone or something from
bay moving closer

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 Chase rainbows To pursue unrealistic goals

 Foaming at the mouth To be enraged and show it

 Back on one’s feet Well or successful again
 Make a living To earn enough money for things you
 Back on one’s feet Well or successful again
 To take with a grain of salt To believe with some scepticism
 Ring a bell To sound familiar
 Kick someone when they are To cause further trouble to someone
down already in a difficult situation
 Have an axe to grind To have an ulterior motive
 To raise a dust To cause disruption or confusion
 Out of the blue Completely unexpected
 An iron hand Strict control
 Let the cat out of the bag To reveal a secret
 In the heat of the movement Saying or doing something without
thinking due to anger
 Raptures over new stove Extremely delighted
 That ship has sailed Too late to do something
 Keep an eye on To watch over attentively
 No spring chicken A person who is no longer young
 Move the goalposts Unfairly alter the conditions or rules of
a procedure during its course
 Crying for the moon To make an impractical or
unreasonable request
 Below the belt Cruel and unfair
 Keep body and soul together Stay alive during hard times
 Hit the nail on the head To be exactly right about something
 Once in a blue moon Very rarely
 Face the music To accept consequences
 To put a rose on the nose In a sarcastic manner that nobody

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 Go the extra mile Going above and beyond whatever is

required for the task at hand
 A gut feeling An instinct or intuition
 Drop in the bucket Something small and unimportant
especially when compared with
something else
 A piece of cake A very easy task
 A leopard cannot change its It is important to change who you are
 Heart and soul Completely
 Gone bananas Become irrational
 Smell a rat Suspect trickery or deception
 Give someone a taste of their Mistreat someone in the same way
own medicine they have treated others
 On cloud nine Very happy
 Barking up the wrong tree Pursue a course of action that will
most likely be futile
 Add fuel to fire Worsen an already bad situation
 All eyes and ears To be attentive
 Beyond the shadow of a doubt With certainty, for sure
 Costed me an arm and a leg Is very expensive
 Hold the fort To take responsibility for a situation
 Drop in the bucket A very small port of something big or
 Flogging a dead horse To waste time on useless things
 Leave no stone unturned Make all possible efforts
 A pipe dream An illusionary plan
 All Greek to me Incomprehensible
 An arm and a leg A large amount of money
 Get cold feet To feel nervous about doing
 A bull in a China shop A clumsy person in a delicate situation

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 Bury the hatchet To settle disputes

 Bite someone’s head off Respond to someone with anger that
is often sudden or unprovoked
 Kill two birds with one stone To achieve things by doing a single
 An eye opener A shocking revelation
 Gird up your loins To prepare oneself for a difficult
 The last straw The final problem in a series of
problems that makes the situation
 Castle in the air Unrealistic plan
 Pull someone’s leg To tease someone
 Every cloud has a silver lining Every difficult situation has a hopeful
aspect of it
 By hook or by crook By any means
 Bold from the blue To receive unexpected news
 The ball is in one’s court To be responsible for further action
 Bend over backwards To exert to a lot of effort towards some
 Over my dead body Opposing something fiercely
 To end in smoke To end in nothing
 Fit as a fiddle In a perfectly healthy condition
 Nail-biting Suspenseful
 Birds of the same feather People with similar character
 Cat’s whiskers To be highly impressive
 Come to light To be known publicly
 Above one’s head Beyond one’s understanding
 Too feel at home To feel comfortable
 Go getter A real achiever
 Out of date Something old fashioned
 As a matter of fact, Actually, as it happens
 Pull up your socks To put in extra efforts
 Eye washEnglish Web Academy A deception

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 To pick up the threads To restart from the previous closing

 Sail in the same boat Be in the same situation as others
 Cut one shot To interrupt someone
 To take one’s hat off To admire someone
 Let bygones be bygones To forgive and forget
 To lead by the nose To completely control someone
 To pull someone’s legs To play a joke on someone
 As clear as a ball Readily understood
 Cup of tea Something that pleases one
 On the tip of my tongue Readily available in my memory
 To run amok To run about in a frenzy
 To have a jaundiced eye To be prejudiced
 Apples and organs Different things
 At the drop of a hat Immediately
 A wild-goose chase Useless search
 Be at your wits’ end Be overwhelmed with problems
 All and sundry All included
 Chip off the old block Resembling parents
 To pour oil in troubled water To calm a dispute
 Fair’s fair Just treatment
 Cry over spilt milk Regret about something that
happened and cannot be changed
 Far cry from To be very different from
 Forty winks A short nap during the day
 It’s raining cats and dogs To rain very heavily
 To be tight-lipped To keep quiet
 Hang one’s head To be ashamed
 A needle in a haystack Something that is very difficult to
 Butterflies in one’s stomach A feeling of nervousness
 Be on cloud nine To be in a state of extreme happiness
 Give someone the cold shoulder To ignore someone
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 Child’s play Something very easy

 Work like a charm To work very well
 Put the car before the horse To do last thing first
 In the nick of time At the last possible moment
 Know something inside out To know everything about something
 Throw in the towel To admit defeat or failure
 Get a foot in the door To have a chance to do something
 By and large In general
 No strings attached Without conditions or restrictions
 When pigs fly A time that will never come
 Get the ball rolling To stand doing something
 A change of heart To change in one’s opinion
 A bull in a China shop An extremely awkward, clumsy person
 Hang up your boots To take retirement
 Jump on the bandwagon To join a popular trend
 Strike while the iron is hot To act at the right time
 Last straw Final problem in the series
 Cut the mustard To success
 Off the cuff Without preparation
 Best thing since sliced brad Most useful innovation in a long time
 To close to call A very narrow margin
 Get someone’s goat To irritate someone
 Miss the boat To miss an opportunity
 A penny for your thoughts Way of asking what someone is
 Shot in the dark To guess something
 Feel a bit under the weather To feel sick or unhealthy
 To take the bull by its horns To deal with a difficult situation directly
 Come rain or shine Under any circumstances
 Be glad to see to back of To be happy when a person leaves
 Once bitten, twice shy An unpleasant experience induces
 Cover up Hide or conceal
 Make up with (someone) Close or ignore the difference with
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 who laughs last laughs loudest He who focuses on winning in the long
term is successful
 Much ado about nothing Making a big fuss over a small thing
 A bold from the blue Unexpected and surprising event
 Herculean task Very tough task
 Break new ground Do or discover something new
 Sell like hot cakes Sell very fast
 To get on the nerves To irritate
 By the same token In the same way
 Keep someone in the loop Give them all the information
 Of the old school Old fashioned in thought
 Over the moon Extremely happy
 Copycat One who imitates another closely
 Close to one’s heart Dear and important to oneself
 Go bonkers Become crazy
 Turn a deaf fear Ignore what someone says
 Pull someone up Criticize someone
 Raining cats and dogs Time seems to move quickly
 Go off Stop working
 Break in Enter a building illegally
 Babe in the woods A young defenceless person
 Be all ears Eager to listen
 Change for the better An improvement in the situation
 Loosen the purse strings To increase the money available for
 To be off your food To have no appetite
 To go bananas To become very excited or angry
 Comb through To carefully look through
 Loudmouth One who talks boastfully
 Fit as a fiddle To be in excellent health and good
working order
 Elbow grease A lot of physical effort
 Fly the nest Children leaving their parents’ home
to live on their own
 Your guess is as good as mine To have no idea of the answer
 Horses for courses Different people are suited for
different jobs
 Get on like a house on fire To become friends quickly
 Have your heart set on To want something very much
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 Drop in Pay casual visit

 A turning point The time at which an important
change starts
 To be taken aback To be surprised
 In the eye of the storm Be in a controversial situation
 A rotten apple A single bad person or thing in a group
 Giving a false alarm A situation when people wrongly think
that something bad is going to
 Alive and kicking To be active and healthy
 Chinks in the armour A weakness that can be taken
advantage of
 Hit the ceiling Explode in anger
 Months on end Several months in a row
 See eye to eye Agree
 Be over the moon Very pleased about something
 Call off Cancel something
 A piece of the pie A share in the money or business
 Follow suit To do as others have done
 Put off To delay
 Carry on Continue doing something
 Fall for To be tricked or fooled by
 At beck and call Ready to do everything for someone
 Bear fruit Produce positive results
 Tighten one’s belt To cut one’s expenditure
 Bear the brunt Suffer the worst of something
 Behind closed doors Do something secretly
 Whet your appetite To want something more
 Get something off one’s chest Talk about something that is worrying
 At loggerheads To disagree strongly
 At a stretch Without a stop
 Learn and mean R4eady and efficient
 Keep in check To control something
 Make out Understand someone or something
with difficulty
 Pick and choose Select only the best from choices
 To be moved to tears To be overwhelmed with emotions
 To gain ground To make progress
 Change hands Pass from one person to another
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 Out of the question Not possible at all

 Play safe Avoid risks and take precautions
 Feel the pinch Face financial difficulties
 Bull’s-eye Something that is the center of a
 Off colour Feeling slightly ill
 Back up Defend or support
 Work out Exercise or develop a plan
 Make no bones about Be frank and open about something
 To take for granted To accept without question or
 To go nuts To become crazy
 To be on a roll To be experiencing a successful
 Many a slip between the cup Bad things may happen before the
and the lip task is finished
 At iron will A firm option, firm resolution
 Get into soup To make things difficult
 Haul over the coals To scold somone
 To carry the day To succeed
 Go over Review
 Swelled head Pride
 To show the dragon teeth To take some action
 To get ground Avoid aversion
 To cudgel one’s brain To think hard
 Broke Persian’s head To use bad grammar
 On the brink of To be near
 Cry in the wilderness Unpopular opinion
 Bold from the blue A sudden calamity or sudden disaster
 A snake in the grass A treacherous person
 At variance with Opposite
 In deep water In great difficulty
 In the egg In an early stage
 To have an axe to grind To have a selfish motive in doing
 A square deal A fair and honest deal
 Against one’s grain Against one’s nature
 To rise like a phonix To emerge with a new life
 To turn the corner To pass the critical stage
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 Against one’s grain Against one’s nature

 to hit below the belt To attack in an unfair manner
 keep your head Remain calm
 to read between the lines To understand the implied meaning
 full of hot air Talking nonsense
 to meet one’s waterloo To experience defeat
 not make head or tail Not able to understand anything
 not mince words q To speak in a direct way
 to take stock of To assess
 read between the lines Discern the hidden meaning in the text
 wear your heart on your sleeve To show your true emotions
 on tenterhooks Anxious and tense
 on cloud nine Extremely happy and excited
 miss the boat To lose an opportunity
 don’t put all your eggs in the Don’t concentrate all your resources in
same basket one place

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 The study of earthquakes Seismology

 To walk aimlessly Amble
 Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace Amble
 One wo supervises students in an examination hall Invigilator
 A sound that cannot be heard Inaudible
 A glass container to keep fish Aquarium
 Formally put an end to a system, practice, or Abolish
 Indifferent to pleasure and pain Stoic
 Showing great attention to detail and correct Punctilious
 A fictional being from another world Alien
 The examination or observation of one’s own metal Introspection
and emotional processes
 A medical condition in which somebody partly or Amnesia
completely loses their memory
 In exactly the same words as the original Verbatim
 Study of insects Entomology
 Drawings or writing scribbled on walls in public Graffiti
 Something that is strong and lasts a long time Durable
without breaking or becoming weaker
 Sharpness and accuracy of judgment Acumen
 A tank for fish or water plants Aquarium
 An image of a god used for worship Idol
 One who can read and write Literate
 One who knows everything Omniscient
 A seat for a passenger on a bicycle or motorbike Pillion
 A problem that is so difficult that it cannot be Insoluble
 Unfairly take something belonging to another for Misappropriate
one’s use
 A fixed sum paid annually Annually
 A person who travels on foot Pedestrian
 A style of cooking food, characteristic of a Cuisine
particular country or region
 Unable to express feelings clearly Inarticulate
 Able to be happy, successful, etc, again after Resilient
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something difficult or bad has happened

 An animal with a spinal cord Vertebrate
 Easily hurt emotionally Sensitive
 A group of people Crowd
 A spear used for hunting large fish Harpoon
 A room or large cupboard for storing food Larder
 Lacking interest or excitement Mundane
 Place where objects of importance are exhibited Museum
 A person who collects or studies stamps Philatelist
 A person above a hundred years in age Centenarian
 A person who works in a shop that sells cut flowers Florist
and paints
 Policy of racial discrimination Apartheid
 A four footed animal Quadruped
 A heard or flock of animals being driven in a body Drove
 A group of three novels or plays, each complete in Trilogy
 A self-governing country or region Autonomy
 A place where coins, medals or tokens are made Mint
 One who does not take any alcoholic drink Teetotaler
 A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft Astronauts
 A large building with an extensive floor area, Hanger
typically for housing aircraft
 A person who listens to someone’s private Eavesdropper
conversions without them knowing
 A large bedroom for a number of people in a Dormitory
school or institution.
 A group of people, typically with vehicles or Caravan
animals, travelling together
 A place in a large institution, for the care of those Infirmary
who are ill
 A group of stars Constellation
 Having no boundaries or limits Infinite
 One who studies the occult meanings of numbers Numerologist
and their supposed influence on human life
 A large cage building, or enclosure to keep birds Aviary
 A sentimental longing for a period in the past Nostalgia
 Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone Pulp
 A news article that reports the recent death of a Obituary
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 Something that is to your advantage but happened Fortuitous

 To throw an event into confusion or disorder Disrupt
 A person who thinks bad things are more likely to Pessimist
happen or who emphasis the bad part of a
 The act or habit of talking in one’s sleep Somniloquy
 A dynamic campaign for political, social or religious Crusade
 An imaginary deal society free of poverty and Utopia
 One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
 An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a Bouquet
 A person preoccupied with an unrealistically Quixotic
optimistic approach to life
 One who supervises in an examination hall Invigilator
 A person appointed by two parties to solve a Arbitrator
 The state of being subject to death Mortality
 A musical composition made up of a series of songs Medley
or short pieces
 A secret or disguised way of writing Cypher
 A person who entertains people by doing difficult Acrobat
 A family of young birds Brood
 An incongruous or chaotic mixture Cacophony
 A corporation made up of a number of different Conglomerate
companies that operate in diversified fields
 A short rest or sleep taken after lunch Siesta
 A person who presents a radio/Television Anchor
 An examination of a dead body to determine the Post-mortem
cause of death
 The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing Rhetoric
 A person employed to drive a private or hired car Chauffeur
 A song at burial Dirge
 A period of ten years Decade
 Something that cannot be heard Inaudible
 One who loads and upload ships Stevedore
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 Open refusal to obey orders Defiance

 A place where clothes are kept Wardrobe
 One who believes his own country to settle in Emigrant
another country
 One who loves his country Patriot
 A geometrical figure with eight sides Octagon
 A sudden rush of a large number of frightened Stampede
people or animals
 One who is preoccupied with his own interests Egoist
 A person very reserved in speech Reticent
 Morals that govern one’s behavior Ethics
 That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable
 A place where plants are grown for sale Nursery
 Putting to death painlessly to end suffering Euthanasia
 A group of ships Fleet
 Incapable of paying debts Insolvent
 A long and aggressive speech Harangue
 The school or college in which one has been Alma mater
 Enclosed area where aircraft are kept and repaired Hangar
 Pertaining to an individual from birth Congenital
 To increase the speed Accelerate
 A person who attracts attention with flashy style Flamboyant
 A game in which neither party wins Draw
 To rise in value Appreciate
 A building where grain is kept or stored Granary
 Anger about an unfair situation or about someone’s Indignation
unfair behavior
 Having something more than required Surplus
 Person and animal living on another Parasite
 Central character in a story or play Protagonist
 To brighten up with lights Illuminate
 A person who preaches religion and is considered Prophet
to be a messenger of God
 Persons living at the same time Contemporary
 Someone who believes that people cannot Fatalist
change the way events will happen
 An inscription on a tombstone written in memory of Epitaph
the deceased
 An enclosure to keep the birds in Aviary
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 A person who draws or produces maps Cartographer

 A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle Barrel
traditionally made of wooden staves for keeping oil,
 A person without a settled home or regular work Vagrant
who wander from place toplace and lives by
 A person, animal or plant belonging originally to a Native
 A student who idly or without excuse absents Truant
himself/herself from school
 A person, animal or plant much below the usual Dwarf
 A person appointed by two parties to resolve a Arbitrator
 A large deep, metal pot used for cooking over Cauldron
open fire
 A family or young animals Brood
 An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a Bouquet
 Something which cannot be understood Incomprehensible
 Something which is fit to be eaten Edible
 One who helps a person in need Samaritan
 Sole right to make and sell some invention Patent
 A fictitious name used by an author Pseudonym
 One who is great lover of books Bibliophile
 A place for storing guns and military equipment Arsenal
 The act of looking back on past time Retrospection
 A place where fruit trees are grown Orchard
 That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable
 That which cannot be heard Inaudible
 One who does not tire easily Incorrigible
 Incapable of being read Illegible
 Too unimportant Trivial
 That which can be drawn into a thin wire Ductile
 Flowers or leaves woven together in circle for Wreath
placing on a coffin or a grave
 A trade that is prohibited by law Illicit
 To give the throne Abdicate
 One who embraces voluntary death for the sake of Martyr
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one’s country
 One who is indifferent to art and culture Philistine
 That which cannot be corrected Incorrigible
 A person who is blamed for wrong doings of others Scapegoat
 The act of speaking irreverently about scared things Blasphemy
 A person who talks too much of himself Egotist
 Take away or alter the natural qualities of Denature
 Decay of organic matter producing a fetid smell Putrefy
 Diminish in value over a period of time Depreciate
 Not able to produce children Sterile
 A funeral poem Elegy
 One who walks in sleep Somnambulist
 One skilled in tell Raconteur
 Fear of fire Arson phobia
 One who is honorably discharged from service Emeritus
 A perception without objection Hallucination
 A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy Callous
 One who eats too much Glutton
 A roundabout way of speaking Circumlocution
 An old unmarried women Spinster
 One who is determined to take full revenge for Vindictive
wrongs done to him
 Just punishment for wrong doing Nemesis
 A strong blast of wind Gust
 Phobia of dogs cynophobia
 One who is new to a profession Tyro
 A speech or presentation made without previous Extempore
 Easily duped and fooled Gullible
 Atonement for one’s sins Repentance
 Killing of one’s child Filicide
 A lover of work Europhile
 Giving undue faviorus to one’s own kith and kin Nepotism
 To give up throne voluntarily Abdicate
 Mania for travel Dromomania
 Words written on the tomb of a person Epitaph
 One who has suddenly gained new wealth power Parvenu
or prestige
 An associate in crime Accomplice
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 Man behaving more like a woman than as a man Effeminate

 Speaking with stammer or lisp Stuttering
 Excessive desire to work Egomania
 Study of tumors Oncology
 The highest point Zenith
 That which is away from center Eccentric
 One who values practicality Pragmatist
 One who loads and unloads ships Stevedore
 Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally Heresy
 Distorted representation of something Travesty
 A feeling of intense longing for something Yearning
 In exactly the same word as were used originally Verbatim
 A person inclined to question or doubt accepted Sceptic
 Showing strong feeling Vehement
 A sheath for the blade of sword Scabbard
 The upward force that a liquid exerts on a body Up-thrust
floating in it
 The use of irony to mock or convey contempt Sarcasm
 The crime of betraying one’s country Treason
 Fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of ideals Zealotry
 Seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived Vengeful
 The state of being short in supply Scarcity
 Protection of or authority over someone Tutelage
 Optimistic in an apparently difficult situation Sanguine
 Conformity to fact Veracity
 Search for and collect anything usable from Scavenge
discarded waste
 Excessively lengthy speech Verbiage
 An ornamented staff carried by rulers on Scepter
ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty
 The quality or state of being exposed to the Vulnerability
possibility of being attacked or harmed
 A solemn promise or undertaking Pledge
 Interrupt a public speaker with derisive or Heckle
aggressive comments or abuse
 Not being what it purports to Spurious
 The state of quality of being holy Sanctity
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 A substance easily evaporated at normal Volatile

 Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain Sadistic
 A person highly skilled in music Virtuosos
 Free from disturbance Tranquil
 An arrangement of flowers fastened in a ring used Wreath
for laying on grave
 To move back and forth or sideways Traverse
 To remains of something that has been badly Wreckage
 Deliberately destroy something for military Sabotage
 The area near or surrounding a particular place Vicinity
 Full of twists and turns Tortuous
 The practice of magic Witchery
 Irritating inconvenience Hassle
 A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule or Penalty
 Complete with regard to every detail Thorough
 The faculty or power of using one’s will Volition
 The quality of being particularly noticeable Salience
 Of a disease or poison extremely severe or harmful Virulent
in its effects
 Something that is genuine Authentic
 That which is no longer in use Redundant
 Having no moral Unscrupulous
 Using right and left hand equally well Ambidextrous
 Combine to form a whole Integrate
 Steal or misappropriate money Embezzle
 Very careful and precise Meticulous
 A natural skill at doing something Knack
 A collection of drawing, documents, that represent Portfolio
a person’s, especially an artist’s work
 A group of ship selling together Fleet
 Tending to associate with others of one’s kind Gregarious
 Lasting for a very short time Ephemeral
 A person who is blamed for something that Scapegoat
someone else has done
 Act of giving up the throne Abdication
 Movement of people or animals from one are to Migration
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 One who tells future from the stars Astrologer
 One who studies the elections and voting trends Psephologist
 A large bedroom for a number of people in a Dormitory
school or institution
 Relating to the healing of diseases Therapeutic
 A group of people who have come together in a Congregation
religious building for worship and prayer
 A situation in which many people leave a place at Exodus
the same time
 To laugh at something in a cruel way Deride
 An unforeseen happening which creates some Mishap
 Come in the way Hamper
 One whom it is impossible to defeat Invincible
 Soon passing out or of a short duration Evanescent
 Someone who freely gives money and help to Philanthropist
people who need it
 Arrangement of evens or dates in the order in which Chronology
they happen
 An imagined society where everything in perfect Utopia
and everyone is happy
 Incapable of making mistakes Infallible
 Close fitting cover for a sword or knife Sheath
 A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of Reservoir
water supply
 A vertical passageway into a mine Shaft
 Government by a king or queen Monarchy
 A place where wild animals live Lair
 A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases Panacea
 Something which is considered to be very important Cardinal
 A person who is neither well experienced nor Amateur
 Person or thing that is the center of attention Cynosure
 Small room where dishes are washed Scullery
 A person who speaks always in praise of himself Egoistic
 Painless death given to patients to relieve suffering Euthanasia
 Thing which are of the same kind and of the same Homogenous
 A song or music praise of God Hymn
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 A person living in the same age with another Contemporary

 A situation requiring a choice between equally Dilemma
undesirable alternatives or confusions
 Condition of sleep during certain parts of the year Hibernation
 A person who studies the structure of the earth Geologist
 A period of one thousand years Millennium
 A plantation of grapes Vineyard
 A garden with fruit trees Orchard
 A small compartment in an aircraft for the pilot Cockpit
 Flesh eating animal Carnivore
 A ruler with total power over a country, typically Dictator
one who has obtained control by force
 A type of magic in which spirits, especially evil ones, Sorcery
are used to make things happen
 A deep fissure in the earth’s surface Chasm
 Something like an opening particularly one in the Orifice
body such as a nostril
 Something that is extremely unpleasant Horrendous
 Satisfied with no desire to change or improve Complacent
 To make perfect or complete Complement
 A person weak and disabled by illness Invalid
 Happening every two years Biennial
 Making one feel sad Heart wrenching
 A part of city especially the slum areas Ghetto
 Something that is expressed in a confusing way Incoherent
 Covered with a material or substance in order to Insulated
stop heat, sound etc, from entering or escaping
 Unable to think clearly because of a mental illness Deranged
 A person working on a trial period Probationer
 Found of company A gregarious
 A person who arranges and sells cut flowers Florist
 A government run by the wealthy people Plutocracy
 That which is incapable of being rad or understood Illegible
 Continuing for a long time Prolonged
 Relating to soldiers or war Martial
 A new project or business activity involving some risk Venture (N)
 The branch of physics concerned with the Acoustics
properties of sound
 A place or scene of activity, debate or conflict Arena
 Instrument that measures the altitude of the land Altimeter
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 A strong interest in something or someone Fixation
 Killing of one’s mother Matricide
 Not active or growing Dormant
 Something which cannot be taken by force Impregnable
 One who cannot be reformed or changed Incorrigible
 A person wo pretends to have morals and beliefs Hypocrite
that he or she does not believe in
 A person who presents a radio/television Anchor
 One wo has the power to do anything Omnipotent
 A sentimental longing for a time in the past Nostalgia
 The nest of a squirrel, typically in the form of a mess Drey
of twigs in a tree
 The arrangement of events or dates in the order of Chronology
their occurrence
 A large cage, building or enclosure to keep birds Aviary
 The study of ancient civilizations and cultures by Archaeology
examining their sites
 A professional who works with patients who have Cardiologist
heart problems
 Someone who runs away from justice Fugitive
 A place where a dead person’s body is burnt Crematorium
 Certain to happen Inevitable
 People existing or living at the same time Contemporaries
 A quick sudden movement Flick
 A busy, main road for public use Thoroughfare
 Doing something awkwardly or in a clumsy manner Fumbling
 Someone who studies elections and voting statistics Psephologist
 A place where Buddhist monks live Monastery
 Doctor who deals with bone problems Orthopedist
 A large bundle for storage or transportation Bale
 Causing a strong dislike Repulsive
 A hunting weapon which comes back, used by Boomerang
Australian aborigines
 An institution for the care of people who are Asylum
mentally ill
 A person who helps others in need Samaritan
 One who eats human flesh Cannibals
 One who is easily deceived Gullible
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 Inn exactly the same words as were used originally Verbatim

 Based on chance rather than on reason or plan Arbitrary
 A child whose parents are dead Orphan
 Animal that can live both on land and in water Amphibian
 An act of breaking or failing to observe a law Breach
 A patient with imaginary symptoms and diseases Hypochondriac
 A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or Sheath
 So small or unimportant as to be not worth Negligible
 An imaginary, perfect state or place Utopia
 Eat or drink food quicky and in large amounts Gulp
 The scientific study of the universe and planets Astronomy
 Relating to the present time Contemporary
 Withdraw from forward position in battle Retreat
 A person who composes the sequence of steps and Choreographer
moves for a dance performance
 Animals that live in water Aquatic
 Extreme mental or physical suffering Agony
 A place where games are played for money Casino
 Be more successful than someone Outdo
 A group of guns or missile launchers operated Battery
together at one place
 A book that contains information on various Encyclopedia
 A thing or substance that is liable to catch fire easily Inflammable
 The science or art of political government Politics
 A book or paper written by hand Manuscript
 A place where government records are kept Archive
 One who dies for a noble cause Martyr
 Deliberately and maliciously set something (building Arson
usually) on fire
 Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional Iconoclast
 One who collects stamps Philatelist
 One who hates mankind Misanthrope
 The study of different skin diseases Dermatology
 One who is hostile and violent Aggressive
 One who is not sure about god’s existence Agnostic
 A person who makes map Cartographer
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 Animals that live in water Aquatic

 An action of making amends for a wrong or injury Atonement
 A large group of people especially the nomadic Horde
 No fit to eat Inedible
 Weakness and poor health Frailty
 To own up to something as true Confess
 That which can be easily broken Fragile
 A sound that is pleasing to hear Melodious
 Climb or move with difficulty or a lot of efforts, Clamber
typically using one’s hand and feet
 A place for ammunition and weapons Arsenal
 The expression of a wish that misfortune or doom Curse
befall a person
 Property left to someone by a wall Legacy
 A person who looks at the bright side of things Optimistic
 One who does not tire easily Indefatigable
 One who is unable to pay his debt Bankrupt
 A person who believes in or tries to bring about a Anarchist
state of lawlessness
 A person exhibiting excessive worry about one’s Hypochondriac
 One who feeds on human flesh Cannibal
 A keeper or custodian of a museum Curator
 Any award, honour or laudatory notice Accolade
 Something happening in three years Triennial
 Story of an i9ndividual written by himself Autobiography
 Made in imitation so as to be passed off Counterfeit
fraudulently as genuine
 A person who sells flowers Florist
 The collection and study of postage stamps Philately
 A disturbed state of mind caused by an illness Delirium
 One who believes in fate Fatalist
 A large bundle bound for storage transport Bale
 Killing oneself Suicide
 An imaginary name assumed by an author Pseudonym
 One who knows all Omniscient
 One who has a long experience of any occupation Veteran
 An agreement between enemies or opponents to Truce
stop fighting, arguing etc, for a certain period of
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 The study of human mind and behavior Psychology

 One who studies insect life Entomologist
 Of or relating to the moon Lunar
 A system of government by the wealthy class Plutocracy
 One who runs away from justice or a dangerous Fugitive
 Having or forming a hard outer layer Crusted
 The study of the heart and its action and disease Cardiology
 A moral or legal obligation Duty
 Rules governing socially acceptable behavior Etiquette
 The action of using someone or something as a Imitation
 A place for breeding and keeping birds Aviary
 A non-professional who is inept at a particular Amateur
 One who can use either hand with ease Ambidextrous
 Having a common center as circles or spheres Concentric
 Existing or happening in the same time period Contemporary
 A room in a public building where outdoor clothes Cloakroom
or luggage may be left
 Someone who is silent or uncommunicative in Reserved
 A game in which no one wins Draw
 One who is outspoken and outgoing Extrovert
 Government by king or queen Monarchy
 Violation or misuse of what is regarded as scared Sacrilege
 A place where bees are kept Apiary
 One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a Amateur
 Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong Infallible
 Someone working or acting merely for money or Mercenary
other rewards
 The life history of a person written by himself Autobiography
 An unconventional style of living Bohemian
 One who dislikes art and culture Philistine
 A place where dead bodies are kept for Morgue
 Occurring after the death of the said person Posthumous
 Feelings of great happiness and excitement Euphoria
 In exactly the same words as were used originally Verbatim
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 An ability to find ways and directions Navigate

 An afternoon performance in a theatre or cinema Matinee
 Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better Ameliorate
 An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of Acronym
other words and pronounced as a word
 An unlikely chance or occurrence, especially a Fluke
piece of good luck
 A group of fish School
 A place for storing grain Granary
 A state of perfect balance Equilibrium
 A person who produces beautiful handwriting Calligrapher
 A short story with a moral Parable
 A collection of selected writings of various authors Anthology
 Stop something from burning Extinguish
 Confirm or support something Corroborate
 A group of wolves Pack
 Scientific study of the nervous system and brain Neuroscience
 One who is mentally not sound Lunatic
 One who can use both hands equally well Ambidextrous
 One who reads a lot Bookworm
 Make impure by adding inferior Adulterate
 Restore (someone to health or normal life after Rehabilitate
imprisonment, addiction, or illness)
 A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by Impervious
other people’s opinions, suggestions
 A boat or ship for conveying passengers and Ferry
goods, especially over a relatively short distance
and as a regular service
 A place for keeping birds Aviary
 A person who pretends to be someone else to Imposter
deceive other
 Living or growing in water Aquatic
 Certain to happen Inevitable
 One who leaves one;s country to settle in another Emigrant
 Fear of closed spaces Claustrophobia
 The point at which the earth and the sky appear to Horizon
 The application of scientific knowledge for practical Technology
 A disease causing a person to fall unconscious Epilepsy
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 To run after Pursue
 To fall apart as a result of decay Disintegrate
 A plan of what is to be done and when Schedule
 Something which brings bad luck Jinxed
 Animals and plants which live in water Aquatic
 Science which deals with celestial objects and Astronomy
 Compulsion to steal Kleptomania
 A gentle song sung to put a child to sleep Lullaby
 Undue favour shown to one’s relatives Nepotism
 The science or practice of drawing maps Cartography
 A very steep or overhanging rock Precipice
 A large open area of land water or sky Expanse
 Using high-sounding words but with little meaning Bombastic
 One who treats and prevents disease of the heart Cardiologist
 Never wrong or making a mistake Infallible
 Imaginary line dividing earth into northern and Equator
southern hemispheres
 To get ready Prepare
 A person who knows everything Omniscient
 Scientific study of mind and behavior Psychology
 To prevent or alter a result or course of event is Intervene
 Lasting or only a short time Transient
 A person who makes maps Cartographer
 An imaginary ideal society where people live in Utopia
perfect conditions
 A system of government in which power is held by Democracy
the people
 Drawing or writing scribbled on walls in public Graffiti
 The broken parts of objects found in an ancient site Ruins
 Forgive or pardon some wrongdoing or an offence Condone
 An underground place for storing wine Cellar
 Lack of feeling Apathy
 Something that is given to counter the effect of Antidote
 Breathe hard and with difficulty Pant
 Make better Improve
 The cry of an owl Hoot
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 A mass of wax cells built by honey bees to store Honeycomb

 To keep away from Avoid
 The cry of goat Bleat
 Rub out writing Erase
 A person who examines, diagnoses and treats eyes Ophthalmologist
 A person who is forgetful and unable to Scatterbrain
concentrate or think clearly
 Be harmonious or consistent with Accord
 A situation when no progress is possible Deadlock
 An additional remark at the end of a letter after the Postscript
 A person who speaks two language Bilingual
 Overflow or fill an area with excess water, as in a Inundate
 Move ahead or forward steadily and gradually Forge
 To take something on loan with the intention of Borrow
returning it
 A heavy round plate of metal thrown by an athlete Discus
 Move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward Surge
 A grant or payment to support a student’s Scholarship
 Force someone through fear to do or not to do Intimidate
 A shortage of vitamins, minerals, etc needed for Deficiency
good health
 Indelible mark on the skin made by inserting Tattoo
pigment into the skin
 A person who attacks and robs ships at sea Pirate
 A change in the form or nature of something Metamorphosis
 Hard and difficult to bend Rigid
 A person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid Recluse
other people
 The study of the origin and meanings of words Etymology
 Something that can be carried easily Portable
 A person’s entire collection of clothes Wardrobe
 One who interferes in the affairs of other, often for Interloper
selfish reasons

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 A person who complies dictionaries Lexicographer

 Cinema show in the afternoon Matinee
 The first people to live in an area Native
 Special words and phrases used by particular Jargon
groups of people, especially in their work
 One who rides horses in races Jockey
 A peech expressing one’s thoughts aloud to oneself Soliloquy
 A statement open to more than one interpretation Ambiguous
 One who studies God and religion Theologian
 Introductory section of a literary work Prologue
 A fictitious name used by an author Pseudonym
 To give one’s authority to another Delegate
 Someone taken a prisoner to fulfil demands Hostage
 People who work together at the same place Colleagues
 A person who shows people their seats Usher
 Branch of science that studies structure, Botany
classification and genetics of plants
 One who talks in sleep Somniloguist
 An entrance hall in a building used by the public, Foyer
especially a hotel or theatre
 One who is beyond reform Incorrigible
 A person skilled in cutting, dressing, and laying Mason
stone in buildings
 A doctor who attends to bone problems Orthopaedist
 One who is violently against established traditions Iconoclast
and beliefs
 A traveler who moves from one region or country to Migrant
 A small mischievous fairy Elf
 An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a Bouquet
 Study of diseases Pathology
 Made or artificial substance or material Synthetic
 One who possesses several talents Versatile
 An entertainer who performs difficult physical feats Acrobat
 To free from restraint Emancipate
 No longer in use Obsolete

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 Strong dislike between two persons Antipathy

 Only on the surface of something Superficial
 A decision on which one cannot go back Irrevocable
 A long wooden seat with a back for people to sit on Pew
in a church
 Central character in a story or play Protagonist
 A period of thoudand years Millennium
 A mass of snow ice and rocks falling rapidly down a Avalanche
 The original natives of a country Aborigines
 Too great to be expressed or described in words Ineffable
 A person who is neither well experienced nor Amateur
 A set of rooms specially in a hotel for the use of one Suite
person or his family
 Made of artificial substance or material s Synthetic
 One who accompanies somebody to protect him Escort
 Soil deposited by flowing water Alluvium
 Something which is considered to be very important Cardinal
 Substance used for killing troublesome small animals Pesticide
like insects, mice etc.
 A cruel an oppressive ruler Tyrant
 The sovereign head of a state Monarch

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 Irk Please  Zenith Nadir
 Grotesque Plain  Eccentric Normal
 Nugatory Productive  Arrogant Modest
 Naïve Artful  Effeminacy Manliness
 Incapacitate Facilitate  Vacillation Steadfastness
 Sentence Disregard  Placid Stormy
 Hazardous Secure  Authentic False
 Advocacy Discouragem  Bold Timid
 Gregarious Introvert  Urbane Crude
 Tremulous Stable  Disconsolate Joyous
 Evanescent Enticing  Fake Real
 Panegyric Criticism  Tremulous Steady
 Raucous Dulcet  Potent Weak
 Predilection Enmity  Procrastinate Expedite
 Meretricious Definite  Cessation Commencemen
 Colossal Tinny  Frugal Extravagant
 Opprobrium Adulation  Susceptible Immune
 Multifaceted Simple  Escalate reduce
 Trepidation Calm  Tender Rough
 Waggish Solemn  Pardon Punish
 Desecrate Sanctify  Exceptional Unremarkable
 Obfuscate Clarify  Inconspicuous Eminent
 Triumph Defeat  Agony Comfort
 Ensconce Unveil  Finite Endless
 Vexatious Soothing  Reprimand Compliment
 Burgeon Shrivel  Comic Tragic
 Ostentation Modest  Gather Disperse
 Commiserate Indifferent  Stale Fresh
 Imbroglio Composure  Dense Sparse
 Bequest Withdraw  Sober Agitated
 Clandestine Open  Swerve Straighten
 Intrepid Meek  Liberty Slavery
 Refulgent Dark  Transient Permanent
 Skeptic Believer  Accept Reject

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 Extenuate Strengthen  Aversion Affinity

 Fecund Sterile  Prudent Indiscreet
 Pellucid Murky  Severe Mild
 Adamant Flexible  Arrogance Humility
 Churlish Courteous  Meagre Plentiful
 Phlegmatic Ardent  Covetous Benevolent
 Niggardly Generous  Crucial Trivial
 Dissident Orthodox  Extravagant Thrifty
 Melody Cacophony  Vigilant Careless
 Diffident Aggressive  Foreign Native
 Savant Amateur  Ascent Descent
 To indict To exonerate  Absurd Sensible
 Veneration Contempt  Acquit Convict
 Impugnable Indubious  Scanty Profuse
 Scrimp Squander  Prolong Shorten
 Guzzle Starve  Weakness Strength
 Rampage Harmony  Tyrant Benefactor
 Blasphemous Pious  Progressive Conservative
 Lambency Dullness  Public Private
 Turgid Humble  Deficit Surplus
 Rampart Ditch  Illuminate Darken
 Epidemic Limited  Vicious Virtuous
 Parsimonious Lavish  Exodus Arrival
 To filch To  Vigilant Rash
 Disdain Admiration  Hilarious Sad
 Sultry Frigid  Flexible Stiff
 Supple Brittle  Liberty Dependence
 Rebuff Praise  Broad Narrow
 Recede Extend  Divide Unite
 Cavalier Humble  Bizarre Usual
 Vigilance Indifference  Obsolete Recent
 Befuddle Explicate  Derogatory Complimentary
 Supplant Surrender  Sparse Abundance
 Incentive Hindrance  Haste Delay
 Benediction Criticism  Native Foreign
 To maneuver Cease  Dexterity Ignorance
 To avert To aid  Friendship Enmity
 Abeyance Continuation  Allure Repulse
 Callow Sophisticated  Sluggish Active
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 Dominate Surrender  Hostile Amiable

 Squander Hoard  Persist Cease
 Rebate Increase  Glee Woe
 Rebuke Flattery  Fickle Stable
 Differ Concur  Stringent Lenient
 Salve blockage  Grotesque Attractive
 Bifurcate Combine  Assist Obstruct
 Dissension Harmony  Malice Good will
 Summon Dismiss  Foul Fair
 Native Foreign  Emerge Disappear
 Repulsive Attractive  Rear Front
 Extol Censure  Persuade Dissuade
 Industrious Lethargic  Mellow Hard
 Humane Cruel  Quiescent Active
 Modest Conceited  Obscure Apparent
 Raze Build  Devious Sincere
 Tenacious Yielding  Occupied Free
 Rough Smooth  Sober Drunk
 Camaraderie Dislike  Relay Hold
 Criticize Praise  Authentic Incredible
 Appal Assure  Altercation Agreement
 Rely Distrust  Spacious Cramped
 Prey Predator  Taut Slack
 Compulsory Optional  Constrict Stretch
 Linger Leave  Famished Satiated
 Ascent Descent  Feeble Strong
 Clench Relax  Pliable Rigid
 Negligent Careful  Brittle Durable
 Rectify Corrupt  Primary Secondary
 Centre Periphery  Admirable Unworthy
 Ransack Protect  Obdurate Amenable
 Exonerate Engage  Multiple Single
 Graceful Awkward  Refined Crude
 Frenzy Calm  Industrious Indolent
 Proclaim Conceal  Astound Clarify
 Seize Loosen  Revel Mourn
 Gradual Abrupt  Downcast Cheerful
 Putrefy Combine  Comfort Discontentment
 Hope Doubt  Conceited Modest
 Widespread Limited  Hassled Relaxed
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 Pompous Humble  Fallacy Truth

 Toxic Healthy  Blemish Perfection
 Invade Surrender  Anxiety Certainty
 Elated Depressed  Triumph Failure
 Harmony Conflict  Censure Applause
 Hazard Safety  Lavish Moderate
 Magnificent Modest  Sabotage Create
 Slur Compliment  Fecund Barren
 Stalwart Cowardly  Expunge Add
 waver Steady  Obese Slim
 Augment Diminish  Ramify Unite
 Dividing Connecting  Impoverished Rich
 Segregate Integrate  Infirm Strong
 Sprightly Lethargic  Controlled Exited
 Barbaric Civilized  Lessen Increase
 Delight Sorrow  Controlled Exited
 Improvident Thrifty  Indignant Pleased
 Enlightened Confounded  Harrowing Pleasant
 Perilous Safe  Devious Straight
 Salient Insignificant  Sustenance Starvation
 Pestering Pacifying  Wisdom Stupidity
 Upgrade Demote  Weird Normal
 Flabby Firm  Neglect Care
 Refute Endorse  Restrictive Liberal
 Zenith Nadir  Disheveled Ordered
 Courageous Diffident  Accustomed Unusual
 Sagacious Dull  Compel Dissuade
 Harmony Discord  Naïve Sophisticated
 Decay Growth  Friendly Hostile
 Endure Resist  Savage Cultured
 Tangible Abstract  Lavish Frugal
 Hilarious Humourless  Affinity Aversion
 Shaky Steady  Bewilder Enlighten
 Luminous Dim  Equilibrium Imbalance
 Wicked Moral  Complete Partial
 Brutality Gentleness  Nondescript Distinguished

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 Obvious Hidden  Bravery Cowardice

 Abate Aggravate  Clandestine Honest
 Cowardly Valiant  Drab Bright
 Lucid Ambiguous  Disjointed Connected
 Impartial Biased  Uphold Oppose
 Eradicate Conserve  Expunge Insert
 Credibility Improbability  Lucid Confusing
 Frail Robust  Repulsion Attraction
 Stormy Serene  Infallible Faulty
 Obedient Resistant  Precious Worthiness
 Evident Indistinct  Abundance Scarcity
 Moil Discourage  Exclusive Inclusive
 Mundane Exceptional  Curt Polite
 Agitate Soothe  Gloomy Bright
 Insatiable Fulfilled  Fritter Hoard
 Alleviate Aggravate  Bias Fairness
 Overrun Surrender  Resolve Refuse
 Impure Sterile  Precious Cheap
 Miniature Mammoth  Augment Decrease
 Sturdy Delicate  Vitiate Affirm
 Vicious Gentle  Traditional Modern
 Unfeigned Pretended  Buoyant Weighted
 Insecure Confident  Avoid Meet
 Resolute Wavering  Morbid Cheerful
 Brashness Timidity  Morose Cheerful
 Laudable Disrespected  Surreptitious Open
 Hideous Attractive  Corroborate Oppose
 Abundant Scarce  Intrepid Cowardly
 Irrelevant Meaningful  Transparent Opaque
 Impressive Ordinary  Blunt Sharp
 Flared Darkened  Horrendous Pleasant
 Impolite Courteous  Meagre Sufficient
 Outstanding Ordinary  Spurious Genuine
 Vanish Emerge  Hazy Clear
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 Ambitious Lazy  Inordinate Reasonable

 Fleeting Lasting  Pungent Mild
 Dubious Definitive  Graceful Awkward
 Encourage Frustrate  Constant Fluctuating
 Divergence Confluence  Resign Join
 Scold Praise  Malicious Decent
 Irrational Reasonable  Plunge Rise
 Replace Improve  Haste Delay
 Strenuous Effortless  Indignant Pleased
 Glad Gloomy  Harrowing Pleasant
 Robust Weak  Devious Straight
 Sprightly Lethargic  Sustenance Starvation
 Rigorous Lenient  Wisdom Stupidity
 Dejected Ebullient  Weird Normal
 Baffled Composed  Neglect Care
 Evident Hidden  Restrictive Liberal
 Benign Violent  Disheveled Ordered
 Exclusion Admittance  Accustomed Unusual
 Inception Termination  Compel Dissuade
 Blissful Miserable  Naïve Sophisticated
 Fatuous Sensible  Friendly Hostile
 Cryptic Definite  Savage Cultured
 Detrimental Benign  Lavish Frugal
 Flexible Defiant  Affinity Aversion
 Rational Illogical  Bewilder Enlighten
 Relentless Yielding  Equilibrium Imbalance
 Malleable Stiff  Complete Partial
 Heinous Delightful  Nondescript Distinguished
 Preserve Neglect  Bravery Cowardice
 Serene Agitated  Clandestine Honest
 Invigorate Tire  Drab Bright
 Laconic Verbose  Disjointed Connected
 Simple Complex  Uphold Oppose

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 Pragmatic Impractical  Expunge Insert

 Obscure Obvious  Lucid Confusing
 Forthright Devious  Repulsion Attraction
 Rejuvenate Suppress  Infallible Faulty
 Demote Elevate  Precious Worthiness
 Console Agitate  Abundance Scarcity
 Seclude Socialize  Exclusive Inclusive
 Admirable Blameworthy  Curt Polite
 Escalate Plunge  Gloomy Bright
 Variety Similarity  Fritter Hoard
 Bias Fairness  Intrepid Cowardly
 Resolve Refuse  Transparent Opaque
 Precious Cheap  Blunt Sharp
 Augment Decrease  Horrendous Pleasant
 Vitiate Affirm  Meagre Sufficient
 Traditional Modern  Spurious Genuine
 Buoyant Weighted  Hazy Clear
 Avoid Meet  Inordinate Reasonable
 Morbid Cheerful  Pungent Mild
 Morose Cheerful  Graceful Awkward
 Surreptitious Open  Constant Fluctuating
 Corroborate Oppose  Resign Join
 Malicious Decent  Plunge Rise
 Haste Decay  Sturdy Feeble
 Praise Condemn  Dwarf Giant
 Detrimental Harmless  Jaded Refreshed
 Malice Sympathy  Bestow Deny
 Primitive Sophisticated  Succumbed Overcome
 Liberal Conservative  Spurious Genuine
 Impetuous Sensible  Savage Civilized
 Former Later  Variance Harmony
 Manuscript Extinct  Sceptic Believer
 Flummoxed Comfortable  Penchant Hatred
 Intimate Unfriendly  Ebb Flow
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 Pseudo Genuine  Persists Discontinues

 Assiduous Idle  Recondite Simple
 Suffice Dissatisfy  Vulgar Refined
 Candid Deceitful  Ascertain Disprove
 Clamour Quiet  Reinforce Weaken
 Exonerate Convict  Comely Grotesque
 Dispensable Essential  Pretence Reality
 Precocious Backward  Judicious Foolish
 Impudent Polite  Ambiguous Certain
 Maverick Conformist  Treacherous Faithful
 Scared Profane  Scare Abundant
 Solicitous Heedless  Squalid Clean
 Desiderate Disregard  Exertion Inaction
 Sublime Inferior  Famous Obscure
 Lead Follow  Wax Wane
 Despair Hope  Ardent Apathetic

 Marvelous Tremble  Attract Repel

 Nibble Gobble  Pure Indecent
 Exaggerate Understate  Delay Haste
 Vain Modest  Annoy Comfort
 Terse Verbose  Concealed Disclosed
 Cheerful Gloomy  Absurd Sensible
 Doubtful Decisive  Meagre Plentiful
 Ignominy Glory  Negligent Attentive
 Comic Tragic  Approached Receded
 Uniform Variable  Fanatic Tolerant
 Frivolous Serious  Breach Warrant
 Susceptible Immune  Defile Purify
 Squalid Clean  Perfunctory Careful
 Jeopardy Safety  Tedious Exciting
 Siege Clearance  Contemptuous Humble
 Demolish Construct  Concealed Revealed
 Surveillance Neglect  Admonish Applaud
 Enigma Clarity  Testimony Disproof
 Reserved Friendly  Spiritual Physical
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 Disillusioned Enthusiastic  Extensive Intensive

 Timid Bold  Abbreviate Expand
 Malignant Benign  Meddle Ignore
 Diverse Identical  Rueful Joyful
 Disclose Conceal  Exhale Inhale
 Selfish Altruistic  Prim Disheveled
 Metropolitan Provincial  Obscure Clear
 Instant Gradual  Earthly Celestial
 Neat Messy  Versatile Inflexible
 Responsible Irresponsible  Nebulous Clear
 Provoke Appease  Placate Enrage
 Disapprove Commend  Cloudy Transparent
 Harash Lenient  Plausible Unlikely
 Arrogance Humility  Casual Planned
 Agitate Calm  Tame Upset
 Heinous Agreeable  Dispute Concede
 Incite Restrain  Unworthy Deserving
 Disable Permit  Maestro Amateur
 Impromptu Planned  Sacred Profane
 Fragile Strong  Perish Grow
 Optional Compulsory  Revered Despised
 Incoherent Intelligible  Decay Growth
 Candid Devious  Prolific Unproductive
 Convenience Hindrance  Pacifist Warmonger
 Apex Base  Contemplate Ignore
 Expunge Insert  Coarse Refined
 Formidable Trivial  Ascend Descend
 Identical Different  Harsh Gentle
 Caustic Kind  Invincible Vulnerable
 Buoyant Gloomy  Deport Permit
 Outspoken Secretive  Compatriot Outsider
 Tiresome Energizing  Freedom Captivity
 Establish Destroy  Ignorance Knowledge
 Vulnerable Secure  Affiliation Detachment
 Voluntary Mandatory  Ominous Auspicious
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 Speculate Dismiss  Impede Facilitate

 Dignified Ordinary  Established Destroy
 Dejected Cheerful  Obsolescence Modernity
 Discreet Headless  Retrieve Damage
 Flaunt Cover  Uncouth Refined
 Horrendous Pleasant  Graceful Awkward
 Seize release  Denounce Compliment
 Obsolescence Modernity  Aggravate Alleviate
 Penury Wealth  Freedom Captivity
 Ennui Excitement  Impede Facilitate
 Divest Give  Genuine Dubious
 Tiresome Energizing  Ruthless Compassionate
 Shun Cherish  Acknowledge Decline
 Negligent Careful  Absorb Emit
 Produce Destroy  Conserve Destroy
 Hospitable Rude  Revive Damage
 Boring Exciting  Confine Liberate
 Moderate Extreme  Modern Ancient
 Harmony Discord  Shallow Deep
 Jubilant Depressed  Agile Lethargic
 Prevail Surrender  Tumult Calmness
 Feeble Strong  Vigilant Inattentive
 Apprise Hide  Audacity Timidity
 Discard Accept  Impede Expedite
 Superficial Genuine  Acquit Condemn
 shrink Expand  Courteous Rude
 Incorporate Exclude  Obstinate Flexible
 Hospitable rude  Foreign Native
 Feeble Strong  Distract Clarify
 Flaw Perfection  Suave Rude
 Fertile Barren  Deficiency Excess
 Alive Dead  Diverge Collect
 Warm Cool  Defile Elevate
 Spiritual Material  Expel Absorb
 Impudent Modest  Ignoble Dignified
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 Dishearten Encourage  Humility Vanity

 Prestige Disregard  Flexible Rigid
 Exasperation Enjoyment  Industrious Indolent
 Revive Ruin  Ferocious Gentle
 Disperse Muster  Menace Comfort
 Depredation Construction 

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 Maintenance  Perseverance  Countenance

 Assistance  Occasion  Accumulate
 Remittance  Necessary  Incorrect
 Increment  Incubate  Incorporate
 Frown  Front  Frost
 Frown  Delicious  Virtuous
 Religious  Precious  Monotonous
 Meticulous  Narrative  Exhilarate
 Privilege  Indispensable  Perseverance
 Inadvertent  Tender  Consent
 Millennia  Monotheistic  Hypothesis
 Prehistoric  Appease  Aberrant
 Arbitrary  Insipid  Tendency
 Imprudence  Mismatch  Securities
 Essentially  Fiscal  Ventilation
 Missing  Balloon  Inability
 Barricade  Prosperity  Bouquet
 Dissatisfied  Maintains  Freedom
 Accede  Accost  Abstruse
 Abnegation  Definitely  Envisage
 Psychologist  Emergency  Transition
 Distract  Shadow  Fraction
 Chocolate  Separate  Encourage
 Councilors  Rudimentary  Conscious
 Coalesce  Reliant  Height
 Believe  Fiery  Foreign
 Strangled  Dominion  Solitary
 Perse4cution  Library  Hopelessness
 Feeling  Blessed  Television
 Entirely  Unravel  Equilibrium

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 Compelling  Ecstasy  Adamant

 Amorphous  Despotic  Contentious
 Tolerate  Autocracy  Bureaucracy
 Autonomy  Anarchy  Escapade
 Resonate  Progression  Discovery
 Suggested  Chauffeur  Specialist
 Anchor  Compere  Precursor
 Acknowledge  Religiosity  Ancestors
 Continent  Indefatigable  Building
 Experiences  Immersive  Institutionalized
 Tremendous  Local  Vehicle
 Focal  Vocal  Available
 Harass  Repercussions  Appealing
 Disturbance  Implicate  Miniature
 Patience  Foreign  Secondary
 Evince  Portfolio  Equipment
 Strengthen  Instrumental  Reversal
 Sacrifice  Upcoming  Competitive
 Autocracy  Bureaucracy  Autonomy
 Anarchy  Escapade  Resonate
 Progression  Discovery  Remember
 Contribution  Bureaucrat  Harness
 Beguile  Blandishment  Bereft
 Assiduous  Wariness  Monumental
 Disenchantment  Awakening  Exceptionable
 Deceive  Mortal  Crater
 Appearance  Mantle  Volcano
 Earthquake  Contentious  Prevaricate
 Refute  Revere  Secure
 Company  Lonely  Livelihood
 Veritable  Purposefully  Penetrate

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 Propensity  Constituency  Demolish

 Patroise  Bombastic  Arches
 Benign  Artless  Showpiece
 Simultaneous  Interview  Executive
 Expression  Yesterday  Meaningful
 Content  Laughing  Prominent
 Immigrant  Chauvinist  Contemporary
 Cosmopolitan  Bizarre  Infatuation
 Fortunate  Perfection  Surely
 Master  Perturb  Perceive
 Pigeon  Passive  Custody
 Fifty  Swimming  Borrowing
 Sovereign  Investigating  Preserve
 Terrorist  Assembly  Picking
 Picture  Fighting  Influence
 Suddenly  Nascent  Malleable
 Disseminate  Obsequious  Perfidy
 Misanthrope  Relentless  Ingenuous
 Conducive  Apparently  Bottleneck
 Endogenous  Majestic  Flexible
 Stringent  Faltering  Exploitation
 Conversation  Revenue  Passion
 Inoculate  Legitimate  Engage
 Credential  Habitual  Lopsided
 Adventurous  Admonish  Aggravate
 Assertion  Accumulate  Prestigious
 Breathe  Smelled  Institute
 Envelope  Envoy  Entrust
 Entreat  Vicious  Callous
 Heinous  Vicarious  Superfluous
 Supreme  Superstition  Superior

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 Twelfth  Temperature  Disappear

 Until  Appropriate  Accommodate
 Accelerate  Annihilate  Torches
 Sacrifice  Feature  Highlight
 Vicious  Pompous  Lustrous
 Treacherous  Interfere  Fragrance
 Temporary  Accustomed  Evidence
 Resolute  Discussion  Haughtily
 Invitation  Irritation  Possessions
 Protection  Twinkle  Readable
 Whisper  Secluded  Attitude
 Altitude  Attractive  Aptitude
 Boundary  Library  Instalment
 Already  Beneficiary  Strategy
 Tractor  Terriroty  Titillate
 Initiate  Aggravate  Mediate
 Serious  Applause  Modern
 Arrival  Tradition  Application
 Completion  Promotion  Noncommittal
 Flapped  Accommodate  Referred
 Convert  Converse  Convene
 Convent  Collide  Conscious
 Grammar  Existence  Insistence
 Tolerance  Persistence  Endurance
 Assimilate  Acquire  Readable
 Acknowledge  Conglomerate  Business
 Multinational  Corporation  Condemnation
 Conscientious  Spurious  Defamation
 Presentable  Peaceful  Plenary
 Precious  Inherit  Implant
 Ccede  Succeed  Plump

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 Rankle  Muscle  Gnaw

 Mature  Miserable  Moisture
 Mischief  Subsequent  Temporary
 Dominant  Permanent  Disappear
 Movement  Executive  Development
 Illegitimate  Illegible  Irresistible
 Irreparable  Legation  Alliteration
 Almighty  Alert  Existence
 Allowance  Acceptance  Forbearance
 Doubtful  Subtle  Knead
 Descent  Disastrous  Confidents
 Provoke  Ambush  Dilemma
 Unpretentious  Recurrent  Excellence
 Procure  Distraction  Provoke
 Kindle  Cloistered  Creativity
 Maligned  Donations  Partner
 Sergeant  Tariff  Parachute instead
 Instead  Instance  Install
 Inspire  Exceed  Annex
 Address  Attempt  Mischievous
 Definitely  Violence  Rocket
 Rogue  Roaster  Rockery
 Terrible  Uprooted  Tendency
 Haunted  Aversion  Mediation
 Education  Location  Propel
 Fulfil  Several  angriest
 Straightest  Healthiest  Disinterest
 Proclaim  Procession  Problem
 Procurement  Serpent  Session
 Service  Servant  Encourage
 Manipulation  Creditable  Stimulate

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 Ground  Grind  Grieve

 Groan  Endeavor  Acknowledge
 Individual  Auspicious  Duration
 Addition  Condition  Environment
 Encouragement  Immediate  Maintenance
 Schemes  Bridges  Individuals
 Countries tolerant  Business seldom  Shield
 Governor  Conductor  Inspector
 Waiter  Discipline  Delicious
 Desperate  Dependence  Tattle
 Belittle  Embattle  Turtle
 Inapplicable  Smallish  Forbidding
 Separate  Cruel  Coarse
 Junior  Brutal  Abscess
 Architect  Obscene  Fascinate
 Rifle  Ride  Right
 Ridge  Changeable  Accidentally
 Tomorrow  Possession  Ordinance
 Throttle  Pursuit  Bleak
 Fraction  Principle  Haunting
 Freshen  Scenery  Technology
 Science  Physics  Development
 Approval  Failure  Commitment
 Suspense  Suppress  Suspicion
 Secrecy  Achievement  Eligibility
 Relevant  Celibate  Separate
 Segregate  Celebrate  Principal
 Parallel  Practical  Creature
 Specified  Decreased  Exterminated
 Violence  Wildernesses  Unmanageable
 Terrorism  Allotment  Borrow

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 Allowance  Sincere  Grievance

 Leisure  Seize  Friend
 Niece  Scenic  Fiery
 Insolence  Idleness  Inertia
 Indolence  Anxious  Vicious
 Mimic  Moisture  Scrutinize
 Cerebral  Withdrawal  Luxurious
 Recluse  Virtuous  Profuse
 Perfectionist  Pessimist  Optimist
 Fatalist  Boundary  Photograph
 Processing  Competency  Professional
 Perpetuate  Dilemma  Electronics
 Incriminating  Embodiment  Unpretentious
 Cancellation pledge  Bouquet  Aquarium
 Abridge  Imagery  Security
 Certain  Cashier  Depressed
 Vividly  Piety  Sovereignty
 Astound  Address  Advice
 Amount  Comedian  Camouflage
 Custard  Caravan  Caterpillar
 Scorpion  Chameleon  Lizard
 Gymnastic  Seasonal  Celestial
 Hygienic  Rhyme  Receipt
 Referred  Restaurant  Professor
 Headmaster  Teacher  Director
 Approval  Criticism  Helicopter
 Censure  Sentimentally  Subsequently
 Substantially  Solicitation  Cadre
 Carnivores  Commit  Calendar
 Colossal  Magnificent  Articulate
 Consensus  Dental  Doubt

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