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Part 1 Profile of the Respondent-Teachers

Name (Optional): __________________________________________
School: ___________________________________________________

Age: Sex: Male Female

Grade Level being handled

7 8 9 10

Civil Status: single married

separate widow/widower

Highest Educational Attainment:

College degree earned; _______________________________

With MA units; _________ units earned; Major _________
Master’s graduate, major in: _________________________
Ph.D./Ed.D. Graduate, major in: ______________________
With Ph. D/ Ed. D. ______ units earned; Major ________
Current position/rank:
Teacher 1 Master Teacher 1
Teacher 2 Master Teacher 2
Teacher 3 Master Teacher 3

Number of years in teaching:

Relevant trainings/seminars attended in Guidance & Counseling:
Child Protection Policy
Gender & Development Seminar
School Based Parenting Seminar Anti-Bullying Seminar
School Based Student Disciplinary Seminar
Others, please specify_________________________________
Part II. Learners’ Behavior

Directions: Below is a list of learners’ behavior problems during

class hours. Please read carefully and put a check on the column
indicating the extent of the situation that you observe among
your students.
4 Always
3 Oftentimes
2 Sometimes
1 Never

A Aggressive Behavior 4 3 2 1

In class, my student…
disrupts classes by making
1 unnecessary noise.
2 teases his/her classmates.
provokes or instigates fights with
3 his/her classmates.
gives unnecessary comments during
class discussions without proper
4 recognition from the teacher.
starts bullying which is frightening
5 or threatening to his/her classmates.
circulates false / malicious
information about his/her classmates,
teachers or any person of authority
6 on school.
7 grumbles and answers back.
uses social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Blogs in doing acts of offensiveness
by words, uploading indecent videos
8 or pictures.
B Delinquent – related behaviors 4 3 2 1
In class, my student …
engages in physical fights, bringing
of or using deadly weapons (ice
picks, blade, knife, bow knuckles
1 “asero” firecrackers, grenade,)etc.
destroys/vandalizes classroom
properties which include writing or
drawing on the walls, desks and
stays away from the classroom during
class hours for considerable lengths
3 of time (cutting class).
4 takes articles that belong to others.
smoke or uses vape inside the school
5 campus.
cheats or use leakage in exams or in
6 any written task given.
leaves the room without permission or
7 truancy.
had been referred to guidance or
principals’ office for an offense
involvement in school trouble or
C Withdrawing Behaviors 4 3 2 1
In class, my student…
is shy/timid because of lack of
1 confidence.
2 is sensitive.
3 is inattentive during class hours.
4 is resentful of criticisms.
5 is unfriendly.
is not participating in school
6 activities.
7 is day dreaming during class hours.
is isolating himself/herself from
8 class activities.
D Non-Compliant Behaviors 4 3 2 1
In class, my student…
wears improper prescribed school
1 uniforms.
2 fails to wear I.D.
has inappropriate haircut/ hairstyle
3 for males.
4 is often late in class.
litters within the classroom and
inside the school premises.
neglects to studies by not
6 accomplishing assigned tasks.
7 is irresponsible when given extra
assignments in group work
wears earrings for boys and multiple
8 earrings for girls

Part III. Teachers’ Disciplinary Practices among Students

Direction: Below are some desirable or relevant measures which
can be taken to minimize/correct the occurrence of behavioral
problems of your students. Kindly check the column that
corresponds to the degree of your observance and or
4 Always Practiced
3 Oftentimes Practiced
2 Sometimes Practiced
1 Never Practiced
Teachers’ disciplinary practices of 4 3 2 1
I let learners know the way they are
behaving is not how the class expects them
1 to.
I discuss learners’ behavior with them to
allow them to figure out a better way to
2 behave in the future.
I let learners talk about their side of
things so that it can be clearly
I let learners understand why their
behavior is a problem for others by
4 discussing it with them.
I let learner change the way they behave
by helping them understand how their
5 behavior affects others.
I describe what learners are doing wrong,
6 and expect them to stop.
I ask the learners questions like ‘‘What
are you doing?’’ to get them to think
7 about how to behave better.
I remind misbehaving learners about class
8 rules.
I describe how learners are misbehaving to
make them decide whether to stop or not.
Corrective Measure 4 3 2 1
10 I give out consequences to learners who
misbehave (e.g. move their seats,
I increase the level of consequence if
learners will not do as they are told
11 (e.g. move seats, detention).
I increase the level of consequence if a
12 misbehaving learner argues.
I increase the level of consequence if a
misbehaving learner stops when told, but
13 then does it again.
I reward individual learners who behave
14 properly.
15 I praise the class for good behavior.
I praise individual learners for good
16 behavior.
I reward the class when learners behave
17 well.
18 I yell angrily at learners who misbehave.
I deliberately embarrass learners who
19 misbehave.
I keep the class in because some learners
20 misbehave.
I make sarcastic comments to learners who
21 misbehave.
I organize the class to work out the rules
22 for good behavior.
I decide with the class what should happen
23 to learners who misbehave.
I make learners leave the room until they
24 decide to behave properly.
I use nonverbal cues to limit acts of
misconduct of learners involved in class
like stern eye, calming gesture, tap on
desk, negotiated signal (finger to lip,
25 hand raising)

Thank you!



Part I. Behavior Problems

Directions: Below is a list of behavior you exhibited during your

class hours. Please read carefully and put a checkmark on the
column provided.


4 Always
3 Oftentimes
2 Sometimes
1 Never

A Aggressive Behavior 4 3 2 1

In class…
I interrupt discussion by making
1 unnecessary noise.
2 I tease my classmates.
I provoke or instigate fights with
3 my classmates.
I give unnecessary comments during
class discussions without proper
4 recognition from the teacher.
I start bullying which is
frightening or threatening to my
5 classmates.
I circulate false/ malicious
information about my classmates,
teachers or any person in authority
6 from school.
7 I grumble and answer back.
I use social media (Facebook,
Twitter, Blogs in doing acts of
offensiveness by words, uploading
8 indecent videos or pictures.
B Delinquent – related behaviors 4 3 2 1
In class…
I engage in physical fights,
bringing of or using deadly weapons
ice picks, blade, knife bow
knuckles, asero, firecrackers, and
1 grenade.

I destroy/vandalize classroom
properties which include writing or
drawing on the walls, desks and
2 furniture.

I stay away from classroom during

class hours for considerable lengths
3 of time (cutting class).
I take articles that belong to
4 others.

I smoke or use vape inside the

5 school campus.

I cheat or use leakage in exams or

6 in any written task given.

I leave the room without permission

7 or truancy.

I had been referred to guidance or

principals’ offices for an offense
of involvement in school trouble or

C Withdrawing Behaviors
In class…
I am shy/timid because of my lack of
1 confidence.
2 I am sensitive.
3 I am inattentive during class hours.
4 I am resentful of criticism.
5 I am unfriendly.
4 3 2 1
I am not participating in school
6 activities.

7 I am day dreaming during class hour

I am isolating myself from class
8 activities.
D Non-Compliant Behaviors
In class …
I wear improper prescribed school
1 uniforms.
2 I fail to wear my I.D
I have inappropriate haircut/
3 hairstyle for males.
4 I am often late in class.
I litter within the classroom and
5 inside the school premises.
I neglect to study by not
6 accomplishing assigned tasks.
I am irresponsible when given extra
7 assignments in group works.
I am wearing earrings (for boys) and
8 multiple earrings (for girls).

Part II. Teachers’ Disciplinary Practice

Direction: Below are some desirable or relevant measures which
can be taken to minimize/correct the occurrence of behavior
problems used by your teachers. Kindly check the column that
corresponds to the degree of your observance and or
4 Always Practiced
3 Often Practiced
2 Sometimes Practiced
1 Never Practiced
Disciplinary practices of teachers 4 3 2 1
My teacher lets me know that the way
that I behave is not how the class
1 expects me too.
My teacher discusses my behavior and
allows me to figure out a better way
2 to behave in the future.
4 3 2 1
My teacher lets me explain my side of
things and listens so that issues can
3 be clearly understood.
My teacher explains and lets me
understand why my behavior is a
4 problem for others.
My teacher gives second chance to
change the way I behave by helping me
understand how my behavior affects
5 others.
My teacher explains that what I am
doing is wrong, and expect me to stop
6 doing it.
My teacher ask me questions like
‘‘What are you doing?’’ to get me to
7 think about how to behave better.
My teacher reminds me about class
8 rules when I misbehave.
My teacher describes how learners are
misbehaving to make them decide
9 whether to stop or not.
Corrective Measure
My teacher gives out consequences to
learners who misbehave (e.g. move
10 their seats, detentions).
My teacher increases the level of
consequence if learners not do as they
11 are told (e.g. move seats, detention).
My teacher increases the level of
consequence if a misbehaving learner
12 argues.
My teacher increases the level of
consequence if a misbehaving learner
stops when told, but then does it
13 again.
My teacher rewards individual learners
14 who behave properly.
My teacher praises the class for good
15 behavior.
My teacher praises individual learners
16 for good behavior.
My teacher rewards the class when
17 learners behave well.

Aggression 4 3 2 1

My teacher yells angrily at learners

18 who misbehave.
My teacher deliberately embarrasses
19 learners who misbehave.
20 My teacher keeps the class in because
some learners misbehave.
My teacher makes sarcastic comments to
21 learners who misbehave.
My teacher organizes the class to work
22 out the rules for good behavior.
My teacher decides with the class what
should happen to learners who
23 misbehave.
My teacher makes learners leave the
classroom until they decide to behave
24 properly.
My teacher use nonverbal cues to limit
learners act of misconduct involved in
class like stern eye, calming gesture,
tap on desk, negotiated signal (finger
to lip, hand raising) the stare
25 pointing at learner

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