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QHSE Manual Section-3. Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel Date: 1-1-2022 Rev: 4 C 3.6 Job Description - Deck 3.6.1 MASTER Purpose: The Management of all Shipboard Affairs & In-Charge of the Vessel Reporting To: Ship-owner, Charterers and Office Reported By: Chief Engineer, Chief Officer, Second Officer, Chief Cook Liaisons With: Shipboard Management Team APPOINTMENT OF MASTER The appointment of Master is made by the company. On taking over a new ship, the Master is to check all the ship's documents and other items as enumerated in the out-going Master's "Handing-over Checklist”. The list of documents and the check list is to be signed in duplicate by both Masters, one copy sent to Head Office by email, the other retained on board. The handling-over is to take place in the presence of Company's representative, if on board at that time. When the in-coming Master is satisfied, an entry is to be made in the official log book. The outgoing Master should prepare a handing over note enumerating, in brief, all matters of importance and pending to be carried out as well as ites pertaining to operation of the vessel. 1. Authority The Master is the ultimate authority onboard and he is the Company's direct representative, ‘As per SOLAS Chapter V / regulation 34-1 and Chapter XI/ regulation 8 Master's Discretion " ‘The Owner, the charterer, the company operating the ship or any other person shall not Prevent or restrict the master of the ship from taking or executing any decision which, in the master’s professional judgment, is necessary for safety of life at sea, Protection of the marine environment & Security of the ship. This includes denial of access to persons (except those identified as duly authorized by a contracting government) or their effects and refusal to load cargo, including containers or other closed cargo transport units. If in the professional judgment of the master, a conflict between safety and security requirements applicable to the ship arises during its operation, the master shall give effect to those requirements necessary to maintain the safety of the ship. In such cases, the master may implement temporary security measures and shall forthwith inform the administration and if appropriate the contracting government in whose part the ship is operating or intends to enter. Any such temporary security measures under this regulation shall, to the highest possible degree, be commensurate with the prevailing security level. When such cases are identified, the administration shall ensure that such conflicts are resolved, and that the possibility of recurrence is minimized. The Master has the OVERRIDING AUTHORITY and responsibility to make any decisions with respect to the safety of life, the vessel and whatever actions that he may deem fit to ui QHSE Manual Section-3 Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel a>" Date: 1-1-2022 Re 4 = prevent pollution of the seas, as well as in protecting the environment. He is permitted to deviate from company policy for the sake of safety of life, safety of the ship, cargo or preventing environmental pollution. Should this right be exercised then at the first opportunity thereafter, he must validate his actions to the company in writing. ‘At no time must commercial consideration take precedence over the safety of the vessel and its crew. Master shall immediately inform the DPA, if anyone is exerting commercial pressure concerning safety or environment protection issues. 2. Duties and Responsibilities a) Ensuring seaworthiness, safety of the ship and the lives of all on board. b) Responsible for implementing the safety and environmental policy of the Company and ‘to motivate the crew in the execution of that policy by issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner and as well as review the safety and pollution. and prevention procedures. ¢) To operate ship in a safe and efficient manner so as to prevent any pollution as well as to protect marine environment. 4) To ensure that vessel isin compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. e) To ensure that the behaviour based safety program - SafeR’is effectively implemented on board and routinely monitored. f) To ensure safe navigation. Risks to save time are not to be taken. While the Company wish their ships to make fast passages, this is not to be done at the expense of Safety. 8) Prompt reporting of all accidents, incidents, near-misses to the Company. hh) Prompt reporting of all deficiencies arising from internal and external inspections (For example, PSC inspections) ’) He shall ensure that all crew members are conversant with the relevant sections of Company's Safety Management Systems and due regard is kept to maintain the highest, standards of seamanship, safety and environmental protection to achieve desired results. i) To report to the Company immediately in case he observes onboard the vessel any wrong practices being followed which amount to violation of MARPOL. Should there be a malfunction/ failure of any equipment required under existing MARPOL regulations such as OWS, Incinerator etc. the Company must be informed of this immediately. k) To verify that the various onboard procedures and instructions, mentioned in the Company's Manuals, are complied with, in day-to-day operation. The verification of these procedures shall be by means of Master's scrutiny and endorsing his signature in the relevant documents. 1) Responsible for the economical running and maintenance of the vessel and welfare of the crew. m) To keep the office closely advised of the progress of vessel operations. n) Toact as “Ship's medical officer”. 12 QHSE Manual Section-3. Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel Date: 1-1-2022 Re 4 Statutory Certificates: The Master is responsible for ensuring that all statutory certificates, including CoC’s / flag state dispensation are kept valid. Similarly, Class Record files, including Enhanced Survey files, where applicable, should be kept in the safe custody of the Master. Documentation: The Master is responsible for ensuring that all books, documents, and drawings in his charge are to be stored carefully, modified as necessary to comply with any alternations made and turned over to his successor on being relieved. Appraisal: The Master of the ship is to ensure that appraisal reports are prepared on PARIS for each crew member as defined in this section. Inspection of Ship: Inspection of Ship: At Sea, as far as possible, the Master is to make daily inspection of the ship to satisfy himself of the safe operation of the vessel. In event of the Master not carrying out this inspection, it will be carried out by the Chief officer who will make an entry in the log book stating who carried out the inspection along with the findings. In addition, a thorough weekly inspection of following shall be carried out: - accommodation and cabin spaces = supplies of food and drinking water - all spaces and equipment used for the storage and handling of food and drinking water - Galley and other equipment for the preparation and service of meals. The results of each inspection carried out shall be recorded by the Master in the official log book and the entry shall be signed by him and the Chief Cook witnessed by Chief officer. Ship's Safe: Only the Master has custody of the combination for the ship's safe. The combination should be changed if a security breach occurs or is suspected. Public Rel The role of the Master as the Company's public relations representative cannot be overemphasized. To ensure that the vessel's performance, cargo operations are up to the standards and satisfaction of the shippers or charterers, a regular personal relationship should be fostered by the Master with their top management people. The goal should be quality service and the Master's aim as Company's representative should be to be able to convince that the best possible service will be rendered. Press Relations: Masters are not to communicate information regarding the Company, it's policies, management or personnel to the press. Any necessary communications to the press will be coordinated by the Company. If in doubt, Masters should seek advice from the Company. Infiltration into Cargo Spaces: The Master is to see that cargo space is not converted into store rooms. if they are to be used for some other purposes, the permission of the Company has first to be obtained. B QHSE Manual Section-3. Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel Date: 1-1-2022 Rev: 4 Cadet Training Process: Master will ensure scrutiny and inspection of Cadet's Diary, Work Book and Record Book and make report to the company as prescribed. Signing of Receipts: Master is to be very cautious while signing any receipts / documents and should not leave any scope for anyone to tamper with it, subsequently. All blank space in the paper / documents must be crossed out and adequate care should also be taken to ensure that proper stamps such as ‘subject to owner's approval’ ..’on charter’s account’... ete. is affixed, as appropriate. Also comments/explanation, if required, should be endorsed on the receipts. 3, Procedure on Taking over command ‘The outgoing Master should prepare a handing over note enumerating, in brief, all matters of importance and pending to be carried out as well as items pertaining to operation of the vessel At the time of take-over, the incoming Master is to check all the ship's documents and other items as enumerated in the out-going Master's “Handing Over Checklist” and after satisfactory confirmation, this form needs to be signed by both Masters, one copy sent to Office by email and the other retained onboard. When incoming Master is satisfied, an entry is to be made in the Official Log Book, upon take over, he is to consult with his Department Heads and make himself conversant with the ship, taking care to acquaint himself with charter party requirement and status of defect list. He Is to ensure that official notification is made to the administration if so required by the Maritime Regulations, Record Keeping: Master Handing-over Notes 4, Vessel Operation with Shared ~ Command Company may from time to time appoint two Master's on one vessel so as to ensure compliance with Master's rest hour requirements. In such cases, command shall alternate between the two Masters at mutually agreed intervals (normally on a daily basis). Both Masters are the Company's direct representative, ‘and the ultimate authority on the ship when in command. They are recognized in International law as being the representative of the Owners and supreme authority on board. The Master cannot delegate this authority when he is in command. On a vessel where command is shared between two masters, the following procedures shall be complied with: 14 QHSE Manual Section-3 Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel =a Date: 1-1-2022 a) The command of vessel for navigational and operational purposes shall change at around noon, every day, provided no critical operation is being conducted at that time. b) Change of command shall be recorded in deck log book on each occasion that it takes place. ©) A placard shall be displayed on Bridge to i command on that day. d) The over-riding authority of the Master is available to the Master when he is in command. e) The administrative and accounting responsibility shall remain at all times with only one of the two Masters and this shall be clearly documented, licate the name of the master who is in 3.6.2 CHIEF OFFICER Purpose: To head the Deck Dept. to maintain ship to required standards. Responsible to the Master for the safe and efficient loading, carriage, and discharge of cargoes, Navigational Watch-keeping, Ship's Safety and Security (If appointed), Protection of the Environment, and Ballast Operations. Reports To: Master Reportees: Second Officer, Third Officer, Junior officer, Deck cadet, Bosun, Deck and other Ratings as appropriate. Liaises With: Other members of Ship's Management Team 1. Duties and Responsibilities The Chief Officer is the executive Officer and the Master's deputy. if the Master is incapacitated, he is to assume command. He assumes command automatically if the Master is absent from the vessel. As an executive Officer, he is responsible to the Master for the discipline of the ship. Additionally, he is responsible for the following: a) Operation, administration and supervision of the Deck Department. He is responsible to take necessary steps for the prevention and cure of corrosion for hull and superstructure. b) Work Planning: As a head of Deck Department, the Chief Officer shall ensure that daily tool box meeting is carried out with all deck crew members and job scope, hazards, associated permits and PPE requirement is discussed in details. ) Assuming supervisory responsibilities and familiar with stores and equipment to ensure that the deck department is adequately manned, equipped and maintained in accordance with Company standards. 4) To carry out navigational watch-keeping duties (normally 0400-0800 and 1600-2000 navigational watches) as assigned by the Master and to take an active part in navigation during critical phases of navigation such as arrival, departure port, congested passages and other circumstances where deemed necessary by the Master. e) Ship Safety Officer: As a Safety Officer he must make regular Inspections as defined in Section 9 of this manual. He must ensure that the maintenance of all safety, fire-fighting and LSA equipment on board is carried out. He must ensure that the SafeR’ is effectively implemented on board and routinely 15, QHSE Manual Section-3_ Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel 2 Date: 1-1-2022 ZS Rev: 4 - monitored. f) Station: The Chief Officer shall be present on the bridge at the time of arrival, departure, shifting to and from anchorage. He shall assist Master and supervise the bridge team for effective functioning. He will also perform navigational duties as directed by Master. The Master may change these duties and assign Chief Officer to man forward station if considered appropriate. e) To ensure watertight integrity is checked prior to vessel's departure to sea. He will confirm to the Master that the ship is ready for sea. h) Shore Leave to Crew: Ensure that gangway notice is in place with updated shore leave expiry time and shore leave is permitted in accordance with Company's shore leave policy. i) Mooring : The Chief Officer is responsible for the proper securing of the ship when she is at berth. On completion of berthing, he will, when satisfied, report to the Master that the ship is safely moored. When in the berth, he is to ascertain that fenders and rat guards are in position. He is also to see that it is not possible for discharge pipes and scuppers to flow into barges, over the gangway, or discharge on to the jetty. 1) Soundings: To arrange for daily soundings of all tanks except bunker tanks and other tanks situated in Engine room. Void spaces should be sounded on a weekly basis. K) Cargo Equipment: Responsible for maintenance and condition of the cargo equipment, the safety of working spaces and that safe access exists from the point of entry by gangway or ladder to the working spaces. 1) Training: To act as Training Officer for Junior Officers, Deck Cadets and Ratings. 1m) Cargo and Ballast: The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for the loading, stowage and discharge of Cargo and for ballasting and de-ballasting operations. He is to calculate ‘Stability and Stress’ calculations to verify that the vessel satisfies the required stability criteria for the entire voyage and that the permissible stresses are not exceeded at any stage of the voyage. n) Garbage Management: In charge, to ensure compliance in accordance with ship-specfic “Garbage Management Plan’ ©) Eresh Water: To daily monitor fresh water generation and consumption. Care is to be taken that sufficient water for the voyage requirements are satisfied, without detriment to the cargo deadweight p) Cargo equipments / safe access: The Chief Officer is responsible for the maintenance ‘and condition of the cargo equipment, the safety of working spaces and that safe access cexists from the point of entry by gangway or ladder to the working spaces. Particular attention must be given to the lighting in these areas. This is a most important duty, as many cases exist of the Master / Chief Officer being charged with manslaughter owing to fatal accidents involving such ship's equipment as gangways, unsecured hatch beams or unprotected openings. 4@) Deck Log Book: For the Company, the deck Log Book is @ record of the life of the ship and of all happening aboard. It should be possible to trace, many years later, the exact position of the ship at any particular time and obtain the facts on any important events. The log book is to be filled in accordance with the instructions given at the beginning of the book. Entries in the deck log book are to be initialed each watch by the 0.0.W., and signed by the Master and Chief Officer dail. 1) Absence of Master: In the Master's absence, the Chief Officer or the senior Deck Officer 16 Date: 1-1-2022 Rev: 4 QHSE Manual Section-3. Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel f-4 will assume command on board. The orders of this Officer will be as binding as if given by the Master himself. An Officer, temporarily in charge, is responsible for his actions to the Master and Management. The Master is to leave written instructions covering the period of his absence on board. s} Incapcity of Master: If the Master, through illness or other causes, is unable to retain ‘command, the Chief Officer will take over till the time vessel arrives at next convenient port where Company must arrange new Master to join the vessel. An entry in the official log book to this effect is to be made, signed by another deck Officer and the Chief Engineer. A medical certificate is to be attached if available. 2. Chief Officer Handing Over ‘The outgoing Chief Officer should prepare a handing over note enumerating, in brief, all matters of importance and pending to be carried out as well as items pertaining to operation of the vessel. Incoming Chief Officer must make a thorough inspection of those sections of the vessel for which the Chief Officer is responsible, paying particular attention to LSA/FFA and cargo handling equipment, and confirm same by signing ‘Chief Officer's handing over checklist. Record Keeping: Chief Officer Handing-over Notes $ -7.5F 3.6.3 DECK WATCH-KEEPING OFFICER Purpose: To act as Navigational Watch-keeping Officer and to assist in the safe and efficient cargo operations and carriage of cargoes Reports To: Master and/or Chief Officer 1. Applicability Second Officer, Third Officer, Additional Third Officer 2. Duties and Responsibilities a) Responsible to the Master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watch stand and navigational duties. b) Responsible to the Master, through the Chief Officer, for watch duties pertaining to cargo work, handling cargo or ballast under direction of the Chief Officer, and various other maintenance functions. He shall supervise cargo work under the instructions of the Chief Officer. ©) To become completely familiar with cargo systems and their operation and must learn to lay out a cargo and load or discharge the vessel. itis vital that the junior deck officers involve in cargo planning under the supervision of the Chief Officer as part of mentoring program. d) Designated Distress Communication Officer: Master shall designate one of the junior wv = QHSE Manual Section-3 Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel =" ay Date: 1-1-2022 =e Rey 4 deck officers as the ‘Designated Distress Communications Officer (DDCO). An entry to this effect shall be made in the GMDSS Log book. The DDCO is responsible to the Master for maintenance and testing of GMOSS equipment and radio accounting. Any malfunction, damage or defects should be brought to the notice of the Master in order that corrective measures can be taken, The DDCO is reminded of their declaration of secrecy. On no account shall any movement or abnormal occurrence aboard any of the Company's ship which has come to his knowledge, be divulged to anyone except the Master. 3. Specific Duties Performed by Second Officer a) Watch-keeping Duties: Normally 1200-1600 and 0000-0400 watches. The Master may change these duties if considered appropriate. b) Navigating Officer: The Master may delegate the initial responsibility for preparing the plan for a passage to the Second Officer and will be referred as the ‘Navigating Officer’ for the purpose of this manual. The Navigating Officer has the task of preparing the detailed passage plan prior to departure. In addition, he will be responsible to ensure routine maintenance/ verification check of navigational equipment is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. ©) Navigational Charts & ENC / Publication upkeep: Responsible to ensure that voyage charts & ENC and other publications are fully corrected to the latest Notices to Mariners. The Second Officer shall raise requisition for new chart / ENC / publications as necessary and maintains ECDIS and updates of ECDIS and Electronic publications. d) Reports / Abstracts: Responsible for preparing weather, current and meteorological reports, port abstracts of the log and noon position reports. e) Station: On entering and leaving port, the Second Officer's station is on the fore castle. The Master may change these duties if considered appropriate. f) | Medical Log (S - 3.16 L): The Second Officer shall be assigned the duties of maintaining the vessel’s medicine chest and medical log and will be responsible to assist the Master as the ‘Medical Assistant’ to ship's Medical Officer. Refer section 3.14.3 of this manual. JOINING THE VESSEL Upon joining a vessel, the Second Officer must report to the Master. The Second Officer must discuss with the Officer being relieved, details of the equipment and material for which the Second Officer is responsible, and inspect them promptly, preferably in the company of the Officer being relieved. Anything found to be unsatisfactory must be reported to the Master. The outgoing Second Officer should prepare a handing over note enumerating, in brief, all Matters of importance and pending to be carried out as well as items pertaining to navigation, medical chest and communication of the vessel. The joining Second Officer is to check all items as enumerated in the outgoing Second Officer's handing over Checklist. 18 Date: 1-1-2022 4 QHSE Manual Section-3_ Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel Sf Re 4, Specific duties performed by 3rd Officer and/or additional Third Officer a) Watch-keeping Duties: Normally 0800-1200 and 2000-0000 watches. Where additional Third Officer is provided, the senior most among Third Officers will keep 0400-0800 and 1600-2000 watches. The Master may change these duties if considered appropriate. b) Station: On entering and leaving port, he will be on the poop, subject to Master's discretion. He is to be diligent in advising the bridge, whether the ropes are clear of the propellers and when necessary indicate the distance from other ships or the dock wall ¢) Draft and Density: On arrival, he will read the draft and report to the Chief Officer. 4d) Flags: in charge of vessel's ‘international Code Signal Flags and National Ensigns’ and is to see that they are properly stowed. e) Signals: in charge of all signaling apparatus, signaling shapes, electric or pyrotechnic. f) LSA/FFA Maintenance: Under the direction of the Chief Officer, the Third Officer will carry out inspection and upkeep of all LSA and FFA items and maintain a record of the. Inspection dates, expiry dates of pyrotechnics etc. Ships with two third officers shall split LSA/FFA maintenance amongst themselves on monthly basis |.e. one third officer takes charge of LSA maintenance and next month he looks after FFA maintenance. Jol ‘THE VESSEL Upon joining a vessel, the Third Officer must report to the Master. The Third Officer must discuss with the Officer being relieved the areas of the Third Officer's responsibility and, inspect them promptly, preferably in company of the out-going Officer. Anything found to be unsatisfactory must be reported to the Master. Record Keeping: Second Officer handing-over Notes $ - 7.6 F Third Officer handing-over Notes 3.6.4 DECK CADET Deck cadets will be assigned duties to further their professional advancement. They report to the Chief Officer for the performance of these duties. Cadets are to be allocated time for studies, but will otherwise perform all duties as directed by the Chief Officer. Duties and Responsibilities a) The deck Cadet is an apprentice or trainee whose primary function is to take an active part in shipboard operations and learn the job functions to enable him to serve as a capable Officer in future. The Cadet is a trainee and is not to be assigned independent watch-keeping duties. b) The Cadet will be responsible to maintain the Company's “Cadet’s Training Record 19 QHSE Manual Section-3. Recruitment & Management of Shipboard Personnel Date: 1-1-2022 Rev; 4 Book” as well as maintain work diaries, journals, etc, which he will present to the Master at regular intervals for inspection. ©) He will report to the Chief Officer, or in his absence any other officer delegated by him. d) In addition to his training / learning, he will also assist in all shipboard operations, particularly in the following: Watch-keeping at sea or at anchor, under the supervision of a certified watch keeper. Routine maintenance on the deck ~ cosmetic upgradation, greasing, repairs etc. Operations involving cargo work, especially, tank cleaning operations but without entering cargo tanks and only assisting on deck operations. iv, To assist in maintaining all deck stores and their inventories. v. Toassist in preparing necessary shipboard paperwork, as required. e) Cadets must not be involved in any critical task 3.6.5 BOSUN Purpose: To personally perform, and/or lead those ratings assigned to him in the performance of, any agreed tasks allotted to him, and to monitor the results. Reports To: Master through Chief Officer Liaises With: Members of the Ship's Management Team 1. Duties and Respon: a) To assist the Chief Officer in operational and maintenance planning b)_ Responsible to the Chief Officer for the effective deployment, including timekeeping, of ratings assigned to him for operations and maintenance and to ensure that safe working practices are followed at all times. ©) To carry out assigned task and to take charge, when required, during mooring, unmooring, anchor work, shifting ship etc. 4) To supervise and assist with the rigging and use of lifting gear on deck and in the Engine Room as required. e) To supervise and a ballasting. f) Assist Officers when and where required during cargo, bunkering or berthing operations. 8) Assign ratings to supervise, handle and stow stores and spare gear. h) To be responsible for the operation, care and maintenance of specialized equipment eg. grit-blaster, sprayer etc. i) To carry out and be responsible for the maintenance of cordage of safety equipment e.g. boat and pilot ladders life-raft ladders, gangways and nets, safety harness, gantlines, Bosun’s chairs, stages etc. 1) Responsible for repair and maintenance of mooring ropes, wires and running gear. k)_ To develop own knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes and those of sub-ordinates - with the emphasis on acquiring additional skills. |) To carry out additional duties as per instructions received from Master / Chief Officer / Duty Officer. with hold/tank cleaning, washing, preparation, ballasting and de- 20

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