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1. He/she is the father of modern philosophy.

A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Socrates D. Descartes

2. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

A. Philosophy B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Aesthetics

3. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human
A. Epistemology B. Ethics C. Aesthetics D. Philosophy

4. What is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being
to know what is real?
A. Ethics B. Aesthetics C. Epistemology D. Metaphysics

5. The Filipino attitudes as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God which is
A. Kalooban B. Bahala na C. Bayanihan D. Pakikisama

6. He founded phenomenology.
A. Higgins B. Socrates C. Edmund Husserl D. Kierkegard

7. He/she is the most famous student of Socrates.

A. Plato B. Descartes C. Husserl D. Aristotle

8. According to him, “to be happy, one must live a virtuous life”.

A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Descartes D. Socrates

9. This is a positive Filipino value or helping other in times of need.

A. utang na loob B. kagandahang-loob C. Bayanihan D. One for all

10. He/she founded Stoicism.

A. Plato B. Descartes C. Socrates D. Zeno of Citium

11. Which branch of philosophy deals with arguments?

A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Logic

12. What Filipino values puts one in touch with one's fellow beings and is essentially
A. Loob B. Loyalty C. Hospitality D. Pakikisama

13. The issue of who deserves to be a National Artist falls under which branch of Philosophy?
A. Epistemology B. Logic C. Ethics D. Metaphysics

14. Etymologically, what does "philo" mean?

A. to love B. to survive C. wisdom D. to learn

15. It is one of the positive Filipino values which is helping in times of need.
A. One for All B. Bayanihan C. All for One D. Kalooban

16. What does tabula rasa mean?

A. Red tablet B. Clean slate C. Rise tomorrow D. New knowledge

17. The study of the human experience.

A. Antarctica B. Analogy C. Anthropology D. Astrology
18. The study of Truth or Knowledge.
A. Ecology B. Ecclesiology C. Ethnography D. Epistemology

19. The study of knowledge, truth, and the nature of ultimate reality.
A. theology B. Anthropology C. Philosophy D. Hamartiology

20. What makes a bad decision bad? A question that falls under the branch of Philosophy called
A. Logic B. Epistemology C. Metaphysics D. Ethics

21. What branch of philosophy deals with the study of moral judgments?
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Psychology D. Cosmology

22. What branch of philosophy deals with the study of social institutions and the state?
A. Ethics B. Psychology C. Sociology D. Politics

23. If someone is a cheat and a liar, you might say, "She is not a (an) ________ person."
A. ethical B. moral

24. Branch of Philosophy that deals with questions such as "What is reasoning"?
A. Metaphysics B. Logic C. Epistemology D. Ethics

25. According to Plato, what is knowledge?

A. A justified true belief C. Opinion
B. That which can be proven D. There is no such thing as true knowledge

26. What point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?

A. reduction B. holistic C. partition D. partial

27. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial point of view?

A. participating in a class discussion
B. watching videos over the internet
C. referring to only one source of information for your position paper
D. listening to both your teachers’ and parents’ advice on how to improve your grades

28. Who among the following students may have already developed a broader philosophical
A. Kristia, who consistently chats with her classmates about their interests and beliefs
B. Trish, who rarely talks with her classmates, but is always observant of them
C. Julie, who always listens to all sides of the argument before giving any advice
D. Mara, who regularly monitors the emotional well-being of her classmates

29. Which of the following statements is true?

1. Both partial and holistic points of view are good contributors to doing philosophy.
2. Reflection is not required in doing philosophy
A. Statement 1 is false. Statement 2 is true. C. Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true D. Both statements 1 and 2 are false.

30. The science of the beautiful in its various manifestations—including the sublime, comic,
pathetic and ugly.
A. Epistemology B. Metaphysics C. Aesthetic D. Ethics

31. Which is not the importance of Aesthetics ?

A. It brings us in touch with our culture C. It helps us to feel beautiful.
B. It helps us more deeply and richly. D. It vitalizes our knowledge.
32. The truth is based on the person's consciousness.
A. postmodernism B. Existentialism C. Philosophizing D. Phenomenology

33. The first existentialist.

A. Soren Kierkegaard B. Jean-Paul Sartre C. Friedrich Nietzsche D. Edmund Husserl

34. This infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that is true of some part of the
A. Composition B. Equivocation C. Division D. Appeal to pity

35. Who considers an empty cup more useful than a full one.
A. Taoists B. Christians C. Greeks D. Buddhists

36. Who believes that poor in spirit means compassion.

A. Greeks B. Taoists C. Christians D. Buddhists

37. It allows one mind to widen his perspective in life

A. Reflective Thinking B. Critical Thinking C. Phenomology D. Speculation

38. It evaluates and analyze clearly the premise presented in a given situation
A. Speculation B. Reflective thinking C. Existentialism D. Critical Thinking

39. Meaning Making process that counsel to once experience of life

A. Logical Thinking B. Reflective Thinking C. Speculation D. Critical thinking

40. It foretells It about the search for truth based on one’s attitude or outlook in life
A. Existentialism B. Reflective Thinking C. Phenomology D. Speculation

41. a branch of Philosophy that studies the rightness and wrongness of a conduct.
A. Reasoning B. Rational C. Ethics D. Virtue

42. a positive quality that is highly commendable

A. Ethics B. Rational C. Reasoning D. Virtue

43. a characteristic of a being that can think and reason out

A. Ethics B. Reasoning C. Rational D. Virtue

44. the process of the mind that uses propositions to create arguments
A. Rational B. Ethics C. Reasoning D. Virtue

45. Which among the situation tells about true freedom

A. Eating high cholesterol C. Playing basketball during class hours
B. Giving alms to the poor D. Cheating in online classes

46. It is more subjective than objective

A. Lie B. Truth C. Facts D. Opinion

47. What is an insight?

A. seeing with the eyes C. seeing with the mind
B. seeing with the soul D. seeing with the heart

48. According to Plato, why is there a need to philosophize?

A. sense of excitement C. sense of awe
B. sense of pride D. sense of wonder

49. Who wrote the following: “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit
rises to the contemplation of truth…”?
A. Pope John XXIII B. Pope John Paul II C. Pope Francis D. Pope Benedict XVI

50. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, what animates and substantiates the body?
A. soul B. eyes C. heart D. mind

51. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, what is the soul?
A. rational principle in man C. spiritual principle in man
B. faith principle in man D. meditative principle in man

52. "Spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single
nature." A. False B. True

53. When does the body and soul separate?

A. resurrection B. incarnation C. never D. death

54. When does the body and soul reunite after death?
A. incarnation B. resurrection C. rebirth D. reincarnation

55. The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to be the "matter"
of the body. A. True B. False

56. What is the title of the encyclical that primarily discusses the relationship of philosophy and
the Church?
A. Laudato Si B. Fides et Ratio C. Gaudium et Spes D. Fratello TUtti

57. Who is the recently beatified person considered to be the patron of the Internet and the first
millennial saint?
A. Blessed Carlo Assisi B. Blessed Carlo Acutis
C. Blessed Carlo Magno D. Blessed Carlo Agassi

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