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DOI 10.1007/s11434-016-1023-0

Review Materials Science

Research progresses of cathodic hydrogen evolution in advanced

lead–acid batteries
Feng Wang • Chen Hu • Min Zhou •

Kangli Wang • Jiali Lian • Jie Yan •

Shijie Cheng • Kai Jiang

Received: 4 November 2015 / Revised: 5 January 2016 / Accepted: 22 January 2016

Ó Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Integrating high content carbon into the nega- 1 Introduction

tive electrodes of advanced lead–acid batteries effectively
eliminates the sulfation and improves the cycle life, but Lead–acid battery has been commercially used as an
brings the problem of hydrogen evolution, which increases electric power supply or storage system for more than
inner pressure and accelerates the water loss. In this 100 years and is still the most widely used rechargeable
review, the mechanism of hydrogen evolution reaction in electrochemical device [1–4]. Most of the traditional valve-
advanced lead–acid batteries, including lead–carbon bat- regulated lead–acid (VRLA) batteries are automotive
tery and ultrabattery, is briefly reviewed. The strategies on starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) batteries, which are
suppression hydrogen evolution via structure modifications usually operated in shallow charge/discharge cycles.
of carbon materials and adding hydrogen evolution inhi- Recently, lead–acid battery has attracted considerable
bitors are summarized as well. The review points out attentions for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and energy
effective ways to inhibit hydrogen evolution and prolong storage applications because of low initial cost, simplicity
the cycling life of advanced lead–acid battery, especially in of design, reliability and relative safety, and high recycling
high-rate partial-state-of-charge applications. efficiency [5–8]. However, the cycle life of VRLA batteries
under such applications has been found to be much shorter
Keywords Lead–carbon battery  Ultrabattery  than the design life [9, 10]. The major failure mode has
Hydrogen evolution reaction  Hydrogen inhibition been identified to be the negative progressive sulfation at
high discharge rate or under high-rate partial-state-of-
charge (HRPSoC) cycling [11]. It can be attributed to the
following aspects. First, the formation of a thin-layer lead
sulfate under HRPSoC hinders further discharge, which
will grow progressively and thus lead to irreversible hard
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this sulfation in the negative plates. Second, high rate charge
article (doi:10.1007/s11434-016-1023-0) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. increases the mass transport overpotential of the primary
reactions, resulting in evolution of hydrogen and oxygen at
F. Wang  M. Zhou  K. Wang (&)  J. Lian  J. Yan  negative electrode and positive electrode, respectively [9,
S. Cheng  K. Jiang (&)
12, 13].
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering
and Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, To improve the cycle life of lead–acid batteries, con-
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, siderable effort has been devoted over many years [14–17].
Wuhan 430074, China In 1997, the scientists at Japan Storage Battery Company
found that adding higher than usual levels of carbon to the
K. Jiang battery dramatically reduced the sulfation of the negative
electrode, thereby increasing performance and lifetime [18,
C. Hu 19]. This work has been confirmed by Australia’s Com-
China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

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(CSIRO) that raising the concentration of carbon black

from 0.2 wt% to 2.0 wt% in the negative paste produced an
immediate gain in HEV cycle life [10, 20–22].
After high content carbon was discovered to provide
benefits, the focus moved toward the carbon-enhanced
designs. The use of carbon has taken a number of ways,
initially with carbon using as a conductive component of
electrodes and more recently as a capacitive component
[23]. The ‘‘ultrabattery’’ developed by CSIRO and Fur-
ukawa Battery Co. is a hybrid energy storage device, which
combines an asymmetric supercapacitor and a lead–acid
battery in one unit cell, without extra electronic control, as
illustrated in Fig. 1 [22, 24]. The ‘‘ultrabattery’’ exhibits a
significantly improved cycle life over traditional lead–acid
batteries, as well as increased charge power and charge
acceptance. In addition to the above-mentioned device,
high content carbon has also been integrated directly into
traditional lead–acid batteries as an additive in the negative
plates, as shown in Fig. 2 [25]. This lead–carbon battery
has been demonstrated to increase cycle life by an order of Fig. 2 (Color online) Schematic representation of a single cell from
magnitude or more under HRPSoC cycling. the lead–carbon battery [25]
It is widely acknowledged that the addition of carbon
materials can improve the overall electrical conductivity of However, the carbon materials adopted in ultrabattery or
the negative plate, share the charge and discharge currents Pb–C battery have lower overpotentials of hydrogen evo-
with the lead–acid negative plates, restrict the lead sulfate lution especially in acidic electrolyte, which will promote
crystal growth and thus increase the cycle life for lead–acid hydrogen evolution and thus increase the inner pressure
batteries in HRPSoC applications [26, 27]. Figure 3 shows and accelerate water loss of battery [20, 29]. Therefore,
the schematic diagram for the effects of activated carbon inhibition hydrogen evolution is critical to develop high-
(AC) on negative electrode under HPRSoC operation [28]. performance ultrabattery or Pb–C battery [30–32].

Fig. 1 (Color online) Schematic representation of a single cell from the ultrabattery [22, 24]

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Fig. 3 (Color online) Schematic diagram for the effects of carbon additives on negative electrode sheets under HPRSoC conditions [28]

2 Hydrogen evolution reaction The equilibrium potentials of the positive and negative
electrodes in a lead–acid battery and the evolution of
Hydrogen evolution is a secondary and side reaction in hydrogen and oxygen gas are illustrated in Fig. 4 [35].
lead–acid batteries, which influences the volume, compo- When the cell voltage is higher than the water decompo-
sition and concentration of the electrolyte, and thus the sition voltage of 1.23 V, the evolution of hydrogen and
battery performance. Generally accepted hydrogen evolu- oxygen gas is inevitable. The corresponding volumes
tion reaction (HER) mechanisms in acid solutions are as depend on the individual electrode potential or overcharge
follows: voltage. At the beginning, the two curves increase gradu-
ally, indicating that both hydrogen and oxygen generation
Electrochemical hydrogen adsorption (Volmer reaction)
reactions occur quite slowly as long as the overvoltage
H þ M þ e $ MH :
ð1Þ remains fairly small. When the overvoltage exceeds certain
Followed by electrochemical desorption (Heyrovsky values, both curves show a steep increase. This means that
both hydrogen and oxygen generation increase substan-
tially, typically during boost charge or equalizing charge.
MH þ Hþ þ e $ M þ H2 ; ð2Þ When the battery is overcharged, hydrogen and oxygen
or chemical desorption (Tafel reaction) evolution become the primary reactions that occur, which
accelerate water loss and reduce the cycle life of lead–acid
2MH $ 2M þ H2 ; ð3Þ battery [35]
where H* is the hydrogen atom chemically adsorbed on an 2Hþ þ 2e ¼ H2 : ð4Þ
active site of the electrode surface (M) [33]. These
pathways are strongly dependent on the electrochemical, It is worth noted that in a lead–acid battery, the oxygen
chemical and physical properties of the electrode surface. evolved from the positive plates can diffuse through the
The possible rate controlling steps (1, 2 or 3) can be simply pores of the separators or the headspace of the container to
determined by evaluating the Tafel slope from the HER the negative plates where it is reduced back to water. This
polarization curve, which has been carefully explained by process forms an internal oxygen cycle in the cells. In the
Conway and Tilak [34]. contrast, the hydrogen produced from the negative plates

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Fig. 4 (Color online) Equilibrium potentials of the positive and negative electrodes in a lead–acid battery and the evolution of hydrogen and
oxygen gas [35]

almost cannot be oxidized back to water at the positive must be to lower the specific area without sacrificing too
plates because of its poor kinetics. Thus, any hydrogen much capacitance. Shi [37] investigated the relationship
evolution during the charging will convert to a permanent between specific capacitance and specific area for activated
loss of the water from the battery [20, 36]. microbead carbon and AC fiber and found that the specific
Compared with lead, carbon material has much lower over- double-layer capacitance of AC did not have a linear
potential of HER, especially in acidic electrolyte. Therefore, relation with their total surface area. Instead, the specific
under the cathodic working conditions of lead–acid battery capacitance could be described as the addition of two dif-
(-0.86 to -1.36 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4, 5 mol/L sulfuric acid), ferent parts, as shown in Eqs. (5) or (6):
the carbon electrode can easily cause severe hydrogen evolu mi ext
C ¼ Cdl Smi þ Cdl Sext ; ð5Þ
tion at the end of charge, thus resulting in the thermal runaway
or even electrolyte dry out, as shown in Fig. 5 [20]. or
To address the above-mentioned issue, many efforts mi ext
C=Sext ¼ Cdl Smi =Sext þ Cdl ; ð6Þ
have been made during the past years, structure modifica-
tion of carbon materials or/and the adding of hydrogen ext mi
where Cdl ; Cdl are capacitance per unit area for external
evolution inhibitors have been identified as effective ways pores and micro pores; Sext, Smi are the surface area con-
to suppress HER and prolong the cycling life of lead–acid tributed by external pores and micropores. Results indicate
battery in HRPSoC applications. that the double-layer capacitance per unit micropore area.
mi ext
Cdl is different from that per unit external surface, Cdl .
The specific double-layer capacitance on the micropore
3 Structure modifications of carbon materials surface is mainly determined by the property of carbon
basal layer, while the specific double-layer capacitance on
The main requirements of carbon additives to negative the external surface strongly depends on the surface mor-
plate of lead–acid battery have been summarized by Lam phology and possibly also on the functional groups. It
and co-workers [29]: (1) similar working potential to that suggests that an increase in specific capacitance may be
of the lead–acid negative plate; (2) low hydrogen gassing realized without increasing the hydrogen evolution rate, by
rate; (3) higher capacity to share the current with the lead– shifting surface area between micropores and external
acid negative plate; (4) long cycle life; (5) sufficient pores with total surface area remaining the same.
mechanical strength and ability to produce in the existing The surface activity is usually referred to as kinetic
lead–acid factory; and (6) low cost. parameters, such as exchange current density of HER (j0),
The hydrogen gassing rate is mainly influenced by two which is the rate of hydrogen evolution (or oxidation) per
properties of an electrode: surface area and surface activity. surface area at the potential where the reaction is at equi-
In general, the capacitance of carbon increases with surface librium (U = 0 V vs. normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) at
area. However, higher surface area may increase hydrogen standard conditions) [33, 38, 39].
reaction exchange current density and promote hydrogen Various carbon nanostructures (carbon nanotubes, gra-
gassing. To suppress the hydrogen evolution, the effort phene, fullerenes and hybrids) with tunable composition

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Fig. 5 Operational potentials of a lead–acid negative plate and a carbon-based (e.g., AC) capacitor electrode during discharge and charge [20]

(heteroatom dopants) exhibit widely different exchange adjacent to N dopants possess a noticeably high positive
current densities for HER. Prosini et al. [40] studied the charge density to counterbalance the strong electronic
kinetic processes of hydrogen evolution in acid media on affinity of the N atom [48]. Hong et al. [49] firstly reported
carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The results showed that hydro- that the hydrogen evolution rate on AC has been signifi-
gen can be easily generated with low overvoltage and high cantly suppressed by N doping; therefore, the charge
exchange current density. Brennan and Brown [41] com- acceptance and charge retention ability of the ultrabattery
pared the activity of HER on the surfaces of vitreous car- have been markedly improved (Fig. 6).
bon and graphite and found that the order of activities was However, the literature contains conflicting reports
pyrolytic edge & vitreous carbon [ pyrolytic face. The about effects of N doping. Zhang and co-workers [50, 51]
difference in activities could not be entirely explained by used commercial activated carbon as the base material and
relative surface area but was very sensitive to electrode cyanamide as the nitrogen source for doping. The results
pretreatment. Wang et al. [42] investigated the effect of AC indicated that the activity of AC toward the HER has been
surface functional groups on hydrogen evolution reaction enhanced by nitrogen doping, which has been explained by
and lead–carbon battery performance. The surfaces of AC the increase in the electron density in some of the adjacent
materials were modified with acidic groups (AC-air and carbon atoms and therefore donates electrons more readily.
AC-acid) and alkaline groups (AC-alkali and AC-N800). The inconsistent results might be attributed to the different
The results indicated that the alkaline surface groups could occupation site of nitrogen in carbon lattices. Normally,
inhibit hydrogen evolution, while AC samples with acidic when a nitrogen atom is doped into graphene, it has three
functional groups (AC-acid) promoted hydrogen evolution. common bonding configurations within the carbon lattice,
However, the acidic groups can also act as the active sites including quaternary N (or graphitic N), pyridinic N and
for lead electrodeposition, which can suppress the hydro- pyrrolic N [52–54]. Quaternary is tetrahedral sp3
gen evolution significantly. It suggests that the moderate hybridization, while pyridinic N and pyrrolic N are planar
acidic functional groups on the AC surface are beneficial sp2 hybridization. The spin density and charge distribution
for lead deposition and thus cause effective hydrogen of carbon atoms are greatly affected by the neighbor
evolution inhibition. nitrogen dopants, which induces the ‘‘activation site’’ on
Heteroatom doping (such as N, B, S and P) has been the graphene surface. The activated site can participate
attracting increasing attention, as an effective strategy to directly in the catalytic process, such as the HER or ORR,
tailor the chemical and physical properties of carbon-based and thus significantly influence the reaction rate.
materials, thus influencing the activity of HER [43–47]. Other heteroatoms doping, such as sulfur and phospho-
Quantum mechanics calculations with hybrid density rus, may have the similar influence on the activity of HER,
functional theory (DFT) indicate that carbon atoms but has been rarely investigated. Liu et al. [55] compared

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Fig. 6 (Color online) Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves (a) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves (b) of AC and NAC [49]

pure and phosphorus-doped graphite layer by using a previous literature [36, 56–60]. Physical mixing or chem-
cluster approach with DFT. The good electro-donor prop- ical depositing high HER overpotential metal impurities or
erties of phosphorus and the strong electron affinity of metal oxides has been identified to have a substantial
phosphorus for positive atoms facilitate the adsorption of inhibition effect by occupying the reactive sites.
O2 and significantly enhance the rate of the overall oxygen Pierson et al. [61] investigated that the effects of various
reduction process, as shown in Fig. 7. It can be predicted impurities added to the electrolyte on gassing and identified
that the electrochemical adsorption process of hydrogen that the most deleterious elements toward gassing were
ions will be inhibited when atoms with negative net charge tellurium, antimony, arsenic, nickel, cobalt and magne-
decrease because of the insertion of phosphorus atoms. sium. Tin, zinc, cadmium, calcium, lithium and mercury
had no detectable effect at the maximum concentrations.
Silver, bismuth, copper, cerium, chromium and molybde-
4 Hydrogen evolution inhibitors num were acceptable at levels of 500 ppm or less in the
electrolyte. Lam et al. [62] systematically evaluated the
Another effective strategy to suppress hydrogen evolution influence of many different impurities on the hydrogen and
or to reduce it to a very low value is to add inhibitors that oxygen evolution currents in lead–acid batteries on float
may increase the hydrogen overvoltage. Various inorganic charge. Table S1 (online) shows the effect of the increase
and organic substances have been investigated in the or decrease in the oxygen or hydrogen gassing current in

Fig. 7 (Color online) Net charge for some selected atoms of the H-terminated graphene sheet in its optimized structures. a The ideal (pure)
graphene sheet. b Graphene sheet with one phosphorus atom [55]

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