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A. Background

Mustard plant is one of the Vegetable crops that are very easy develop

both in cold and hot areas; namely at an altitude of 500-1200 m above sea

level. This plant can be planted every year, because it is classified as a plant

that is tolerant of high temperatures and it would be even better if it is planted

in loose soil, with organic metter, and good drainage with an acidity ( pH ) of

6-7 ( sunardjono,2011 ).

According to Dr Rizal Fadli, the mustard plant has proven to be very

effective for health, such as helping to maintain heart health, containing

anticancer effects, easing respiratory disorders, helping treat Psoriasis, and

lowering cholesterol

B. Formulation of the problem 1.What is the content of the mustard plant for

the community to consum?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of mustard growth?

3. What are the Stages of planting growth?

C. Research Purposes

1. Complete English assignment

2. As information material and increase insight in developing science,

especially in the field of agriculture

3. Knowing the process of growth of mustard O plants

4.Can help the process of increasing result and needs for the community.


A. Mustard plant content

These vegetables contain carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and various important

vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C,

vitamin K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

B. Positive effect

Mustard greens contain vitamin K which can strengthen bones and mustard

greens, can lower cholesterol, diabetes and prevent cancer

Negative effect

The impact is that mustard greens contain goitrogens, which can swell the

thyroid gland for those who have kidney disease, and uric acid

C. Process stages

1.Provide medium polybags and mustard plant seeds

2.Put the soil into the polybag

3.Sow dried mustard seeds into polybags.

4.Each polybag is recommended for 5 to 10 seeds.

5.Flush it every day using water for 2 times a day regularly and wait for the

leaves to appear.

6.Put it in a cool place and avoid direct sunlight.

7.You can put it in the back garden or on the terrace of the house

8.in the first week the mustard plants have grown, the height is about 3.2 cm
9.The second week the mustard plant height is 5.1
10.The third week the height of the mustard plant reaches 7.7cm

11.The fourth week the mustard plant height is 8.5 cm

A. Conclusions

From this research we got more knowledge about the mustard plant, that the

mustard plant has a lot of nutritional content and benefits for the health of the

body. As well as knowing how to care for good mustard greens.

B. Suggestion

Do not dry the mustard plants during the day and must be diligent in watering

so that the mustard plants do not die.

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