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S10332300-3013 Rev.0
18 JAN 2013 1 3

SUPPORT TO : S10332300-2001 Instrument Design and Cost Estimation


S10332300-3013 Rev.0
18 JAN 2013 2 3

1.0 SCOPE 3
3.1 Introduction 3
3.2 General Requirements 4
3.3 Sample Point Location 5
3.4 Fast Circulating Systems 5
3.5 BY- PASS Systems 6
3.6 Sample Recovery Systems 6
3.7 Special Considerations 7
3.8 Multi - Stream Systems 7
3.9 Construction 8
3.9.1 General 8
3.10 Calibration facilities 13
3.11 Fittings 14
4.1 Gas Chromatograph 14
4.1.2 Gas Chromatograph Application 14
4.1.3 Gas Chromatograph Calibration Analysis 16
4.1.4 Gas Chromatograph Performance 17
4.1.5 Gas Chromatograph Performance Warranty 17
4.2 Moisture Analyzers 19
4.3 Water Cut Meters 20
4.4 On-Line in water Analyzer 20
4.5 On-Line Oxygen (O2) Analyzer 21
4.6. Corrosion Analyzers 22
4.7. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Turbidity analyzers 22
4.8 Combustible Monitors 23
4.9 Chlorine/Conductivity/pH/ORP analyzers 24
4.10 Oxygen Monitor 24
4.11 Gas Bottles 25
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This standard shall be applied by the contractor when developing the engineering data sheets for
the design of analyzing system.
Deviations must be specified in writing by the contractor as a supplement and shall be approved by
In case of any conflict between the Owners approved supplements and this standard, the
supplements shall take priority.

All on-line analyzers shall be designed with the state of the art technology and shall have its own
processor, sampling point, sample conditioning and utilities supply system. All sections shall be
designed by the manufacturer and integrated to form a complete, self contained unit.

Each on - line analyzer shall be capable of “stand – alone” operation.

All on - line analyzer shall be interfaced to a “user friendly” analyzer management and data
acquisition system that is capable of monitoring and retrieving analyzer performance and
maintenance data.

In general all on - line analyzer electrical enclosures shall be designed to meet the area
classification in which it is installed. Even if the Analyzers are installed inside the Analyzer house
the contractor shall design the enclosure of the analyzers to meet the area classification outside
the house so that they can operate without the house ventilation system.


3.1 Introduction
Where an analyzer is not installed with its sensing element directly in line it requires a
sampling system.

The purpose of the sampling system is to ensure that the analyzer receives a sample
representative of the process stream with the minimum of delay, in a state (temperature,
pressure, cleanliness, flow- rate) such that the analyzer may satisfactorily operate. The
sampling system shall include all components necessary for proper and safe operation.
Probes, valves, filters, coolers, pressure regulators, pressure relief valves, piping, pumps,
and all other necessary equipment should be included as required.
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Sampling systems should be designed to minimize product /material waste through the use of
fast circulating systems and sample recovery techniques.

3.2 General Requirements

The overall time lag of the analyzer system, which includes process lag, sampling system lag
and analyzer response time, should be consistent with the measurement and control
requirements of the particular process.

Sampling system lags may be kept to acceptable limits by locating the analyzer close to the
sample take- off point, or by increasing the velocity of the sample (e.g. fast circulation loop or
by -pass to vent, drain or alternative disposal point).

Sampling systems and their components shall be installed in such a manner that they can be
readily maintained and shall be installed inside stainless steel boxes with glass window.

Sampling systems selected by contractor shall be proven in similar applications under similar
installation conditions.

Sampling systems shall be designed so that possible contamination of or damage to the

analyzer is prevented under plant upset conditions.

The physical or chemical properties which are to be measured shall not be changed in the
sampling system unless specifically required for the analysis.

Sampling systems shall be designed so that possible contamination of or damage to the

analyzer is prevented under plant upset conditions. Where, however, this is not possible,
protective alarm and shutdown facilities should be provided. Contractor shall specify the
extreme operating conditions which may occur during a upset condition or plant start up case
in the Analyzer data sheet for the design of the sampling system.

Facilities for calibration and / or laboratory check sampling shall be provided.

API RP 550 part 2, EEUMA 138 shall be followed for design of analyzer systems.
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3.3 Sample Point Location

The following shall be observed in the selection of the correct location of a sample point on the
main process line for the analyzer. The optimum position may involve a compromise between
several of the points below:
a) The sample point shall be located at a point in the process where the sample is expected to
give the most accurate information on the properties or composition of the process stream.

b) The sample point shall be located at a point in the process where it is most appropriate for
process control avoiding unnecessary time lags.

c) The sample point shall be located in a position to utilize process differential pressures for
any fast circulating loops.

d) The sample take off points shall be readily accessible from grade or permanent platforms.

e) Separate sampling points shall be provided for Online Analyzer and laboratory process

f) Particular care shall be taken to avoid sampling where there is a possibility of

contamination, or where pockets of gas / vapor / liquid hydrocarbon / water / dirt may
accumulate in the plant stream.

g) Where samples are taken from horizontal lines gas samples shall be taken from the top
and liquid samples from the side. Where samples are taken from vertical lines liquid
samples shall only be taken when the flow is upwards.

3.4 Fast Circulating Systems

Fast circulating loops shall be used to reduce sampling system time lags with the minimum of
product waste.

Where possible, fast circulating loops shall take advantage of pressure differentials across the
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Fast circulating loops across the following sources of differential pressure shall be avoided:
Fast loops shall not be installed across orifice plates used for flow measurements, as it will
affect the accuracy of measurement.

When take off and return points are widely separated particular care shall be taken to ensure
no flow measurements or emergency isolation valves are by - passed.

The sample stream from the fast loop fed to the analyzer shall normally be filtered through a
self cleaning by - pass filter.

Specially installed pumps in fast loops shall be avoided because of their extra maintenance
requirements. It shall be ensured that the pump and its associated filter shall not degrade the

Facilities should be provided to indicate and regulate adequate flow in the loop.

3.5 BY- PASS Systems

By - pass systems shall be used to reduce sampling system lag e.g. when vaporizing liquid
By - pass systems shall be used where they do not create environmental hazards and:
a) It is not practicable to return product to process e.g. vapor and / or gas at low pressure.
b) It is not economic to return product to process because cost of recovery would
exceed that of the product value.
c) Return of the product to the process would cause contamination or degradation.
Particular attention shall be paid to the location of vent or drain when handling toxic and
flammable substances. Flows must be as low as possible to minimize risk.

3.6 Sample Recovery Systems

Sample recovery systems shall be used to return low pressure product by mechanical means
back to the process wherever practical. The low pressure product may be derived from the by
- pass flow and/or the analyzer discharge.
Sample recovery systems are typically a collection vessel with a pump controlled from level
switches within the collecting vessel.
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3.7 Special Considerations

Where necessary vapor phase samples shall be heat traced and lagged to keep the sample at
a temperature which will avoid condensation at any point within the sampling system and
analyzer. Where the sample is heat traced it shall be designed to maintain the temperature of
the sample at approximately 15 deg C above the boiling point of the component which has the
highest boiling point.
a) Transported through a fast circulating loop and vaporized near the analyzer.

b) The volume of liquid between the take - off point of the fast loop and the vaporizer shall be

c) Heat tracing and lagging shall be provided as necessary, particularly to reduce heat
absorbed at the vaporizer.

d) Where there is a possibility for a liquid sample to vaporize from atmospheric heat, adequate
cold insulation shall be provided to maintain the temperature inside the sample transfer line
at the same temperature as the process operating temperature up to the vaporizer.

The Pressure of gas samples shall be reduced as close as possible to the sampling point or
the fast loop to reduce time lags. Heat tracing and lagging may be necessary at the pressure
reducer to replace heat lost effect. Where necessary sample lines shall be lagged and heat -
traced to avoid condensation.

Sample from lines containing two - phase mixtures or mixtures of immiscible fluids require
special consideration. Where analysis of the mixture is required the sample shall be
taken from a section of the line where the flow is turbulent.

3.8 Multi - Stream Systems

Single stream analyzers are preferred and are usually essential for automatic control.

A multi - stream switching system may be used with some types of analyzer. The cost
of a number of single - stream analyzers versus one multi - stream service shall be assessed
against the greater overall reliability of single - stream systems.
Use of multi-stream switching analyzer system shall be approved by Owner.
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3.9 Construction
3.9.1 General
Samples shall be withdrawn by probes, protruding into the process line to avoid
wall effects. The probe is to extend into the flow above the pipe line center line. Special
probes may be necessary to take a sample from a specific location within the
process. Probes shall be provided for the every sampling point without
exception unless or otherwise specified.

The Sample probes shall be made of stainless steel 316 irrespective of the piping
material. The Pressure rating of the probe and the flange connection shall
confirm to the pressure rating of the associated piping.

The Sample probes shall be fitted with a isolation valve and shall have a flanged
connection to the process piping.

Design of sample probes shall ensure failure cannot occur due to resonance effects.
The Contractor shall calculate the wake frequency for all sample probes and verify that
they are not subjected to resonance effect.

The minimum size of the sampling nozzle shall be 2 inches.

Facilities shall be provided for safe removal of blockages on applications where they are
likely to occur, e.g. on streams containing catalyst. In these cases back purging systems
(using steam or nitrogen) or specially designed drilling system shall be installed. Such
Sampling points shall be equipped with a sample probe for extracting the sample and
provision to do time based automatic drilling to clean the sample probe shall be

Sample probes shall be designed to minimize time lags. It is especially important to keep
the liquid volume to a minimum where liquid samples are to be vaporized to reduce such

Stainless steel 316 Tubing shall be used to connect the probe to the primary sampling
system. Where necessary the tubing shall be insulated or heat traced as required.
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The Primary sampling system shall be located as close to the sample point as possible.
It shall consist of a sample inlet isolation valve, Filter, Pressure reducer, Pressure,
Temperature gauge and a relief valve venting to atmosphere. In case the Primary
sampling system is designed for a fast loop then it shall contain additional components
required for the fast loop such as the bypass rot meter and non return valve.

Facilities to purge and flush the sample transfer line shall be provided at the primary
sampling system. The Purging system shall comprise of a pressure regulator, isolation
valve and a check valve. A quick coupling connecter shall be provided to connect a
nitrogen hose readily.

The Primary sampling system components shall be assembled inside a stainless steel
box with a armored glass window and heated as required to maintain the temperature
constant to prevent condensation of the sample inside the primary sampling system

For samples which are transported in the liquid phase the pressure in any part of
the sampling system shall always be higher than the vapor pressure of the sample to
prevent flashing.

When reducing the pressure of hot liquid samples the need to prevent cavitation or
flashing across the pressure reducing device should be noted. e.g. placing of
coolers upstream of the pressure reducer.

When reducing the pressure of samples, particularly gas, consideration shall be given
to any Joule Thomson effects leading to cooling and icing problems, e.g. for
moisture analysis this could lead to degradation of the sample. Heated Pressure reducer
may be used.
The line size(s) of circulation loops shall be determined by Vendor with due regard to the
response time required.

Fast circulating loops shall be considered as part of the process system and as such and
shall follow the relevant piping specifications. For other sampling systems it shall meet
the process piping specification up to devices which will restrict the flow e.g. pressure
regulators, restrictors or small bore tubing.
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Sample lines and major components between the take - off filter and analyzer
shall be selected to ensure no further contamination of the sample can occur
e.g. the use of stainless steel.

Materials for special or corrosive service (e.g. flue gas) shall be approved by the Owner.

If special precautions are required for sample lines, i.e. stream tracing and lagging,
then care should be taken to ensure that the material of construction is suitable
for these new conditions. Typical problems which may be considered are Chloride
and Sulfide stress corrosion of stainless steel.

The number of joints in sample lines shall be kept to a minimum. The method of jointing
shall conform to the relevant piping specifications.

Sample lines shall be provided with drains and vents as necessary. Piping layouts which
would create pockets shall be avoided.

Provision shall be made for depressurizing and safe disposal of the process fluid on
plant or analyzer shutdown.

a) All internal surfaces shall be smooth.

b) ANSI 316 stainless steel shall be used provided that it is not chemically reactive
with a component of the sample stream.

c) Non -metallic components should be avoided unless their chemical or physical

properties are superior and their use is approved by the owner.

d) Sample line length and sampling system volume shall be kept to a minimum.

e) The temperature of the sample line and all components shall generally be kept at
the required process condition by heat tracing and lagging.

f) Velocity in the sample line shall be as high as practicable.

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g) In case of long distance tubing, tube bundle shall be used to

h) Minimize the leakage. Tube bundle and pre - insulated tube.

Liquid phase sampling systems shall be heat - traced, lagged and cladded as necessary
to ensure that sample flow rates are maintained under all weather conditions.
Heat tracing shall use steam tracing. Pre-insulated tubes with steam heating shall be

Independent isolation and regulation shall be provided for any trace heating required on
analyzer systems. In no circumstances shall analyzer system trace heating be combined
with that for process equipment.

The design shall ensure a reasonably uniform line temperature throughout the system,
without excessive hot or cold spots. The requirement of steam heating shall be
calculated and re-heating shall be provided at regular intervals in order to maintain the
temperature constant.
Adequate spacing shall be left between sample lines, including lagging and cladding for
maintenance services.

To minimize risks arising from accidental leakages of sample that portion of the sampling
system inside an analyzer house shall be as simple as possible with the smallest
contained volume and lowest number of joints practicable.
Piping of the sampling system shall be designed to limit the flow of sample into an
analyzer house. The sample flow in to the Analyzer house shall be restricted by the use
of restriction orifice.

The Secondary sampling system shall consist of sampling system isolation valve, Filter,
Pressure gauge upstream and downstream of the filter, Bypass Rota meter with
regulator for fast loop, Non return valve, Air operated double block and bleed stream
selection valves for each stream, Rota mater to measure the sample flow to analyzer
with a low alarm, filter at the sample line going to analyzer, Temperature gauge of the
sample to the Analyzer, air operated calibration stream selection valve for each stream,
Pressure gauge at each calibration stream inlet and Air operated atmospheric balance
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The secondary sampling system components shall be assembled inside a stainless steel
box with a armored glass window and heated as required to maintain the temperature
constant to prevent condensation of the sample inside the secondary sampling system
box. Facilities to purge and flush the sample transfer line shall be provided at the
secondary sampling system. Where such facility is provided a pressure regulator, Valve
and a check valve shall be provided. Permanent tubing from the nitrogen header shall be

The sample stream flow to each analyzer and the by - pass stream flow shall be
indicated locally. A Low flow alarm shall be generated if the sample flow to the analyzer
falls below the value recommended by the analyzer supplier. This shall be wired to the

Glass tube variable area flow meters shall be used with the approval of the OWNER as
local indicators for low risk service such as clean and non - corrosive samples under
conditions of near - ambient temperature, low pressure and low flow. Where used they
shall be mechanically protected. For high - risk service generally stainless steel meters
shall be used.

Double Block and bleed valves shall be provided wherever there is a risk of cross
contamination from other process streams or the calibration stream.

Installation and sampling system design shall ensure that components likely to require
maintenance (e.g. filters, pressure reducing valves, flow meters) are readily accessible
from grade or permanent platforms and can be removed with the minimum of
components for satisfactory operation located inside the housing.

All primary and secondary sampling system boxes shall be fitted with drain holes. If the
sample is at high pressure and can vaporize at atmospheric pressure the box shall be
fitted with a rupture disc. Use of electrical equipment inside sampling boxes shall be
avoided as much as possible. However if it is absolutely necessary then increased
ventilation requirements shall be considered.
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The Fast loop sample streams at the primary sampling system and secondary sampling
system shall be designed to return back to a appropriate point in the process so that the
Hydro carbon can be totally recovered. Where the Sample streams are returned back to
the process the sampling system shall have a non return valve to prevent back
flow of sample from the header.

The Analyzer bypass liquid stream shall be routed to a drain header located outside the
Analyzer house and the header shall be connected to a sump tank specially designed for
this purpose or to a common slope oil receiver drum in the process area. In case of a
vapor sample the analyzer bypass shall be also be returned to the process. Any
alternative design to this requirement shall be approved by the owner.

The Analyzer vent shall be connected to a atmospheric vent header provided outside of
the analyzer house.If have VOC component must close loop to lower pressure flare.

Analyzers shall be located such that their outlets are at a sufficient elevation in respect
to drain headers. Drain lines from the analyzers shall be fixed directly to the drain header
without valves.

Drain/Vent lines shall be sized adequately to prevent back – pressure.

When disposing of materials to drain care must be taken to ensure the drain system is
suitable particularly where toxic, flammable, corrosive or waxy fluids are handled.

3.10 Calibration facilities

An analyzer check sampling point shall be provided for the withdrawal of samples for each
sampling stream. Sampling points shall be located outside the analyzer housing and at a
height of not more than 1.5 m above ground or raised platform. A gutter, or trough, directly
coupled to drain via a suitable seal, should be fitted approximately 0.5 m below each liquid
sampling point. Consideration should be given to the change in area classification caused by
the sampling point.

The analyzer check sampling point shall be downstream of all sample conditioning equipment
and representative of the sample presented to the analyzer. This sampling point shall be used
only for cross checking the analyzer reading.
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3.11 Fittings
All tube fittings used in the Analyzer, all tubing system in analyzer house including the utility
gas distribution system shall be type 316 stainless steel Swagelok, unless otherwise specified
by the Owner.


4.1 Gas Chromatograph
The gas chromatograph system shall consist of following as minimum.
1. Sampling probe (On line disconnecting type).
2. Chromatograph analyzer with controller.
3. Chromatograph operator interface for local field service and remote from control room
4. Calibration gases - One set for commissioning period.
5. Completely assembled analyzer house with complete secondary sample conditioning
6. Redundant workstation for Analyzer management and data acquisition
7. PC based programmer interface for upload / download on - line, monitoring, and calibration
maintenance & reporting.
8. Application software packages as required for performing a upload/Download, online
monitoring, calibration, maintenance, trending, statistical Quality Control and reporting from
PC based programmer interface.
9. Utility gas distribution system for each analyzer house.

Communication between each analyzer and Analyzer work station shall be via redundant data
highway system. Analyzers shall have interface to DCS through redundant gateway. Mod bus
protocol shall be used. Data communication of analyzer system shall be designed so that no
single point of failure in the system can upset the system.

4.1.1 Gas Chromatograph Application

Complete baseline separation of all measured component peaks is required. Any
deviation from this must be approved by the Owner.
Chromatographic software shall be capable of repeatedly integrating the area under
adjacent peaks, where only the smaller peak is measured, such that the leading and
trailing edges of the measured peak return to baseline.
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NOTE: Baseline is defined as follows. The repeatable integration of the smaller peak
when the valley to baseline distance is less than 10% of the smaller peaks height. Under
these circumstances recorder sensitivity shall be set to achieve a measured peak height
of 50% of full scale.

Chromatographic software shall be capable of repeatedly integrating the area under

adjacent peaks, where both peaks are measured, such that the leading and trailing
edges of each peak return to baseline. Baseline is defined as above. Under these
conditions recorder sensitivity shall be such that both peaks are on scale.

Software methods for measuring overlapping peaks shall be made available but shall
only be used with the Owner’s approval.

Baseline correction shall only be performed at the start of each analysis cycle.

Chromatographic applications shall be designed to ensure that all measured peak

shapes are as symmetrical as possible.

Detectors shall be operated within the linear region of their response curve to optimize

Preferred analysis cycle times shall be given in the Individual Analyzer Specification
Data Sheets.

Column switching shall be performed by dedicated valves. Pressure balance or Deans

Switching techniques may be used but require approval of the Owner.

Thermal conductivity detector applications shall not use the reference side of the
detector for peak measurement.

An “intermediate detector” may be installed inside the Analyzer oven to enable setup of
primary back flush and / or heartcut flows.

Column switching times on heart cuts, back flushes, traps, etc., shall be such that a+ / -3
second movement in retention times shall not affect the measured peak areas.
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For non - standard applications interferences that may affect the key measured
components shall be documented and discussed with the Owner prior to the
commencement of application engineering.

4.1.2 Gas Chromatograph Calibration Analysis

Calibration of the Chromatograph shall be performed by calculation of the appropriate
“Response Factors” for each measured component a standard Calibration Analysis

The Calibration Analysis shall be able to be initiated either manually or automatically.

The Chromatograph shall be placed “out - of - service” during a Calibration Analysis.

During this time, data normally sent to the Host Computer and / or trend recorders shall
be held at the last valid process result. An out - of - service “Flag” shall be raised by the
Microprocessor Controller and sent to the above devices for the duration of the analysis.

All Calibration standards shall have compositions and concentration as close as possible
to the process analysis stream.

All Calibration analysis cycles shall be initiated from the Microprocessor Controller front
panel. The ability to change to the duration of the “purging time” of the Calibration
sample shall be a standard function of the program.

Upon completion of the Calibration Analysis, the Chromatograph shall store and display
all new Calibration Response Factors including deviations from previous values.

Calibration Response Factors shall be updated manually. The software shall however be
capable of automatically updating the “old” Response Factors if the new factors are
within user defined deviation limits.

In applications where the measured components are known to react with other stream
components, binary mixtures of the components of interest in an inert gas shall be used.

Generation of Calibration standard samples by Permeation methods are preferred for

gas samples that are unstable in Steel or Aluminium cylinders.
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4.1.3 Gas Chromatograph Performance

Minimum sensitivity shall be 0.5% of span for each component. The sensitivity
requirement for each analyzer shall be detailed on the Individual Analyzer Specification
Data Sheets.
a) Baseline noise shall be less than +/- 0.25% of span.

b) Baseline drift shall be less than +/- 1.0% of span. Continuous measurement over 8
hours shall be used to verify this. Baseline correction or auto - zeroing, shall not be
used during this period.

c) Repeatability shall be +/- 1.0% of span. Continuous measurement over a 24-hour

shall be used to verify this. The repeatability requirement for each analyzer shall be
detailed in the Individual Analyzer Specification Data Sheets.

d) Resolution between adjacent peaks on a chromatogram shall be such that the leading
and trailing edges of the peaks of interest shall return to baseline at an attenuation
that puts the peak height equivalent to full scale on the chart.

The maximum Chromatograph analysis cycle time shall be as stated on the Individual
Analyzer Specification Data Sheets. Cycle times shall be approved by Owner.

Detector response shall be linear to within +/- 1.0% of span. Linearity shall be
demonstrated by using a number of test samples, successively

4.1.4 Gas Chromatograph Performance Warranty

The manufacturer shall warrant the performance and operation of the purchased
products for 1 year after the startup and commissioning phases are complete. This shall
include any defects associated with the hardware or Microprocessor.

If, within the warranty period, any of the manufacturer’s equipment or products ceases to
operate, then correction of the deficiency of fault so that the equipment is returned to
normal service shall be the responsibility of the Manufacturer.

The Manufacturer shall bear the costs associated with any such defect.
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Analyzer performance during the manufacturer’s warranty period shall include the
following items:
1. Reproducible calibration analyses under the conditions stated above.
2. Testing of all control and data handling functions.
3. Cross-checking of Analyzer accuracy results by comparison with the Owners
Laboratory Analyzers.

Manufacturer supplied software that is either resident in the Microprocessor Controller or

stored on magnetic tape or disk, shall be warranted for 12 months from the date of
startup to be free of “bugs”

The Performance warranty shall extend to cover any equipment associated with the
Sample Conditioning System, if supplied by the same Manufacturer.


The Analyzer shall be calibrated and operationally tested by the Manufacturer to
demonstrate performance in accordance with the specifications.

The Manufacturer shall provide all facilities, equipment and test samples as deemed
necessary to accomplish the testing.

Calibration standards are required to be primary or Gravimetric standards unless

Permeation standards are to be used.
All analogue output signals shall be calibrated for the ranges detailed in the Individual
Analyzer Data Sheets.
All alarms shall be calibrated to the set points specified in the Individual Analyzer Data

Factory inspection of all equipment by the Owner or a representative of the Owner shall
determine if hardware, software, documentation and column applications conform with
the Owner’s specification. Determine whether the system conforms with the remainder of
the specifications in this document.

Prior to inspection, the Manufacturer shall perform all the required operational,
calibration and performance tests.
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Factory inspection will only occur after review and acceptance of the test documentation
by the Owner. Factory inspection by the Owner would be scheduled to occur
immediately after review of the test reports to enable any remaining tests and
inspections to occur concurrently.

4.2 Moisture Analyzers

4.2.1. Moisture analyzer systems shall measure one or both of the following process
parameters as specified on the PROJECT Datasheet.
- Gas dew point temperature ( oC )
- Water content in the gas stream (ppmv)
4.2.2. Where possible, user selection of either measurement shall be available.
4.2.3. The analyze sensor shall utilize technology.
4.2.4. A laser-based Moisture analyze is a preferred method due to its faster recovery form
an upset as condition as well as lesser maintenance.
4.2.5. Infrared of moisture analyzer are prefer.
4.2.6. The analyzer performance shall be traceable to ASTM standards.
4.2.7. The performance requirements including measured range and accuracy shall be in
accordance with the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.2.8. Preference is for a direct insertion probe arrangement however, a sample based
system may be offered where required to meet the performance requirements.
4.2.9. As a minimum, an accuracy of+/-2oC (+/-3.6oF) or +/-2 ppmv is required.
4.2.10. Measurement shall be un-affected by the presence of the contaminants listed on the
PROJECT Datasheet.
4.2.11. The Analyzer system shall interface with the platform DCS system.
4.2.12. Vendor shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzer
performance at bid stage e.g. required glow profile, instrument orientation in pipe work;
need to avoid to high points/ low points in process pipe work.
4.2.13. The Analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered 4
to 20 madc isolated analog signal. The Analyzer shall furnish Common Trouble non
powered (dry) contact shall be closed during normal status and open on alarm.
4.2.14. The Analyzer shall be installed in a Environmentally (temperature and humidity)
controlled Analyzer House.
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4.3 Water Cut Meters

4.3.1 Water cut meters shall measure 0 to 100% water in hydrocarbon liquid unless specified
otherwise on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.3.2. In line devices are preferred for line sizes 4” and below.
4.3.3. Insertion probe type or alternative pipe work configurations may be proposed for line
sizes 6” and above.
4.3.4. The process conditions and performance requirements of the water cut meter shall be
as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.3.5. Water cut accuracy shall be 2% maximum (absolute) for 0 to 100% water cut (with 0%
free gas)
4.3.6. The Analyzer shall utilize proven technology e.g. microwave absorption and have a
proven track record.
4.3.7. All sensor and data acquisition systems shall be mounted in the field where possible
and be fitted with an LCD display.
4.3.8. Calculations shall be based on the maximum velocities expected. Where the
PROJECT Datasheet lists more than one design case the SUPPLIER shall provide
calculations for all cases listed.
4.3.9. Insertion type meters shall:
- Be supplied complete with double block and bleed primary isolation vales
- Be suitable for removal while the line is pressurized where specified on the
PROJECT Datasheet.

SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzer

performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile, instrument orientation in pipe work;
need to avoid high points/ low points in process pipe work.
4.3.10. The Analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal.
4.3.11. The Analyzer shall be installed in a cabinet with sunshield.

4.4 On-Line in water Analyzer

4.4.1. On-line in water analyzer shall continuously measure parts per million by volume of
hydrocarbon liquid in a water stream.
4.4.2. Analyzer shall utilize a sample system. Samples shall be taken from the process line
and disposed of to the closed drains system.
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4.4.3. The process conditions and performance requirements of the oil in water analyzer shall
be as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.4.4. Analyzer shall utilize proven technology e.g. fluorescence and have a proven track
4.4.5. Sample collection and disposal shall be in accordance with Section 3.0 of this
4.4.6. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, potable water, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals
required. SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the
measurement principal, analyzer performance
4.4.7. The SUPPLIER shall furnish documentation indicating all connections, materials of
construction and provide a process flow showing all components of the system.
4.4.8. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzer
performance at bid stage e. g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work, need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.4.9. The analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR.) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal. The analyzer shall furnish Common Trouble non
powered (dry) contact. Contact shall be closed during normal status and open on
4.4.10. The Analyzer shall be installed in a cabinet with sunshield.

4.5 On-Line Oxygen (O2) Analyzer

4.5.1 On-line Oxygen analyzers shall continuously measure parts per million by volume of
Oxygen in gas streams or parts per billion of Oxygen in water.
4.5.2. Analyzer shall utilities a sample system. Samples shall be taken from the process line
and disposed of to the process vent or waste gas collection system.
4.5.3. The process conditions and performance requirements of the Oxygen analyzers shall
be as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.5.4. Analyzer shall utilize proven technology e.g. Paramagnetic or Electrochemical
measurement technique and have a proven track record for Oxygen in gas.
4.5.5. Electrochemical or optical sample collection and disposal shall be in accordance with
this specification.
4.5.6. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
S10332300-3013 Rev.0
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SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement

principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.5.7. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzers
performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work; need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.5.8. The Analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR.) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal.
4.5.9. The Analyzer shall be installed in a cabinet with sunshield.

4.6. Corrosion Analyzers

4.6.1. The Corrosion Analyzers shall a continuously measure the process line in millimeters
(mm) of corrosion.
4.6.2 This Analyzer shall have a retractable insertion probe to allow maintenance on the
analyzer without a process shutdown. The analyzer shall be provided with a reusable
packing gland assembly to isolate the process when the probe is removed during
4.6.3. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement
principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.6.4 The Analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal.
4.6.5. The Analyzer shall be installed in a cabinet with sunshield.

4.7. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Turbidity analyzers

4.7.1. The TSS and Turbidity analyzers shall continuously measure the process line in the
units of measure dictated on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.7.2. Sample shall be taken from the process line and disposed of to the process or waste
collection system. The analyzer shall be provided with a flow regulation system to meet
requirements of the SUPPLIER supplied analyzer.
4.7.3. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
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SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement

principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.7.4. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzers
performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work; need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.7.5. The analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal. The analyzer shall furnish Common Trouble non
powered (dry) contact. Contact shall be closed during normal status and open on
4.7.6. The Analyzer shall be installed in a cabinet with sunshield.

4.8 Combustible Monitors

4.8.1. The Combustible monitors continuously measure percent (%) LEL volume of
Combustible gas in gas streams.
4.8.2. Monitors shall utilitize a sample system. Sample shall be taken from the process line
and disposed of to the process vent or waste gas collection system.
4.8.3. The process conditions and performance requirements of the Combustible monitors
shall be as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.8.4. Analyzer shall utilitize proven technology and have proven track record, i.e. Infrared
4.8.5. The Combustible Monitors shall fail in a non-zero state.
4.8.6. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement
principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.8.7. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzers
performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work; need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.8.8. The analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR.) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal powered by the CCR (3 wires system).
4.8.9. The Analyzer shall be installed on a Plate mounted on rack with sunshield.
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4.9 Chlorine/Conductivity/pH/ORP analyzers

4.9.1. These Chlorine, Conductivity, ORP and pH analyzers shall continuously measure the
process line in percentage (%), micro -siemens (µs), and pH respectively.
4.9.2. Analyzer shall utilities a sample system. Samples shall be taken from the process line
and disposed of to the process vent or waste gas collection system.
4.9.3. The process conditions and performance requirements of the Chlorine/Conductivity/pH
analyzers shall be as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.9.4 The Analyzer shall be installed in a heated enclosure for freeze protection. Design for a
minimum of 3oC per this specification.
4.9.5. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement
principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.9.6. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzers
performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work; need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.9.7 The analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal powered by the CCR (2 wires system).
4.9.8. The Analyzer shall be installed on a Plate mounted on rack with sunshield.

4.10 Oxygen Monitor

4.10.1 The O 2 Monitor continuously measure percent by volume of O 2 gas in vapor space.
4.10.2. Analyzer shall utilities proven technology e.g. Optical and have a proven track record.
4.10.3. Monitor shall utilities a sample system. Sample shall be taken from the process line
and disposed of to the process vent or waste gas collection system.
4.10.4. The process conditions and performance requirements of the Oxygen Analyzer shall be
as detailed on the PROJECT Datasheet.
4.10.5. The Monitor shall be ranged so the normal operating condition dictated in the
PROJECT Datasheet is in the middle third of the range.
4.10.6. The O 2 Monitor shall fail in a non-zero state.
4.10.7. SUPPLIER shall confirm all CONTRACTOR interface requirements at bid stage e.g.
instrument air, vent, drain, electrical power, other utilities and chemicals required.
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18 JAN 2013 25 3

SUPPLIER shall provide full technical specifications detailing the measurement

principal, analyzer performance, interface connections, materials of construction and
provide a process flow schematic showing all components of the system.
4.10.8. SUPPLIER shall advise installation requirements to achieve the specified analyzers
performance at bid stage e.g. required flow profile at sample point, sample probe
orientation in pipe work; need to avoid high points / low points, analyzer location above
or below process sample point.
4.10.9. The analyzer shall interface to the Central Control Room (CCR) with a self powered
4 to 20 mA dc isolated analog signal. The analyzer shall furnish Common Trouble non
powered (dry) contact. Contact shall be closed during normal status and open on
4.10.10The Analyzer shall be installed on a Plate mounted on rack with sunshield.

4.11 Gas Bottles

4.11.1 Where gas bottles are required for operation, calibration or testing of an analyzer, the
SUPPLIER shall supply all gases inclusive of cylinders and associated equipment e.g.
valves, hoses.
4.11.2. All gas cylinders shall be supplied with first fill gas.
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18 JAN 2013 26 3


Khun Khomkrit Hemhatthaporn
Khun Pornchai Kitwimontakul
Khun Pichet Kongtanakomtunkich
Khun Thanapon Nithithanaphak
Khun Kulrachart Dungukos
Khun Karan Chuaiphikroh
Khun Somyot Phisarn Prepared
Khun Anucha Pinyopornsawat
Khun Jaruvit Audkhammee
Khun Wisit Rienprakasit.
Khun Narong Suphankan
Khun Piriya Piriyayon
Khun Sompas Samnianglam
Khun Monchai Karnjanopas
Khun Pakorn Bubphasiri
Khun Vorapot Mansatit
Khun Prayong Supakeeratirot
Khun Suppakit Yenjit
Khun Theera Chananuvong
Khun Pongprapun Huayyai
Khun Chumpol Wongthaiwon
Khun Tianchai Aramyok Prepared

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