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Date: November 11, 2022

I. Content: Text and Context Connections: Claims in Written Texts

Content Standards:

The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve
a particular purpose.

Learning Competencies:

1. Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6;

a. Claim of fact EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.1;
b. Claim of policy EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.2;
c. Claim of value EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.3

Other Learning Resources: MS Teams, MS office, MS sheet, Audio Video Lesson (AVL)

II. Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value

III. Procedure


Before heading on to lesson proper, let us first check what you already know.

Instructions: Identify which type of claim the statement is making and put a check () inside the
box next to each sentence.

Statements Clai Claim Claim

m of of of
Fact Value Policy
1. Staying late at night can cause obesity.
2. Be kind for everyone has a hard battle to win.
3. Extra Judicial Killings lessen the crimes in our
4. Barkada Kontra Droga would eradicate drug addiction in
the community.
5. To compete globally, the Department of Education
adapted the K to 12 curriculum.


After answering the 5-item diagnostic test. Ask the learners with these following

1. What do you call those statements given in your activity?

2. How many types of claims present in the given activity?


Discuss the topic “Text and Context Connections: Claims of Fact, policy, and
values”. Use the created video lesson plan. The created video was uploaded in YouTube,
though only selected students could access the created video using the given link below.

After watching the video, ask the learners with the given question below:

1. What is explicit and implicit information? And how are they important in evaluating
ideas being read?
2. What is a Claim?
3. What are the different Types of Claims?


Directions: Read and identify the types of claims used in each statement. Write COF for Claim of
Fact, COP for Claim of Policy, and COV for Claim of Value. Write your answers in the space
provided before each sentence.
VI. Evaluation

Instructions: Identify which type of claim the statement is making and put a check () inside the
box next to each sentence.

Statements Clai Claim Claim

m of of of
Fact Value Policy
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Staying late at night can cause obesity.
3. Smoking can lead to respiratory infection.
4. Be kind for everyone has a hard battle to win.
5. Social media makes every youth share common goals.
6. Extra Judicial Killings lessen the crimes in our
7. All students must be strictly prohibited to bring any
gadgets at school.
8. Barkada Kontra Droga would eradicate drug addiction in
the community.
9. Zero Waste Management should be strictly implemented
in the school campus.
10. To compete globally, the Department of Education
adapted the K to 12 curriculum.
IV. Assignment

Directions: A. Read carefully and understand the following essay. Identify the different
claims expressed in the given text. Use the table in filling with claims that are in the essay.
Paragraph Number Key Claim Type of Claim (Fact, Policy,

Prepared by: JOEL MARI M. MANILE


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