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Jl. Ring Road Taman Yasmin No.23, Curug Mekar, West Bogor


December 09,2021

Your Ref : 16/SK/JS/2021

Our Ref: 25/SCK/SH/2021

Mr. Abraham Wafi

PT Jasnikom

Jl. Pintu Air II No. 12, Juanda


Subject: Response to service shortages and delays

Dear Mr. Wafi,

Thank you for the letter of complaint you sent to our hospital. We apologize for the lack of
medical checkups for 5 employees and also the delay in the vaccine schedule which should have
been done on the same day as the medical checkup. We can explain our mistake, namely the lack
of a medical check-up package due to the negligence of our employees, namely an error in
calculating the medical check-up package and also the delay in the vaccine schedule due to the
adjustment of the change from a new vaccine type in our hospital which was previously the
Sinovac type to a moderna vaccine.

Because of the Hermina Hospital will reschedule for 5 employees to do a medical check-up at
Hermina Hospital and if the company agrees to change the type of vaccine we will send a
vaccine schedule for 30 employees but if the company does not agree we will refund the package
fee vaccines in accordance with the agreement.

If you are not satisfied with the explanation we provide, you can contact us. Thank you for your

Yours Sincerely,

Saskia Prameswati

Enc: medical check-up schedule

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